South Madison (Gore) Cemetery


Known as the Gore Church Cemetery, although not belonging to the Methodist Episcopal Church which was across the road, this small burying ground is on the west side of South Madison Road (St. Rte. 528) 0.05 miles north of Ford Road and 0.1 mile north of Ross Road. It is directly across the street from the South Madison Bible Baptist Church.

The sands of time and weather have taken a large toll on this cemetery. It is small and not very noticeable from the road, as it is up on a bluff higher than the road surface.

The WPA cemetery map states that the history of this cemetery was provided by Joseph Emerson. It also states that Dea. J. Emerson is a Revolutionary War soldier buried there.

On August 24, 1861, the organizational meeting of the South Madison Cemetery Association took place with residents of the South Madison community. F.E. Benjamin was selected chairman and M.C. Turney, secretary. This was recorded in Volume A pages 23 and 24 of the Lake County Recorder’s Book of Associations. These meetings have very little to do with the actual care of the cemetery, but with the organization of the trustees themselves.

In Lake County Recorder’s Deed Book Vol. S, page 120, the cemetery is sold to Ziba Steaves, F.E. Benjamin, D.S. Osborn, and A. Cleveland, Trustees of Madison Gore Cemetery Association by Lewis Randall and his wife Charlotte for $1.00 or a free gift of a burial lot. In Madison Township, Tract 11, lot No. 6, “and known as being in the present burying lot upon my farm.” It is described as being nearly across from the Methodist Meeting House, and lying 9 rods upon said road…. It is 9X10 rods. This is roughly 0.39 acres. The deed was signed 16 September 1861.

It appears that Mr. Lewis Randall must have taken the deal, as there is a man of the same name buried there who died 1 Nov. 1864. His first wife died much earlier, in 1834. His wife Charlotte is not seen on any stone in this cemetery. The oldest death date on a stone appears to be that of Sylvia Emerson who departed this life Dec. 18, 1823, aged 19 years. Her stone is a brownstone with willow fronds and geometric designs. The most recent date in this inactive cemetery is 1926, the stone of George A. Williams.

Although the WPA map is drawn with four nearly even sections, it appears more as two sections one north and one south, with the path quite off center. Both of these sections were read the same, the rows from east to west and the stones from south to north. These readings were proofed on 5 June 2001.


Note: Duplicate stone numbers indicate multiple persons inscribed on the same stone as detailed in the inscription column.

Harris, MaryN11Mary Harris/ Died/ Dec 7, 1876/ Aged 75 years/ One we loved has left our number/ For the dark and silent lamb/
Harris, TylerN12Tyler Harris/ Died/ Jan. 13, 1873/ Aged 73 years/ I know that my redeemer liveth/nearly illegible
Day, Zina H.N13Zina H. Day/ Died/ June 10, 1866./ Aged/ 74 Yrs. 10 Mo. & 5 Ds./ Asleep in Jesus/
Williams, George A.N14George A./ Williams/ 1865-1926/Granite.
Duesler, Cora M.N15Cora M./ Dau. of/ J. & M. Duesler/ Died. July,/ 18, 1859/ Aged 11M./ and. 6. D/ Footstone C.M.D.Rose on top
Long, OliveN21Olive/ Wife. of./ B.N. Long/ Died/ Aug. 3, 1858/ Aged. 39 Yrs./ 9. Mo. and. 26 D./ Jesus can make a dying bed/ Feel soft and downey pillows are/ Her last words/
Covey, Jonah R.N22Jonah R. Covey/ Died/ Jan. 1, 1843./ Aged 45 Years/Big thick marble, cracked at bottom. Don't push on this one!
Nash, Daniel P.N31Daniel P. Nash/ Killed at/ at The Battle of Perrysville, KY./ Oct. 8, 1862/ Aged 27 Years/ Co. D 105 Regt. O.V.I [I.N.F.T.]/ Chloe J. Long/ Wife of Daniel P. Nash/ Died/ Oct. 30, 1861./ Aged 20 Yrs & 6 mo./US star flagholder[Can't read the letters clearly. It seems like it doesn't fit in the spaces.]
