Button Farm Cemetery

(Family Cemetery)

A.K.A. Loxterman Cemetery

Located on the Loxterman farm at 10100 Hoose Road, this quaint little family burial plot is located under a huge old maple tree. It is currently enclosed by a tall white picket fence. The tree is growing into several of the marble stones. Heirs of Norton Mitchelson sold the 104 acre property to Edward V. Prouty in 1853. 79 acres were then sold to Elijah Button in April of 1856. By 1874, Elijah Button owned the full 104 acres. Two of the three stones noted in 1927 are still there, but the third is buried or missing.

These stones were read by members of LCGS in 1999.


Note: Duplicate stone numbers indicate multiple persons inscribed on the same stone as detailed in the inscription column.

Mitchelson, Norton111Norton Mitchelson/ died/ May 25, 1846/ age 42
Mitchelson, Roxey A.112Roxey A. Mitchelson/ died/ Mar. 3, 1853/ age 41 yrs.
Mitchelson, Adrian J.113Adrian J. Mitchelson, died Apr. 13, 1846/ aged 7 yrs, 8 mos.now missing- from DAR readings
M., K.A.114K.A.M.small like footstone
*,115unreadable, sm marble stone grown into tree