Naturalization M-Z

Lake County

NameDOB/AgeResidenceCert IssuedCourtPet. No./Vol-PgArrivalPortCountry B/AWitness 1Witness 2Remarks
Mackey, Alex/ 311893 11 07PrVol. 1 pg 102July 26, 1888FinlandLeino, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Mackey, EmilDec. 25, 1880Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP473, Vol. D4, pg 17340397Capagrins?, MichiganFinlandDOA only
Mackey, FannieApr. 27, 1892Paradise Apt., #12, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 09 23CP472/ Vol. 6, pg 23Aug. 29, 1892New YorkFinlandHerttua, Anna, Fairport Harbor, OhioSnell, Hilda, Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Maki, Makey
Mackey, George MatiasSept. 10, 190517 E. 359th St., P.O. Box 252, Willoughby, Ohio1942 08 24CP166242911New York, N.Y.FinlandMakarainen, Bertha, 984 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioSorvisto, Senia, 47 Overlook Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Yrjo Matias Makynen
Mackey, GustSept. 20, 1882321 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3742/ Vol. D1237411NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Kustaa Pykalamaki
Mackey, Gust/ 271896 11 03PrVol. 1 pg 203Jan. 26, 1891FinlandLaine, Gedeon, Fairport, Ohio
Mackey, Marion Irene Kajander40005537W. Walnut St., Painesville, OhioCP3248/ Vol. D7, pg 25141965New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Mackey, MaryFeb. 4, 1925984 Skinner Street, Painesville, Ohio1957 10 15CP273521108HungaryValssallo, Juanita, 534 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioMacky, Helen, 436 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCert issued April 26, 1973
Mackey, Matt BrorJan. 29, 1918534 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3974/ Vol. D1345178Buffalo, NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Veikko Matias Rajamaki
Mackey, Matt ErickMar. 24, 1884505 New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1261Feb. 16, 1905New YorkFinlandPohto, Kalle K., 440 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioJarvinen, Alina, 415 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Mathias Hietamski
Mackey, Sophia MargarettaMar. 12, 1881321 Sixth St., Fairport, Ohio1943 03 05CP1870Nov. 5, 1902New York, N.Y.FinlandEggert, Mary, 1102 N. State St., Painesville, OhioTenkku, Helmi, 859 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Sophia Margaretta Pykalamaki; Filed with DOA 3910
Mackey, William/ 231891 04 04PrVol. 1 pg 8April 27, 1885FinlandHilston, C.G., Fairport, Ohio
Macki, Sam ValentineSept. 18, 1888Fairport Harbor, OhioCP155/ Vol. D2, pg 5538825New YorkFinlandDOA only
Mackie, Thomas/ 281895 10 15PrVol. 1 pg 95April 2, 1888FinlandHerttua, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Mackness, SaraOct. 30, 1878Route 4, Painesville, Ohio1929 06 17CP730/ Vol. 8Sept. 16, 1921New YorkEnglandSkinner, Henrietta L., Mentor Headlands, OhioSkinner, R.L., Mentor Headlands, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
MacLachlan, WilliamJan. 23, 1884Fairport Harbor, Ohio1907 04 15CP1/ Vol. 1 pg 1Apr. 2, 1899Detroit, MichiganCanadaRoot, M.L., Fairport Harbor, OhioConverse, C.J., Painesville, OhioDOA Wayne Co., MI Circuit Ct.
MacLennan, Gordon Allen44394R.R. 1 River Road, Willoughby, OhioCP4010/ Vol. D1346355Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Macur, NickolaSept. 15, 1892/ 48RFD #2, Painesville, Ohio1941 08 25CP15723563New York, N.Y.JugoslaviaLipovich, Steven, Richmond Road, Painesville, OhioKomendat, Joseph Jr., 228 Orchard St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Macur, NikolaSept. 15, 1892R.D. No. 2, Painesville, OhioCP3817/ Vol. D1340088NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Macur, TereziaMar. 11, 1896/ 45R.D. #2, Painesville, Ohio1942 03 02CP1707Aug. 5, 1912New York, N.Y.Brestovac, YugoslaviaQuine, Mabel Mrs., R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioCrellin, Bernice Mrs., R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioAKA Terezija Contos
Maddocks, James1828/ 52PrVol. B pg 95May 1872EnglandDOA only
Maenpaa, JaakopMar. 16, 1874/ 28PrVol. 3 pg 589 Oct 1899FinlandDOA only
Maenpaa, JacobApr. 18, 1886High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP487/ Vol. D4, pg 18739887Buffalo, NYFinlandDOA only
Maenpaa, Jacob1905 12 19PrVol. 4, pg 47Oct. 9, 1899FinlandMattson, Isaac, Fairport, OhioKarho, John
Maentia, Hentry1865/ 29PrVol. 1 pg 249Apr. 25, 1889FinlandDOA only
Magayna, Raymond Jack38557315 E. 284th St., Willowick, Ohio1944 02 03CP202841443New York, N.Y.AustriaGood, Joseph, Alcoy Rd., Cleveland, OhioBittenc, Frank J., 2004 Nelswood Rd., E. Cleveland, OhioAKA Rajko Magojna
Maggeia, CarlMar. 25, 18742nd St., WilloughbyCP286/ Vol. D3, pg 8626 May 1898New YorkItalyDOA only
Maggio, DomenicoApr. 19 1881WilloughbyCP203/ Vol. D3, pg 340310New YorkItalyDOA only
Maggs, Samuel WilliamMay 11, 1877North Ridge Rd., RFD 1, Perry, OhioCP4145/ Vol. D1438993NYS. WalesDOA only; Prev. DOA Pittsburgh, Pa ca 1907
Magimorec, AntonJune 13, 18891193 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP4142/ Vol. D!439097NYAustriaDOA only; AKA Anton Medjundec; AKA Anton Madgimorec; Prev. DOA Cleveland, Ohio 1918
Magor, JoeMar. 20, 1882Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 7838342New YorkHungaryDOA only
Magor, MaryMar. 28, 1893R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP3156/ Vol. D7, pg 15739244New York, NYAustria HungaryVoided DOA only
Magyar, Elizabet (Ezsi)Jan. 25, 1890/ 51216 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP1633Dec. 22, 1911Philadelphia, Pa.HungaryBalogh, Amelia, 242 Orchard St., Fairport, OhioBell, Elizabeth, 912 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Magyar, MiklosJune 11, 1885217 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP808/ Vol. D5, pg 20837616Philadelphia, Penn.HungaryDOA only
Magyr, MiklosJune 11, 1885217 King Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1923 09 25CP352/ Vol. 5 pg 3Dec. 26, 1902Philadelphia, PennaHungaryBell, Andrew, Fairport Harbor, OhioSutch, Stephen, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mahler, Herman G.A.1892 09 30PrVol. 1 pg 139April 18, 1879GermanyNorthcott, John, Mentor, Ohio
Mahnke, BridgetFeb. 19, 19061009 Mentor Ave., Mentor, Ohio1940 09 16CP1479Mar. 23, 1927New York, N.Y.IrelandMcQuaid, Mabel, 960 Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioWragby, Ellen, 824 Fairview Ave., Mentor, OhioAKA Bridget Tighe
Mahnke, Charles WilliamFeb. 16, 1874Wilson Avenue, Willoughby, Ohio1921 06 07CP207/ Vol. 3 pg 57July 6, 1890New YorkGermanyLow, Samuel, Willoughby, OhioCottrell, C.C., Willoughby, Ohio
Mahnke, Charles W.Feb. 16, 1874Wilson Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP357/ Vol. D4, pg 576 July 1890New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Maholny, Cornelius1870 06 02PrVol. A pg 121IrelandRafter, John, Painesville, Ohio
Mahon, Michael M.1868 10 08PrVol. A, pg 77IrelandCaroll, Thomas, Painesville, Ohio
Mahoney, Michael1872 08 15PrVol. A pg 160IrelandConners, Brian
Mahony, Peter/ 191894 10 13PrVol. B pg 99Aug., 1879IrelandCoughlin, John
Maier, Gustave A./ 211901 09 02PrVol. 1 pg 326Sept. 30, 1885SwitzerlandHolden, Richard, Painesville, Ohio
Mailer, WilliamJan. 6, 1882Wickliffe, OhioCP407/ Vol. D4, pg 10740029Boston, Mass.ScotlandDOA only
Mainland, Donna LucilleSept. 10, 1924450 Morley Road, RD #1, Painesville, Ohio1959 02 13CP244117662Buffalo, NYCanadaWatring, Lena, 1550 Johnnycake Ridge, Painesville, OhioWatring, John, 1550 Johnnycake Ridge, Painesville, OhioDate on card is 1948 05 09
Mainland, John GordonSept. 11, 1920450 Morley Road, RD #1, Painesville, Ohio1959 02 13CP244218 Apr 1848CanadaWatring, Lena, 1550 Johnnycake Ridge, Painesville, OhioWatring, John, 1550 Johnnycake Ridge, Painesville, OhioDate on card is 1948 05 09
Maitikainen, Anna EstherApr. 3, 1910495 Hoyt St., Painesville, OhioCP3282/ Vol. D7, pg 28541185New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Maitland, JohnMay 20, 1905/ 34220 W. Washington St., Painesville, Ohio1940 03 04CP139010561Detroit, Mich.ScotlandFinlin, Russel, 64 Chestnut St., Painesville, O.Mapstone, Robert, 6911 Theota, Parma, Ohio
Majer, JosephJune 28, 1878R.F.D. #2, Leroy Center, OhioCP2073/ Vol. D6, pg 27318 May 1897New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Majer, JosephJune 28, 1878Leroy Twp., Ohio1928 06 18CP633/ Vol. 7, pg 81May 18, 1897New YorkBohemiaRadcliffe, Earl, Leroy Twp., OhioSpear, J.L., Leroy twp., Ohio
Majer, Joseph Alajos385442480 Coventry Road, Cleveland Heights, OhioCP4268/ Vol. D1416717Trout River, NYHungaryDOA only
Majer, ViktorFeb. 16, 1901/ 39RFD #3, Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP145112405Malone, N.Y.HungaryPlank, Steve, 2677 Euclid Heights Blvd., Cleveland, OhioLudescher, Bertha, 2673 Euclid Hgts., Blvd, Cleveland, OhioUS Dist.Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Majka, MaciejSept. 19, 1892/ 51Rt. #2, Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP207541008New York, N.Y.PolandGoodland, Stanley Albert, Rt. 2, Painesville, OhioKing, Charly, Hale Rd., Perry, OhioDOA CP Ct., Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Majnarich, Frank JosephAfter 1931CP
Majoros, AndyOct. 28, 1886Fairport Harbor, OhioCP241/ Vol. D3, pg 4125 Oct. 1904New YorkHungaryDOA only
Majoros, AndyOct. 28, 1886Orchard Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1922 06 06CP275/ Vol. 4 pg 26Oct. 25, 1904New YorkHungaryKulnane, J.F., Painsville, OhioWolff, Chas. Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Majoros, ApoloniaJuly 21, 1880507 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3899/ Vol. D1340884NYHungaryDOA; AKA Poli Majoros; petition 1819 filed with DOA
Majoros, ApoloniaJuly 21, 1880507 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio1944 08 24CP1819Dec. 7, 1911New York, N.Y.HungaryResetar, Joseph, 706 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioSolomon, Helen, 752 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioAKA Poli Majoros; Filed with DOA 3899
Majoros, JohnDec. 3, 1877180 Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP3832/ Vol. D1337223NYHungaryDOA only
Majoros, JohnMar. 1, 1891King Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP519/ Vol. D4, pg 21939052New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Majoros, JohnDec. 3, 1877/ 68Newell St., Painesville, Ohio1946 09 04CP216737223NYHungaryLuckshaw, Irene, Newell St., Painesville, OhioKohankie, Henry, P.O. Box 231, Fairfield Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Janos Majoros
Majoros, SteveNov. 24, 1878507 Courtland, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3231/ Vol. D7, pg 23445689New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Majorosay, StevenDec. 22, 189225 N. State St., Painesville, OhioCP3395/ Vol. D921? Dec 1920New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Majorosy, StevenDec 22, 189225 N. State St., Painesville, OhioCP983/ Vol. 1344186NYCzechoslovakiaEgerest, Alex, 45 Prospect St., Painesville, OhioGreenfield, Ben, 345 Rockwood Dr., Painesville, OhioAKA Stefan Majorosy; Incomplete 1939-deceased
Makala, JohnFeb. 12, 1900525 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1928 10 01CP538/ Vol. 6, pg 8944392New YorkFinlandSaari, Alex, Fairport Harbor, OhioNelson, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Makela, JohnFeb. 12, 1900425 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1047/ Vol. D6, pg 14744389New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Makela, Lydia SerafineMay 30, 18971555 Mentor Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1966 03 15CP265837541Boston, Mass.FinlandReardon, Olga, 667 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioMakela, Martha Elaine, 417 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Makela, Olga AmandaMar. 19, 1900667 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3948/ Vol. D1337542Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Makela, Olga AmandaMar. 19, 1900667 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP201237542Boston, Mass.FinlandJudson, Madge, RD#1, Painesville, OhioHarper, Lillis, W. Jackson, RFD #3, Painesville, Ohio
Makela, Toini, ElmaDec. 4, 1921507 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1965 08 12CP264517377NYFinlandNoponen, Eila, 428 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioBailey, Ellen, 704 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Makela, ToivoApr 30, 1886PainesvilleCP686/ Vol. D5, pg 8638714New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Makela, ToivoAug. 30, 1886644 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4220/ Vol. D1438718NYFinlandDOA only; Prev. DOA Brookston, Minnesota in 1909
Makenen, JonhNov. 1, 1874Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP570/ Vol. D4, pg 2703 Apr 1897New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Maki, AlfredDec. 31, 1871/ 31PrVol. 3 pg 11137350FinlandDOA only
Maki, Alfred/ 221892 11 07PrVol. 1 pg 28April 10, 1887FinlandHilston, Chas. G., Fairport, Ohio
Maki, AnnaMar. 14, 1896340 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4002/ Vol. D1341725NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Anna Pera
Maki, FrankFeb. 7, 1892Painesville, OhioCP151/ Vol. D2, pg 5141089New YorkFinlandDOA only
Maki, Gusta/ 431897 03 30PrVol. 1 pg 254May 1, 1883FinlandMattson, Isaac, Fairport, Ohio
Maki, Hendry1895 10 29PrVol. 2 pg 97FinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport, OhioDOA on file
Maki, JacobAug. 25, 1891Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP540/ Vol. D4, pg 24039058Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Maki, JacobAug. 25, 1891Paradise Apartments, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 06 04CP449/ Vol. 5, pg 100Dec. 7, 1906Boston, Mass.FinlandHietanen, Ed. M., Fairport Harbor, OhioMattson, August J., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Maki, Jacob (aka Jaakko)June 15, 1869/ 32PrVol. 3 pg 8Feb. 3, 1895FinlandDOA only
Maki, JohnNov. 30, 1880855 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3929/ Vol. D1338954NYFinlandDOA; AKA Johannes Kotomaki; petition 1871 filed with DOA
Maki, JohnJuly 16, 1882New Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP437/ Vol. D4, pg 13739892Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganFinlandDOA only
Maki, JohnJune 8, 1897409 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3046/ Vol. D7, pg 4642401New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Maki, JohnNov. 10, 1874/ 261901 09 25PrVol. 3 pg 46915 Nov 1891FinlandHissa, HermanArrived U.S. as a minor
Maki, JohnNov. 30, 1880855 Skinner Ave., Painesville, Ohio1943 03 05CP1871Aug. 25, 1906New York, N.Y.FinlandLuthanen, Lillian W., 867 Hine Ave., Painesville, OhioHendrickson, Hjalmar, 597 Saunders Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Johannes Kotomaki; Filed with DOA 3929
Maki, MattiasMar. 24, 1884505 New St. Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3017/ Vol. D7, pg 1738400New York, NYFinland, RussiaDOA only
Maki, SamAug. 20, 1890409 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3004/ Vol. D7, pg 442430Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganFinlandDOA only
Maki, SamAug. 20, 1890Fairport Harbor, Ohio1928 06 18CP631/ Vol. 7, pg 79Mar. 1, 1916Sue St. Marie, MichiganFinlandBerlin, Edward, Fairport Harbor, OhioJacobson, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Maki, Samuel ValentiiniSept. 18, 1888R.F.D. #1, Box 24, Painesville, Ohio1919 06 09CP174/ Vol. 3, pg 24Apr. 18, 1906New YorkFinlandTuuri, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioSaari, Alex, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Maki, SofiaApr. 19, 1885855 Skinner Ave., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP19782317New York, N.Y.FinlandGreen, Florence, 54 Lusard St., Painesville, OhioLuthanen, Lillian, 867 Hine Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Sofia Waliharju; AKA Sofia Kotomaki (Mackey) AKA Harju
Maki, VitariAug. 16, 1882Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP583/ Vol. D4, pg 28343422Duluth, Minn. via RR from QuebecFinlandDOA only
Maki, William EsaFeb. 28, 1901/ 40506 N. 4th St., Fairport, Ohio1943 03 05CP1762Aug., 23, 1929New York, N.Y.FinlandHill, Oscar, 218 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHilberg, John W., 412 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Wiljam Esaias Ruokasmaki
Makii, OscarMay 11, 1888New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP477/ Vol. D4, pg 17741458Isplemming, Mich.FinlandDOA only
Makitalo, Helvi MatildaJan. 21, 1897/ 51302 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1949 02 11CP221313842NYFinlandPrasch, hildred E., 635 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAutio, Maria, 518 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Helvi M. Maki
Makitalo, Johan AugustSept. 16, 1891405 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3235/ Vol. D7, pg 23845173Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Makitalo, Johan AugustSept. 16, 1891224 Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 03 09CP974/ Vol. 13Sept. 4, 1923Boston, Mass.FinlandRinta, Michael, 302 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioOllila, John, 305 New St. Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Maky, Lan/ 261893 11 06PrVol. 1, pg 82Mar. 15, 1888FinlandEmpfield, W.N., Fairport, Ohio
Malaczko, GeorgeMay 15, 1879526 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP763/ Vol. D5, pg 16341782New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Malainy, Rose LorettaJune 6, 1905/ 42Beidler Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1947 09 03CP219039219NYLithuaniaDay, Ruby, Beidler Rd., Willoughby, OhioOlsson, Jane C., Beidler Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Rozalia Adamaitus
Malek, JohnMay 20, 18861102 Lincoln Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3426/ Vol. D940363New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Malek, KatieMay 14, 1887135 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1937 09 20CP1111/ Vol. 1540725New YorkYugoslaviaWortman, Florence, 462 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioClair, John F., 14 Maple St., Willoughby, Ohio
Malek, Katie Mrs.May 14, 18871102 Lincoln Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3532/ Vol. D1040725NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Malik, JohnMay 20, 1887Wickliffe, OhioCP239/ Vol. D3, pg 4039998New YorkHungaryDOA only
Malkamaki, Anna SofiaMay 15, 1899R.D. #2, Park Rd., Painesville, Ohio1938 09 19CP1221Fairport Harbor, Ohio, USA/ FinlandRinta, Mikhael, 302 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioMcCrone, Emma H., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Malkamaki, Jacob ViktorNov. 24, 1897334 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP829/ Vol. D5, pg 22941660New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Malkin, Joseph1871 08 06PrVol. A pg 140EnglandClement, Geo. W.
Malkus, IreneDec. 25, 1900/ 40Kirtland Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1941 08 25CP1678Nov. 30, 1922Buffalo, N.Y.CanadaBurney, Annette, 26511 Oriole Ave., Euclid, OhioVermillion, Edna, RD #2, Kirtland Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Irene Summerfield
Malnar, AndrewNov. 18, 1877PerryCPVol. D1, pg 9037683New YorkHungaryDOA only
Malone, EleanorDec. 21, 1888Low Ridge Farm, Mentor, OhioCP4009/ Vol. D1344522NYEnglandDOA only; Previous DOA District Ct, Cleveland 1924
Maloney, JamesSept. 17, 1885/ 221887 09 22PrVol. B pg 390July, 1866CanadaWard, John C.
Maloney, JuliaSept. 6, 1870/ 311902 04 07PrVol. 3 pg 483June 30, 1872CanadaHughes, Frank G., Willoughby, Ohio
Malonzi, Thomas/ 231903 03 21PrVol. 3 pg 509Apr. 23, 1893ItalyMelonzi, Frank, Painesville, Ohio
Malusto, SimoneApr. 16, 1876210 Eagle St., Painesville, OhioCP1081/ Vol. D6, pg 18143836New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mamrak, JohnJan. 29, 1901523 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1070/ Vol. D6, pg 17044163New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Mamrak, Michael (Michal)Oct. 28, 1895509 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3443/ Vol. D944392Newe York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Mamrak, MichaelOct. 28, 1895/ 45252 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio1941 03 03CP14887867New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaKarplak, Michael John, 854 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioLosz, John, 503 7th St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mamuscicce, SalvatoreMay 19 1874/ 31PrVol. 3 pg 17636671ItalyDOA only
Mancini, AscenzinaMay 25, 1897/ 451175 E. 294th St., Wickliffe, Ohio1943 08 27CP1800Aug. 8, 1920New York, N.Y.ItalyTesta, Anunziata, 946 Bellevue, Wickliffe, OhioDiOrio, Margaret, 1076 E. 293rd St., Wickliffe, Ohio
Mancini, VincentNov. 28, 18971057 Bell Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3222/ Vol. D7, pg 22541368New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mancini, VincentNov. 28, 18971057 Belle Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1931 09 28CP809/ Vol. 9Apr. 4, 1914New YorkItalyTiggano, Toni, Wickliffe, OhioTesta, Joe, Wickliffe, Ohio
Maniglia, AntonioApr. 13, 1926508 Railroad St., Painesville, Ohio1959 08 14CP245919577NYSicilyRoiacono, Carmella, 1346 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioProeta, Angelo, 1740 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Maninen, Wilppu1905 11 06PrVol. 4 pg 37Mar. 31, 1895FinlandKillinen, Matti, Fairport, OhioRuusi, Isaac, Fairport, Ohio
Manis, PhillipDec. 25, 1895Reynolds Rd., Mentor, OhioCP3702/ Vol. D12Jan. 1904 or 1905NYItalyDOA only; AKA Fillipo Maniaci
Manis, PhillipDec. 25, 1895/ 45Reynolds Rd., Mentor-on-Lake, Ohio1940 09 16CP1370Jan. 1904 or 1905New YorkItalyCole, Frank, Mentor, OhioAllin, Wellman J., Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioAKA Filippo Maniaci
Manitas?, Carl Cornelius LambertusMar. 2, 1891Maple St., Mentor, OhioCP2060/ Vol. D6, pg 26040379New York, NYHollandDOA only
Manjarich, Nickolas M.Apr. 12, 1887High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP358/ Vol. D4, pg 5838810Baltimore, Md.HungaryDOA only
Mankovich, CorneliusJan. 1, 1854630 Plum Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1929 06 17CP763/ Vol. 9Nov. 2, 1923Portland, Me.HungaryKrisik, Alois Rev. Fairport Harbor, OhioKamenyar, Michael, Fairport Harbor, OhioSee Also # 713/ Vol. 8 pg 158 DOA CP Ct., Mahoning Co., Ohio
Mann, Hazel RentonMar. 18, 1901/ 38120 E. 337th St., Willoughby, Ohio1940 03 04CP13888842Buffalo, N.Y.CanadaBerry, Ella, 122 E. 337 St., Willoughby, OhioBerry, Alfred G., 122 E. 337 St., Willoughby, Ohio
Mann, Montgomery SorsolielSept. 18 1894120 Campbell Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP3336/ Vol. 845377Buffalo, NYNewfoundlandDOA only
Mann, Montgomery SorsoleilSept. 18, 1894120 E. 337th St., Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP1214Mar. 26, 1924Buffalo, New YorkNew FoundlandMutchlar, Ora M., 126 E. 337, Willoughby, OhioMutchlar, Howard L., 126 E. 337, Willoughby, Ohio
Mannick, Matt/ 241899 03 31PrVol. 1 pg 287May 9, 1892FinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Mannikko, AlexandraMay 8, 1880214 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3800/ Vol. D1336641NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Alexsandra Liikala
Mannikko, Anne AmaliaOct. 9, 1908437 Fifth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1005/ Vol. 13Mar. 25, 1912BostonFinlandSorvisto, Senia, 470 Overlook Rd., Painesville, OhioLipsanen, Alma, 508 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Anni Nurmi
Mannikko, Hulda HarmaDec. 28, 1881509 6th Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1927 06 20CP533/ Vol. 6, pg 84Sept. 22, 1910New yorkFinlandSteuberg, Ida Mrs., Fairport Harbor, OhioHietanen, Helen, 602 S. State St., Painesville, OhioDOA Cuyahoga C.P.
