This very old appearing inactive graveyard is on very sandy soil. It is on the north side of the North Ridge Road (US 20) about 0.3 mile east of Burns Road and on the northeast corner of the new private Stoney Ridge Road.
The deed recorded in Lake County, Ohio Deed Book Volume 141 page 193 is from Trustees of the First Baptist Church of Madison Ohio to the Trustees of Madison Township for $1.00. Situated in the Township of Madison, and described as “one cemetery situated in Tract 3 in said township of Madison, on the north side of the north ridge road, bounded on south by said N.R. Road on east and part of the north side by land owned by F.N. Keyes, and on part of the north and the west side by land formerly owned by Geo. H. Frissell.
It goes on to say:
“We can find no record of this being deeded to the church but we have had peaceable possession for over 50 years, and think the deed was never recorded, and the original deed must have been burned with the other records belonging to the said first baptist church some years ago, when the Madison post office was burned. C. W. Searles was our church clerk at the time and was also Post Master of Madison.”
It was signed 22 July 1928 by C.W. Genung, A.H. Mitchell, Michael Wonner, V.F. Foster, and F.H. Klasen.
In an article by Mildred Steed, (Ancestral Trail, “Joseph Fuller Family Settled in Madison,” The Telegraph, July 3, 1976) it is related that Joseph Fuller, born May 27, 1758, brought his family to Madison about 1816 and built a home on the North Ridge west of Branch’s Corners, now known as US Rt. 20 and Hubbard Road. He was buried in the North Ridge Cemetery and later moved to Madison Fairview Cemetery. The old North Ridge Cemetery had several broken stones and many were not on the original lots.
It is likely that the Fuller family, along with Mary North were moved to Fairview in the 1920s while the inscription readings were in progress, because those inscriptions are included in both cemeteries.
If it is correct, the earliest death date in North Ridge Cemetery on a stone was Oct. 11, 1817, that of Mary, wife of Salmon North. This stone reading was done in the 1920s, mentioned in the Steed article, but the marker was not found recently. The next earliest date is Dec. 15, 1823, that of Benjamin F. Fuller. Joseph Fuller, Jr. supposedly owned the property, but it appears that the Fuller farm was lot 9 while the cemetery is a part of lots 7 and 6. The 1874 landowner map shows the cemetery to be a small section from the farms of both R. Patchin (lot 7) and Lee Norton (lot 6). Landowner maps show these two lots owed by H. Cady and L. Norton in 1857, Samuel Stanley and Lee Norton in 1840, Samuel Stanley and E.W. Benton in 1830 and in 1820 both lots 7 and 6, were owned by S.W. Phelps.
The W.P.A. map of this cemetery state that the cemetery was established 1842 and deeded to the cemetery trustees.
A comment in the DAR book about this cemetery was, “Cattle have been in this cemetery and the stones are nearly all down and badly broken. Many out of the original lots.” We found many stones that they did not, and did not find many that they did. Between reading and typing, we found that the cemetery had changed a great deal, perhaps as a result of the very sandy soil, which causes the stones to sink and / or fall. Maintenance is required very frequently here. In about November 2001 a very large tree was blown down, pushing some stones around, but breaking few.
This 0.7 acre cemetery, set off by a split rail fence, is on a fairly steep hill, with a few large trees. Stones are sparse in the hollow near the road. The majority of the stones are marble slabs, but some large marble and grey marble monuments are prominent.
Although there appears to be a road and path through the middle of this cemetery, it was read as one large section. The rows were read from west to east, and the stones from north to south. The readings were proofed as of August 2000.
Addendum May 2009 – Madison Historical Society, along with Jeremy Orogvany working on his Eagle Scout designation, did a restoration and rereading of the North Ridge Cemetery in 2005. They were able to find several stones which were buried that we didn’t find. They also were able to dig deeper around stones for further inscriptions we missed. Many stones have been moved, reset, and/or repaired. The readings have been supplemented with this new or changed information in italics in the table below. these changes and additions have been verified at the cemetery. Thanks to Jeremy and the Madison Historical Society for this fine work and to Ellen Phillipp for sharing it with us.