Nash, Chloe J. LongN31Daniel P. Nash/ Killed at/ at The Battle of Perrysville, KY./ Oct. 8, 1862/ Aged 27 Years/ Co. D 105 Regt. O.V.I [I.N.F.T.]/ Chloe J. Long/ Wife of Daniel P. Nash/ Died/ Oct. 30, 1861./ Aged 20 Yrs & 6 mo./US star flagholder[Can't read the letters clearly. It seems like it doesn't fit in the spaces.]
Scott, IsaacN41Isaac Scott/ Died/ Oct. 24, 1870./ Aged 50, Yrs 7 M. 10 D./Propped on base.
Griswold, GertrudeN51Gertrude/ Dau't of/ H.N. & L.A. Griswold/ Died/ June 15, 1887Broken off & 2 pieces lying on base. Stone broken - now illegible. Age also recemented, broken again.]
Griswold, Hubbard N.N52Hubbard N. Griswold/ 1803-1892Granite.
Griswold, Louisa K.N53Louisa K. Griswold/ 1806-1900/Granite.
*, JennieN54Our Jenniehere 2000, missing 2001
Denton, Alonzo J.N55Alonzo J. Denton/ Died/ Sept. 13, 1869/ Aged 40 Years/Fallen. Face down.
Wright, Alta S.R.N61Alta S.R./ Wife of/ Gilman B. Wright/ Died/ Jan. 11, 1875/ Aged/ 19 Yrs. 4 Mo. 13 D./ Asleep in Jesus his brings[?] / From the house. . ./Deep rose above name.Leaning badly, fallen 2001
Wright, Claude E.N62Claude E./ Son of/ G.B & A.R./ Wright/ Died/ Dec. 28, 1874./ Aged 14 days.
Williams, Geo.N63Geo. Williams/ Died/ April 19, 1873/ Aged 81 Yrs./Fallen - against base. 2 possible footstones underneath.
Wright, Alma F.D.N64Alma F.D./ Dau J & Martin/ Wright/ Died Sept 12, 1868/ Aged 15 years/ [4 lines illegible poetry]Badly effueresced. Mostly from old readings.
Wright, Alre M.N65Alre M./ Dau of/ E.H. & M.E. Wright/ Died/ June 24, 1863/ Aged 12 Yrs 19 Ds./ [footstone] C.E.M./RoseVery dim, broken off & flat
Wright, Martha E.N66Martha E./ Wright/ 1826-1911/
*, FredyN67Our Fredy/Small stone propped on # 8.
Wright, Eben H.N68Between his God and his Country/ [Flag]/ Eben H. Wright/ Died/ at the Regimental Hospital Frederick City, MD./ Dec 7, 1862./ Aged 32 Yrs 2 Ms & 19 dys/ Co. D 29th O.V.I.[covered now]/3-D flag; GAR FlagholderPropped between 2 bases.
Middleton, JohnN71John Middleton/ Died Oct. 13, 1861/ Aged 79 Yrs/ Maria/ His Wife/ Died June 9, 1851/ Aged 57 Yrs./Off base.
Middleton, MariaN71John Middleton/ Died Oct. 13, 1861/ Aged 79 Yrs/ Maria/ His Wife/ Died June 9, 1851/ Aged 57 Yrs./Off base.
B., M.R.N72[footstone] M.R.B./Piled on John Middleton.
B., L.A.N73[footstone] L.A.B./Piled on John Middleton.
Whittier, FrederickN74Frederick/ Son of/ A.P. & J. B./ Whittier/ Died Oct 4, 1855/ Aged 1 Yr & 7 Mo/ I know thou art gone & I can but rejoice/ Our dear father has called thee & made thee his choice,/ No longer to grieve[?] but calmly to rest/ In the land of God's angels, the home of the best./Roses at top.Leaning badly.
*,N81Granite; fallen off sunken base, face down. Likely Henry Town
Brewer, MiloN82Milo Brewer/ Emily N. Town/ Died July 11, 1845/ Aged 25 Yrs/ Laura A. Brewer/ Died June 13, 1847/ Aged 23 Yrs/ Nathaniel P. Brewer/ Died Feb. 11, 1853/ Aged 26 Yrs. 6 Mo./ D. Berilys[Beridys]/Out of base - roof taper with name under.