Mannikkö, JeremiasDec. 22, 1880/ 21PrVol. 3 pg 5636991FinlandDOA only
Mannikko, John A.Oct. 15, 1877/ 25PrVol. 3 pg 1278 Dec. 1899FinlandDOA only
Mannikko, MattiNov. 29, 1883Fairport Harbor, OhioCP143/ Vol. D2, pg 4337457New YorkFinlandDOA only
Mannikko, MattiNov. 29, 1883High Street, Fairport harbor, Ohio1915 06 14CP95/ Vol. 2, pg 4537457New YorkFinlandTuuri, Matti, Fairport Harbor, OhioKumpulainen, Matti, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mannikkö, SalmanJuly 27, 1875/ 24PrVol. 3 pg 4328 Jan 1898FinlandDOA only
Mannikko, SolomonSept. 27, 1878Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1912 07 02CP37/ Vol. 1 pg 37Feb. 10, 1898New YorkFinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport harbor, OhioHietanen, Matt Jr., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Manninen, MildredNov. 4, 1909/ 31435 South St., Fairport Hb., Ohio1941 08 25CP1639Sept. 17, 1920New York, N.Y.FinlandSaari, Pearl, 259 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioWanska, Jennie, 224 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Milja Mannynen
Manninen, WilppuMay 26, 1874/ 28PrVol. 3 pg 11828 Mar 1896FinlandDOA only
Manonen, MattApr. 28, 1883310 6th St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP896/ Vol. D5, pg 29641335New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Mansour, MikeMAr. 27, 1891High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP710/ Vol. D5, pg 11042200Cleveland, OhioSyriaDOA only
Mansour, MikeMar. 27, 1891Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 06 04CP418/ Vol. 5, pg 6942200Lewiston, New YorkSyriaMcCrone, Arthur, Fairport harbor, OhioOtto, Faris G., Painesville, Ohio
Mansueto, SimoneApr. 16, 187644 Nebraska Street, Painesville, Ohio1931 12 07CP789/ Vol. 9Dec. 31, 1920New YorkItalySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioPampanini, Tony, Painesville, OhioCould be Mausueto. AKA Simone Malueto:See also #758 Vol. 8
Mansueto, VitoMar. 17, 1877338 E. Eagle St., Painesville, OhioCP3460/ Vol. D941884New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mansueto, VitoMar. 24, 1877/ 63338 Eagle St., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP13615359New York, N.Y.ItalyD'Ascanio, Filippo, 418 Railroad St., Painesville, OhioSapienza, Frank, 336 Owego St., Painesville, Ohio
Manzoff, Zaka373811411 East 289th Street, Wickliffe, Ohio1964 08 13CP262812249NYGreeceKralick, Barbara, 1417 E. 289 St., Wickliffe, OhioDunkalis, Trifo, 1517 Silver St., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Zaka Pandova Manzova
Marana, Medardo Salvatore Nicola44039319 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioCP4106/ Vol. D1413767NYItalyDOA only
Marano, AntoniettaDec. 18, 1924/ 25319 Sanford St., Painesville, Ohio1950 02 10CP223817271NYItalyMorano, Josephine, 408 Chester St., Painesville, OhioDelisio, Mary, 600 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Antoinietta Berlingieri
Marano, Clorinda BertoneApr. 4, 1889/ 56319 Sanford St., Painesville, Ohio1946 02 08CP214114341N.Y.ItalyMalizio, Mary, 90 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioColavechio, Mary, 673 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio2 cards
Marano, FeliciantonioJune 6, 1887622 N. State St., Painesville, OhioCP3031/ Vol. D7, pg 3144811New York, NYItalyDOA only
Marano, FeliciantonioJune 6, 1882616 N. St. Clair Street, Painesville, Ohio1928 10 01CP636/ Vol. 7, pg 84Sept. 7, 1922New YorkItalyRefi, Cesar, Painesville, OhioMucciarone, Antonio, Painesville, Ohio
Marcella, Charles CecilMar. 14, 1904/ 37Martin Rd., Mentor, Ohio1941 08 25CP1652Aug. 24, 1926Sault St. Marie, Mich.CanadaWaite, Walter, 28 Wood St., Willoughby, OhioSheffield, Maynard G., Overlook Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA C. Cecil Marcella
Marchik, StifApr. 20, 1872Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 4237154Baltimore, Md.HungaryDOA only
Mareen, JoeDec. 8, 1903518 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, OhioCP3794/ Vol. D1341406Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only; AKA Giuseppe Marin
Mareen, JoeDec. 8, 1903/ 371538 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1941 03 03CP150641406Boston, Mass.ItalyAldrich, Thomas P., 3414 Beechwood Ave., Cleveland Heights, OhioMcNeill, Paula, 538 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Guiseppe Marin; Indexed as Joe Warren
Margetoe, Mike [or Murgtoe]Dec. 27, 1864/ 321898 11 08PrVol. 2 pg 123Jan. 2, 1890HungaryChanford, Joe, Fairport, Ohio
Marich, JoeFeb. 13, 1883469 Hoyt St., Painesville, OhioCP3759/ Vol. D1210 or 11 Mar 1902NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Jozsef Marics
Marich, JoeFeb. 12, 1883/ 57469 Hoyt St., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP145210 or 11 Mar 1902New York, N.Y.HungaryDowning, Herbert E., 28 E. Walnut St., Painesville, OhioSzollosi, Ernest, 121 Chester St., Painesville, OhioAKA Jozsef Marics
Marino, JoeFeb. 4, 188961 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP3249/ Vol. D7, pg 25243864New York, NYItalyDOA only
Marino, JoeFeb. 4, 188961 Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1935 09 23CP922/ Vol. 12Apr. 3, 1920New YorkItalyDelsantro, Charles, 32 Waldamere Ave., Willoughby, OhioMastrangello, John, 59 Second St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Giuseppe Marino
Marino, MikeNov. 11, 1894Henry St., Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP163/ Vol. 3 pg 1340644NYItalyKohankie, Martin, Painesville, OhioCastiglione, Antonio, Painesville, OhioIncomplete June 1920
Mariola, AnthonyJune 19, 1897St. Clair & Jackson Street, Painesville, Ohio1925 09 23CP395/ Vol. 5 pg 4641473NYItalyFrate, Tony, Painesville, OhioZarlengo, Pasquale, Akron, OhioDOA C P Ct Summit Co
Maritz, AugustFeb. 25, 1870/ 261899 05 17PrVol. 2 pg 132Apr. 13, 1892SwitzerlandBurns, George W., Madison, Ohio
Markhov, John1893 11 07PrVol. 1 pg 200FinlandHervey, J.H., Fairport, OhioCert. only
Marlow, Peter H.June 8, 1871/ 30PrVol. 3 pg 6Oct. 15, 1893CanadaDOA only
Marmorstein, ErwinApr. 29, 19282501 Bishop Road, Wickliffe, OhioCP4191/ Vol. D1417568NYRoumaniaDOA only
Marmorstien, ElemerAfter 1931CP
Marnoch, Arthur JamesJune 7, 1881Fairport Harbor, OhioCP711/ Vol. D5, pg 11141341Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only
Marotta, AlbinaAug. 25, 1887518 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3215/ Vol. D7, pg 21841785New York, NYItalyDOA only; arrival 26 or 27th
Marotta, AlbinaAug. 25, 1887625 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP19045260New York, N.Y.ItalyDelisio, Caterine, 419 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCimaglio, Angela, North Ridge, Perry, OhioAKA Albina Astoma-Marotta
Marotta, JoeMay 26, 1887518 Seventh St. Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3216/ Vol. D7, pg 21939858New York, NYItalyDOA only, arrival 14 or 15th
Marotta, JoeMay 26, 1887518 Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP938/ Vol. 12Feb. 16, 1909New YorkItalyFalcone, Guiseppe, 444 N. State St., Painesville, OhioEvangelista, Camilio E., 734 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioSee also Vol. 5, pg 51
Marotto, JoeMay 26, 1887Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP592/ Vol. D4, pg 29237214Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Marquardt, FrederickJan. 23, 1868Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1921 09 26CP208/ Vol. 3, pg 58Nov. 5, 1894Baltimore, Md.GermanyRentschler, M.J., Willoughby, OhioShipman, Chas. M., Willoughby, OhioDOA Northern District of Ohio Ct, Cleveland; See also #183/ Vol. 3 pg 33
Marra, LibertoDec. 1, 19231440 Rockafeller Raod, Wickliffe, OhioCP4290/ Vol. D1419867Buffalo, NYItalyDOA only
Marsch, JosephOct. 17, 1901Chardon Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1942 08 24CP1745Sept. 21, 1906New York, N.Y.EnglandBudish, Anna, Hanna Rd., Willoughby, OhioMarshall, Olga, Wilson Mills & Miner Rds., Mayfield Village, OhioAKA Joseph Maraska; CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., OH
Marsch, RoseJan. 19, 1908/ 35Chardon Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1945 02 08CP192141259New York, N.Y.HungaryMarshall, Olga, Wilson Mills Rd., South Euclid, OhioBudish, Anna, Hanna Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Roza Szpravka
Marsh, AnnieJune 27, 1886/ 64Crossway Farm, Mentor, Ohio1940 09 16CP14621837Philadelphia, Pa.EnglandBooth, Hattie, RFD 2, Mentor, OhioPhillips, Roseina, RFD 2, Mentor, OhioAKA Annie Mosgrove
Marsh, GeorgeMar. 1, 1887Mentor, OhioCP483/ Vol. D4, pg 18339212EnglandEnglandDOA only
Marsh, George FrederickMar. 1, 1888Crossway Farm, Mentor, Ohio1937 09 20CP1122Mar. 7, 1921New YorkEnglandPhillips, Melville, Mentor, OhioHunkin, Lawrence, R.F.D. #2, Willoughby, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Marsh, William T./ 601883 10 05PrVol. B pg 109Apr., 1850EnglandCustin, Robart L., Painesville, Ohio
Marshall, HerbertJune 6, 1882Fairport Harbor, OhioCP903/ Vol. D6, pg 338543Philadelphia, Pa.EnglandDOA only
Marshall, HerbertJune 6, 1882319 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 06 04CP444/ Vol. 5 pg 9538543Philadelphia, PennaEnglandLawrence, E.E., Fairport Harbor, OhioCunningham, Jack, Perry, Ohio
Marshall, KennethMar. 11, 1898437 Liberty St., Painesville, OhioCP3307/ Vol. D847446Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only
Marshall, KennethMar. 11, 1898494 E. Erie Street, Painesville, Ohio1935 09 23CP953/ Vol. 12Nov. 24, 1929Niagara Falls, New YorkEnglandTucker, E.W., 374 S. State St., Painesville, OhioBrittain, James, 494 E. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio
Marshall, Leonard WrightDec. 29, 1893520 Prospect St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3593/ Vol. D1146131Boston, Mass.EnglandDOA only
Marshall, Leonard WrightDec. 29, 1893520 Prospect St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 09 19CP1199Apr. 19, 1926Boston, Mass.EnglandGedeon, George I., 325 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKillinen, Matthew A., 413 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Marshall, MaryAug. 9, 1866494 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioCP3918/ Vol. D1346122Boston, Mass.EnglandDOA; petition 1879 filed with DOA
Marshall, MaryAug. 9, 1867494 E. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1878Apr. 19, 1926Boston, Mass.Great BritainOwen, Jeanne, 528 2nd St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHayduk, Jessie, 528 2nd St., Fairport Harbor, OhioFiled with DOA 3918
Marshall, RuthJan. 7, 1893/ 48520 Prospect St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 03 03CP15539606Boston, Mass.EnglandOwnes, Jeanne, 528 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioWebeck, Mary, 616 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Martens, John Christopher Frederick.1879 10 10Pr835/ Vol. B pg 87GermanyRitter, Charles G.DOA in Clarke Co., Indiana
Martiainen, HenryMay 20, 1876Fairport Harbor, OhioCP129/ Vol. D2, pg 2940391New YorkFinlandDOA only
Martikainen, Anne EstherApr. 3, 1910495 Hoyt Street, Painesville, Ohio1932 06 13CP835/ Vol. 10Oct. 4, 1912New YorkFinlandClark, Hazel F., Painesville, OhioHill, Dora E., Painesville, Ohio
Martikainen, Erta AliceDec. 21, 1904495 Hoyt St., Painesville, OhioCP3148/ Vol. D7, pg 14941185New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Martikainen, Erta AliceDec. 21, 1904495 Hoyt Street, Painesville, Ohio1932 09 26CP820/ Vol. 10Oct. 4, 1912New YorkFinlandClark, Bertha E., Painesville, OhioClark, Hazel F., Painesville, Ohio
Martikainen, HenryMay 20, 1876495 Hoyt St., Painesville, OhioCP3646/ Vol. D1140390NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Heikki Martikainen
Martikainen, HenryMay 20, 1876495 Hoyt St., Painesville, Ohio1939 03 06CP122740390New YorkFinlandMehaffey, Clarence T., 71 N. St. Clair, Painesville, OhioBlackmon, Charles F., 168 E. High St., Painesville, OhioAKA Heikki Martikainen
Martikainen, Ida HelenaJan. 30, 1898117 Hoyt St., Painesville, OhioCP1032/ Vol. D6, pg 13241216New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Martikainen, Ida HelenaJan. 30, 1898117 Hoyt Street, Painesville, Ohio1926 09 29CP522/ Vol. 6 pg 73Nov. 4, 1912New YorkFinlandClark, Bertha E., Casement Ave., Painesville, OhioBond, Grace Hyde, Casement Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Martikainen, Oscar39240495 Hoyt St., Painesville, OhioCP3149/ Vol. D7, pg 15041185New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Martikainen, Oscar39240495 Hoyt Street, Painesville, Ohio1933 06 12CP851/ Vol. 10Oct. 4, 1912New YorkFinlandMehaffey, C.T., Painesville, OhioMalin, D.J. Painesville, Ohio
Martikainen, SerafiaJune 6, 1872/ 63495 Hoyt St., Painesville, Ohio1941 08 25CP15477661New York, N.Y., SS Helig OlavFinlandSomppi, John, Painesville, OhioSomppi, Mary, Painesville, OhioAKA Serofina Ahola
Martin, DanOct. 15, 1882110 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP908/ Vol. D6, pg 843410New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Martin, DanOct. 15, 1882188 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP417/ Vol. 5 pg 6839401NYHungarySutch, Steve, Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Andrew J., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Martin, FrankApr. 12, 1898190 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP900/ Vol. D5, pg 30041710Baltimore, Md.Austria HungaryDOA only
Martin, MalcolmJuly 11, 1883Coulallimby Place, Wickliffe, Ohio1929 06 17CP718/ Vol. 8Aug. 7, 1923New YorkScotlandBody, John, Wickliffe, OhioMallett, Charles H., Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct.,Cleveland, Ohio
Martin, Martin P.Nov. 11, 1890Stage Ave, Painesville, OhioCP779/ Vol. D5, pg 17939392New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Martin, Martin P.Nov. 11, 1890Stage Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1924 09 25CP399/ Vol. 5 pg 50Nov. 5, 1907New YorkHungarySutch, Steve, Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Andrew, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Martin, Marton PistaDec. 21, 188141 Axtel Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3923/ Vol. D1344081NYRoumaniaDOA only; AKA Marton Marton
Martinson, John L.Jan. 16, 1882Willoughby, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 1036993New YorkSwedenDOA only
Marton, AndyApr. 7, 1884216 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4137/ Vol. D1410977NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Marton Andras
Marton, AndyApr. 17, 1884216 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioIncomplete 1946CP218710977NYRomaniaMartin, Martin, 216 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioSonderisin, Michael, 628 Newel St., Painesville, OhioDeceased; AKA Andras Marton; AKA Marton Andras
Marton, AtillaFeb. 20, 1912250 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioCP3639/ Vol. D1144081NYRumaniaDOA only
Marton, AtillaFeb. 20, 1912612 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1244Sept. 7, 1920New YorkRoumaniaWilliams, John H., 224 E. Walnut St., Painesville, OhioReed, Ben, 681 E. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio
Marton, Joe/ 401903 04 03PrVol. 2 pg 286Jan. 18, 1898HungaryJoughin, John, Painesville, Ohio
Marttala, JohnJune 16, 1882Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP254/ Vol. D3, pg 5437728New YorkFinlandDOA only
Marttala, JohnJune 16, 1882Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1918 06 10CP156/ Vol. 3 pg 6Apr. 17, 1903New YorkFinlandHietanen, Matti, Fairpport Harbor, OhioAho, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Marttila, IsakkiAug. 26, 1898Box 147, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP481/ Vol. D4, pg 18142912New YorkFinlandDOA only
Marut, Antonina DrausDec. 18, 18831084 E. 285 St., Wickliffe, OhioCP4125/ Vol. D1436896Baltimore, MDPolandDOA only; AKA Antoninia Draus; Left & returned x2
Marvar, Anneliese FranziskaAfter 1931CP
Masalle, FeliceMar. 12, 1880/ 23PrVol. 3 pg 13536934ItalyDOA only
Mascia, JohnJuly 10, 1878Bellevue Raod, Wickliffe, Ohio1925 09 23CP420/Vol. 5 pg 7137755New YorkItalyTrivisonno, Carmina, Wickliffe, OhioFerraro, Vincenzo, Wickliffe, Ohio
Masco, Mike1867/ 26PrVol. 1 pg 214July 4, 1888AustriaDOA only
Mash, JohnJuly 10, 1878Stop 24, Wickliffe, OhioCP507/ Vol. D4, pg 20737755New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mashalis, JohnFeb. 20, 1889R.D> #1, Painesville, Ohio1927 06 20CP565/ Vol. 7, pg 16Mar. 22, 1911New YorkLithuaniaSzoka, Frank, Painesville, OhioSmith, Alva, Painesville, OhioAKA Iwan Mascholis; DOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Masley, AndyNov. 20, 1887Fairport Harbor, OhioCP125/ Vol. D2, pg 2539009New YorkAustriaDOA only
Mason, JosephAug. 18, 1879Madison, OhioCP3299/ Vol. D810987Buffalo, NYEnglandDOA only
Massimiani, FrancescoOct. 4, 1892Box 144, Wickliffe, OhioCP621/ Vol. D5, pg 2123, Apr 1915New York, NYItalyDOA only
Massimioni, AngeloMay 1, 1881May 1, 1881CP617/ Vol. D5, pg 1743205New York, NYItalyDOA only
Massino, NicolaJan. 1, 1903108 Railroad St., Painesville, OhioCP955/ Vol. D6, pg 5544559New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mastrangelo, GiovanniFeb. 5, 189358 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP778/ Vol. D5, pg 17840668New YorkItalyDOA only
Mastrangelo, JohnJune 22, 1898Wickliffe, OhioCP911/ Vol. D6, pg 1144264New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mastrangelo, JohnApr. 13, 1873/ 33PrVol. 3 pg 18036569ItalyDOA only
Mastrangelo, JohnFeb. 13, 1873Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1910 07 16CP14/ Vol. 1 pg 14Mar. 27, 1900New YorkItalyCarrel, A.K., Willoughby, OhioCardegno, N., Painesville, OhioSee Manstrangito
Mastrangelo, MaryMay 15, 189431 St. Clair Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP4177/ Vol. D1440629NYItalyDOA only; AKA Mary Lombardo
Mate, ElizabethDec. 1, 1907Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP3289/ Vol. D8, pg 541597New York, NYRumaniaDOA only
Mate, ElizabethDec. 1, 1907348 Mentor Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1933 06 12CP841/ Vol. 10Nov. 19, 1913New YorkRoumaniaHenderson, Richard W., Painesville, OhioMiller, Joseph F., Painesville, Ohio
Mate, FrankAug. 10, 1910Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP3290/ Vol. D841597New York, NYRumaniaDOA only
Mate, FrankAug. 10, 1910Newell Street, Painesville, Ohio1933 06 12CP842/ Vol. 10Nov. 19, 1913New yorkRoumaniaHenderson, Richard W., Painesville, OhioMiller, Joseph I., Painesville, Ohio
Mate, JohnAug. 10, 1881176 Stage Ave., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP113541770New York, N.Y.RumaniaFargo, Emanuel, 324 New St., Fairport, OhioYanko, Laszlo, 178 Stage Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Mate, John (Janos)Aug. 10, 1881176 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3456/ Vol. D941770New York, NYRumaniaDOA only
Mather, John WilliamFeb. 27, 1892262 W. High St., Painesville, OhioCP3176/ Vol. D7, pg 17842628Suspension Bridge at Black Rock, NYEnglandDOA only
Mather, John WilliamFeb. 27, 1892133 Wood Street, Painesville, Ohio1934 06 11CP878/ Vol. 11Sept. 14, 1915Buffalo, New YorkEnglandGoldsmith, S.J., 139 Wood St., Painesville, OhioBrittain, Dean, 68 Lincoln Blvd., Painesville, Ohio
Mathews, GeorgeMay 15, 1838/ 22!960 10 30PrVol. AM pg 10Nov., 1852IrelandSeymour, M.M.
