Lake County, Ohio
About this Project
There was a card index of the successful naturalization petitions for both Probate and Common Pleas courts. Those cards, which were kept up by the court clerks, were copied for this database. The typing was kept true to the index record, with dates in the same format, etc. It was then decided to proofread the work with the original records, to fill in any details that were missing or incorrect. At that point, we tried to be more true to the original record. Formatting of the birth dates and the certificate dates were then standardized, each differently, in case it were to be searched. It was also decided to add any Probate failed petitions and any DOAs that were found and not indexed. These were all proofread with the probate records and presented here. The same was done for the Common Pleas records, except the DOAs, which were in separate books, were added in later, but not proofread. For our purposes, the word “incomplete” covers all the reasons a petition did not result in a certificate, athough we may have been overzealous with this due to those missing dates.
In each case we have attempted to include names with which the petitioner entered the country. We also picked up DOAs from different counties, although some may have been missed.
For this Internet portion of the project, to protect some of the living, those petitioners who were born after 1931 were included without all the information. It is open public record, however, and may be obtained as below.
Pages of Interest
The Naturalization Process
Where Were Naturalizations Done in Lake County (Timespan)
What the Court Records Contain
What the Pre-1860 Records Contain
Where to Obtain Copies of Records
Naturalizations Index
Naturalizations A-L
Naturalizations M-Z