Town, Emily N.N82Milo Brewer/ Emily N. Town/ Died July 11, 1845/ Aged 25 Yrs/ Laura A. Brewer/ Died June 13, 1847/ Aged 23 Yrs/ Nathaniel P. Brewer/ Died Feb. 11, 1853/ Aged 26 Yrs. 6 Mo./ D. Berilys[Beridys]/Out of base - roof taper with name under.
Brewer, Laura A.N82Milo Brewer/ Emily N. Town/ Died July 11, 1845/ Aged 25 Yrs/ Laura A. Brewer/ Died June 13, 1847/ Aged 23 Yrs/ Nathaniel P. Brewer/ Died Feb. 11, 1853/ Aged 26 Yrs. 6 Mo./ D. Berilys[Beridys]/Out of base - roof taper with name under.
Brewer, Nathaniel P.N82Milo Brewer/ Emily N. Town/ Died July 11, 1845/ Aged 25 Yrs/ Laura A. Brewer/ Died June 13, 1847/ Aged 23 Yrs/ Nathaniel P. Brewer/ Died Feb. 11, 1853/ Aged 26 Yrs. 6 Mo./ D. Berilys[Beridys]/Out of base - roof taper with name under.
Berilys, D.N82Milo Brewer/ Emily N. Town/ Died July 11, 1845/ Aged 25 Yrs/ Laura A. Brewer/ Died June 13, 1847/ Aged 23 Yrs/ Nathaniel P. Brewer/ Died Feb. 11, 1853/ Aged 26 Yrs. 6 Mo./ D. Berilys[Beridys]/Out of base - roof taper with name under.
Headley, FrancisN91Father / Mother/ Francis Headley/ 1823-1888/ Loretta Headley Marsh/ His Wife/ 1828-1899/
Marsh, Loretta HeadleyN91Father / Mother/ Francis Headley/ 1823-1888/ Loretta Headley Marsh/ His Wife/ 1828-1899/
*,N92Small concrete block sized, looks like concrete, now blank.
*,N93Same as 2 above.
*,N101Narrow 3' stone with hole for plaque, plaque now missing.
Nye, Hannah BS11Hannah B/ Wife of/ John C[G]Nye/ [Rest in concrete] July 10, 1871/ [footstone] H.B.N.Directly behind # 1. Broken off & set in concrete. Date taken from old reading. Footstone propped behind headstone. Emptly base on edge of cliff probably held the footstone.
Tuttle, Silance L.S21Silance L./ Wife of/ Wm. T. Tuttle./ Died Nov. 11, 1851./ Aged 59 Years/
Randall, LewisS22Lewis Randall/ Died Nov. 1, 1864/ Aged 83 Yrs./ Betsy Willis His Wife/ Died July 29, 1834./ Aged 44 Yrs/ Peleg Randall/ Died Jan. 21, 1888./ Aged 77 Yrs./ Harriet N. Barber His Wife/ Died Jan. 29, 1878./ Aged 63 Yrs./Large granite monument.
Randall, Betsy WillisS22Lewis Randall/ Died Nov. 1, 1864/ Aged 83 Yrs./ Betsy Willis His Wife/ Died July 29, 1834./ Aged 44 Yrs/ Peleg Randall/ Died Jan. 21, 1888./ Aged 77 Yrs./ Harriet N. Barber His Wife/ Died Jan. 29, 1878./ Aged 63 Yrs./Large granite monument.
Randall, PelegS22Lewis Randall/ Died Nov. 1, 1864/ Aged 83 Yrs./ Betsy Willis His Wife/ Died July 29, 1834./ Aged 44 Yrs/ Peleg Randall/ Died Jan. 21, 1888./ Aged 77 Yrs./ Harriet N. Barber His Wife/ Died Jan. 29, 1878./ Aged 63 Yrs./Large granite monument.