Mathewson, Beatrice3707431 Waldamere Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3293/ Vol. D845584Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only
Mathewson, Patrick ClintDec. 23, 190031 Waldemere Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3284/ Vol. D8, pg 145086Buffalo, N.Y.CanadaDOA only
Matson, Alexander/ 231893 11 03PrVol. 1 pg 181June 29, 1893FinlandBarkinen, John, Fairport, Ohio
Matson, Emil/ 241892 03 15PrVol. 1 pg 115July 20, 1885FinlandHervey, John H., Fairport, Ohio
Matson, Isaac1887 11 03PrVol. B pg 164 & 165Nov. 1881FinlandHilston, Charles G., Painesville, Ohio
Matson, JohnDec. 21, 1874/ 221896 10 29PrVol. 2 pg 383May, 1890FinlandEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Matson, Maikk1851/ 43PrVol. 1 pg 282Feb. 5, 1892FinlandDOA only
Matson, Matti (or Matzan)Mar. 26, 1857/ 371899 03 31PrVol. 1 pg 261Apr. 28, 1882FinlandHissa, Jack, Fairport, Ohio
Matteo, AndreaJuly 17, 1878Robindale Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP474/ Vol. D4, pg 17437585New York, NYItalyDOA only
Matteo, AndriaJuly 17, 1879Stop 24 ½, Robindale Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1925 09 23CP443/ Vol. 5 pg 94Nov. 25, 1902New YorkItalyMinadeo, John, Wickliffe, OhioTrivisonni, Carmmino, Wicliffe, Ohio
Matteo, Antonio ColumbinoDec. 23, 1880948 Station St., Wickliffe, OhioCP4020/ Vol. D1338077NYItalyDOA only
Matteo, AntonioDec. 23, 1880/ 63948 E. 291 St., Wickliffe, Ohio1945 02 08CP2050Mar. 31, 1904New York, N.Y.ItalyVitantonio, Pat, 1035 E. 293 St., Wickliffe, OhioBusen, Peter, 1039 E. 293 St., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Antonio Columbino Matteo
Matteo, ConsolataOct. 11, 1882948 Station St., Wickliffe, OhioCP3919/ Vol. D1338818NYItalyDOA only; AKA Consolata Verdone
Matteo, ConsolataOct. 11, 1882/ 60948 291st St., Wickliffe, Ohio1945 02 08CP19272293New York, N.Y.ItalyMarsh, Jennie, 924 E. 291st St., Wickliffe, OhioWeier, Irene, 910 E. 291st St., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Consolata Verdone
Matteo, JosephApr. 15, 19001028 E. 294 St., Wickliffe, OhioCP4086/ Vol. D1345244Niagara Falls, NYItalyDOA only
Matteo, JosephApr. 15, 1900/ 451056 E. 294th Street, Wickliffe, Ohio1946 02 08CP215214 Nov. 1923Niagara Falls, NYItalyVitantonio, Pat, 1035 E. 293 St., Wickliffe, OhioFratina, Joe, 1033 E. 293 St., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Giuseppe Matteo
Matteo, MicheleMar. 21, 1902511 Elston St., Wickliffe, OhioCP3626/ Vol. D1138679NYItalyDOA only; AKA Michelangelo Martelli
Matteo, Michele ArcangeloMar. 21, 1902823 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1938 09 19CP1216Nov. 23, 1905New YorkItalyProvo, Henry, 491 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioFedor, Robert L., 166 Riverside Dr., Willoughby, Ohio
Matteo, PasqualeFeb. 18, 1886Wickliffe, OhioCP462/ Vol. D4, pg 16236933Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Matteo, PasqualeFeb. 18, 1886Wickliffe, Ohio1921 09 26CP262/ Vol. 4 pg 12Feb. 11, 1901Boston, Mass.ItalyKellogg, M.A., Wickliffe, OhioParsons, Wm., Painesville, Ohio
Matterson, Johan1896 10 17PrVol. 2 pg 70SwedenWood, Alfred, Willoughby, OhioDOA on file
Matthews, Clifford NormanDec. 20, 1921/ 34410 E. Walnut St., Painesville, Ohio1957 02 18CP238418481NYHong Kong, U.K.Taylor, Kirman, 44 Nelson, Painesville, OhioBrand, Charles, 318 Rockwood Dr., Painesville, Ohionot dated
Matthews, Magdalena IbolykaNov. 23, 1922/ 34410 E. Walnut St., Painesville, Ohio1957 02 18CP238518481NYSlovakiaTaylor, Kirman, 44 Nelson, Painesville, OhioBrand, Charles, 318 Rockwood Dr., Painesville, Ohionot dated
Matthews, Peter PhilipJan. 21, 1926R.D. #2, Willoughby, OhioCP4286/ Vol. D1419570Detroit, MichiganEnglandDOA only
Matthews, Peter PhilipJan. 21, 1926R.D. 2, Willoughby, Ohio1961 08 16CP250319570Detroit, MichiganEnglandMessner, Louise, R.D. 2, Willoughby, OhioPaces, Ruth, R.D. 2, Willoughby, Ohio
Matti, AndyOct. 6, 1868/ 321900 10 08PrVol. 2 pg 427Oct. 21, 1885HungarySumegi, Joe, Richmond, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Matti, JoeAug. 1866/ 301899 03 23PrVol. 2, pg 69Feb. 8, 1889HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, Ohio
Mattila, Anna Helen VittoJan. 3, 1878221 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3697/ Vol. D1236698NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Anna Helen Antilla
Mattila, Matti VictorApr. 10, 1875312 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP646/ Vol. D5, pg 4642003Saulte Ste. Marie, Michigan via RR form QuebecFinlandDOA only
Mattila, Matti VictorFeb. 10, 1875221 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3640/ Vol. D1142006Soo, MichiganFinlandDOA only
Mattila, Matti VictorFeb. 10, 1875221 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1230Jan. 2, 1915Soo, Mich.FinlandKehres, Irwin B., 913 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioBokkanen, Moses, 328 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mattinen, Eino LauriOct. 1, 1893201 Second st., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1035/ Vol. 1442562New YorkFinlandMackey, William A., 532 New St., Fairport harbor, OhioRuusi, Isaac, 534 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Eino Artur Mattinen/ Lauri Lappela
Mattinen, Lauri EinoOct. 1, 1893217 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3385/ Vol. D942562New York, NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Lauri Leppela
Mattson, Hannah GretaApr. 18, 1880Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP4016/ Vol. D1338969Philadelphia, Pa.SwedenDOA only; AKA Hanna Skold
Mattson, Hannah GretaApr. 18, 1880/ 64Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1944 08 24CP204338969Phila., Pa.SwedenJohnson, Emaline, Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioSwanson, Nellie, Campbell Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Hanna Skold
Mattson, JamesNov. 4, 1868/ 31PrVol. 2 pg 242May 25, 1893FinlandDOA only Aug. 6, 1900
Mattson, JohnJan. 16, 1882Willoughby, OhioCP509/ Vol. D4, pg 20936993New York, NYSwedenDOA only
Mattson, John LeonardJan. 16, 1882Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OhioCP4044/ Vol. D1336984NYSwedenDOA only; AKA Leonard Martinson; Prev. DOA 1907
Mattson, OttoMay 12, 1873/ 28PrVol. 3 pg 4Apr. 1893FinlandDOA only
Matty, AnnaAug. 17, 1894/ 45Collins Rd., RFD #1, Menotr, Ohio1940 03 04CP13964379New York, N.Y.JugoslviaStromme, Signette, Munson Rd., Mentor, OhioParker, Elizabeth, Munson Rd., Mentor, OhioAKA Anna Puzcko
Matty, ElizabethApr. 23, 1907669 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3785/ Vol. D1344719Portal, North DakotaHungaryDOA only; AKA Elizabeth Balint
Matty, ElizabethApr. 23, 1907/ 33669 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP15248194Portal, N. DakotaHungaryChaney, Rose, 9814 Lamonlier Ave., Cleveland. OhioLapham, Anna, 123 Burton St., Painesville, OhioAKA Elizabeth Balint
Matty, JosephSept. 30, 1895Collins Street, MEntor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1256Apr. 7, 1912New YorkJugoslaviaKlyn, Cerardus K., Jackson St., Mentor, OhioParker, Frank, Munson Rd., Mentor, OhioAKA Joe Matyasecz
Matula, DavidSept. 20, 1884425 King Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1927 06 20CP540/ Vol. 6 pg 91Apr. 11, 1910New YorkFinlandHeikkila, Eddie, 418 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHeikkila, Oscar, 511 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioDOA Sup. Judicial Ct., Piscataquis, Maine
Matyas, JoeMar. 22, 1901/ 44RD1, Richmond Rd., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 23CP1746Nov. 1, 1923New York, N.Y.HungarySabo, John, Box 88, Richmond St., Grand River, ohioSabo, Genevieve, Box 88, Richmond St., Grand River, Ohio2 cards
Matyasecz, JoeSept. 30, 1895R.F.D.1, Mentor, OhioCP3638/ Vol. D1141006NYJugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Josef Matjesic
Matz, AnnaJuly 2, 1881R.F.D. #3, Madison, Ohio1932 06 13CP829/ Vol. 1040310New YorkJugoslaviaEckerle, Charles, Madison, OhioBerg, Fred, Perry, OhioIndexed as Anna Metz; DOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Matz, PeterOct. 10, 1881R.F.D. #3, Madison, Ohio1932 06 13CP830/ Vol. 1040310New YorkJugoslaviaEckerle, Charles, Madison, OhioBerg, Fred, Perry, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Mauritz, LouisMay 30, 1884R.F.D.#3, Mentor, OhioCP3083/ Vol. D7, pg 8340121New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Maurnes, MattiNov. 1, 1877/ 24PrVol. 3 pg 5910 May 1899FinlandDOA only
Mavko, LouiseJune 6, 1899/ 43RFD #3, Dock Rd., Painesville, Ohio1943 03 05CP185744336Boston, Mass.JugoslaviaBerry, Harold C., RD #3, Madison, OhioLeshovic, Frank, RD #3, Madison, OhioAKA Aloisia Mulc
Mavko, MaryJuly 15, 1898RFD #3, Madison, Ohio1944 02 03CP202744150New York, N.Y.AustriaBurkholder, Ann, Dock Rd., Madison, OhioAish, Mary E., Dock Rd., Madison, OhioAKA Maria Poles
Mavko, ValentineFeb. 12, 1894R.F.D. #1, Madison, OhioCP2011/ Vol. D6, pg 21141395New York, NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Mavko, ValentineFeb. 12, 1894R.D. #1, Madison, Ohio1927 10 03CP600/ Vol. 7, pg 5041395New YorkJugoslaviaBalch, William, Madison, OhioBalch, George, Madison, Ohio
Mawn, JamesSept. 19, 1904433 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3225/ Vol. D7, pg 22846634New York, NYIrelandDOA only
Mawn, James38244219 Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1933 09 25CP869/ Vol. 11Sept. 4, 1927New YorkIrelandMcCrone, Arthur J., 306 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLocotosh, John, 209 High St, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
May, CarlMar. 25, 187458 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP3708/ Vol. D12May 25, 1896NYItalyDOA only; AKA Carlo Maggi
May, CarlMar. 25, 1874/ 6758 Second St., Willoughby, Ohio1942 08 27CP1760May 25, 1896New York, N.Y.ItalySilveroli, Carmine, 18 Skiff St., Willoughby, OhioMuccini, Angelo Mike, 18 Skiff St., Willoughby, Ohio
McAbe, John1863 10 03PrVol. A pg 31IrelandHoose, Ezra
McAfee, HughMar. 1, 1840/ 281868 10 06PrVol. AM pg 51May, 1853IrelandClark, Albert, Mentor, Ohio
McAuliff, TimothyFeb. 15, 1838/ 301868 10 12PrVol. A pg 90Nov. 1855IrelandConner, Mark, Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
McBride, CameronAfter 1931CP
McCabe, Patrick AlbertJuly 14, 1884/ 57285 E. 337th St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 03 05CP1765May 13, 1889New York, N.Y.Irelnd (Eire)Wagner, Julia L., 17 Hughes Ave., Willoughby, OhioSwanson, Nellie, 279 E. 337th St., Willoughby, Ohio
McCann, James/ 23PrVol. B pg 119June 1881IrelandDOA only
McCannon, Owen1849/ 381889 04 06PrVol. B pg 159May 1872Scotland
McCannon, Owen/ 381889 04 06PrVol. B pg 159May, 1872ScotlandWilson, Orlando
McCarthy, Barbara ElizabethFeb. 15, 19261204 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio1959 08 14CP246246355Niagara Falls, NYCanadaThomas, Ellen, 145 Jackson St., Mentor, OhioFranz, Margaret, 287 Liberty St., Painesville, OhioAKA Barbara Elizabeth MacLennan
McCarthy, Doris WynneJan. 23, 1904841 Bellevue Ave., Painesville, Ohio1953 02 13CP229416366Detroit, MichiganEnglandMcCue, Arland, Oakwood Blvd., Painesville, OhioMcCue, Martha E., Oakwood Blvd., Painesville, OhioAKA Doris Winnifred Wynne
McCarthy, John1872 08 15PrVol. A pg 161IrelandConners, Brian
McCarthy, Patrick1872 08 15PrVol. A pg 159IrelandConner, Brian, Painesville, Ohio
McCauley, Joseph45460517 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1958 08 12CP243319463Buffalo, NYIrelandHambory, James M., 507 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioGoslowskiy, Joseph, 625 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
McClenaghan, J.1904 04 16PrVol. 4 pg 4July 15, 1891CanadaHunter, J. W., Painesville, OhioLinch, William, Painesville, OhioDOA in Common Pleas Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
McCorkle, MartaApr. 11, 192716 Lake Road, Painesville, Ohio1962 08 07CP257117353NYPolandBurg, Laura D., 1014 Hardy Rd., Painesville, OhioSchmidt, Veda I., P.O. 677, Hardy Rd., Painesville, Ohio
McCready, WilliamJuly 28, 188240 Windemere Dr., Willoughby, Ohio1934 06 11CP876/ Vol. 11Aug. 11, 1919Niagara Falls, New YorkScotlandCall, Frank, Willoughby, OhioCall, Walter, Willoughby, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
McCroarty, JamesSept. 16, 1927237 1/2 Grand River Ave., Painesville, Ohio1958 02 14CP241519050NYIrelandPocsics, Anna May, 227 Grand River, Painesville, OhioPettic, Myrtle, 226 Grand River, Painesville, Ohio
McCrone, Mary ThereseAfter 1931CP
McCrory, PeterNov. 25, 1874511 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP984/ Vol. D6, pg 8444381Niagara Falls, NYIrelandDOA only
McDavitt, Henry/ 341876 09 09PrVol. B pg 20Feb., 1863IrelandSullivan, EmondDOA dated 8 Aug 1874
McDonald, Alexander1900 02 10PrVol. 2 pg 223ScotlandYork, H.E., Fairport, OhioDOA issued 17 Aug 1895, Circuit Ct., St. Clair Co., MI, attached
McDonald, Silvia VellamoApr. 14, 1914/ 31R.F.D. #1, Reynolds Rd., Mentor, Ohio1945 08 23CP212642206New York, N.Y.FinlandEly, Rose, RFD 1, Reynolds Rd., Mentor, OhioKnowles, H. Ward, 73 Center St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Silvia Vellamo; AKA Silpa Wellamo Kaukoranta; AKA Silvia Vellamo Jarvinen; 2 cards
McDonnell, PatrickMar. 16, 1885Fairport Harbor, OhioCP887/ Vol. B5, pg 28739215Philadelphia, Pa.IrelandDOA only
McDougell, Fred D.Jan. 16, 1870/ 251903 03 26PrVol. 3 pg 511Mar. 17, 1895CanadaBarton, Harry S., Richmond, Ohio
McElligott, Darcy WalterFeb. 1, 1899767 Waldensa St., Wickliffe, OhioCP3712/ Vol. D1245102Detroit, Mich.CanadaDOA only
McFarland, Gerarda PieternellaOct. 6, 1920/ 31R.D. #2, Willoughby, Ohio1952 02 08CP226017383NYHollandMcFarland, Ruth Ella, Chillicothe Rd., RFD 2, Willoughby, OhioMcFarland, Edith Marie, RFD 2, Willoughby, OhioAKA Gerarda P. Turkenburg
McGaffey, William J./ 321900 03 31PrVol. 2 pg 227May, 1872IrelandAlvord, Geo. W., Painesville, OhioDOA issued 20 Apr 1857 Probate Ct., Ashtabula Co., Ohio, attached
McGinnis, DeliaFeb. 21, 1886Reedhurst Farm, Mentor, OhioCP3758/ Vol. D1239548NYIrelandDOA only; AKA Delia Mellett
McGlean, Daniel/ 251893 08 25PrVol. B pg 167Aug., 1883IrelandParks, CharlesSpelled McGean, except signature
McGlynn, Martin1853/ 32PrVol. B pg 152June 1879IrelandDOA only
McGrath, EllenNov. 28, 1882/ 59RD #3, North Madison, Ohio1943 03 05CP17021890New York, N.Y.IrelandGress, Rose M., RD #3, Madison, OhioGress, Alfonse P., RD #3, Madison, Ohio
McGrath, Mary AubreyApr. 23, 1891/ 51Mentor & Burton Dr., Mentor, Ohio1943 03 05CP1861Dec. 26, 1920Detroit, Mich.CanadaTraxler, Charlotte, Victoria Dr., RFD #1, Mentor, OhioBabic, Sophie, Victoria Dr., RFD #1, Mentor, OhioAKA Mary Stapleford
McGreevy, Jeremiah/ 221895 11 05PrVol. 1 pg 108Dec. 5, 1889CanadaMurphy, John
McGuire, Ernest PatrickApr. 15, 1900527 South State St., Painesville, OhioCP1089/ Vol. D6, pg 18944676Boston, Mass.CanadaDOA only
McGuire, Flora CatherineOct. 14, 1894/ 4814 Parkway Dr., Willoughby, Ohio1943 03 05CP1858Jan. 21, 1919San Francisco, Calif.Sydney, Austrailia, Great BritainPettee, Anne, 9511 Lamont St., Cleveland, OhioBruce, Rosalind, 147 E. 332nd St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Flora McMichan
McIntyre, Barney1897 09 24PrVol. 2 pg 172CanadaDixon, Frank, Fairport, OhioDOA issued 14 July 1893, St. Clair Co., Michigan, attached
McKay, Gordon ArthurFeb. 3, 190322 1/2 Center St., Willoughby, Ohio1944 02 03CP20318797Buffalo, N.Y.CanadaWitt, Clarence W., 2 Union St., Willoughby, OhioWitt, Matilda, 2 Union St., Willoughby, Ohio
McKay, Jack44323157 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP2034Apr. 18, 1922Niagara Falls, N.Y.CanadaBenzies, Mary, 79 Walnut St., Painesville, OhioTribby, Marshall, 752 Mentor Ave., Painesville Ohio
McKay, JohnMar. 5, 190052 Nelson St., Painesville, OhioCP4108/ Vol. D1444746Niagara Falls, NYScotlandDOA only
McKeary, CatherineNov. 20, 19246065 Cmpbell Road, Mentor-0n-the-Lake, Ohio1965 03 18CP263621267NYScotlandZielinski, Henry A., 6074 Wedgewood Dr., Mentor-on-the-Lake, OhioZielinski, Florence M., 6074 Wedgewood Dr., Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio
McKeary, FrancisAug. 14, 19246065 Campbell Road, Mentor, Ohio1965 03 18CP263520968NYScotlandZielinski, Henry A., 6074 Wedgewood Dr., Mentor-on-the-Lake, OhioZielinski, Florence M., 6074 Wedgewood Dr., Mentor-on-the-Lake, OhioAKA Frank McKeary
McKelvey, Minnie JanetMar. 19, 1891316 S. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1936 03 09CP973/ Vol. 13Aug. 30, 1928Port Huron, MichiganCanadaPhillips, Estella Mrs., Fairport Harbor, OhioStearns, Lillian Frances Mrs., Painesville, Ohio
McKelvey, ThomasMay 31, 1881220 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1085/ Vol. D6, pg 18545363Detroit, MichiganIrelandDOA only
McKelvey, ThomasMay 31, 1881335 East Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1929 09 30CP746/ Vol. 8Mar. 12, 1924Detroit, MichiganIrelandStockwell, Edward Henry, Painesville, OhioBoone, J.L., Painesville, Ohio
McKeogh, MaryAug. 16, 1909Reedhurst Farm, Mentor, Ohio1937 09 20CP1118Aug. 27, 1928New YorkIrelandHayden, Alice N., Reedhurst Farm, Mentor, OhioHayden, Millard, Redhurst Farm, Mentor, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio; AKA Mary Walsh
McKibbin, JohnSept. 20, 1880119 Erie St., Willoughby, OhioCP379/ Vol. D4, pg 7941187New York, NYIrelandDOA only
McKibbin, JohnSept. 20, 1880111 Erie Street, Willoughby, Ohio1920 06 07CP205/ Vol. 3, pg 55Oct. 5, 1912New YorkIrelandThomas, S.S., Willoughby, OhioLow, Samuel, Willoughby, Ohio
McKinnon, Robert RobertonJune 16, 1883E. 315th t., Willoughby, OhioCP3419/ Vol. D943378Lewiston, NY via RRCanadaDOA only
McKinnon, Robert RobertonJune 16, 1883Vine St., & Willowick Dr., Willowick, Ohio1940 03 04CP136843378Lewiston, N.Y.CanadaMcDonald, Emily, 240 E. 315 St., Willoughby, OhioHencke, John W., 31301 Lake Shore Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio
McKnight, John/ 291862 12 19PrVol. AM pg 30April, 1851IrelandFlahaven, Michael
McLaren, Owen ArchibaldDec. 26, 1902168 E. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP1157Apr. 3, 1927Buffalo, New YorkCanadaLanphier, Frederick J., 495 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioOverly, Clarence C., 812 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
McLean, Archibald B.1893 03 31PrVol. 1 pg 161CanadaMerrill, S.J., Fairport, OhioCert. only
McLean, Samuel1872 10 07PrVol. A pg 170New BrunswickChapman, William
McLean, William NormanAug. 21, 189231 Center St., Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP1233Aug. 18, 1919Vancaboro, Me.CanadaDevita, Alphonse, 1541 E. 219 St., Euclid, OhioCook, Edward, Rosedale, E. Cleveland, Ohio
McLeod, Alexander1861/ 23PrVol. B pg 129Apr. 1880CanadaDOA only
McLeod, Dan Argae NormanMar. 10, 1888Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 4538412Buffalo, New YorkCanadaDOA only
McLeod, Dan Argue NormanMar. 10, 1888119 South Street, Painesville, Ohio1911 06 28CP33/ Vol. 1 pg 33Mar. 1, 1906Buffalo, New YorkCanadaMcLeod, Geo. K., Painesville, OhioMelton, F.D., Painesville, Ohio
McLeod, George K.Sept. 8, 1861/ 251898 11 08PrVol. 2 pg 51Sept., 1891CanadaCrofoot, B. Frank, Painesville, Ohio
McMillan, John Munro40406c/o M.C. Bolton, 400 Center St., Mentor, OhioCP3586/ Vol. D1147231NYScotlandDOA only
McNally, JohnJune 11, 1853/ 231876 10 14PrVol. B pg 255Apr., 1855IrelandBaker, Edwin
McNamara, Timothy1874 10 10PrVol. B pg 1Sept., 1856IrelandCallender, G.F.
McNaughton, JohnAug. 9, 1878R.F.D.#4, Painesville, OhioCP457/ Vol. D4, pg 15740655New York, NYScotlandDOA only
McNaughton, Minnie MaudMar. 6, 1889Parmlee Farm, Painesville, OhioCP3077/ Vol. D7, pg 7740837New York, NYEnglandDOA only
McVey, JohnMay 17, 1850/ 301880 10 08PrVol. B pg 371Apr., 1867IrelandEllen, John S.