Note: Duplicate stone numbers indicate multiple persons inscribed on the same stone as detailed in the inscription column.
Name Sec Row Stone Inscription Symbols Comments
Wade, Emma C. 1 1 1 Emma C./ dau. of/ H. C. & J.J./ Wade/ Died/ Oct 3, 1847/ AE 6 Years death date and age buried
Leach, Clarissa 1 1 1.2 Clarissa/ daughter of/ Nathan L. & / Died/ Aug. 4, 1834/ Aged 1 yr, 8 mos. death date and age buried, from MHS reading 2005
McPoland, James 1 1 1.3 James/ McPoland/ Born/ Dec. 23, 1864/ Died/ Sept. 15, 1866 Cross had been buried, good condition
Stanley, Joseph 1 1 2 Joseph Stanley/ Died/ Mar 13, 1851/ Aged 83 Years/ 6 mo. & 13 ds.
Stanley, Freelove 1 1 3 Freelove/ Wife of/ Joseph Stanley./ Died/ April 15, 1849/ Aged/ 73 Yrs & 7 M's./ As a tribute of affection, this/ stone is erected by her son/ Jas. H. Stanley. Lower portion had been buried. Now reset.
Burchard, Giles D. 1 1 4 Giles D./ son of/ Dan & Annis/ Burchard/ Died/ Oct 13, 1850/ Aged 26 years/ [footstone] G D B weeping willow reset, footstone replaced
Burchard, Dan G. Jr. 1 1 5 Dan G Jr./ son of/ Dan & Annis/ Burchard/ Died/ Feb. 22, 1847,/ Aged 22, years. big willow tree stone fallen flat
Benedict, P. Montgomery 1 1 6 P. Montgomery/ wife of/ J.A.Benedict/ Died/ Dec. 18, 1852./ Aged 40 yrs. age buried. Is footstone 1-6-4?
1 1 6.1 base intact, no stone found
Gage, Alzina 1 2 1 Alzina/ Wife of/ Wm. A. Gage/ Died/ June 12, 1852/ Aged 25 yrs. stone broken & propped up, now flat. 2009 has been reset.
Gage, Ursula F. 1 2 2 Ursula F./ Daughter of/ Wm. A. & Alzina Gage/ Died/ Jan 2, 1854/ AE 2 yrs, 11 mo
Stanley, Charlotte 1 2 3 Charlotte/ wife of/ Samuel Stanley/ Died/ April 24, 1851/ Also Caleb/ Their infant Son/ Died Apr. 29, 1851/ Aged 10 days. 2 willow trees death date buried. Caleb info had been buried as well. Now buried up to Caleb's name. From MHS reading.
Stanley, Caleb 1 2 3 Charlotte/ wife of/ Samuel Stanley/ Died/ April 24, 1851/ Also Caleb/ Their infant Son/ Died Apr. 29, 1851/ Aged 10 days. 2 willow trees death date buried. Caleb info had been buried as well. Now buried up to Caleb's name. From MHS reading.
Rose, Susan G. 1 2 4 [west face] Susan G./ Wife of/ Lyman B. Rose/ Died April 21, 1850/ Aged 65 Yr 8 Mo. 23 d./ [illeg.] :[north face] Eunice P./ Wife of/ Warren C. Young/ Died Sept 30, 1862./ Aged 20[?] Yrs 11m. 4 D./ Laura B./ daughter of/ Lyman G & Susan/ Rose/ Died April 15, 1856./ Aged 31 Yrs. 1 M. 5 d. tall obelisk mon. hard to read
Young, Eunice P. 1 2 4 [west face] Susan G./ Wife of/ Lyman B. Rose/ Died April 21, 1850/ Aged 65 Yr 8 Mo. 23 d./ [illeg.] :[north face] Eunice P./ Wife of/ Warren C. Young/ Died Sept 30, 1862./ Aged 20[?] Yrs 11m. 4 D./ Laura B./ daughter of/ Lyman G & Susan/ Rose/ Died April 15, 1856./ Aged 31 Yrs. 1 M. 5 d. tall obelisk mon. hard to read
Rose, Laura B. 1 2 4 [west face] Susan G./ Wife of/ Lyman B. Rose/ Died April 21, 1850/ Aged 65 Yr 8 Mo. 23 d./ [illeg.] :[north face] Eunice P./ Wife of/ Warren C. Young/ Died Sept 30, 1862./ Aged 20[?] Yrs 11m. 4 D./ Laura B./ daughter of/ Lyman G & Susan/ Rose/ Died April 15, 1856./ Aged 31 Yrs. 1 M. 5 d. tall obelisk mon. hard to read
1 2 5.1 base intact, no stone found
*, 1 3 1 Small browntone is broken, lying flat & illeg.