Randall, Harriet N. BarberS22Lewis Randall/ Died Nov. 1, 1864/ Aged 83 Yrs./ Betsy Willis His Wife/ Died July 29, 1834./ Aged 44 Yrs/ Peleg Randall/ Died Jan. 21, 1888./ Aged 77 Yrs./ Harriet N. Barber His Wife/ Died Jan. 29, 1878./ Aged 63 Yrs./Large granite monument.
Randall, BetsyS23In Memory of/ Betsy,/ Consort of/ Lewis Randall,/ who departed this life/ July 29, 1834./ AE 43 years./ The sl . .6 of faith has taken my ../ the sleep & that but . . ./ The trump shall sound ___ ___/ Some ___ my saviour in His heaven.The 4 lines at bottom almost unreadable.
*,S24Flat slab r 12x14 illegible.
Sterns, Eliza E.S31Eliza E./ Wife of/ Ziba Sterns/ Died/ Feb. 1, 1868,/ Aged 47 Yrs./
Stearns, AbijahS32Abijah Stearns/ Died/ June 24, 1861./ Aged/ 79 Yrs 7 M./Dim; broken off & flat now.
Stearns, Sarah C.S33Sarah C./ Wife of/ Abijah Stearns./ Died/ Jan 13, 1849/ Aged 63 Years/ [footstone] P.I.S.[?]/Footstone very dim, now flat
Stocking, JabinS41Jabin[?] Stocking/ Born Jan 31, 1821/ Died Jan 7, 18??/Death date broken out. Broken - iron reinforced; has small metal green plaque on front, coming off.
*,S42empty marble base
Stocking, Louisa A.S43Louisa A./ Daughter of/ J.S.& S. Stocking/ Died/ Jan'y 22, 1856/ AE. 5 Yrs. 8 mo. 22[?] ds./Has been repaired; roof type; breaking up, now fallen on head
Wheeler, Sarah E.S44Sarah E./ Wife of/ Luman Wheeler/ Died/ March 26, 1831/ Aged 31 years/ [footstone]S.E.W.Broken off and flat. Footstone now flat.
*,S45River rock type with similar footstone as above; no writing visible now.
Bullis, RubyS51Ruby/ Daughter of/ G.A. & A. Bullis/ Died Oct. 16, 1863/ Aged 7 yrs. 8 ms./leaning, sm. footstone leaning against it.
Barrett, EdwinS52Edwin,/ son of/ R. & N. Barrett/ Died/ Apr. 4, 1834/ AE 3 yrs/ [footstone] E.B.Broken, flat. Date & age taken from old reading. Age buried/Footstone broken.
Barrett, SamuelS53Samuel/ son of/ R. & N. Barrett/ Died/ Sept 10, 1861./ Aged 23 Ys 1 mo. 16 ds/ [unreadable line]/Propped on base.
Barrett, JamesS54James Barrett/ Died/ Sept. 29, 1861/ Aged/ 27 yrs, 3 ms. 25 ds./ [2 illegible lines]/Broken off & flat.
Barrett, EmilyS55Emily/ Daughter of/ R. & N. Barrett/ Died/ Oct. 9, 1861,/ Aged 25 ys, 3 ms. 9 ds/Off base & flat.
Peck, Nelson E.S61Nelson E. Peck/ Died Dec. 25, 1864. Aged 23 years/ William Peck/ died June 26, 1854, at Ruenri ? Hospital, Tenn. Aged 25Tipped over, base & all. Double stone; only part of first name decipherable.
Peck, WilliamS61Nelson E. Peck/ Died Dec. 25, 1864. Aged 23 years/ William Peck/ died June 26, 1854, at Ruenri ? Hospital, Tenn. Aged 25Tipped over, base & all. Double stone; only part of first name decipherable.
Balch, Milly C. DeRushS62Milly C. DeRush/ Dau. of/ Uzial & Laura Balch/ Died/ Jan. 9, 1874/ Aged/ 17 ys & 6 mo./ [4 lines of poetry nearly illegible]/4 Lines of poetry nearly illegible.
Barrett, NaomiS63Our Mother/ Naomi Barrett/ Died/ Mar. 13, 1888/ Aged/ 70 Yrs 6 Mo's./ & 27 Ds./ [possibly] Gone but not forgotten./Propped against base.
