When the Wellhausens bought the house and land at the northeast corner of Bridlehurst and Chillicothe Roads in 1976 (Lake County Deed Records Vol. 452 pg 899 on 21 Mar 1989; Vol. 894 pg 674 on 1 June 1982; and Vol. 821 pg 1100 from Lake Geauga INV. on 19 Nov 1976), they began to learn of the history of the property. Stories abound, and few can be proven. There were two piles of rocks in the east end of the yard far behind the house, which were used to make the fireplace chimney in the house recently. The mason mentioned that these may have been burial stones, covering graves, perhaps Native American. No excavation has been done to prove this.
The house was apparently built in 1835 and was known as the Warren house. It had none of the amenities of today. It is said that Brigham Young may have built the house, but there is no evidence of this.
That there is a cemetery behind the garage has been shown to be true. In 1958 a title company made the following note on the owners form provided us by Mrs. Lucy Wellhausen:
“In the Deed from Jeduthan Ladd and Eunice B. Ladd to Chauncey B. Rising, dated January 20, 1853, filed for record March 25, 1853, recorded in Volume J, Page 198, Lake County Records, conveying premises in Schedule “A” and more land, the following appears:
“Reserving out of the above described premises a piece of ground for a family burial place thirty feet by fifteen feet-measuring fifteen from the centre of the centre tombstone each way North and South, and from two feet in front to West of said Tombstones back fifteen feet.”
There were no stones left when Wellhausens bought the property, except a huge granite rock, but the easement remains, although there is a garage on part of this allotted space.
In the old deed, Vol. J, page 198, this land was prior conveyed to the grantor by the deeds of the Treasurer of the State of Connecticut dated December 18th 1830 and Lewis Woodworth and wife dated April 28, 1843 and Jaret Thorp and wife dated May 10th 1845 and including also the same land as described in the deed of Samuel D. Gildersleve and wife to Benjamin F. Ladd, dated March 30, 1848 containing 153 acres.
We do know that Jeduthan and Eunice Ladd have gravestones in Evergreen Cemetery in Painesville. However, there was a first wife, Pamela, with a stone in Evergreen, but Pamela died in 1837, well before Evergreen Cemetery was opened. There was also a daughter of Jeduthan and Pamela, Elizabeth, who died in 1836, also before Evergreen was opened in 1860. Since we have not yet found a stone for Benjamin Ladd, it is possible that these may have been the burials on this property. The only reason to disbelieve this is the lack of ownership by the Ladd family at the time of the deaths. Should Lewis Woodworth be related to the Ladds, then this would explain why Jeduthan Ladd went to such trouble to set aside this family burial place in the deed.
Warren Farm Cemetery
Mentioned in the book Ohio Cemeteries by Ohio Genealogical Society, this supposed Warren Farm Cemetery was located on the east side of State Route 306 (Chillicothe Road) 0.2 miles south of U.S. Rte. 6 (Chardon Road), and said to have been located in the Warren farm in the area of the 7th OVI cannon range (1963). This supposedly was the Brigham Young Family Cemetery used by many Mormons living in the area. We were unable to locate this cemetery or any record of it. However, the description is so close to the Jeduthan Ladd cemetery, being only 0.2 miles apart, that they may be one and the same.