McVittie, JamesDec. 1838/ 211860 11 03PrVol. AM pg 17April, 1854IrelandLittle, John
McVitty, IsaacMar. 20, 1843/ 241867 06 29PrVol. AM pg 35Dec., 1855IrelandMcVitty, James
McVitty, Joseph1867 10 08PrVol. A pg 64IrelandCrawford, John, Perry, OhioResided in US at least 1 yr. Honorable disch. U.S. Army
Mead, George FrederickAug. 4, 1897325 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1020/ Vol. D6, pg 12045004Buffalo, N.Y.EnglandDOA only
Mechler, StephenDec. 26, 1883R.F.D., Willoughby, Ohio1921 09 26CP151/ Vol. 3 pg 1Dec. 13, 1906New YorkHungaryLuscher, Karl, R.F.D., Willoughby, OhioBrichford, F.C., R.F.D., Willoughby, OhioDOA, Superior Court, Nassau Co., N.Y.
Medgyesi, FrankMay 9, 1865/ 38PrVol. 3 pg 11436814HungaryDOA only
Medvig, MichaelSept. 14, 1870338 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP347/ Bol. D4, pg 4740027New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Medvig, MichaelSept. 14, 1870R.F.D. #2, Madison, Ohio1923 09 25CP366/ Vol. 5 pg 1740024New YorkHungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioPoleck, George, Fairport Harbor, OhioSee also #249/ Vol. 3 pg 99
Medvik, JoeMar. 5, 1895426 Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1921 09 26CP289/ Vol. 4 pg 40Nov. 10, 1910Philadelphia, Penna.AustriaHietanen, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, George, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Medway, StefMar. 25, 1863/33PrVol. 2 pg 25Aug. 22, 1895Austria-HungaryDOA only 07 Aug 1896
Meehan, Francis CharlesFeb. 11, 1924/ 29Norwood Dr., N. Madison, Ohio1955 02 11CP231616805NYNewfoundlandSchultz, Margaret, N. Ridge Rd., N. Madison, OhioCoruso, Mary L., 35925 Vine St., Eastlake, Ohio
Megary, PatrickMay 1, 1838/ 301868 10 13PrVol. A pg 92Apr., 1844IrelandBrick, John, Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Megyesi, ElizabethMay 30, 1885764 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3563/ Vol. D1036830NYHungaryDOA only
Megyesi, ElizabethMay 30, 1885259 Chester St., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP1172Oct. 31, 1900New YorkHungaryFrancosky, Steve, 448 Chardon, Painesville, OhioChop, John, 191 N. St., Clair, Painesville, Ohio
Megyesi, JohnJune 24, 1874/ 66259 Chester St., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP141112-23-1898New York, N.Y.HungaryFrancosky, Steve, Chardon St., Painesville, OhioChop, John, 191 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Janos Megyesi
Mehls, EmiliaDec. 10, 1881/ 59279 Southland Ave., Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio1942, 03 02CP1677Nov. 26, 1902New YorkCiechocinek, PolandMielke, Emilia, 4311 Fulton Rd., Cleveland, OhioMielke, Julia, 3714 Brooklyn Ave., Cleveland, Ohio
Meier, Charles/ 231887 12 19PrVol. 1 pg 302July 2, 1881GermanyKnaus, Michael, Mentor, Ohio
Meier, Karl HenryDec. 24, 1890Lodge Road, Madison, Ohio1960 08 12CP249439356NYGermanyBliss, Mary Ann, Rt. 5, ThompsonWervesch, Ellen, Rt. 2, Madison, OhioAKA Karl Henry Meyer
Meinhardt, William1889 10 15PrVol. 1 pg 34May, 1864GermanyFrank, George, Kirtland, Ohio
Meinke, Abner H.Aug. 7, 1869/ 311900 10 22PrVol. 2 pg 431Oct. 1, 1884CanadaBurridge, E., Mentor, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Meivogel, Jan RoelofAug. 7, 1902/ 39RFD#1, Wood Rd., Madison, Ohio1942 08 24CP184245050New York, N.Y.HollandMesman, Margaret, S. Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioMesman, Nicholas, S. Ridge Rd., Madison, Ohio
Meivogel, Simon PeterApr. 18, 1916/ 24N. Ridge Rd., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP14678028New York, N.Y.HollandBraid, Claude William, Park Rd., RFD 2, Painesville, OhioLynch, Thomas L., Fairport Nursery Rd., RFD 1, Painesville, Ohio
Mele, JoeApr. 20, 1887Willoughby, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 2038468New YorkItalyDOA only
Mele, JoeApr. 20, 1887104 Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1911 06 28CP30/ Vol. 1 pg 30Apr. 11, 1905New York CityItalyMcGraw, M.L., Willoughby, OhioElliott, F.A., Willoughby, OhioSee also #19, Vol 1 pg 19
Mele, NickNov. 4, 190598 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP1019/ Vol. D6 pg 11943950Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Melicher, PaulJan. 31, 1879RFD #1, Box 57, Painesville, OhioCP555/ Vol. D4, pg 25513 Aug 1897New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Menei, BlasioAug. 6, 1892959 Station St., Wickliffe, OhioCP3417/ Vol. D940259Philadelphia, Pa.ItalyDOA only
Menei, BlasioAug. 6, 1892959 Station St., Wickliffe, Ohio1938 09 19CP1051/ Vol. 14Mar. 22, 1910Philadelphia, Penna.ItalyAllacco, Mike, 959 Station St., Wickliffe, OhioLastorio, Antonio, 1091 Taylor St., Wickliffe, Ohio
Menei, Maria AgataFeb. 5, 1900/ 40959 Station St., Wickliffe, Ohio1940 09 16CP14477742New York, N.Y.ItalyDiCicco, Teresa, 851 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioPallante, Lucy, 741 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Maria DiSalvo
Menyhart, Alex (Elt Meryhoiet)Mar. 18, 1890211 Mathews St., Painesville, OhioCP3206/ Vol. D7, pg 20941017New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Menyko, Janos (John)Mar. 8, 1893R.D. #1, Perry, OhioCP3436/ Vol. D940589New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Menzel, Adolf HenryFeb. 5, 1897Barber St., Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP1222Apr. 9, 1907New YorkGermanyReidl, Andrew, Willoughby, OhioSandman, Charles F., Willowick, OhioDOA CP Ct. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Meo, Felix Anthony45457640 No. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP4178/ Vol. D1414040ItalyDOA only; AKA Felice Meo
Meo, Felix AnthonyJune 14, 1924/ 25640 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1950 02 10CP223714040NYItalyPollutro, Carmella, 783 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioPeltoma, Irene, 483 Bank St., Painesville, OhioAKA Felice Meo
Meo, Maria AssuntaFeb. 2, 1902/ 40640 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP180514040New York, N.Y.ItalyDiiorio, Nicola, 11 Chester St., Painesville, OhioTerriocco, Pasquale, 1241 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio
Meo, MaymeJan. 22, 1922640 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP4160/ Vol. D1414040NY City, NYItalyDOA only; AKA Domenica (Mamie) Meo
Meo, VincenzoJune 10, 189582 Sanford Street, Painesville, Ohio1929 06 17CP709/ Vol. 8Nov. 12, 1923Boston, Mass.ItalySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioTerriaco, Pasquale, Painesville, OhioSee also #691/ Vol. 8, pg 135; DOA W. PA Dist. Ct., Pittsburgh, PA
Meo, VincenzoJune 10, 189582 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP691/ Vol. 840212NYItalySmith, Lillian B., Painesville, OhioBuckley, E. H., Painesville, OhioDOA Western Pennsylvania District Court
Merch, JosephJuly 11, 1897912 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 09 20CP1034/ Vol. 14Jan. 28, 1914New YorkHungaryGuraly, John, 240 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKing, James S., 791 Oak St., Painesville, OhioAKA Josef Mires
Mercsak, Anna MaryApr. 16, 1876/ 79216 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1955 08 05CP233843255NYHungaryBell, Susanna, 247 Courtland, Fairport Harbor, OhioBezzey, Anna, 230 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mercsak, Joseph JohnApr. 11, 1899216 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP821/ Vol. D5, pg 22138508New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Mercsak, Joseph JohnApr. 11, 1899216 Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1923 09 25CP357/ Vol. 5 pg 838143New YorkHungaryMcLean, A.D., Painesville, OhioHisey, M.E., Painesville, Ohio
Mercsak, Stephen AndrewJan. 18, 1897Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP501/ Vol. D4, pg 20138122New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Mercsak, Stephen AndrewJan. 18, 1897802 High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1922 06 06CP317/ Vol. 4 pg 6838122New YorkHungaryMcLean, A.D., Painesville, OhioGallagher, Francis, Painesville, Ohio
Meres, JosephJuly 11, 1897524 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP853/ Vol. D5, pg 25341664New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Merkosky, JohnOct. 1, 1888Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP1017/ Vol. D6, pg 11741427Philadelphia, Penna.HungaryDOA only
Merkosky, JohnOct. 1, 1888837 N. State Street, Painesville, Ohio1929 06 17CP632/ Vol. 7, pg 8041427Philadelphia, Penna.HungaryAdvey, Joe, Painesville, OhioMcDevitt, Harry, Painesville, Ohio
Mermier, Mermius1839/ 55PrVol. 1 pg 246May 1858FranceDOA only
Merrill, John S./ 211891 09 29PrVol. 1 pg 87Jan. 1, 1876CanadaMoodey, Chas. A., Painesville, Ohio
Merrill, Samuel/ 531895 11 04PrVol. 1 pg 179Nov. 9, 1876EnglandJohnson, Judson, Painesville, Ohio
Merrill, Samuel JamesFeb. 14, 1884/ 211885 08 07PrVol. B pg 386Dec., 1875CanadaCarruthers, Fred F., Painesville, Ohio
Merrill, William W.Apr. 25, 1862/ 211883 07 27PrVol. B pg 378Dec., 1876CanadaHouse, Charles F., Painesville, Ohio
Merwin, ConstanceJuly 8, 1889/ 45156 Lusard St., Painesville, Ohio1950 02 10CP224317078NYEnglandMcCrone, Edna, 148 Lusard St., Painesville, OhioQuiggle, Helen, 261 S. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Constance Julia Parnell
Mesman, MargaretJune 14, 1889South Ridge, Perry, Ohio1936 03 09CP988/ Vol. 13Nov. 17, 1916New YorkThe NetherlandsKimball, Abel, Madison, OhioKimball, Elizabeth, Madison, OhioAKA Margaretha Mesman; Loss of citizenship
Mesman, NicholasOct. 2, 1881R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP751/ Vol. D5, pg 15117 Mov 1916Hoboken, New York [sic]HollandDOA only
Mesman, NicholasOct. 2, 1881RFD #1, Painesville, Ohio1925 06 04CP436/ Vol. 5 pg 8742671New YorkHollandSmith, Alva H., Painesville, OhioChadwick, Roy, Painesville, Ohio
Messina, SamJan. 11, 1907523 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3027/ Vol. D7, pg 2742642New York, NYItalyDOA only
Messina, SamJan. 11, 1907433 N. St. Clair Street, Painesville, Ohio1928 10 01CP673/ Vol. 7, pg 121Sept. 29, 1916New YorkItalySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioVanPelt, Harry, Painesville, Ohio
Messina, TomJune 5, 1878433 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP4058/ Vol. D1341745NYItalyDOA only; AKA Tommaso Messina
Meszaros, AlexFeb. 22, 1886Painesville Twp, OhioCP324/ Vol. D4, pg 2437677New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Meszaros, AlexFeb. 22, 1886R.F.D.#1, Box 85, Painesville, Ohio1921 06 06CP178/ Vol. 3 pg 28Feb. 25, 1903New YorkHungaryColavecchio, Mike, Painesville, OhioSzabo, Joe, Painesville, Ohio
Meszaros, GeorgeApr. 6, 1879116 Mathews St., Painesville, OhioCP728/ Vol. D5, pg 12838973New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Meszaros, MaryJune 19, 1880/ 64208 E. 339th St., Willoughby, Ohio1945 02 08CP207041072New York, N.Y.HungaryCorran, Winifred, 65 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, OhioLangel, Mary, 213 E. 338th St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Maria Zako
Meyer, John Jr.Aug. 25, 1839/ 211860 11 06PrVol. AM Pg 28Sept., 1860SwitzerlandMeyer, JohnCheck dates.
Meyllynierni, Solomon1895 11 04PrVol. 2 pg 4FinlandEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, OhioDOA on file
Mezacapa, Vitorio (Vittorio Mezzacappo)37773861 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3475/ Vol. D944217New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mezacape, Vitorio37773855 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1937 03 08CP1066/ Vol. 15Jan. 21, 1921New YorkItalyVitantonio, Pat, 1052 Bell Ave., Wickliffe, OhioMatteo, Sam, 1032 Robindale Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Vittoriz Mezzacappo
Mezey, GeorgeApr. 24, 1888693 Bank St., Painesville, OhioCP4089/ Vol. D1338845NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Gyorgy Mezei
Mezey, GeorgeApr. 24, 1888/ 57614 Liberty St., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP211238845New YorkHungaryTirpak, Helen, Lakeshore Blvd., Richmond, OhioKanocz, Elizabeth, 748 N. State St., Painesville, OhioAKA George Mezei; 2 cards
Mezey, HelenApril 18, 1889352 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP200339179New York, N.Y.HungaryGregory, Ralph, 50 W. Washington St., Painesville, OhioBeres, John, Johnny Cake Ridge Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Ilona Herbent
Mezy, Helen38847693 Bank St., Painesville, OhioCP3989/ Vol. D1339179NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Ilona Herbent
Michelmore, PhilipMar. 10, 1882Wickliffe, OhioCP627/ Vol. D5, pg 2742724Chicago, IllinoisEnglandDOA only
Michelsen, CorneliusJuly 18, 1891Box 444, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP325/ Vol. D4, pg 2540873Savannah, GeorgiaNorwayDOA only
Michelsen, CorneliusJuly 18, 1891429 Independence Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1921, 06 07CP265/ Vol. 4 pg 15Nov. 26, 1911Savannah, Ga.NorwayJacobson, John A., Fairport Harbor, OhioLuoma, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Michkanyich, JohnJuly 20, 1873/ 261899 03 23PrVol. 2 pg 412May 2, 1889AustriaPoytash, John, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Middleton, Annie RobertsonMay 25, 1902/ 39Winden Farm, Willoughby, Ohio1941 08 25CP161347271New York, N.Y.ScotlandRockliffe, Ernest, South Farm, Willoughby, OhioKunzman, Sue, Winden Farm, Willoughby, OhioAKA Annie Robertson Coutts
Middleton, Arthur NicolMar. 29, 1901Winden Farm, Willoughby, OhioCP3598/ Vol. D1145739NYScotlandDOA only
Middleton, Arthur NicolMar. 29, 1901Winden Farm, Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP119245739New YorkScotlandRockliffe, Ernest W., South Farm, Willoughby, OhioHodgson, Elmer, c/o Winden Farm, Willoughby, Ohio
Middleton, Barbara Jane4691028 Beach Park Drive, Willoughby, OhioCP4208/ Vol. D1417938NYScotlandDOA only
Middleton, LeslieAfter 1931CP
Middleton, Martha Graham Robertson CardoAfter 1931CP
Middleton, Mary DavidsonAfter 1931CP
Middleton, William George MacLeodAfter 1931CP
Mietty, EsaMar. 24, 1904334 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 09 19CP1205Jan. 5, 1933New YorkFinlandPietila, William, 658 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioLaitinen, John, 323 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Esaias Somppi Rietty
Mietty, Esaias SomppiMar. 24, 1904413 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3393/ Vol. D912059New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Mihalenko, JohnMar. 31, 1887509 third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3917/ Vol. D1340846NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only; AKA Janos Mihalenko
Mihalenko, MikeOct. 31, 1890605 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP926/ Vol. D6, pg 2644393New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Mihalenko, MikeSept. 26, 1890108 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3722/ Vol. D1244361NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only; AKA Michal Michalenko
Mihalenko, MikeSept. 26, 1890/ 49509 3rd St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 09 18CP132444361New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaHambor, Geo.W. Jr., 533 2nd St., Fairport, OhioLocotosh, Paul J., 209 High St., Fairport, Ohio
Mihelich, JoeAug. 24, 1903911 Depot Rd., Wickliffe, OhioCP3802/ Vol. D1344185NYJugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Josip Mihelich
Miklitsch, John Jr.After 1931CP
Miklos, JohnFeb. 27, 1861/ 291899 03 23PrVol. 2 pg 411May 20, 1886AustriaPatrick, Mike, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Miles, Francis Joseph AllenAug. 17, 1916/ 25RFD #1, Lakeview Dr., Mintor-on-the-Lake, OhioCP1761Jan. 11, 1927New York, N.Y.EnglandGilbert, Ray, 957 E. 143 St., Cleveland, OhioJusko, Joseph, RD#1, Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio
Miles, Joseph A.1891 04 06PrVol. 1 pg 77CanadaHeater, Leonard, Fairport, OhioCert. only
Milestone Olive MargaretJune 21, 1900/ 5161 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, Ohio1952 02 08CP227418202Maine via autoCanadaTrenn, Alice, 22 Summit St., Willoughby, OhioWasson, Florence, 55 Euclid, Willoughby, Ohio
Miliauskas, AntanasJan. 17, 1906/ 4935995 Vine St., Eastlake, Ohio1955 08 05CP233718172NYLithuaniaMalsing, Rose, 1079 Beidler, Eastlake, OhioBilicic, Tillie, 1087 Beidler, Eastlake, Ohio
Millard, Annie AndersonFeb. 11, 1901Route 2, Mentor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1020/ Vol. 14Sept. 9, 1927Buffalo, New YorkScotlandCrozier, William P., 84 W. Jackson, Painesville, OhioCrozier, Myrtle, 84 W. Jackson, Painesville, Ohio
Millen, AndrewApr. 27, 1881Wickliffe, OhioCP406/ Vol. D4, pg 10636687New York City, NYScotlandDOA only
Miller, John RaineyDec. 19, 1884146 St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP409/ Vol. D4, pg 10942063Detroit, Michigan via RR from Midland OntarioEnglandDOA only
Miller, John ReneyDec. 20, 1884519 S. State St., Painesville, OhioCP3104/ Vol. D7, pg 10542596Buffalo, NYEnglandDOA only
Miller, JosefNov.12, 1870/ 30PrVol. 2 pg 27819 Mar 1898FinlandDOA only 1900 11 01
Miller, Joseph1904 08 22PrVol. 4 pg 5Mar. 19, 1899HungaryLaczko, Andre, Grand River, OhioBrooks, Samuel, Mentor, Ohio
Miller, Peter DzublenkoJune 29, 1888Lee Road R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioCP3861/ Vol. D1341557Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.RussiaDOA only; AKA Piotr Dzublenko
Miller, W.L.1892 05 12PrVol. 1 pg 117CanadaMorley, C.T., Painesville, OhioCert. only
Millonzi, Franchi1902 04 07PrVol. 3 pg 28ItalyMoss, Charles, Painesville, OhioDOA on file, issued Buffalo, N.Y.
Mills, Frank ArthurDec. 19, 1884Box 2, Mentor, OhioCP408/ Vol. D4, 40840778New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Mills, Frank ArthurDec. 19, 1884Mentor, Ohio1921 9 27CP243/ Vol. 3 pg 93Aug. 23, 1911New YorkEnglandWhitcomb, R.N., Painesville, OhioHawkins, Floyd, Painesville, Ohio
Minadeo, AntonioMar. 12, 1867/ 35PrVol. 3 pg 6527 Mar 1888ItalyDOA only
Minadeo, PietroFeb. 15, 1888Stop 24, Wickliffe, OhioCP737/ Vol. D5, pg 1373 Dec 1898New York, NYItalyDOA only
Minadeo, PietroFeb. 15, 1888Bellevue Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1924 09 25CP396/ Vol. 5, pg 47Dec. 3, 1898New YorkItalyMarinello, David, Wickliffe, OhioMatteo, Pasquale, Wickliffe, Ohio
Minadeo, S.Dec. 25, 1874/ 33PrVol. 2 pg 235Apr. 1892ItalyDOA only Apr. 21, 1900
Mingane, Stephen1866 10 13PrVol. 1 pg 101IrelandMorsell, Moses, Painesville, OhioDOA issued Curcuit Ct., County of Fond du Lac, Wisc.
