April 27, 2023

Our speaker for April 27, 2023 will be Thomas MacEntee.  His topic is “Did I Get Everything? – Creating a Checklist for Genealogy Research”

Are you really done with researching that ancestor? Many genealogists think they have a brick wall when, in fact, they just haven’t done a “reasonably exhaustive search.” Learn how to assemble a genealogy research checklist to take your genealogy to the next level.

Participants will learn how to identify gaps in their genealogy research and then move to the next level of research. These levels include using genealogy networks, going beyond online research with the help of Family Search Centers and other “offline” resources, and crafting a genealogy research checklist.


Thomas MacEntee is a professional genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research and as a means of interacting with others in the family history community.