Warner, Ephron D. 1 3 2 Ephron D./ son of/ N. H. & Esther A./ Warner/ Died/ Sept 4, 1876/ Aged 10 years/ 6 mo. 23 ds./ At peace and rest/ On earth we miss our darling boy,/ In heaven we'll meet again with joy./ Among the blest. Rosebud & 3 leaves Stone is off base and broken in half; 2000 back in base & poorly glued; Is footstone 1-6-2?
Warner, Mary L. 1 3 3 Mary L/ wife of/ N. H. Warner/ Died/ Aug. 27, 1863./ Aged 39 years./ Came death after __ __ __/ In the dark and silent[?]/ Greatest triumph __ __/ Young go perfectly __
*, 1 3 4 empty base, small marble piece under bush
1 3 4.4 __T_E?/ Died/ Aug ____/ Aged 3 yrs & 1? mo? was broken in pieces, buried. Mostly illegible.
*, 1 3 5 small rounded flat illeg. could be S. E. P.
*, 1 3 6 small rounded stone illeg. - matches #5
Tobey, Olive 1 4 1 Olive/ wife of/ John Tobey/ Died/ Sept. 15, 1864/ Aged 69 Yrs. off base, sunken and propped up
Tobey, John 1 4 2 John Tobey/ Died/ Dec. 11, 1867/ Aged 77 Yrs. 1776 Star, flagholder
Wisnell, Emeline 1 5 1 Emeline/ Daughter of/ William & Lydia Wisnell/ died July 12/ 1834 AE 5 m. long narrow stone, upside down, flat
Dodge, Violetta L. 1 5 2 Violetta L./ wife of/ Norman Dodge/ Died Aug 12/ 1832/ AE 26 yrs.
Serles, James 1 5 3 James Serles/ Died/ June 11, 1878/ Aged 73 Yrs. 8 Mos./ [Two illegible lines] [footstone] J. S. tassels
Serles, Allen A. 1 5 4 Allen A./ SON OF/ James & Mary/ Serles./ died Dec. 12/ 1842/ Aged 10 mo &/ 10 days [footstone] A. A. S. reset
Serles, Mary 1 5 5 Mary/ wife of/ James Serles/ Died/ December 20, 1851/ Aged 45 yrs 11 ms & 11 D/ ___ in the __ still/ [on propped footstone] M.S. tassels; recent painted tulip decorations on base
Serles, Mercy C. 1 5 6 Mercy C./ Daughter of/ J & M Serles/ Died/ July 21, 1860/ Aged/ 24 Yrs. 6 ms, 8 ds. tassels
Kent, Levi 1 5 7 Levi Kent/ Died/ Feb. 27, 1856[?]/[footstone] L. K. War 1812 veteran flagholder footstone propped behind Rachel 1-5-8
Kent, Rachel K. 1 5 8 Rachel K./ wife of/ Levi Kent/ Died/ March 15, 1858/ AE 65 Yrs, 6 ms. 4[?] ds
Granger, Ann Maria 1 5 9 Ann Maria/ Daughter Of/ ___ Granger/ Died July/ 19, 1849/ AE __ Mo & 3 d propped behind #8. Could be d. 1847. Moved to Row 1 stone 1.1
Dresser, Catherine E. Kent 1 5 10 Catherine E. Kent/ Wife of/ James Dresser/ Died/ July 12, 1892/ Aged 66 Yrs 5 Mos.