Minillo, GinoOct. 12, 1909968 East 363 St., Eastlake, Ohio1957 02 18CP238918594NYItalyDodd, Richard H., 1285 Oakwood, Mentor, OhioYatsko, Michael, 21171 Miland Ave., Euclid, Ohiono date
Minillo, Palmyre439881472 East 363 Street, Eastlake, Ohio1962 08 07CP257018953NYFranceHrehocik, Alice, 1339 E. 360 St., Eastlake, OhioCanner, Arthur, 2640 University Blvd., University Hts. 18, OhioAKA Palmyre Sybord
Mioczkowski, StanislausMar. 23, 1879Vine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP340/ Vol. D4, pg 4040637Philadelphia, Penna.HollandDOA only
Mirch, JosephJuly 11, 1897912 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3392/ Vol. D941667New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Mitchell, Hazel MargaretOct. 18, 1903/ 3642 Ivanhoe, Willoughby, Ohio1939 12 04CP1345Alexandrie, Mo., USAHamilton, Sylvia, E. 332, Willoughby, OhioSpring, Gladys, 199 RobRoy Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Mitchell, William H.1866 10 10PrVol. A pg 83IrelandKing, Thomas, Madison, OhioResided in US at least 1 yr. Honorable disch. Army
Mljac, LovrencAug. 10, 1881c/o H.J. Turney, E. Main Turney Rd., Madison, OhioCP3811/ Vol. D1341477NYAustria, now ItalyDOA only; AKA Lorenz Mljac
Modic, FrankAug. 5, 1896505 New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1943 08 27CP195115360Detroit, Mich.JugoslaviaZuzek, John, 531 N. State St., Painesville, OhioSvigelj, Louis, 214 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Franc Modic
Modrzyowski, JOhnMay 8, 1872Box 102, Madison, OhioCP770/ Vol. D5, pg 17037302New York, NYPolandDOA only
Mogor, JosephMar. 18, 1881Box 252, Painesville, OhioCP856/ Vol. D5, pg 25638346New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Mogor, JosephMar. 18, 1881R.D. #1, Painesville, Ohio1927 10 03CP595/ Vol. 7, pg 46Dec. 25, 1904New YorkHungary/ AustriaSzoka, Frank, Painesville, OhioBillington, Russ B., Painesville, Ohio
Mogor, MaryMar. 28, 1893R.D. #1, Painesville, Ohio1928 10 01CP654/ Vol. 7, pg 10239231New YorkHungary/ AustriaPercy, Mrs. J.H., Painesville, OhioBillington, Mrs.James, Painesville, Ohio
Mohun, John ThomasSept. 5, 1892128 Roberts Road, Willoughby, OhioCP4163/ Vol. D1442365Lewiston, NYEnglandDOA only
Mohun, John ThomasSept. 5, 1892/ 56128 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1949 02 11CP222542365Lewiston, NY on wagonEnglandDeGene, Elsie E., 126 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, OhioDeGene, Lynn A., 126 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Mohun, Margaret ElizabethAug. 3, 1894128 Roberts Road, Willoughby, OhioCP4162/ Vol. D1442391Lewiston, NYCanadaDOA only
Mohun, Margaret ElizabethAug. 3, 1844/ 54128 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1949 02 11CP222642391Lewiston, NY on wagonEnglandDeGene, Elsie E., 126 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, OhioDeGene, Lynn A., 126 Roberts Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Moi, Hans HermanJuly 13, 1882Fairport Harbor, OhioCP707/ Vol. D5, pg 10737853Boston, Mass.NorwayDOA only
Moisio, Charles EmilJune 29, 1887463 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1017/ Vol. 14Sept. 30, 1921New YorkFinlandKatila, Matti E., 788 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioJohnson, William J., 432 Independence St., Fairport Hbr, Ohio
Moisio, VictorMar. 30, 1909933 N. State St., Painesville, OhioCP3377/ Vol. D843517Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Moisio, Victor LeonardMar. 30, 1909933 N. State Street, Painesville, Ohio1935 09 23CP964/ Vol. 13Feb. 21, 1919Buffalo, New YorkCanadaLapham, Clarence, 86 Pearl St., Painesville, OhioLapham, Clyde, RFD 2, Painesville, Ohio
Mojsio, Kalle EmilJune 29, 1887618 Taylor Place, Painesville, OhioCP3280/ Vol. D7, pg 28344470New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Mokove, SteveSept. 20, 1861/ 35PrVol. 2 pg 110Mar. 25, 1896HungaryDOA only Oct. 20, 1896
Mokoy, Ladislas1871/ 30PrVol. 3 pg 1712 Mar 1897HungaryDOA only 10 Mar 1897
Mokri, Alex StevenAug. 31, 1896908 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP848/ Vol. D5, pg 24844510New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Moksy, JohanAug. 15, 1864/ 32PrVol. 2 pg 139May 18, 1889FinlandDOA only Mar. 29, 1897
Moldovan, DanJan. 12, 1883Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP365/ Vol. D4, pg 6540722New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Moller, John A.Dec. 5, 1858/ 381896 11 02PrVol. 2 pg 391abt. Aug., 1869SwedenPost, John E., Richmond, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Molly, JoeFeb. 18, 1864710 N. State st., Painesville, OhioCP1092/ Vol. D6, pg 19239879New York, NYItalyDOA only
Molnar, AndrewNov. 19, 1878Fobes St., Painesville, OhioCP2018/ Vol. D6, pg 21837703New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Molnar, AndrewNov. 18, 1877Perry, OhioIncompleteCP56/ Vol. 2 pg 637683NYHungaryStern, L., Fairport Harbor, OhioBeres, J., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Molnar, JohanNov. 5, 1878/ 221900 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 444May 15, 1894HungaryKline, Henry, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Molnar, JohnOct. 22, 1900R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP837/ Vol. D5, pg 23741624New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Molnar, JohnJan. 17, 1862/ 381903 01 29PrVol. 2 pg 231May 31, 1887HungaryButton, Albert, Painesville, Ohio
Molnar, JohnOct. 22, 1900R.F.D. #1, Painesville, Ohio1929 06 17CP693/ Vol. 8, pg 138Dec. 16, 1913New YorkHungaryKallay, B.K., Painesville, OhioKallay, Chas., Painesville, Ohio
Molnar, JosephJan. 5, 1892614 Mew Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3126/ Vol. D7, pg 12739000New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Molnar, JuliusJune 13, 1887PerryCP145/ Vol. D2, pg 4539101New YorkHungaryDOA only
Molnar, MikeNov. 16, 1879202 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3839/ Vol. D1337684NYHungaryDOA only
Molnar, MikeMar. 31, 1906326 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP943/ Vol. D6, pg 4344258New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Molnar, Miklos/ 231898 07 22PrVol. 1 pg 237Dec. 25, 1891HungaryDemcsak, Peter, Fairport, Ohio
Molnar, PaulAug. 25, 1899418 Secont St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3127/ Vol. D7, pg 12844897New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Molnar, PaulJan. 25, 1896418 Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1931 06 15CP800/ Vol. 9Dec. 1, 1922New YorkHungaryStropksi, Stephen, Fairport Harbor, OhioSebian, Joseph I., Painesville, Ohio
Molnar, SteveMar. 18, 1883Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP651/ Vol. D5. pg 5139248New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Molnar, SteveMar. 19, 1883Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3064/ Vol. D7, pg 6438153New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Molnar, VeronaMar. 9, 1881Fobes St., Painesville, OhioCP4019/ Vol. D131 Mat 1903NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Verona Bezeg; letter on back
Momm, Werner Wilhelm4731734315 South Windsor Court, Eastlake, Ohio1967 02 08CP267720005?West GermanyNoyes, Samuel, 34315 So. Windsor, Eastlake, OhioMeister, Martin, 31612 Dannell Dr., Willowick, Ohio
Montanair, AnofrioJune 12, 1887Stop 24, Wickliffe, OhioCP605/ Vol. D5, pg 538774New York, NYItalyDOA only
Montanari, Elma MargaretJan. 23, 19246889 Lake Road, North Madison, Ohio1962 03 22CP251116606San Francisco, Calif.Sydney, AustraliaWebster, Burdette, 48 Dundee, N. Madison, OhioMontanari, Edward, 6889 Lake Rd., No. Madison, OhioIncomplete? 1960; AKA Elma Margaret Arnold
Montgomery, Clarence henryOct. 13, 1880Main St., Painesville, OhioCP453/ Vol. D4, pg 15342760Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Montler, Ursula MaryFeb. 8, 1918/ 37269 Orchard Road, Painesville, Ohio1956 02 10CP235016917San Francisco, Calif.AustraliaWilson, Mary, 234 Orchard, Painesville, OhioPhillips, Murill, 263 Orchard, Painesville, Ohio
Moodey, Ellen MarjorieSept. 19, 190031 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio1938 09 19CP117011894Buffalo, New YorkCanadaBond, Grace H., 102 W. Erie, Painesville, OhioWilliams, Maude, 23 Mentor Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Moody, Andy/ 261901 03 30PrVol. 1 pg 323Dec. 6, 1890HungaryDeurchak, Steve, Fairport, Ohio
Mooney, VanceJan. 15, 19161508 Mapledale Road, Wickliffe, Ohio1962 08 07CP256446544NYScotlandHodgman, Merton W., RD 1 Willoughby, OhioChristie, Norma, 7175 Butternut Lane, Mentor, Ohio
Moor, GarretJune 9, 1820/ 401860 11 03PrVol. AM pg 21Nov., 1837IrelandWilson, Orrin
Moore, Harry EdwardMar. 31, 1882/ 57Little Mountain Rd., Mentor, Oho1940 03 04CP14101645New York, N.Y.EnglandPyrch, Mildred, Mentor, OhoPyrch, John, Mentor, Ohio
Moore, Jane Kenna McCarthyAfter 1931CP
Moore, LouiseSept. 15, 1890/ 51Little Mountain Road, Mentor, Ohio1942 03 02CP1712Nov. 14, 1920New York, N.Y.EnglandPyrch, Mildred B., Johnny Cake Ridge, Mentor, OhioTaylor, Elizabeth, 1617 Maple Rd., Cleveland Hts., Ohio
Moore, Patrick1856 09 03ODCVol. 1845+ pg 31
Moore, RichardSept. 3, 1847/ 211868 10 01PrVol. AM pg 50Sept., 1863IrelandBrick, John, Painesville, Ohio
Moore, William/ 361883 11 20PrVol. B pg 105Oct., 1863CanadaBurr, Theodore H.
Moorhouse, GeorgeDec. 22, 1899R.F.D. #3, Madison, Ohio1957 02 15CP239038233NYEnglandDolce, Jennie, 799 E. Erie, Painesville, OhioDolce, James J., 799 E. Erie, Painesville, Ohiono date
Moran, PatrickAug. 19, 1908737 Center St., Mentor, OhioCP3635/ Vol. D1146502NYIrelandDOA only
Moravec, Marie GabrielFeb. 24, 187524 Garden Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP19552434Baltimore, Md.CzechoslovakiaVober, Evelyn, 22 Ninadel, Erieside, OhioVober, John, 22 Ninadel, Erieside, OhioAKA Marie Satra [circumflex over first A]
Morgan, WalterAug. 15, 1905384 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioCP4185/ Vol. D1445117NYEnglandDOA only
Morgan, WalterAug. 15, 1905/ 46Ardoye Dr., R.F.D. Painesville, Ohio1951 08 08CP224745117EnglandMarsh, Melvin, Narrows Rd., Perry, OhioNasca, Alta, Ardoye, Painesville, OhioMilitary-Army 11-23-42 til 11-14-45
Morik, MikeSept. 16, 1868/ 271899 03 10PrVol. 2 pg 22Jan., 1891HungaryRiker, Geo. L., Fairport, Ohio
Morino, MikeNov. 11, 1894Painesville, OhioCP243/ Vol. D3, pg 4340644New YorkItalyDOA only
Moritz, ElizabethMay 31, 1886/ 69716 River Street, Grand River, Ohio1956 02 10CP233415 May 1899NYHungaryPastor, Elizabeth, 712 Newell St., Painesville, OhioDaunch, Barbara, 225 Orchard St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Erzsebet Kiss (Mrs. Michael Moritz)
Moritz, MichaelJuly 12, 1883River St., Grand River, OhioCP3481/ Vol. D936659New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Moritz, MichaelJuly 12, 1883Grand River, OhioCP3045/ Vol. D7, pg 4536659New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Moritz, SophiaOct. 28, 1892820 Carson St., Painesville, Ohio1957 02 18CP239241815NYHungaryYanko, Ethel, 178 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCinke, Margaret, 164 Chester St., Painesville, OhioAKA Sofia Moricz
Morley, Henry1870 10 10PrVol. A pg 126IrelandMorley, James
Moroz, Anna39637425 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 09 20CP111346877New YorkCzechoslovakiaVolanski, Anna, 412 Second St., Fairport harbor, OhioMamrak, Anna, 206 E. Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Moroz, NickDec. 24, 1896519 Prospect St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1079/ Vol. D6, pg 17944306New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Moroz, NickNov. 24, 1895Fairport Harbor, Ohio1927 06 20CP554/ Vol. 7, pg 5Apr. 20, 1921New YorkCzechoslovakiaKroggel, Emil, Cleveland, OhioPelat, George F., Cleveland, OhioSee also #548, Vol. 6 pg 99
Moroz, Peter36718427 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3568/ Vol. D1012197NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Moroz, Peter36718#6 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3202/ Vol. D7, pg 20545179New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Morris, George/ 381891 10 13PrVol. 1 pg 13Apr., 21, 1883EnglandFoster, Samuel, Madison, Ohio
Morris, Lewis SelvinAfter 1931CP
Morris, Samuel ChristopherMar. 13, 1908125 Jefferson Street, Painesville, Ohio1961 08 16CP254218656Miami, FloridaJamaica, W.I.Gibson, Thelma, 70 Kerr Ave., Painesville, OhioSimms, Arthur A., 43 Luzerne St., Painesville, OhioIncomplete? 1961
Morrison, Marion BlythAfter 1931CP
Morrison Marion BrysonOct. 26, 1906/ 4937729 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1956 08 10CP237917508NYEnglandCampbell, Marion, Smith Road, Willoughby, OhioCampbell, Thomas, Smith Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Morrison, PatrickPrVol. B pg 9May 1854IrelandWells, James. M.DOA only 23 Oct 1872
Morrison, Patrick1874 11 11PrVol. B pg 36IrelandCole, H.No DOA
Morrison, Patrick/ 301890 10 16PrVol. 1 pg 6Mar. 28, 1882IrelandMcNamara, Timothy, Painesville, Ohio
Morrison, Thomas/ 741890 12 29PrVol. 1 pg 14 & 501882 03 28IrelandGoulden, Edward E., Painesville, Ohio
Morrison, WilliamSept. 23, 1906/ 4937729 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1957 02 18CP237717508NYEnglandCampbell, Marion, Smith Road, Willoughby, OhioCampbell, Thomas, Smith Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Mortland, JoannaNov. 5, 1908/ 34620 Liberty St., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP1850Nov. 18, 1912New YorkPolandSatterfield, Elma, Madison Ave., Painesville, OhioFarago, Anna, 358 Sanford Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Joanna Charzowska
Mosini, Carlo1867/ 26PrVol. 1 pg 178Aug. 6, 1890ItalyDOA only
Mott, Edwin M.S.June 25, 1898/ 29PrVol. 2 pg 177Jan. 31, 1898CanadaDOA only June 25, 1898
Mounsey, Charles AdamApr. 15, 1895148 1/2 N. St. Clair Street, Painesville, Ohio1921 06 06CP232/ Vol. 3, pg 82Sept. 29, 1912New YorkScotlandHatch, T.R., Conneaut, Ohio & Bensen, E.F., Fairport Harbor, OhioTait, Adam, Conneaut, Ohio
Mounsey, Charles A.Apr. 15, 1895N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP385/ Vol. D4, pg 8641181New York, NYScotlandDOA only
Mousiainen, WilliamFeb. 5, 1893211 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP820/ Vol. D5, pg 22041645Ely, MinnesotaFinlandDOA only
Mramer, Lilian MaryAfter 1931CP
Mraz, ElizabethSept. 8, 1898427 Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 03 09CP990/ Vol. 13Sept. 1, 1923New YorkCzechoslovakiaWeiss, Mary Mrs., 211 Ardmore Dr., Painesville, OhioOros, Julia, 109 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Alzbeta Mrazova
Mraz, MikeJan. 15, 18926 Houghton Court, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3351/ Vol. D844557New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Mraz, MikeJan. 15, 1892Fairport Harbor, OhioCP920/ Vol. D6, pg 2044556New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Mraz, MikeJan. 15, 1892427 Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Oho1935 09 23CP952/ Vol. 12Dec. 27, 1921New YorkHungaryOnderisin, Michael Stephen, 103 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKangas, Eino A., 440 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Mrozek, Maureen MableAfter 1931CP
Mucciarone, AntonioJuly 2, 1886115 Henry St., Painesville, OhioCP335/ Vol. D4, pg 3540978New York, NYItalyDOA only
Mucciarone, AntonioJuly 2, 1886122 Railroad St., Painesville, Ohio1920 06 07CP220/ Vol. 3 pg 70Mar. 10, 1912New YorkItalyGreenfield, Ben, Painesville, OhioBelknap, R.S., Painesville, Ohio
Mucciarone, BiagioApr. 21, 1923464 North State Street, Painesville, Ohio1961 08 16CP254320496NYItalyBertone, Sam, 561 Williams St., Painesville, OhioShuping, Louise, 482 N. State St., Painesville, OHioIncomplete? 1961
Mucciarone, Domenic AntonioNov. 4, 1905999 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio1960 02 19?CP247319969NYItalyWarren, Jean, 579 S. State, Painesville, OhioPollutro, Fred, 273 N. State St., Painesville, OhioIncomplete? 1959
Mucciarone, JohnAug. 29, 1929/ 25175 Park Blvd., Painesville, Ohio1956 08 10CP232018660NYItalyD’Abate, Felix, 566 S. State St., Painesville, OhioWarren, Jane, 579 S. State St., Painesville, OhioAKA Giovanni Mucciarone
Mucciarone, Nicolina AntoinetteAfter 1931CP
Muccillo, FilominoNov. 10, 1875Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, OhioCP1048/ Vol. D6, pg 14842690New York, NYItalyDOA only
Muccini, AngelaAug. 25, 1902/ 3718 Skiff St., Willoughby, Ohio1940 03 04CP139110352New York, N.Y.ItalyDeJoy, Florence, 67 Park Ave., Willoughby, OhioBellumori, Elide, 22 Skiff St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Angelo Maria Mastrangelo Muccini
Muccino, Camillo FilippoJan. 1, 190699 Chester St., Painesville, Ohio1962 03 22CP255320662NYItalyMucciarone, Joseph, 318 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioBertone, Sam, 5561 Williams, Painesville, Ohio
Muck, PeterApr. 13, 1889Willoughby, OhioCP681/ Vol. D5, pg 8141771New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Muck, PeterApr. 13, 1889RFD Willoughby, Ohio1921 09 26CP283/ Vol. 4 pg 3441771New YorkGermanySimmons, James, Willoughby, OhioCall, John, Willoughby, Ohio
Mueller, Edmund36664119 Carmody Drive, Painesville, Ohio1934 06 11CP886/ Vol. 11Dec. 23, 1924New YorkGermanyCrozier, Frank, 84 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioEckert, Herman, 400 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioDOA CP Ct.,Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Mueller, ValeskaApr. 23, 1898/ 53131 Pearl Street, Painesville, Ohio1951 02 09CP225145647NYGermanyGuthleben, Edna, 207 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioBallard, Dorothy, 184 Alcott Place, Painesville, OhioAKA Valeska Fuhs
Mulgrew, EdwardJuly 3, 1838/ 211860 11 02PrVol. AM pg 15May, 1845CanadaCampbell, Andrew
Mullen, Michael1872 10 26PrVol. A pg 172IrelandColgon, Thomas
Muller, MariaJuly 25, 1895264 High Street, Painesville, Ohio1959 08 14CP246141530NYHungaryBodnar, Elizabeth, 440 N. St. Clair, Painesville, OhioMohner, Julia, 887 Skinner ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Maria Hornyak
Mulligan, MikeAug. 28, 1873/ 281902 04 02PrVol. 3M pg 47630 June 1888Canada
Mullikin, Nora TheresaApr. 21, 1902/ 3829167 Forest Grove, Willowick, Ohio1940 09 16CP1477Mar. 4, 1921New York, N.Y.IrelandMartin, Mazie, 1027 Taylor Rd., Wickliffe, OhioSaunway, Florence, 462 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Nora MacNamara
Mullo, YakopJuly 28, 1854/ 48PrVol. 3 pg 8036667FinlandDOA only
Munn, Albert JamesSept. 10, 1883/ 58R.F.D.#1, Milan Dr., Willoughby, Ohio1942 03 02CP175938850New York, N.Y.Great BritainAird, Robert M., 12513 Forest Hill Rd., Cleveland, OhioFrederickson, Mada, 13603 Milan Ave., E. Cleveland, OhioDOA CP Ct. Cuyahoga Co., OH
Murawsky, GustaveApr. 7, 1896Second Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3373/ Vol. D846041New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Murch, Ellen BarrettNov. 7, 1903/ 44R.D. Box 1, Blackbrook Rd., Painesville, Ohio1947 07 22CP219345177NYIrelandGebeau, Elizabeth, Riverside Dr., Painesville, OhioCann, Myrtle, Riverside Dr., Painesville, OhioAKA Ellen Barrett; date changed
Murdock, Andrew/ 321878 03 25PrVol. B pg 47Oct., 1868CanadaKing, J.H.
Murphy, JeremiahFeb. 1, 1864/ 341900 03 22PrVol. 2 pg 180Apr. 21, 1892IrelandConners, Charles J., Painesville, Ohio
Murphy, Mary Theresa40351Box 83 Madison, OhioCP3998/ Vol. D1347024NYIrelandDOA only;
Murphy, Mary TheresaJune 22, 1910/ 34Golf Lakelands, Madison, Ohio1944 08 24CP204810499New York, N.Y.Ireland-Gr. BritainRehr, Louisa, Madison Golf Lakelands, Madison, OhioBoyle, Adeline Kealer, 115 E. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio
Murphy, MichaelApr. 1847/ 291876 10 07PrVol. B pg 344May, 1863IrelandO'Heron, Edward
Murphy, Michael J./ 291888 10 06PrVol. B pg 53Apr., 1868IrelandCusic, Michael
Murphy, Morris1860 11 01PrVol. A pg 12IrelandChambers, James
Murphy, Thomas J./ 421888 10 06PrVol. B pg 146Mar., 1859IrelandSidley, Thomas F., Painesville, Ohio
Murray, Janet MuirMar. 31, 1898/ 5067 Glenwood, Willoughby, Ohio1949 02 11CP221911020Port Huron, Mich. Via R.R.ScotlandMcDonald, Isabella, 1311 E. 142 St., Cleveland, OhioArenson, Emily Bunn, 671 Lakeview Rd., Cleveland, Ohio
Murray, JohnOct. 20, 1839/ 291868 10 10PrVol. AM pg 601845New South WalesPratt, Calvin E., Painesville, Ohio
Mursell, James LockhartJune 1, 1893109 Chestnut Street, Painesville, Ohio1922 06 06CP303/ Vol. 4, pg 54Sept. 26, 1915New yorkEnglandMay, Nora F., Oberlin, OhioMay, Lena C., Oberlin, OhioDOA US District Ct., Mass.
