Call Road Burying Ground


This cemetery was shown on the 1874 atlas as a good sized burying ground. It was about where Call Road intersects with Casa Bella Drive, north of Middle Ridge Road, but South of North Ridge Road (US 20) It appears to have been on John A. Harper’s property, later Benjamin Powers’ land in the very early history of Perry. In 1874 it appears to be on or next to C. Hicson property. In Deed Book O, page 287, Lake County, Ohio, Benjamin Powers is selling land via Sheriff Axtell to Noah Young a piece of property apparently just north of the cemetery. It is the southern part of lot 84 and an adjacent piece of lot 85. It excepted 13 acres “lying close to the burying ground.” After this cemetery was abandoned, those who were buried on Call Road were moved to the Center Road Cemetery along with their headstones. There is a row of very old stones in what is called the “Singles Row” (Section S) near the tool shed. Ezra Beebe may have come from this cemetery, but there are several discrepancies here. (See Narrows Road – Axtell Farm Cemetery.)