Loveland, Mary M.S71Mary M./ Daughter of/ C. & F. Loveland/ Died June 20, 1862/ Aged 14 mos/ & 25 ds./Roses on top.Off base.
Loveland, AlansonS72Alanson Loveland/ Died/ April 6th 1846/ Aged 51 Yrs/ 9 mos & 11 ds./ Sophia/ His Wife/ Died April 2, 1851/ Aged 55 Yrs, 22 ds./ [footstones] A.L./ S.L./]Broken off base. Leaning on base. Bottom crushing like chalk. Footstones resting under headstone.
Loveland, SophiaS72Alanson Loveland/ Died/ April 6th 1846/ Aged 51 Yrs/ 9 mos & 11 ds./ Sophia/ His Wife/ Died April 2, 1851/ Aged 55 Yrs, 22 ds./ [footstones] A.L./ S.L./]Broken off base. Leaning on base. Bottom crushing like chalk. Footstones resting under headstone.
Dudley, Sophia S.S73Sophia S. Dudley/ Born/ March 1, 1831/ Died/ Feb. 28, 1850./Tassels on edge.Out of base and flat.
Dudley, Martha M.S74Martha M. Dudley/ Born/ May 11, 1828,/ Died/ July 24, 1848.Out of base and flat.
Dudley, SarahS75Sarah/ Wife of/ Daniel Dudley/ Born/ Feb. 11, 1793./ Died/ June 1, 1843.Tassels on edge.Broken off base. Tapered marble stone like footstone underneath.
Griswold, MarianS81Marian/ Wife of/ E.B. Griswold/ Died/ June 6, 1870/ Aged 33 Yrs, 10 ms./ Griswold/Monument, tallest in cemetery.
Osborn, Peter J.S91Peter J. Osborn/ Died/ Jan. 25, 1859/ Aged/ 69 Yrs 9 mos./Large base tilted, white stone under; stone propped against, in 2 1/2 sections.
Turney, Albert A.S92Father & Mother./ Albert A. Turney/ Died June 6, 1863/ Aged 36 Years./ A member of the 105 O.V.I./ Eliza/ Wife of/ Albert A. Turney/ Died July 13, 1864/ Aged 50 Years/ Here are they that kept the/ commandments of God: and/ The Faith of Jesus./New US star flagholderPlanted.
Turney, ElizaS92Father & Mother./ Albert A. Turney/ Died June 6, 1863/ Aged 36 Years./ A member of the 105 O.V.I./ Eliza/ Wife of/ Albert A. Turney/ Died July 13, 1864/ Aged 50 Years/ Here are they that kept the/ commandments of God: and/ The Faith of Jesus./New US star flagholderPlanted.
Ray, SallyS93In/ Memory/ of/ Sally wife of Abel Ray/ who died March 3, 1832./ Aged 39 ys 17 d_/ [footstone] S.R./Draped willow fronds over large pedestal with sphere on it.Lovely brownstone; now front exfoliating. Dates taken from old reading.
Smith, Malvina W.S94Malvina W./ Wife of/ L.D. Smith/ Died/ Dec 13, 1861/ Aged 29 years/Large marble fallen over with base - too heavy; probably is Malvina. Illeg.
*,S101Empty base.
Turney, Jas. M.S102[east face] Jas. M. Turney/ 1788 1858/ [south face] Saly M./ 1792-1882/ Martin J./ 1816-1871/ Uri S./ 1827-1866/Flowers between dates of Jas.Tilting limestone monument.
Turney, Saly M.S102[east face] Jas. M. Turney/ 1788 1858/ [south face] Saly M./ 1792-1882/ Martin J./ 1816-1871/ Uri S./ 1827-1866/Flowers between dates of Jas.Tilting limestone monument.
Turney, Martin J.S102[east face] Jas. M. Turney/ 1788 1858/ [south face] Saly M./ 1792-1882/ Martin J./ 1816-1871/ Uri S./ 1827-1866/Flowers between dates of Jas.Tilting limestone monument.
Turney, Uri S.S102[east face] Jas. M. Turney/ 1788 1858/ [south face] Saly M./ 1792-1882/ Martin J./ 1816-1871/ Uri S./ 1827-1866/Flowers between dates of Jas.Tilting limestone monument.