Musichini, JennieAug. 18, 18911409 Johnnycake Ridge, Painesville, Ohio1961 03 29CP252741633New York, NYAustriaMackey, Anna M., 1400 Johnnycake Ridge Rd., Painesville, OhioPomeroy, Theresa, 1420 Johnnycake Ridge, Painesville, OhioIncomplete? 1960; AKA Johana Sorsak
Musichini, NickMay 23, 1894Box 99, Mentor, OhioCP4052/ Vol. D1341816Rouses Point, NYItalyDOA only; AKA Nicola Musichini
Musichini, NickMay 23, 1894/ 50Box 99, Mentor, Ohio1945 02 08CP20835291Rouses Point, N.Y.ItalyMaurer, Henry W. Jr., 951 Case Ave., Mentor, OhioFatica, Bartolomeo, 34 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioMicrofilmed twice; AKA Nicola Musichini
Mustance, LeonardMar. 1, 1864/ 32PrVol. 2 pg 119Apr. 1893FinlandDOA only Oct. 31, 1896
Mutko, JosephDec. 6, 1863/ 311902 12 31PrVol. 2 pg 271Apr. 1, 1890HungaryMolnar, Miklos, Fairport, Ohio
Muzdek, DominickJan. 15, 1888Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3058/ Vol. D7, pg 5840695Baltimore, Md.JugoslaviaDOA only
Muzdeko, DominickJan. 15, 1889499 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioCP7353/ Vol. D1240695Baltimore, Md.JugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Damjan Muzdeka; AKA Damjen Muzdeko
Myer, Joseph/ 511884 10 13PrVol. B pg 104May, 1863SwitzerlandCroft, Michael, Painesville, Ohio
Myers, James1868 10 13PrVol. A pg 97IrelandWestropp, Edward, Painesville, Ohio
Myers, JohnPrVol. 2 pg 197Rest of page not filled in
Myllyhoski, John NicholiSept. 25, 1897436 5th St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP889/ Vol. D5, pg 28942443New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Myllykoski, Jaakko OskauMar. 9, 1892Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP402/ Vol. D 4, pg 10241434New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Myllykoski, Jasko OakoriMar. 9, 1892N. St. Clair Street, Painesville, Ohio1921 06 06CP246/ Vol. 3, pg 9641431New YorkFinlandSandhill, Charles, Fairport Harbor, OhioAho, John G., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Myllykoski, John NickoliSept. 25, 1897435 Fifth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1926 06 02CP437/ Vol. 5, pg 88Mar. 13, 1916New YorkFinlandTurri, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioMyllykoski, Jack, Fairport Harbor, Oho
Myllykoski, MaryApr. 9, 1887536 Fifth Street, Faiprot Harbor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1029/ Vol. 14Oct. 1899New YorkFinlandSorvisto, Senia, Painesville, OhioLipsanen, Alma, Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Maria Lepisto
Nachod, MichaelAug. 16, 1896/ 47261 S. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1872Sept. 16, 1912New York, N.Y.RussiaRiester, Edward, 254 Prospect St., Painesville, OhioAmiott, Robert C., 22 S. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Nikita Kolatjuk-Nachod
Nagius-Nagevicius, Veronica BaronasJan. 24, 190475 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP4231/ Vol. D1418108NYLithuaniaDOA only
Nagius-Nagevicius, VladasJuly 29, 188075 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP4232/ Vol. D1418099NYLithuaniaDOA only
Nagle, Mauricette MarieNov. 18, 1926981 Oakwood Blvd., Painesville, Ohio1953 02 13CP229921 Mar 146NY FranceGibson, Olive, 995 Oakwood Blvd., Painesville, OhioMullins, Louise, 967 Oakwood Blvd., Painesville, Ohio
Nagy, AlexMay 15, 1865Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP160/ Vol. D3, pg 6037340New YorkHungaryDOA only
Nagy, BerthaSept. 22, 1904Jennings Farms, Painesville, OhioCP3051/ Vol. D7, pg 5144807New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, BerthaSept. 22, 1904Casement Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1928 10 01CP663/ Vol. 7, pg 111Sept. 3, 1922New YorkHungaryBitzer, Agnes, Painesville, OhioTaylor, Martha Henry, Painesville, Ohio
Nagy, ElizabethMay 27, 1906/ 49834 Hine Ave., Painesville, Ohio1956 02 10CP234113680NYCzechoslovakiaCinke, Elizabeth, 234 Sanford, Painesville, OhioLereczi, Bertha, 496 Fairlawn, Painesville, OhioAKA Alzbeta Nagy
Nagy, ElsieNov. 19, 18935 Saxon St., Madison, Ohio1944 08 24CP1884Sept. 29, 1912New York, N.Y.HungarySmead, Emma D., 217 River St., Madison, OhioStanton, Antoinette, 553 W. Main St., Madison, OhioAKA Elizabet Nagy; 2 cards
Nagy, FrankDec. 13, 1907438 South St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3649/ Vol. D1141188NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Farenz Nagy
Nagy, FrankJuly 16, 1881/ 211903 02 03PrVol. 3 pg 48825 May 1897HungaryBeregazazi, Joe [or Berezzazi?]Arrived U.S. as a minor
Nagy, FrankDec. 13, 1907418 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP124041188New YorkHungaryRendrick, John, 317 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioSutch, Stephen, 224 King, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nagy, GabrielJuly 20, 1874114 Casement Ave., Painesville, OhioCP874/ Vol. D5, pg 27438508New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, GilbertAfter 1931CP
Nagy, GilbertAfter 1931CP
Nagy, GraceOct. 29, 1906Jennings Farm, Painesville, OhioCP3059/ Vol. D7, pg 5944807New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, GyulalyOct. 12, 1880/ 211902 03 21PrVol. 3 pg 472Jan. 25, 1896HungaryKocsis, Frank, Fairport, Ohio
Nagy, IldikoAfter 1931CP
Nagy, JohnAug. 15, 1881935 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2015/ Vol. D6, pg 21539452New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, JohnDec. 9, 1888421 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3660/ Vol. D1138434NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Janos Nagy
Nagy, JohnFeb. 17, 1889188 Stage Ave, Painesville, OhioCP3099/ Vol. D7, pg 10044801New York, NYRoumaniaDOA only
Nagy, JohnFeb. 17, 1889182 Morse Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4018/ Vol. D1344792NYRoumaniaDOA only; AKA Janos Nagy
Nagy, JohnJan. 25, 1877/ 231900 11 01PrVol. 2 pg 440May 15, 1894HungaryKocsis, Frank, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Nagy, JohnDec. 9, 1888/ 51764 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP14441909New York, N.Y.HungarySchwartz, Ferdinand F. Dr., 41 W. Erie St., Painesville, OhioSmith, Harry D., 622 Bank St., Painesville, OhioAKA Janos Nagy; See also #1283 Vol. 19 (1938)
Nagy, JohnMar. 17, 1889/ 59182 Morse Ave., Painesville, Ohio1949 02 11CP221644792NYRomaniaBalla, John, 182 Morse Ave., Painesville, OhioGoodrich, M.N., 1042 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioSee also #754/ Vol. 8; dates differ
Nagy, JosephOct. 16, 1882Middle Ridge Rd., Perry, OhioCP3845/ Vol. D1341008NYRumaniaDOA only; AKA Jozsef nagy
Nagy, JuliusJan. 24, 1902259 Chester St., Painesville, OhioCP3866/ Vol. D1313680NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, JuliusJan. 24, 1902/ 40480 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, Ohio1943 03 05CP192313680New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaKanocz, Joseph, 255 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioWayner, John, 615 Joughin St., Fairport, Ohio
Nagy, LaurenceMay 2, 1881Box 224, Painesville, OhioCP824/ Vol. D5, pg 22438823New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, LawrenceMay 2, 1881R.D. #1, Painesville, Ohio1924 09 25CP398/ Vol. 5 pg 49Apr. 16, 1906New YorkHungaryAlex, George, Painesville, OhioColavecchio, Mike, Painesville, Ohio
Nagy, MaryJune 15, 1893/ 48764 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio!944 08 24CP1657Aug. 9, 1913New York, N.Y.HungaryKish, Rosa, 537 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioSohayda, Mary, 822 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Mary A. Toth
Nagy, PaulMar. 21, 18835 Saxton St., Madison, OhioCP3827/ Vol. D131903NYHungaryDOA only
Nagy, PaulMar. 21, 1883/ 585 Saxon St., Madison, Ohio1941 09 25CP1588Oct. -, 1903New York, N.Y.HungaryWeber, Peter, Ledge Road RD #2, Madison, OhioSipos, Alex, Ledge Road RD #2, Madison, Ohio
Nagy, PeterJune 1876Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP3526/ Vol. D1040983NYRoumaniaDOA only
Nagy, TheresaDec. 16, 1881Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP3632/ Vol. D1141554NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Therese Bursz
Nakonechny, KarolMar. 18, 1890Lakeview Blvd., Twp. Park, Painesville, Ohio1944 09 24CP19965814Portal, N. Dak.RussiaSmith, Elsie, RFD #1, Painesville, OhioWarner, Clayton H., Cor. Hardy Rd. & Lakeview Blvd., Painesville, OhioAKA Kirill Nakoneschik; DOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Namestnik, Emil ElalJuly 20, 1872Plain Road, Mentor, OhioCP3506/ Vol. D1038183NYAustriaDOA only
Namestnik, Emil ElalJuly 20, 1872/ 67RFD #1, Plain Rd., Mentor, Ohio1939 09 18CP1103/ Vol. 1538558New York, N.Y.JugoslaviaWilder, Geo. S., R.F.D.1, Mentor, OhioEckley, Jesse G., R.F.D. 1., Mentor, Ohio
Naponen, August1879/ 23PrVol. 3 pg 2425 Apr. 1900FinlandDOA only 23 Apr 1902
Nardico, DanMar. 27, 1891169 Nebraska St., Painesville, OhioCP2012/ Vol. D6, pg 21238122Philadelphia, Pa.ItalyDOA only
Nardico, DanMar. 27, 1891169 Nebraska St., Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP534/ Vol. 6 pg 8538122PhiladelphiaItalyJohnson, L.E., Painesville, OhioO'Keefe, T. J., Painesville, OhioIncomplete and voided
Narducci, FrancAug. 11, 1859/ 40PrVol. 2 pg 225Mar. 20, 1887ItalyDOA only Mar. 10, 1900
Nasca, Rosolino1895 11 05PrVol. 2 pg 8ItalyStorrs, Wm. G., Painesville, OhioDOA on file
Nasco, MikeFeb. 22, 1903Wickliffe, OhioCP936/ Vol. D6, pg 3641268New York, NYItalyDOA only
Nasland, Eric1842/ 42PrVol. B pg 131Sept. 1871SwedenDOA only
Naslund, Erick August1863/ 21PrVol. B pg 142Sept. 1881SwedenDOA only
Nass, Adam1892 11 04PrVol. 1 pg 144GermanyBasssett, R.A., Wickliffe, OhioCert. only
Nass, JessieOct. 4, 1919/ 35268 Marigold Rd., Painesville, Ohio1955 08 05CP232716937San Francisco, Calif.AustraliaSchniltzer, Robt., 851 Lake St., Mentor, OhioLorenegh, Bertha, 496 Fairlawn, Painesville, Ohio
Nau, ChristianOct. 26, 1895Warden Road, Wickliffe, Ohio1924 06 05CP372/ Vol. 5 pg 2338135New YorkGermanyWolff, John, Wickliffe, OhioNau, Peter, Wickliffe, OhioDOA US District Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Nau, PeterOct. 26, 1885 Worden Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1914 07 07CP63/ Vol. 2 pg 13Feb. 26, 1904New YorkGermanySteinfield, Jacob, Wickliffe, OhioKarr, Phillip, Wickliffe, OhioDIA Common Pleas, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Naughton, GeorgeMay 10, 1834/ 261860 10 29PrVol. AM pg 7May, 1849IrelandDunnigan, Owen
Nauha, Jacob1903 03 14PrVol. 3 pg 121FinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport, OhioDOA issued 27 Dec 1900 Manistee Co., MI
Neal, WilliamMay 3, 1839/ 211850 10 30PrVol. AM pg 11Mar. or Apr., 1848IrelandThornton, Calvin
Neduchal, MaiklJune 27, 1864Kirtland, OhioCP237/ Vol. D3, pg 3727 June 1893New YorkHungaryDOa only
Negy, JohanAug. 16, 1872?/ 281902 04 07PrVol. 2 pg 228Feb. 28, 1892HungaryStudney, George, Fairport, Ohio
Neicheff, SteveApr. 21, 1884902 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3739/ Vol. D1239264Port Huron, Mich.BulgariaDOA only; AKA Stoncho Naichoff
Neicheff, SteveApr. 21, 1884/ 56249 King Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 03 03CP15032739Port Huron, Mich.BulgariaMamrak, Andrew, 206 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioOndercin, Nicholas, 317 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Stoncho Naichoff
Neilson, Oluf E.1883/ 161905 09 07PrVol. 4 pg 117April 15, 1899NorwayAverill, Ben L., Painesville, OhioGoldsmith, S. J., Painesville, OhioArrived in U.S. as a minor
Neilson, Vahlamar Peter LudwigApr. 29, 1880RFD No. 1, Painesville, OhioCP312/ Vol. D4, pg 1241554New York, NYDenmarkDOA only
Nellies, EuphemiaNov. 15, 1893E. 362 St., Willoughby, OhioCP4043/ Vol. d1344325NYScotlandDOA only
Nellies, EuphemiaNov. 30, 1893E. 362 St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP19337800New York, N.Y.ScotlandHendry, Bessie, 53 Third St., Willoughby, OhioVieth, Marion, Kirtland Rd., RFD 2, Willoughby, Ohio
Nellies, JamesAug. 6, 1892E. 348 off Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP3805/ Vol. D1344184NYScotlandDOA only; addl. copy has photo; petition 1811 with DOA
Nellies, JamesAug. 6, 1892East 362nd St., Willoughty, Ohio1942 08 24CP1811Dec. 19, 1920New York, N.Y.ScotlandHendry, Elizabeth, 53 Third St., Willoughby, OhioVieth, Marion, N. Kirtland Rd., Willoughby, OhioFiled with DOA 3805
Nellies, JamesNov. 15, 1893East 362 St., Willoughby, Ohio15577CP1811 displaced44184NYScotlandHenry, Elizabeth, 53 Third St., Willoughby, OhioVesta, MArion, N. Kirtland Road, Willoughby, Ohiofiled with DOA
Nelson, Alfred1904 11 01PrVol. 4 pg 12Oct. 16, 1885NorwayWadsley, George, Grand River, OhioCurtis, Louis T., Painesville, OhioDOA issued Kings Co., N.Y. 2 July 1900
Nelson, GeorgeSept. 29 1887Willoughby, OhioCP401/ Vol. D4, pg 10139275New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Nelson, Gustaf RagnarSept. 7, 1903/ 37Willow St. & 332nd, Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP130110008New York, N.Y.SwedenLago, William H., Willow St., Willoughby, OhioOlsson, Hilding, 1348 E. 188th St., Cleveland, OhioAddress on card was 1624 Hayden Ave., Apt. 5, Cleveland, Ohio; Lost citizenship-letter in index.; DOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Nelson, GustavAug. 3, 1903West Mentor, OhioCP836/ Vol. D5, pg 23644231New York, NYSwedenDOA only
Nelson, Hilda MaryApr. 10, 1890254 King Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1927 06 20CP478/ Vol. 6 pg 29Nov. 23, 1908New YorkFinlandNoponen, August, Fairport Harbor, OhioNelson, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nelson, Jeppe/ 481893 03 15PrVol. B pg 164 & 69Apr., 1872DenmarkBarto, J.C.DOA pg 164, Cert. pg 169
Nelson, JohnOct. 20, 1885High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP469/ Vol. D4, pg 16938540Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Nelson, JohnOct. 20, 1885254 King Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 09 23CP428/ Vol. 5, Pg 7938540Boston, Mass.FinlandKulberg, Jacob, Fairport harbor, OhioMattson, Isaac, Fairport Harbor, Ohio        
Nelson, Margaret IsabelleJan. 19, 191342 Grant Street, Painesville, Ohio1952 08 08CP228316739Higate Springs, VermontCanadaHudson, Kathryn M., 69 Grant St., Painesville, OhioHemphill, John W., RD 1, Mentor, OhioAKA Margaret Isabelle Nelson Weinberger
Nelson, MartinMar. 6, 189214 Courtland St., Painesville, OhioCP413/ Vol. D4, pg 11341160Portland, OregonNorwayDOA only
Nelson, OscarDec. 17, 1899Painesville, OhioCP981/ Vol. D6, pg 8145017Boston, Mass.NorwayDOA only
Nelson, WilliamJuly 12, 1893Fairport Harbor, OhioCP371/ Vol. D4, pg 2140673New York, NYNorwayDOA only
Nelson, WilliamJuly 12, 1895802 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioCP3103/ Vol. D7, pg 10440673New York, NYNorwayDOA only
Nelson, WilliamJuly 12, 1893624 W. Jackson Street, Painesville, Ohio1932 06 13CP821/ Vol. 1040666New YorkNorwayBrooks, Herbert W., Painesville, OhioBrooks, Helen, Painesville, Ohio
Nemec, AndrejAug. 20, 189127 Paradise Apartments, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3588/ Vol. D1145139Boston, Mass.Hungary, now CzechoslovakiaDOA only; Also DOA US Dist. Ct. Cleveland, Ohio
Nemec, AndrejAug. 20, 1891605 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 03 07CP1181Aug. 1, 1923Boston, Mass.CzechoslovakiaOnderisin, Mike, 318 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioZimny, John, 516 First St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nemes, JohnMay 15 1880R.F.D. Box 168, Painesville, OhioCP890/ Vol. D5, pg 18940313Philadelphia, Pa.HungaryDOA only
Nemeth, BlaseJan. 9, 1905489 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP3247/ Vol. D7, pg 25041514New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nemeth, Carolina AnnaOct. 5, 1901/ 4336 Nebraska St., Painesville, Ohio1945 02 08CP20932474New York, N.Y.HungaryPaulson, Julia, 621 Fobes St., Painesville, OhioMoritz, Molly, 44 Nebraska St., Painesville, OhioAKA Karolina Nemeth; DOA CP Ct., Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Nemeth, George39217Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 7439217New YorkHungaryDOA only
Nemeth, IreneJan. 28, 1907489 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP3259/ Vol. D7, pg 26241514New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nemeth, JoeFeb. 6, 1886Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 337681New YorkHungaryDOA only
Nemeth, JoeMar. 17, 1879/ 63570 Fobes st., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP180938413New York, N.Y.HungaryZsebenszy, Alex J., 56 Roosevelt Dr., Painesville, OhioHopkins, Harry, 552 Fobes St., Painesville, Ohio
Nemeth, JohnOct. 23, 1910489 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP3257/ Vol. D7, pg 26043340New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nemeth, JohnAfter 1931CP
Nemeth, JohnJune 7, 1889/ 51RFD #2, Bowhall Rd., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP15622894New York, N.Y.HungaryAlex, George, Bowhall Rd., Painesville, OhioAlex, William, Bowhall Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Janos Nemeth
Nemeth, Joseph StephenMar. 11, 1900/ 45115 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP19482474New York, N.Y.HungarySweet, Ross G., 64 Forest Dr., Painesville, OhioKerr, W.S., 55 Liberty St., Painesville, OhioAKA Jozsef Nemeth
Nemeth, MaryAug. 27, 1896/ 43Park Rd., Painesville, Ohio1939 09 18CP1316Sept. 9, 1906New York, N.Y.HungaryAlex, Rose, Box 223 Bowhall Rd., Painesville, OhioAlex, Mary, Box 220 Bowhall Rd., Painesville, Ohio
Nemeth, RalphOct. 23, 1908489 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP3150/ Vol. D7, pg 15141514New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nemeth, RalphOct. 23, 1908489 Elm Street, Painesville, Ohio1931 06 15CP777/ Vol. 9Aug. 27, 1913New YorkHungaryLynch, Edward I., Painesville, OhioMurphy, Thomas G., Painesville, Ohio
Neroda, ChristinaMar. 21, 1892R.D. #1, Adelaide Ave., Painesville, Ohio1937 09 20CP114341455New YorkPolandCay, Fred, R.F.D. Adelaide Ave., Painesville, OhioMarks, Miriam, Adelaide Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Neroda, DavidAug. 25, 1887River Rd., Perry Twp., OhioCP3761/ Vol. D1241841Boston, Mass.Russia, now PolandDOA only
Neroda, DavidAug. 25, 1888R.F.#1, River Rd., Perry, Ohio1944 02 03CP201141841Boston, Mass.PolandBuechler, E.L., Turney Road, Perry, OhioBuechler, Harold M., Turney Road, Perry, OhioSee also #1741
Neroda, MichaelNov. 21, 1911Adelaide Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3435/ Vol. D941455New York, NYPolandDOA only
Neroda, MichaelNov. 21, 1911208 Gillette St., Painesville, Ohio1936 09 21CP1056/ Vol. 1441455New YorkPolandHires, William, 225 Prospect St., Painesville, OhioHervey, Carl, 435 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Neroda, NestorFeb. 28, 1895Adelaide Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3355/ Vol. D841325Philadelphia, Pa.Russia (now Poland)DOA only
Neroda, NestorFeb. 28, 1885Adelaide Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1936 03 09CP979/ Vol. 13Feb. 20, 1913Philadelphia, Penna.Russia, now PolandCay, Fred, RFD 1 Adelaide, Painesville, OhioPillar, Andrew, 619 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Neubeller, JosephMar. 25, 1884189 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP1045/ Vol. D6, pg 14540207New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Neubeller, JosephMar. 25, 1884189 Stage Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1926 06 22CP525/ Vol. 6 pg 76Jan. 27, 1910New YorkHungaryBell, Andrew J., Fairport Harbor, OhioSutch, Stephen, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nevenpara, John/ 211903 02 18PrVol. 3 pg 496Sept. 21, 1895FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
New, August1891 11 03PrVol. 1 pg 103GermanyRyan, John J., Painesville, OhioDOA issued Probate Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Newman, J.D./ 241891 04 04PrVol. 1 pg 61May 5, 1883HungaryFeldman, Henry, Fairport, Ohio
Newman, M.W./ 231891 11 02PrVol. 1 pg 100May, 1878AustriaMcCrone, P., Fairport, Ohio
Neybeller, JohanaJuly 15, 1884/ 57154 Chester St., Painesville, Ohio1943 09 27CP17312510New York, N.Y.HungaryKohan, Emma, 738 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioTobol, Julia, 142 Carmody Dr., Painesville, OhioAKA Johanna Dagi; AKA Johanna Bagi
Neylon, Bridget McGuaneSept. 5, 1869578 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3330/ Vol. D819 May 1891Philadelphia, Pa.IrelandDOA only
Neylon, Bridget McGuaneSept. 5, 1869578 N. St. Clair Street, Painesville, Ohio1934 06 11CP874/ Vol. 11, pg 105May. 19, 1891Philadelphia, Penna.IrelandLuse, Florence Daniels, 587 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioPietila, Katherine Gault, 668 N. St. Clare St., Painesville, Ohio
Neylon, JamesApr. 4, 1873North St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP105/ Vol. 2 pg 5536604NYIrelandAppleton, P. J., Painesville, OhioRafter, John, Painesville, OhioIncomplete Sept. 1919
Neylor, JamesApr. 4, 1873Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 4436586New YorkIrelandDOA only
Nibeller, JoanJuly 31, 1884154 Chester St., Painesville, OhioCP3204/ Vol.. D7, pg 20739005New York, NYItalyDOA only
Niemanen, AlbertJuly 27, 1890226 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP174/ Vol. D2, pg 7441406New YorkFinlandDOA only
Niemi, AnttiMar. 24, 1884Corner High & Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP996/ Vol. D6, pg 9641997New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Niemi, EinoNov. 30, 1893Fairport Harbor, OhioCP867/ Vol. D5. pg 26741306St. Johns CanadaFinlandDOA only
Niemi, EinoNov. 30, 1893713 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1928 10 01CP660/ Vol. 7, pg 108Feb. 1, 1913Detroit, MichiganFinlandHokkanen, Moses, Fairport Harbor, OhioSirola, J.W., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Niemi, ElmerOct. 19, 1896428 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 03 08CP1045/ Vol. 14Jan. 26, 1922Buffalo, New yorkFinlandPatterson, Jennie, 654 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioHill, Oscar, Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Uuno Nieminen; AKA Uund I. Nieminen; DOA CP Ct., Trumbull Co., Ohio
Niemi, EmmaSept. 30, 1888507 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4139/ Vol. d1439886Buffalo, NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Liisa Emilia Haapala
Niemi, EmmaSept. 30, 1888/ 58507 New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1947 09 03CP218539886Buffalo, NYFinlandBurch, Wilma, 519 New st., Fairport Harbor, OhioLakso, Selma, 517 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Liisa Haapala; AKA Liisa Emilia Niemi
Niemi, Henrik1860/ 361899 03 30PrVol. 2 pg 141May 18, 1889FinlandMerrill, S.J., Painesville, Ohio
Niemi, Jacob1883/ 171906 09 20PrVol. 4 pg 13136701FinlandLuuke, John, Fairport, OhioBarkinen, O.L., Fairport, Ohio
Niemi, Kaarina RailiAfter 1931CP
Niemi, Lilja MariaMar. 28, 1898409 4th St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP12591921 08 31New YorkFinlandPatterson, Jennie, 1402 Prospect St., Mentor, OhioLagerstedt, Ina, 610 Joughin St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Niemi, NikademusApr. 9, 1874New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP442/ Vol. D4, pg 14241760Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Niemi, OskarOct. 22, 1891New Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP504/ Vol. D4, pg 20440993New YorkFinlandDOA only
Niemi, OskarOct. 22, 1891507 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3499/ Vol. D1041027NYFinlandDOA only
Niemi, OskarOct. 22, 1891507 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4073/ Vol. D1341027FinlandDOA only; AKA Oskar Paasniemi
Nieminen, Onni JalmarNov. 12, 1886945 North St. Clair St. Painesville, OhioCP3410/ Vol. D940282Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Nieminen, Onni JalmarNov. 12, 1886945 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1937 09 20CP1015/ Vol. 14Apr. 14, 1910BostonFinlandKatila, William Michael, 1020 N. St. Clair, Painesville, OhioKulberg, Jacob N., 923 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio
Nieminen, Vennil MariaJan. 15, 1884145 West Main St., Madison, OhioCP792/ Vol. D5, pg 1925 Apr 1893New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Niinisulo, SamuliDec. 23, 1895516 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2003/ Vol. D6, pg 20345391Baltimore, Md.FinlandDOA only
Nijbeller, SteveJuly 30, 1884Chester St., Painesville, OhioCP3066/ Vol. D7, pg 6637327New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nimeth, ElizabethOct. 27, 1878570 Fobes St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP200839248New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaVolanski, Helen P., 434 Third St., Fairport, OhioOras, Elizabeth, 431 Third St., Fairport, OhioAKA Erzsi Kirvacs
Niskala, LiisaAug. 1, 1879346 1/2 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3781/ Vol. D1239491Boston, MassFinlandDOA only
Niskala, LiisaAug. 1, 1879346 1/2 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1943 03 05CP1569Feb. 13, 1908Boston, Mass.FinlandTuisku, Maria E., 623 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLuoma, Eva Maria, 416 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Niskala, MattSept. 29, 1876346 1/2 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3414/ Vol. D940212Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Niskala, Uuno Arvid38074409 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3295/ Vol. D844164New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Niybeller, SteveJuly 30, 1884154 Chester Street, Painesville, Ohio1929 06 17CP710/ Vol. 8Mar. 12, 1902New YorkHungaryMolnar, John, Painesville, OhioFrancosky, Francis, Painesville, Ohio
Nizza, DomenickOct. 14, 1879R.F. D. $1, Box 256, Painesville, OhioCP431/ Vol. D4, pg 13141718New York, NYItalyDOA only
Nlan, Owen E./ 311876 09 07PrVol. B pg 341Nov. 1861IrelandRafter, Thomas J.
