Join Us for Our Picnic

On Thursday July 25, we will have our annual picnic starting at 5:00pm until around 9:00pm at the Perry Community Center, located at 2800 Perry Park Rd in Perry, OH 44081. The picnic is potluck, so bring your favorite picnic dish to share, and a place setting for each of you. Drinks will be provided.

After the potluck, Carla Cegielski will tell us about “Digital Ohio: Researching Buckeye Gems.” Buckeye Gems are small local history and genealogy collections that are often unrecognized and under-utilized. In the Buckeye State, many colleges, public libraries, and genealogical societies are working together to get these valuable collections online. Carla will help you learn how to find and access these unique online resources, or Buckeye Gems!

We will not meet in August. If you have any questions, please check our web site ( and for any changes in meeting date/time/location call Dave at 440-209-1639 or Cynthia at 440-951-0914 for more information.

So, bring a dish for the Potluck and come join us for good food, a great speech, and friendly company.