Turney, Lamar S.S103Lamar S./ Son of/ M.C. & H.L./ Turney/ Died/ March 19, 1861/ Aged 7 Yrs. 4 m. 19d./Broken off and flat.
Emerson, MaryS111In memory of Mary/ consort of/ Dea. Joseph Emerson./ who departed this/ life Jan. the 5 1834./ Aged 73/ Years/ When home . . . / die Jan. and . . .[2 lines illegible]/ on home only/Geometric designs.Brownstone, broken & flat.
Emerson, SylviaS112In Memory/ of Sylvia Daughter/ of Joseph & Lydia/ Emerson who depa-/ rted this life Dec 18/ 1823 Aged 19/ Years/ She died and of faith/ with hope; Ripe for immortal/ life. She gave her will;/Weeping willow fronds; geometric designsBrownstone, broken off and flat.
Emerson, Porter R. Jr.S113Porter Jr./ Son of/ Mark & Mary E./ Emerson, died/ Aug. 5, 1831,/ AE 2 yrs 7 mo./ & 18 ds./ Take those little lambs/ lay them to rest/ _'iem They did[?]/ [another illegible line]/Brownstone, broken and flat.
Emerson, JosephS114In memory of/ Dea. Joseph Emerson/ Who died Jan. 23,/ 1850:/ Aged 95 years/ 9 mon & 16 dy/ There is a house not made with land/ Eternal, and on high;/ And here my spirit waiting stands/ Til God shall bid it fly./1776 flagholder2 or 3 pieces.
*,S115Flat rough stone stuck in ground.
C., M.S116M.C.[?]Thin slab.
Emerson, MarkS117[west face] Mark Emerson/ Died on Friday/ March 30, 1832/ Aged 30 yrs 11 mos 25 ds./ Emerson/ [north face] Porter Hilton/ Died on Friday/ Aug. 3, 1831/ Aged 2 yrs 7 mos. 18D./ I'll take the little lambs said He,/ And fold them in my breast/ Protection they shall find in me/ In my Lord I rest/Several stone pieces by & under monument.
Hilton, PorterS117[west face] Mark Emerson/ Died on Friday/ March 30, 1832/ Aged 30 yrs 11 mos 25 ds./ Emerson/ [north face] Porter Hilton/ Died on Friday/ Aug. 3, 1831/ Aged 2 yrs 7 mos. 18D./ I'll take the little lambs said He,/ And fold them in my breast/ Protection they shall find in me/ In my Lord I rest/Several stone pieces by & under monument.
Emerson, EmilyS118Emily/ Daughter of/ Joseph & Sophia/ Emerson/ Died/ Oct 10, 1853/ In the 16th Year/ of her age./ All is well./ [footstone] E.E.
Emerson, EmmaS119Little/ Emma
Emerson, Joseph, Jr.S1110Joseph Emerson Jr./ 1789-1887/ His Wife/ Sophia Bonney/ 1802-1885/Big granite monument, knocked off big granite base which sits on 4' grinding wheel.
Emerson, Sophia BonneyS1110Joseph Emerson Jr./ 1789-1887/ His Wife/ Sophia Bonney/ 1802-1885/Big granite monument, knocked off big granite base which sits on 4' grinding wheel.
Barrett, David A.S1111David A./ Son of/ P. & R. Barrett/ Died June 15, 1857/ aged 30/Out of base, broken, crumbling like chalk - illegible. May be that of David A.
Barrett, PhilanderS1112Philander Barrett/ Died/ Jan. 18, 1851/ Aged 50 Years./ I know that my Redeemer liveth/ [footstone appears blank]/Flat.
Town, Henry E.XX1Henry E. Town/ born Oct. 12, 1844, died Nov. 15, 1885Prob. N-8-1
Stocking, Lucetta A.XX2Lucetta A. Stocking/ born Mar. 12, 1820, died Mar. 11, 1855Prob. N-9-2
Stocking, Irvin M.XX3Irvin M. Stocking/ Born Mar. 5, 1839, died Feb. 23, 1855Prob. N-9-3