Noble, Albert/ 221891 03 28PrVol. 1 pg 21Jan. 4, 1885EnglandFillmore, W.J., Mentor, Ohio
Nogradi, ClaraMar. 12, 1884Paradise Apt., #14, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3792/ Vol. D1340850NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Klara
Nogradi, ClaraMar. 12, 1884/ 56Paradise Apts., #14, Fairport Harbor, ohio1941 03 03CP15154325New York, N.Y.HungaryNagy, Margaret, 24 Paradise Apts., Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Zuzsana T., 247 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio
Nogradi, MatyasFeb. 22, 1874Suite 14, Paradise Apts., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3782/ Vol. D1239295NYHungaryDOA only
Nogradi, MatyasFeb. 22, 1874/ 67Paradise Apts., #14, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 03 03CP15132770New York, N.Y.HungaryNagy, Margaret, 24 Paradise Apts., Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Zuzsana T., 247 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio
Nogrady, GeorgeNov. 1, 1869521 Hig St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP757/ Vol. D5, pg 15737781New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nogrady, GeorgeNov. 1, 1869Fairport Harbor, Ohio1922 09 29CP321/ Vol. 4 pg 7237781New YorkHungaryRasmussen, N.M., Fairport harbor, OhioMcCrone, A.J., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Noila, FrankAug. 31, 1862/ 40PrVol. 3 pg 10916 Aug 1891HungaryDOA only
Nolan, MichaelJan. 21, 1893Parkwood Drive, Willoughby, OhioCP3789/ Vol. D1341142NYIrelandDOA only
Nolan, MichaelJan. 23, 1893/ 49Parkwood Dr., Willoughby, Ohio1945 08 23CP1763Aug. 21, 1912New York, N.Y.IrelandCothrell, Willis W., 9 Summit St., Willoughby, OhioRobbins, Stanley W., 40 Third St., Willoughby, Ohio2 cards, one age 52.
Nolan, Owen E.Jan. 28, 1845/ 31PrVol. B pg 341Nov. 1861IrelandRafter, Thomas J.
Nonemaker, MelanieJuly 16, 1925/ 24Nye Road, R.F.D. #1, Painesville, Ohio1949 08 11CP223017199NYPolandHitzel, Charles, 334 Pearl St., Painesville, OhioHitzel, Emma, 334 Pearl St., Painesville, OhioOn card as Moneymaker?
Noponen, August1905 11 06PrVol. 4, pg 4236641FinlandTuuri, Matti, Fairport, OhioLiimakka, Herman E., Fairport, Ohio
Noponen, Elie MargitMar. 8, 1908619 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP116412601Buffalo, New YorkFinlandBeck, Sigrid, 529 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLuoma, Sigrid, 15 S. St. Clair St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Noreth, GeorgeNov. 25, 1896Coulallency?, Wickliffe, OhioCP2010/ Vol. D6, pg 21043595New York, NYNorwayDOA only
Norick, AgnesAug. 15, 1897319 Bryn Maur Ave., Wikliffe, Ohio1939 09 18CP1343Aug. 31, 1908New York, N.Y.LithuaniaSadmey, Anna, 346 Bryn Maur, Wickliffe, OhioRamaska, Margaret, 296 Bryn Maur, Wickliffe, Ohio
Norris, Kiyoko TakakiApr. 28, 1927395 Park Road, Painesville, Ohio1963 08 15CP259919208San Francisco, Calif.JapanDowdy, Tilda Gay, Rt. #2, Route 86, Painesville, OhioDowdy, John A., Rt. #2, Route 86, Painesville, Ohio
Northard, William1870 10 01PrVol. A pg 124EnglandAbbey, William, Lake Co., Ohio
Northcott, ThomasDec. 28, 1846/ 301876 10 10PrVol. B pg 354May, 1861EnglandRidge, Lewis
Norton, James/ 311883 10 01PrVol. B pg 97Aug., 1874IrelandORourke, Patrick
Norton, James18831904 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 114Feb. 21, 1896IrelandBrown, John B., Perry, OhioLanphier, W.L., Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Norton, John J./ 211898 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 406Mar. 31, 1892IrelandBrown, J.H., Perry, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Nortunen, MattiAug. 9, 1874/ 28PrVol. 3 pg 531 June 1897FinlandDOA only
Nortunen, Matti1908 09 18PrVol. 4, pg 55June 1, 1895FinlandKillinen, MattiRuusi, Isaac
Norwacks, John1899 03 25PrVol. 2 pg 201Mar. 4, 1885HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, OhioDOA issued 04 Mar 1885 in 4th District Ct., Hennepin Co., Minnesota
Notta, FelippeSept. 21, 1876/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 1525 Aug 1898ItalyDOA only
Notta, Michele1905 01 19PrVol. 4 pg 30May 1, 1896ItalyZampini, Orazio, Painesville, OhioCarolegna, Felippo, Painesville, Ohio
Notte, MicheleMay 3, 1857/ 45PrVol. 3 pg 761 May 1896ItalyDOA only
Novak, FrankSept. 20, 1883107 Mathew St., Painesville, OhioCP1010/ Vol. D6, pg 11039212New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Novak, FrankSept. 20, 1883199 Mathews St., Painesville, OhioCP3661/ Vol. D117 Mary 1907NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Ferencz Novak
Novak, FrankSept. 20, 1885199 Mathews St., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP13152684New York, N.Y.HungaryBrittain, Dean, 68 Lincoln Blvd., Painesville, OhioLiterati, Joseph, 164 Stage Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Novak, JennieMay 30, 1889R.F.D. #2, Box 46, Madison, OhioCP3623/ Vol. D1140221NYAustria, now ItalyDOA only; AKA Yvanka Stopar
Novak, JennieMay 30, 1889/ 51RFD 2, Box 46, Madison, Ohio1941 03 03CP150940221New York, N.Y.ItalyPostman, Leola, 540 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioKroflic, Frances, Dayton Rd., Madison, OhioAKA Yvanka Stopar; AKA Ivanka Novak
Novak, JoeMar. 19, 1885Wickliffe, OhioCP602/ Vol. D5, pg 237651New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Novak, JuliaJuly 7, 1894/ 49199 Mathews St., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP19404724New York, N.Y.HungarianBrittain, Dean, 68 Lincoln Blvd., Painesville, OhioDemeter, Michael S., 354 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioAKA Julia Juhass
Novak, SteveApr. 6, 1862200 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3725/ Vol. D12Apr 1898NYHungaryDOA only
Novak, SteveJuly 22, 1872/ 221895 03 21PrVol. 1 pg 259Oct. 20 1889AustriaEmpfield, Wm.., Fairport, Ohio
Novak, TheresyaSept. 1, 1898205 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3798/ Vol. D1344202NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only; AKA Terezia Novak
Novak, TheresyaSept. 1, 1898/ 45205 East St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1944 08 24CP2080Jan. 6, 1921New York, N.Y.Austria HungaryVolanski, Mary, 529 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OhioVolk, Fred G., 236 Ardmore Dr., Painesville, OhioSee also #1766 (1944)
Ntrvh, zmikrSept. 29, 1885T.G.F. #5. Npc 204, Painesville, OhioCP468/ Vol. D4, pg 16840510Cleveland, OhioAustria HungaryDOA only
Nungesser, NellieMay 14, 1898/ 47R.D.#1 Chardon Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1945 08 23CP2124Nov. 15, 1919Boston, Mass.EnglandDavenport, Ezra, RFD #1, Chardon Rd., Willoughby, OhioPeterson, Dorothy, RD #1, River Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Nellie Lockwood; 2 cards
Nurmi, Hilda AlinaDec. 7, 1885437 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4179/ Vol. D1440993Boston Mass.FinlandDOA only; See letter before
Nurmi, Richard JohnNov. 5, 1904/ 401322 Mentor Ave., Mentor, Ohio1945 08 23CP2132Oct. 27, 1942Niagara Falls, New YorkFinlandGoodrich, Fred W., 910 Crane Rd., Wickliffe, OhioSekki, Suolo A., Longview Dr., Mentor, OhioAKA Richard Johannes Nurminen. 3 cards
Nurmi, Saima SusannaAug. 6, 1891/ 52963 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP20688276New York, N.Y.FinlandSaari, Matilda, 529 New Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioTenkku, Helmi, 859 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Saima Susanna Nurminen
Nurmilakso, JacobJuly 14, 1882Painesville, OhioCP152/ Vol. D2, pg 5237746New YorkFinlandDOA only
Nurmilakso, JacobJuly 14, 1882226 Elm Street, Painesville, Ohio1915 06 14CP97/ Vol. 2 pg 4737746New YorkFinlandKumpulainen, Matti, Fairport Harbor, OhioTuuri, Matti, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nurminen, IsaacJuly 26, 1892Fairport Harbor, Ohio1928 06 18CP628/ Vol. 7, pg 76Jan. 24, 1916New YorkFinlandBerlin, Edward, Fairport Harbor, OhioBerlin, Marie, Fairport Harbor, OhioDOA CP Ct., Athens Co., Ohio
Nurminen, Liisa, HelleviAfter 1931CP
Nurminen, Veikko AleksanteriSept. 12, 1911Brooksdale Road, R.D. #1, Mentor Headlands, OhioCP4269/ Vol. D1418672NYFinlandDOA only
Nuuja, Elma Johanna KelttoOct. 8, 1903/ 38933 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1942 08 24CP179545746New York, N.Y.FinlandRauhala, Agnes, 338 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioPernoja, Ida, 426 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nyari, JanosNov. 25, 1885RichmondCP159/ Vol. D2, pg 5939758New YorkHungaryDOA only
Nye, Charles/ 231892 12 01PrVol. 1 pg 46Mar. 20, 1887EnglandPool, James, Painesville, Ohio
Nygord, Velma Johanna KorpiSept. 26, 191144 Charlotte Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1933 09 25CP850/ Vol. 10Jan. 19, 1917Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganCanadaWyman, Helen H., Painesville, OhioWyman, Guy, Painesville, OhioSee also Pet. #816
Nyilas, Andrew (Andras)Mar. 6, 1902531 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3368/ Vol. D841595New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Nyilas, AndrewMar. 6, 1902531 High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP965/ Vol. 13Nov. 17, 1913New YorkHungaryCrozier, William F., 84 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioSutch, Stephen Sr., 224 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Nyisztor, JanosApr. 11, 1871/ 291903 04 06PrVol. 2 pg 274Dec. 18, 1892HungaryBodak, Louis, Richmond, Ohio
Nyland, Charles Oskar/ 211891 04 06PrVol. 1 pg 76 & 18Oct. 13, 1887FinlandFeldman, Henry, Fairport, OhioDOA pg 18, Cert. pg 76
Nyperc, HermanJan. 17, 1866/ 36PrVol. 3 pg 6427 Nov 1890FinlandDOA only
Nyttberg, Nils G.1895 03 29PrVol. 1 pg 285SwedenEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, OhioCert only
Nyzkeli, KrisianiFeb. 22, 1876/ 241900 10 24PrVol. 2 pg 435Mar. 17, 1893FinlandPuska, Henry, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Nyznik, AndrewNov. 18, 1897579 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4155/ Vol. D1445319New York City, NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Andrey Nyizeryik
Nyznik, AndrewNov. 18, 1897/ 50579 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, Ohio1949 08 11CP2210Jan. 28, 1924New York, N.YCzechoslovakiaDonaldson, Lester W., 99 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioLoenczi, Bertha, 496 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Andrey Nyizeryik; AKA See also # 1457 (1940); 1stDOA Dist Ct., Detroit Michigan
Nyznik, KatherineMar. 15, 1898579 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4164/ Vol. D1441498NY City, NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Katalin Duka; more children surname Yuhasz, on back
Nyznik, KatherineMar. 15, 1898/ 50579 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, Ohio1949 02 11CP221741498NYHungaryLorenczi, Bertha, 496 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, OhioTryter, Rose, N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Katalin Duka
Obee, AlfredFeb. 21, 1884212 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioCP463/ Vol. D4, pg 16340844Detroit, Michigan via RR from QuebecEnglandDOA only
Obee, AlfredFeb. 21, 188449 King St., Painesville, OhioCP3375/ Vol. D840843Detroit, MichiganEnglandDOA only
Obee, AlfredFeb. 21, 188449 King St., Painesville, Ohio1936 03 09CP980/ Vol. 13Oct. 27, 1911Detroit, MichiganEnglandStenson, William, 129 Gillette St., Painesville, OhioJylanki, John, 636 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio
Obee, Emma JaneApr. 11, 1887/ 5449 King St., Painesville, Ohio1941 08 25CP1621Jan. 26, 1920New York, N.Y.EnglandEsch, Helen L., 29 Newell St., Painesville, OhioEsch, Glenn E., 29 Newell St., Painesville, Ohio
O'Brien, JohnNov. 1852/ 221875 10 01PrVol. B p 333May 1869IrelandWarner, James [Warney, Vianey?]
O'Brien, JohnNov. 23/ 221875 10 01PrVol. B pg 333May, 1869IrelandMaroney, James
O'Brien, Michael/ 501882 04 03PrVol. B pg 92May, 1873IrelandBarnes, Eli, Mentor, Ohio
O'Brien, Patrick/ 221876 11 06PrVol. B pg 359Aug., 1867IrelandO'Heron, Edward
O'Brien, Thomas/ 411880 11 01PrVol. B pg 74Aug., 1863IrelandDickinson, John, Painesville, Ohio
O'Connell, Thomas1869 10 11PrVol. A pg 115IrelandEverett, IsaacDOA issued 15 Dec 1866 in Probate Ct., Lake Co., Ohio
Ode, JuliaDec. 1, 1894500 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 03 09CP985/ Vol. 13Sept. 16, 1913New YorkCzechoslovakiaYuhasz, Steve, 511 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioFargo, Emanuel, 324 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Julia Ladanyi
Ode, StephenFeb. 2, 1887433 Kings Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2030/ Vol. D6, pg 23038393New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Ode, StephenFeb. 2, 1886433 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1927 06 20CP553/ Vol. 7, pg 441451Neche, N.D. by R.R.GermanyLipovich, Steve, Leroy, OhioYuhasz, Steve, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
O'Donnell, AnnieJan. 18, 18931009 Mentor Avenue, Mentor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1008/ Vol. 1346873Niagara Falls, New YorkScotlandMaloney, Mary, 1542 Nowland St., Mentor, OhioMcQuell, Mabel, 960 Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Offenloch, Johanna GunschJuly 30, 1879152 Robroy Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP1228Mar. 1894New YorkGermany/ ItalyLehner, Andrew, N. Ridge Rd., Perry, OhioGolding, Mary Jane, Rt. 2, Perry, Ohio
Offenlock, Johanna GunschJuly 30, 1879170 Robroy Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP3642/ Vol. D11Mar 1894NYTyrol, Austria?DOA only
Ogden, Percy Frederick Aug. 8, 1881McMackin Road, Madison, OhioCP4074/ Vol. D1338860Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only; AKA Fred Ogden
Ogden, Percy FrederickAug. 8, 1881/ 65Box #3, Madison, Ohio1946 09 03CP218138860Niagara Falls, NYEnglandBurchell, Frank, 247 Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioBurchell, Hattie, Rt. #1, Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioAKA Fred Ogden
Ogden, RoseFeb. 4, 1886McMackin Road, Madison, OhioCP4092/ Vol. D1339217NYEnglandDOA only
Ogden, RoseFeb. 4, 1886/ 60Rt. #3, McMackin Rd., Madison, Ohio1946 09 04CP218039217NY, NYEnglandBurchell, Frank, 247 Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioBurchell, Hattie, Rt. #1, Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, Ohio
Ogilvie, James WilliamApr. 28, 1902607 E. 332 St., Willoughby, ohioCP3993/ Vol. D1341458NYScotlandDOA only; prev. DOA US Dist. Ct. Cleveland
Ogle, Edward BrownApr. 5, 1878219 West High St., Painesville, OhioCP3981/ Vol. D1330 May 1898NYIrelandDOA only
Ogle, Edward BrownApr. 5, 1878/ 65219 W. High St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP2058May 30, 1898New York, N.YIrelandPoxon, Samuel N., 61 W. Washington, Painesville, OhioWebster, A.B., 16 E. South St., Painesville, Ohio
Ogle, Mary BarryFeb. 2, 1879219 W. High St., Painesville, OhioCP4025/ Vol. D1312 June 1899NYIrelandDOA only; AKA Mary Barry
Ogle, Mary BarryFeb. 2, 1879219 W. High St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP2059June 12, 1899N.Y., N.Y.IrelandPoxon, Samuel, 61 W. Washington, Painesville, OhioWebster, A.B., 16 E. South St., Painesville, Ohio
Ogren, Joel Ragner HenryApr. 11, 1902822 North State St., Painesville, OhioCP3562/ Vol. D1044880NYSwedenDOA only
Ogren, Joel Ragner HenryApr. 11, 1902822 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio1939 03 06CP1235Nov. 15, 1922New YorkSwedenAbrabamson, Axel, 1260 Elm St., Painesville, OhioAbrahamson, John, 1263 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio
Ogren, Margit PetreaApr. 20, 1910/ 31422 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio1942 03 02CP1687Sept. 6, 1923New York, N.Y.Tjolling, NorwayNichols, Anna P., 124 Homeworth Ave., Painesville, OhioNichols, John, 124 Homeworth Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Margit Jahnsen
Oguich, BillSept. 11, 1881102 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP987/ Vol. D6, pg 8740007New York, NYHungaryDOA only
O'Hearn, Michael [or O'Heron]/ 431886 10 13PrVol. B pg 136June, 1865IrelandAlvord, Horace
O'Hearn, William/ 321886 10 13PrVol. B pg 137May, 1875IrelandAlvord, Horace
O'Heron, Edward1873 10 13PrVol. B pg 22IrelandBartlett, C.S.Cert. only
Ohm, Martin/ 351887 11 04PrVol. B pg 138May, 1868PrussiaWard, John C.
Oinanen, OscarNov. 10, 1879Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP410/ Vol. D4, pg 11037253New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Oinanen, OscarNov. 10, 1880/ 25PrVol. 3 pg 18736626FinlandDOA only
Oinanen, OscarNov. 10, 1879426 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1922 06 06CP294/ Vol. 4 pg 45Dec. 28, 1901New YorkFinlandHilston, Herman, Fairport Harbor, OhioHerttus, Matt, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Ojala, John1883/ 171905 11 06PrVol. 4 pg 121Mar. 3, 1900FinlandTuuri, Matti, Fairport, OhioLiimakka, Herman B., Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Ojampaa, Johan WiglorNov. 7, 1873/ 271903 02 07PrVol. 2 pg 310Apr. 14, 1896FinlandKiikka, Jakob, Fairport, Ohio
Oksiloff, AssenJan. 20, 1916/ 40266 E. 324th Street, Willowick1959 02 13CP236818461NYBulgariaPiltner, Linda, 1449 E. 337 St., Eastlake, OhioPiltner, John, 1449 E. 337 St., Eastlake, Ohio
Oksiloff, ChristaDec. 6, 1926/ 29266 East 324th St., Willowick, Ohio1957 02 18CP236918461NYGermanyPiltner, Linda, 1449 E. 337 St., Eastlake, OhioPiltner, John, 1449 E. 337 St., Eastlake, Ohio
Olah, Albert Sept. 18, 1893705 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2047/ Vol. D6, pg 24744113New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Olear, GeorgeMay 16, 1873Second Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP515/ Vol. D4, pg 21539192New YorkAustria HungaryDOA only
O'Leary, Daniel/ 181884 10 22PrVol. B pg 100Aug., 1879IrelandHaley, Dan
O'Leary, TimothyAug. 17, 1835/ 221867 09 27PrVol. AM pg 381849IrelandQuinn, Christopher
Olikainen, Sulo DavidSept. 14, 1889/ 55636 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio1945 02 08CP210237344New York, N.Y.FinlandWalli, John, 835 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioPerkins, J.N., 409 Sanford St., Painesville, Ohio
Oliver, Mary Elsie WonchFeb. 23, 1899/ 421209 Roberts Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1941 03 03CP15518946Cleveland, OhioCanadaLadwig, Hilda, 1179 Phillips St., Wickliffe, OhioSaxby, Hazel, 1217 Halifax, Wickliffe, OhioAKA Elsie M. Wonch
Olle, GertrudeAug. 8, 1907/ 35680 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1852Aug. 22, 1916New York, N.Y.FinlandTaipale, Mary, 431 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioSorvisto, Hanna, 510 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Kerttu Hakli
Olli, Jacob/ 221895 03 29PrVol. 1 pg 286August 24, 1889FinlandJohnson, Jacob, Fairport, Ohio
Ollihainen, Sulo DavidSept. 14, 1889Box 105, Perry, OhioCP2004/ Vol. D6, pg 20437317New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ollikainen, AndrewDec. 18, 1856/ 47PrVol. 3 pg 16431 Mar 1892FinlandDOA only
Ollikainen, Elsie MariaMay 16, 1885636 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP4087/ Vol. D1337729Ellis Island, NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Elsa Maria Alanen
Ollikainen, Elsie MariaMay 18, 1885/ 60636 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP213337729N. Y. C., N.Y.FinlandWallie, John, 835 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioPierce, Nina, 438 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio2 cards; AKA Elsa Maria Alanen
Ollikainen, Sulo DavidSept. 17, 1889636 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP4079/ Vol. D1337344NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Suto Olikainen
Ollikainen, Sulo DavidSept. 14, 1889636 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP3416/ Vol. D937348New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ollila, John/ 331893 11 06PrVol. 1 pg 74Oct. 6, 1887FinlandEmpfield, W.N., Fairport, Ohio
Ollila, Oscar WilhelmOct. 28,1874/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 32June 30, 1899FinlandDOA only
Ollila, Oscar William1904 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 27June 30, 1899FinlandSaari, Alex, Fairport, OhioOllila, John, Fairport, Ohio
Olmer, Francois Germain Jean4111384 Beachview Dr., Erieside, Ohio1944 02 03CP196315051New York, N.Y.FranceHirsch, Alfred, 318 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioCopeland, Arch H. Jr., 625 W. Walnut St., Painesville, Ohio
Olsen, OlafApr. 28, 1894110 Plum Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1920 09 27CP257/ Vol. 4 pg 7Mar. 27, 1913New YorkSwedenErickson, John, Fairprt Harbor, OhioLewis, Alfred, Fairport Harbor, OhioDOA US District Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Olson, Fanny IngridOct. 6, 1889/ 65401 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1955 08 05CP232644185NYFinlandPierce, Nina, 438 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioVargo, Helen, 1239 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio
Olson, Frank O.1889 03 25PrVol. 1 pg 25May 25, 1881SwedenCross, Lafayette P., Painesville, Ohio
Olson, John Alfred (Johan Olsson)June 3, 1887401 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3352/ Vol. D841813New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Olson, John AlfredJune 3, 1887304 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP801/ Vol. D5, pg 20141814New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Olson, John AlfredJune 3, 1887401 4th St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1031/ Vol. 1441813New YorkFinlandKoski, Everett, 402 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKoski, Ina, Fairport 402 New Fourth St., Harbor, Ohio
Olson, Peter C.1891 11 03PrVol. 1 pg 104May, 1883DenmarkKerr, W.F., Painesville, Ohio
Olsson, EmilJan. 12, 18988 Crestwood, Willoughby, Ohio1939 09 18CP129845108New York, N.Y.SwedenLindgren, Agda, 14905 Alder Ave., E. Cleveland, OhioMuzzio, Margaret, R.F.D. #3, Madison, Ohio
O'Malia, John1877 05 07PrVol. B pg 64IrelandFlynn, Michael C.
