South Ridge (Axtell Farm, Narrows Road) Cemetery


Located on the north side of South Ridge Road (State Rte. 84) just west of Narrows Road is a cemetery marked on the 1874 atlas. Ezra Beebe has the earliest inscription found for the Center Road Cemetery, veteran of the American Revolution and given credit by some as being the first settler of Perry, who died in January, 1813 at the age of 76. He is given credit as being the first adult death in Perry. Mr. Beebe’s grave is located in what is known as the Single Row of graves in the Center Road Cemetery, near the tool shed. (Section S) It is believed that the burials in this row were from the Call Road cemetery, having been moved with their stones. A discrepancy arises due to the fact that the History of Geauga and Lake Counties says Ezra Beebe’s body was interred in what afterwards became the cemetery, on the farm of Leonidas Axtell, now abandoned (1878). This appears to be the cemetery on South Ridge Road. It is near where the tavern previously called Mike and Jo’s Tavern is located. The tavern is the old school building (shown on the 1874 map) which was next to the cemetery. The fact that Mr. Beebe is said to have opened up a clearing on the South Ridge in 1808″ (Here is Lake County, Ohio) makes it more likely he would be buried on the South Ridge.

In addition, there is an addendum in Soldiers and Widows of the American Revolution who lived in Lake County, Ohio by Mildred Hoyes Steed and published by the DAR in 1985. It reads, “Ezra Beebe, 1773-1813. He was born in 1773, and died in 1813 in Perry Township, Lake County, Ohio. He married Mary Jenks in Longmeadow, Massachusetts on December 5, 1795. They had seven children.

“He was too young to serve in the Revolution. The reason for the confusion was another Ezra Beebe in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, who served under Colonel Goose van Schlak at the New York line and he is buried in Longmeadow, Massachusetts.”

The Telegraph Republican on April 9 and 12, 1912 on the front pages had a story–a mystery. A grave was found on the Neubert Farm on the South Ridge with a marble slab bearing the name of T.R. Young. No one knew of this person. [There is a T. R. Young, 1825-1867, buried in section 3 of Perry Center Cemetery.] Three days later, some boys came clean. The grave was of a horse, with permission of Mr. Neubert. The stone the boys found while playing in a ravine near the south ridge school house and carried it to the spot where the horse was buried and marked the grave. Several years ago (before 1912) there was cemetery on the south ridge on the old Wyman farm near the place where the school house now stands and the marker was one of those not removed.

This is on private property with no public access.