Rider, J.C. 1 5.5 1 J. C. Rider/ Son of/ Norman and Vio/letta A. Dodge/ Died Aug. 1,/ 1832 AE 5 weeks Located between rows 5 & 6 directly in front of drive. Moved to row 5 stone 2.1
B., J. 1 6 1 J. B. propped on large tree
W., E. 1 6 2 E.W. propped on large tree
B., R. W. 1 6 3 R.W.B. propped on large tree
B., R. 1 6 4 R.B. propped on large tree
M., M. H. 1 6 5 M.H.M. propped on large tree
D., L. O. 1 6 6 L.O.D. propped on large tree
*, 1 6 7 y propped on large tree; bottom of stone only
M., E. 1 6 8 E.M. propped on large tree
H., E. 1 6 9 E.H. propped on large tree
H., G. 1 6 10 G.H. propped on large tree
M., J. F. 1 6 11 J.F.M. propped on large tree; narrow blank
D., F. L. 1 6 12 F. L. D. propped on large tree
M., C. B. 1 6 13 C.B.M. propped on large tree
S., J. 1 6 14 J.S. propped on large tree
McMakin, Elizabeth 1 6 15 Elizabeth McMakin/ Died/ Aug. 1837/ Aged 66 years Is footstone 1-6-7? Name found to be McMakin, not McMann.
McMackin, Mathew H. 1 6 16 Mathew H./ Son of/ C McMackin/ Died/[broken here]/ Ag'd 9 yrs./ 10 m & 3 d. broken off base in 2 pieces. From old readings death date is Mar. 5, 1858; Is footstone 1-6-5? Now reparied and reset
McMackin, Clarissa C. 1 6 17 Clarrissa C./ Wife of/ Charles McMackin/ Died/ Mar [5, 1858]/ Ag'd 36 yrs./ 10 mos & 28 ds. 2 pieces, broken off base,now repaired, reset. blank footstone
*, 1 7 1 broken base - no stone
*, 1 7 2 broken slate-like stone, illeg.
Fuller, Patty T. 1 7 3 [south face] Patty T./ wife of/ B. F. Fuller/ Born/ Aug. 28, 1800/ Died/ Oct. 17, 1886 [east face] Lovina/ wife of/ B. F. Fuller/ Born/ Nov. [No Date] 1797/ Died/ Dec. 15, 1823 [north face] Benj. F. Fuller/ Born/ Sep. 26, 1797/ Died/ June 6, 1844 tassels, urn on top 5' tall monument
Fuller, Lovina 1 7 3 [south face] Patty T./ wife of/ B. F. Fuller/ Born/ Aug. 28, 1800/ Died/ Oct. 17, 1886 [east face] Lovina/ wife of/ B. F. Fuller/ Born/ Nov. [No Date] 1797/ Died/ Dec. 15, 1823 [north face] Benj. F. Fuller/ Born/ Sep. 26, 1797/ Died/ June 6, 1844 tassels, urn on top 5' tall monument
Fuller, Benj. F. 1 7 3 [south face] Patty T./ wife of/ B. F. Fuller/ Born/ Aug. 28, 1800/ Died/ Oct. 17, 1886 [east face] Lovina/ wife of/ B. F. Fuller/ Born/ Nov. [No Date] 1797/ Died/ Dec. 15, 1823 [north face] Benj. F. Fuller/ Born/ Sep. 26, 1797/ Died/ June 6, 1844 tassels, urn on top 5' tall monument
Hill, Rollin D. 1 8 1 Rollin D./ son of David &/ Mary Hill[?]/ died Jan 1, 1840/ Aged 10 yrs./ 4? m. [illeg.]/[illeg.] layered stone, like light grey slate; father could be Dan.
Hotchkiss, Abner 1 9 1 Abner Hotchkiss/ Died/ Sept. 8, 1855/ Aged 51 yrs 2[?] da. [footstone] A _ H may be age 51 yrs 21 days.
Hotchkiss,[?] Hannah 1 9 2 Hannah/ [illeg.]Wife of Abner Hotchkiss/ Died/ Feb. 8, 1849/ Aged 46 Years Broken in 2 pieces, grown into tree Repaired.
Hotchkiss, Emmaranda 1 9 3 Emmaranda/ Daughter of/ Abner & Hannah/ Hotchkiss/ Died/ August 30, 1844/ Aged 16 years [footstone] E. H. Is footstone 1-6-8?
Dodge, Samuel S. 1 9 4 Samuel S. Dodge/ Died/ Oct. 26, 1854/ Aged 62 yrs./ & 5 mo. willow tree; US Star flagholder broken and propped.Repaired.
Abbey, Abel Jr. 1 9 5 Abel Abbey Jr/ born Feb 19th 1808,/ died Dec 26th 1831 interestingly streaked brownstone. Matching illeg. stone behind - may be footstone
Austin, Mandania 1 9 6 Mandania/ Dau of/ Amos & Rebecca/ Austin/ Born Dec. 6, 1860/ Died Feb. 1, 1864.
Austin, Rebecca J. 1 9 7 Rebecca J./ Wife of/ Amos Austin/ 1834-1923
Austin, Amos 1 9 8 Amos Austin/ Co. C./ 1 Ohio L. A. War 1812 flagholder? gov't shield stone
Hotchkiss, George 1 10 1 George/ Infant son/ of/ Abner & Hanna/ Hotchkiss/ Died/ May 31, 1835?/ Aged 21 days
Warner, David X 1 David Warner/ died Dec 29, 1851, age 78 yrs death date only from old readings, now missing. Was buried and in pieces. repaired, reset, moved to row 9 stone 0.5
Warner, Nathaniel H. X 2 Nathaniel H. Warner/ Born/ Mar 22, 1818, Died/ Apr 4, 1881/ At Rest from old readings, now missing. 2005 found buried, reset at row 3, stone 4.1
McMackin, Oliver F. X 4 Oliver F./ son of Wm & Saloma McMackin, died Feb 23, 185_[?] age 6 mo from old readings, now missing. Probably found and placed at row 3 stone 4.3
Mackin, Roger F. X 5 Roger F. Makin/ son, died Aug 15, 1841, age 10 m from old readings, now missing
Fuller, Joseph X 6 Joseph Fuller/ died Sep 26, 1846, age 88 yrs, Soldier of American Revolution, 1758-1846 now in Fairview A2-25-4
Fuller, Elethba X 7 Elethba,/ wife of Joseph Fuller, died July 5, 1844, age 72 now in Fairview A2-25-5
Fuller, Martha X 8 Martha,/ dau of Joseph and Ethelea Fuller, died Jan 4, 1854, age 19 yrs, 2 days now in Fairview A2-24-3
Fuller, Joseph H. X 9 Joseph H. Fuller/ born Sep 6, 1799, died June 15, 1883 now in Fairview A2-23-7
Fuller, Anna X 10 Anna Fuller/ born July 1, 1803, died Jan 15, 1885 now in Fairview A2-23-7
Fuller, Martha X 11 Martha Fuller/ born Feb 1, 1834, died Jan 8, 1854 now in Fairview A2-24-3
Fuller, Harrison X 12 Harisson Fuller/ born Aug 25, 1840, died Oct 26, 1862 now in Fairview A2-24-3
Fuller, Benjamin E. X 13 Benjamin E., infant, died Sep 6, 1830 now in Fairview A2-25-1, A2-23-7
Fuller, Oscar X 14 Oscar Fuller/ died 1833 now in Fairview A2-25-1
Fuller, Harrison J. X 15 Harrison J. Fuller/ wounded at battle of Perrysville, Ky, Oct 8, died of his wounds in the hospital Oct 26, 1862, age 22 yrs, 2 m, 8 d, Co F, 10th O.V.I. now in Fairview A2-24-3
North, Mary X 16 Mary, wife of Salmon North, died Oct 11, 1817, age 31 now in Fairview A2-25-6