Ondercin, NickolasJan. 20, 1903313 7th St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3528/ Vol. D1044491NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Ondercin, NickolasJan. 20, 1903317 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1188Oct. 22, 1921New YorkCzechoslovakiaHayduke, John, 318 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKovaly, John, 435 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Onderisin, Michael StephenMay 6, 1896207 High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1927 06 20CP547/ Vol. 6 pg 98Apr. 30, 1921New YorkAustriaZimny, John, Prospect St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHambor, George, 507 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioDOA Circuit Ct., Will Co., Illinois
Ondo, JohnSept. 13, 1893Lake Front Rd., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP796/ Vol. D5, pg 19636552New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Ondus, GeorgeDec 26, 1871South St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP675/ Vol. D5, pg 7523 Apr 1896New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Ondus, GeorgeDec. 26, 1871427 South St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3943/ Vol. D1323 Apr 1896NYHungaryDOA only
Ondus, George (Ondrus)Dec. 26, 1871427 South St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3379/ Vol. D823 Apr 1896New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Ondus, MaryMar. 14, 1876427 South St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3936/ Vol. D1325 May 1899NYHungaryDOA only
Ondus, MaryMar. 14, 1876427 South St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1944 08 24CP19715-25-1899New York, N.Y.HungarySutch, Stephen, 224 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioMulqueeny, William, 519 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio
O'Neill, John/ 261891 11 02PrVol. B pg 162Sept. 11, 1880IrelandDunham, E.T.
O'Neill, Matthew/ 391895 05 18PrVol. 1 pg 142August, 1880IrelandPenfield, J.W., Willoughby, Ohio
O'Neill, Terence1889 11 01PrVol.1 pg 36Apr., 1882Great BritainMcCabe, John, Mentor, Ohio
Onions, Alice MargaretJuly 10, 1899/ 51Hopkins Road, Mentor, Ohio1951 02 09CP224845170NYEnglandMerkel, Jon, Beachwood Dr., Mentor, OhioMerkel, Marilyn, Beachwood Dr., Mentor, Ohio
Onions, HarryJuly 31, 1897Primrose Dr., Mentor, OhioCP3996/ Vol. D1345200NYEnglandDOA only; Prev. DOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co. 1927
Onions, HarryJuly 31, 1897/ 51Hopkins Rd., Mentor, Ohio1948 01 05CP219745200NYEnglandSmith, Arthur L., 1376 Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioSmith, Marjory, 1376 Mentor Ave., Mentor, Ohio
Opara, VinkoMar. 4, 1891Lake Rd., North Perry, OhioCP3997/ Vol. D1344867NYItlyDOA only; AKA Vincenzo Opara; Prev. DOA Cleveland 1923
Opeka, JohnJune 6, 1880309 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3681/ Vol. d1138601NYYugoslaviaDOA only
Opeka, JohnJune 6, 1880/ 60440 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio1940 09 16CP13462076New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaLevine, Robert, 320 High St., Fairport, OhioKapel, Antonia, 440 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio
Opitz, JohanneJan. 17, 190936 River St., Willoughby, OhioCP3856/ Vol. D1328 Sept. 1934NYGermanyDOA only
Orasmaa, Fanny AhtiJune 25, 1896340 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3470/ Vol. D941424Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only; AKA Fanny Seppala
Orasmaa, Fanny AhtiJune 25, 1896340 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 03 08CP1096/ Vol. 1541424BostonFinlandSirola, John V., 433 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHenrikson, Peter H., 336 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Fanny Sepaala
Orava, MaryMar. 14, 1884358 Bank St., Painesville, OhioCP3821/ Vol. D1337611NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Maja Orava
Orava, MaryMar. 14, 1884/ 58358 Bank St., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1769Dec. 21, 1902New York, N.Y.FinlandSaari, Matilda, 529 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioJarvinen, Alina L, 415 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Maja Oravz
Orban, StevenOct. 19, 1876/ 63S. Ridge Rd., Madison, Ohio1940 09 16CP13564225New York, N.Y.HungarySchoenbeck, Lorine, S. Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioRace, Gizella, 7517 Rawlings Ave., Cleveland, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Orf, Edwina MaySept. 16, 1924/ 26232 Luary Drive, Painesville, Ohio1951 02 09CP225316928NYEnglandAmos, Opal, 147 Gillette St., Painesville, OhioOrf, Donald E., 323 Luary Dr., Painesville, OhioAKA Usat
Orlandi, LouisJuly 28, 1882Box 47, Wickliffe, OhioCP615/ Vol. D5, pg 1541706Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Orlandi, LuigiJuly 28, 18821080 Thrush Road Wickliffe, OhioCP3190/ Vol. D7, pg 19241338Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Orlando, AnnaNov. 29, 18861080 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3667/ Vol. D1141584NYItalyDOA only; AKA Anna D'Ansante
Orlando, AnnaNov. 29, 1886/ 541080 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1941 03 03CP12945059New York, N.Y.ItalyCicchinelli, Mary, 1055 Bell Ave., Wickliffe, OhioGamiere, Elizabeth, 1136 Bell Ave., Wickliffe, OhioNot microfilmed in order or missing
Orlando, CosimoOct. 26, 1885150 Railroad St., Painesville, OhioCP539/ Vol. D4, pg 23940717New York, NYItalyDOA only
Oros, JuliaJan. 3, 1906109 Third Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP939/ Vol. 12Sept. 16, 1927New YorkJugoslaviaKamenar, Mary Mrs., 320 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioOris, John, 420 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Orosz, AndrewDec. 1, 1877/ 76Antioch Road, Perry, Ohio1955 02 11CP231525 Mar 1896NYHungaryChrisian, Lloyd, Rt. 1, Middle Ridge Rd., Perry, OhioTorok, Alex, McMackin Rd., N. Madison, OhioAKA Andras Orosz
Orosz, AndroDec. 1, 1877Antioch Road, North Perry, OhioCP3934/ Vol. D1343376NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Andras Orosz
Orosz, FrankNov. 5, 1882803 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3044/ Vol. D7, pg 4439899New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Orosz, FrankNov. 5, 1882504 Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1933 06 12CP861/ Vol. 10Mar. 27, 1909New YorkAustria-HungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioTobias, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Orosz, GaborOct. 10, 1880510 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3371/ Vol. D837006New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Orosz, GaborOct. 10, 1880510 Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1011/ Vol. 13Apr. 25, 1901New YorkRoumaniaFargo, Emanuel, 324 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioSabadosh, Peter, 516 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Orosz, JohnSept. 15, 1882Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, OhioCP4000/ Vol. D1337378NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Orosz, JohnSept. 15, 1882/ 65Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1949 02 11CP220837378NYAustria-HungaryMorgan, James F., 29 W. Spalding, Willoughby, OhioBillson, James G., 19 Second St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Janos Orosz
Orosz, JuliannaFeb 3, 1886Antioch Road, Perry, OhioCP3908/ Vol. D1338264NYRoumaniaDOA only; AKA Julianna Boros
Orosz, MarySept. 19, 1893Stevens Boulevard, Willoughby, OhioCP4093/ Vol. D1340836NYAustria HungaryDOA only; AKA Maria Pallag
Orosz, MarySept. 19, 1893/ 55Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1949 02 11CP220940836NYHungaryMorgan, James F., 29 W. Spalding, Willoughby, OhioBillson, James G., 19 Second St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Maria Pallag
O'Rourke, Patrick1870 10 11PrVol. A pg 129IrelandPaige, Ralph K.
Orson, Louis HenryMay 23, 1890Willoughby, OhioCP314/ Vol. D4, pg 1441718Detroit Michigan via RR from Halifax and BridgetownEnglandDOA only
Orszag, Francis JosephAug. 18, 1916R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioCP3795/ Vol. D1344228NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Joseph Orsag
Orszag, Joseph PeterNov. 27, 1912Park Road, Painesville, OhioCP3864/ Vol. D1344228NYHungaryDOA; Petition 1770 filed with DOA
Orszag, Joseph PeterNov. 27, 1912Park Rd., RD#1, Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1770Feb. 1, 1921New York, N.Y.HungaryHorvath, Steve, 912 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioBeres, Joseph, 215 King St., Painesville, OhioPetition Separated-Filed with DOA 3864
Orszerg, Frank1863/ 38PrVol. 3 pg 13Dec. 20, 1890HungaryDOA only 21 Mar 1902
Orvos, JozsefJan. 28, 1890Richmond Rd., Painesville, OhioCP173/ Vol. D2, pg 7339295New YorkAustria HungaryDOA only
Oster, Manny Michael HirschApr. 15, 1898Hubbard Rd., N. Madison, OhioCP177141818Philadelphia, Pa.RussiaBeckwith, Theodore R., 73 Chatfield Dr., Painesville, OhioEmeley, Gordon B., Lake Shore Blvd., RD#1, Painesville, OhioIncomplete-deceased; Filed with DOA 3905
Oster, Manny Michael HirschApr. 15, 1898North Madison, OhioCP3905/ Vol. D1342914Philadelphia, Pa.RussiaDOA; AKA Michael Hirsch Oster; petition 1771 filed with DOA
Otatzky, Michael C.1905 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 45Feb. 13, 1898HungarySeiler, E.F., Painesville, OhioGreenough, John, Painesville, Ohio
Otto, Elias GeorgeJuly 10, 1887451 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2048/ Vol. D6, pg 24837575New York, NYSyriaDOA only
Otto, Elias GeorgeJuly 10, 1887324 High St., Fairport Harbor, Oho1927 06 20CP556/ Vol. 7, pg 7Nov. 15, 1902New YorkSyriaFitzgerald, Joe, Fairport Harbor, OhioRiippa, Edward, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Otto, Habib NicolauJan. 7, 1902441 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1060, Vol. D6, pg 16044611Brooklyn, New YorkSyriaDOA only
Otto, WilliamJuly 4, 1892High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP748/ Vol. D5, pg 14841416New York, NYSyriaDOA only
Ovist, Johan RichardDec. 1, 1893/ 46Tibbetts Rd., RD 2, Kirtland, Ohio1940 03 04CP13549037Detroit, Mich.SwedenMcDonald, David Steward, 13613 Ahburton Ave., Cleveland, OhioMartin, Katherine, Tibbetts Rd., R.F.D. #2, Kirtland, OhioDOA CP Ct. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Ovnic, Maks39577North Dayton Road, RD #1, Madison, OhioCP4224/ Vol. D1418190NYYugoslavia, SloveniaDOA only
Owen, EbenezerOct. 23, 1897/ 43375 E. 323rd St., Willowick, Ohio1942 03 02CP162944937Noyes, Minn.N. WalesSchlaeger, Henry A., 335 E. 197th St., Euclid, OhioMentall, John, 326 E. 195th St., Euclid, Ohio
Paavola, GustDec. 23, 1850/ 461899 03 31PrVol. 2, pg 149Sept. 11, 1881FinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Paavola, Sanna WilhelminaNov. 12, 1884737 North Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3951/ Vol. D1337622NYFinlandDOA only
Pacatte, Charles JulesFeb. 6, 1880/ 62Morley Rd., RFD #3, Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP187412556New York, N.Y.FranceBucholtz, Edward Herny, Morley Rd., Painesville, OhioBucholtz, Hilda Gertrude, Morley Rd., Painesville, OhioDOA Circuit Ct.,Wayne Co., Michigan
Pacatte, Jeanne Catherine LehrmannMar. 9, 1886/ 56RFD #3, Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP187512556New York, N.Y.FranceBucholtz, Edward Henry, Morley Rd., Painesville, OhioBucholtz, Hilda Ellen, Morley Rd., Painesville, OhioDOA Circuit Ct., Wayne Co., Michigan
Pace, Caloraro/ 211895 11 05PrVol. 1 pg 319Mar. 25, 1889ItalyNasca, Rosolino, Painesville, Ohio
Pace, Pasquale1883/ 171905 11 06PrVol. 4 pg 123Sept. 3, 1900ItalyMalonzi, Tom, Painesville, OhioGullo, Gracomo, Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Pace, PietroFeb. 22, 188836 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP594/ Vol. D4, pg 29440290New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pace, SalvatoreDec. 16, 1899345 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP190641220New York, N.Y.ItalyDolce, Calagero, 219 N. St. Clair, St., Painesville, OhioGiblin, E.K., 239 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Salvatore DiGati Pace
Pace, SamDec. 16, 1899N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP1053/ Vol. D6, pg 15341586New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pace, VincenzoDec. 16, 1848/ 52PrVol. 2 pg 29903 Sep. 1897ItalyDOA only 1900 11 06
Pace, VitoJuly 16, 189136 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP595/ Vol. D4, pg 29541861New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pachete, Anna MariaAfter 1931CP
Pachete, Sistina DidinaAfter 1931CP
Pacitto, ElenaJan. 20, 1920506 Hoyt Street, Painesville, Ohio1964 08 13CP263020590NYItalyPadula, Catherine, 27 Fairport-Nursery Road, Painesville, OhioSalvatore, Rose, 5385 Heisley Road, Mentor, Ohioposs. AKA Elena Pachete; Incomplete 1964?
Packalen, Adolf FredrickJan. 19, 1862/ 381903 02 16PrVol. 2 pg 272May 7, 1893FinlandHilston, Chas. G., Fairport, Ohio
Padden, EllenOct. 21, 1901Sherwick Waite Hill, Willoughby, OhioCP3786/ Vol. D1345901NYIrelandDOA only
Padron, Carmen Clara PazosAfter 1931CP
Padron, Virginia MariaAfter 1931CP
Padula, CatherineAug. 22, 192427 Fairport-Nursery Rd., Painesville, Ohio1958 02 14CP241317744NYItalyMoretti, Pauline, 10 Fairport Harbor, OhioCardina, Joseph N., 154 Fairport Nursery Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Catherine Falcone
Paglia, GiuseppeDec. 1, 1924Stop 29, Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP4243/ Vol. D1418182? on SS ItaliaItalyDOA only
Paglia, JosephDec. 1, 1924Stop 29, Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1952 08 18CP229318182NYItalyOrando, Raymond, 29734 Euclid Ave., WickliffeVlosich, George, 1730 E. 296, Wickliffe, OhioAKA Giuseppa Paglia
Painpanini, Andrea1905 11 06PrVol. 4 pg 41June 3, 1899ItalyMalonzi, Tom, Painesville, OhioGullo, Gracomo, Painesville, Ohio
Pakkala, AlfredAug. 24, 1873/ 23PrVol. 2 pg 52Mar. 1892FinlandDOA only Sept. 19, 1896
Paldruhi, JanosJune 16, 1885High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP351/ Vol. D4, pg 5140250New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Paldruhl, JanosJune 16, 1885High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1922 09 29CP221/ Vol. 3 pg 71Mar. 6, 1910New YorkHungaryWerbeach, Henry, Fairport Harbor, OhioEmmons, Dr. C., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Polducky; DOA in petition before
Palinsky, KarolyFeb. 20, 1885Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1921 09 26CP196/ Vol. 3 pg 4639232New YorkHungaryBell, Lewis T., Fairport Harbor, OhioMoskovitz, Eugene, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Palinsky, KaroweFeb. 20, 1885804 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP294/ Vol. D3, pg 9439232New YorkHungaryDOA only
Palinsky, SteveDec. 16, 1871/ 32PrVol. 3 pg 15713 Apr 1899HungaryDOA only
Palko, AmsoFeb. 7, 1859/ 371899 03 23PrVol. 2 pg 84Feb. 21, 1885HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, Ohio
Pallak, MichaelOct. 16, 189241 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioIncompleteCP162/ Vol. 3 pg 1238494NYAustria-HungaryNeboyskey, John J., 39 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioBuchner, Wesley L., Erie St., Willoughby, OhioIncomplete June 1920
Pallak, MichealOct. 16, 1892Vine St., WilloughbyCP295/ Vol. D3, pg 9538494New YorkAustria HungaryDOA only
Pallant, George Samuel19 Nov 1881Concord, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 4017 Oct 1883New YorkEnglandDOA only
Pallant, Will Y.1879/1903 11 24PrVol. 4 pg 112Nov. 11, 1883EnglandWhite, John C., Painesville, OhioHodges, W.S., Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Palmer, Elizabeth AnneApr. 19, 1889422 Campbell Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP4066/ Vol. D1339984Philadelphia, Pa.EnglandDOA only
Palmer, Ernest EdwardNov. 20, 1866422 Campbell Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP4067/ Vol. D1339984Philadelphia, Pa.EnglandDOA only
Palmer, Gustav (Anders Gust Palmer)Oct. 30, 1872219 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3362/ Vol. D838459New York, NYSwedenDOA only
Palmer, GustavOct. 30, 1872219 Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP932/ Vol. 12Apr. 17, 1905New YorkSwedenAbrahamson, Ludwig John, 1205 Elm St., Painesville, OhioHorvath, Kelman, 296 Richmond St., Painesville, Ohio
Palmer, JamesDec. 9, 1834/ 341868 10 12PrVol. AM pg 61August, 1842EnglandHouse, Samuel R., Painesville, Ohio
Palmer, Leon WilliamJuly 5, 1895R.D. #1, Willoughby, OhioCP398/ Vol. D4, pg 9839983Philadelphia, Pa.EnglandDOA only
Palmer, Thomas A./ 261890 07 29PrVol. 1 pg 309Apr. 29, 1866IrelandLloyd, William R., Willoughby, Ohio
Palmer, Thomas R.Feb. 17, 1825/ 431868 10 12PrVol. AM pg 62Aug., 1842EnglandHouse, Samuel R., Painesville, Ohio
Palmer, Winifred4110140 E. Walnut St., Painesville, Ohio1945 02 08CP19539092New York, N.Y.Gr. Britain-EnglandCaruso, Theresa, 692 Argonne Dr., Painesville, OhioBrockway, Edna, 51 Wheeling Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Winifred Whelen
Palmisano, JosephMay 28, 1882St. Clair St., Willoughby, OhioCP174941476New York, N.Y.ItalyCaristo, John, 940 Rondell Rd., Cleveland, OhioNegrelli, Carmen, 15727 Halliday Ave., Cleveland, OhioIncomplete; Guiseppe Palmissano
Palmquist, Petre OscarJan. 8, 1855West mentor, OhioCP238/ Vol. D3, pg 3811 May 1887New YorkSwedenDOA only
Palo, MattJuly 2, 1873/ 271902 10 13PrVol. 2 pg 241Oct. 12, 1895FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Paloczi, AlexOct. 25, 1859/ 42PrVol. 3 pg 11514 Mar 1898HungaryDOA only
Palonen, Andy ChristianNov. 30, 1896Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP513/ Vol. D4, pg 21342414New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Palssi, HermanAug. 1, 1875/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 34 Apr 1899FinlandDOA only
Palssi, Herman1906 09 26PrVol. 4 pg 61Apr. 28, 1899FinlandTuuri, Matti, Fairport, OhioNortunen, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Palssi, Jacob OscarJuly 27, 18711903 12 05PrVol. 4 pg 3Sept. 8, 1893FinlandPispala, Charles, Fairport, OhioHilston, G. Charles, Fairport, OhioDOA Vol. 3 pg 2
Palumbo, AndreaSetp. 27, 1872/ 27PrVol. 2 pg 220Jan. 7, 1897ItalyDOA only Dec. 30, 1899
Palumbo, AntonioAug. 3, 1896633 No. State St., Painesville, OhioCP1069/ Vol. D6, pg 16944099New York, NYItalyDOA only
Palumbo, AntonioAug. 3, 1896633 N. State Street, Painesville, Ohio1927 06 20CP576/ Vol. 7, pg 28Sept. 25, 1920New YorkItalyLynch, Sylvester John, Painesville, OhioMulqueeny, William, Painesville, Ohio
Palumbo, ElisaAug. 17, 189571 1/2 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP13977705New York, N.Y.ItalyMarianella, Lucia, 1027 Wade Ave., Wickliffe, OhioMarinelli, Anna, 773 Third Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Elisa Testone
Palumbo, FeliceFeb. 16, 1869/ 281899 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 179Aug. 22, 1892ItalyLombardi, Donato, Painesville, Ohio
Palumbo, GiacomoApr. 13, 1870/ 301903 03 26PrVol. 2 pg 294June 9, 1895ItalyNasca, Rosolino, Painesville, Ohio
Palumbo, Joseph37761R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP1088/ Vol. D6, pg 18843363New York, NYItalyDOA only
Palumbo, Joseph37761Foirport Rd., Box 55, Painesville, OhioCP3551/ Vol. D1044143NYItalyDOA only
Palumbo, Joseph37761Fairport Rd., Box 55, Painesville, Ohio1938 09 19CP1123Nov. 8, 1920New YorkItalySquare, Felix R., RFD #1, Painesville, Fairport Harbor, OhioLynch, Edward, 347 Chester Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Palumbo, LuigiFeb. 18, 1886Box 243, Wickliffe, OhioCP2087/ Vol. D6, pg 2876 Oct. 1920New York, NYItalyDOA only
Palumbo, LuigiFeb. 18, 18861020 thrush Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1928 06 18CP615/ Vol. 7, pg 63Oct. 9, 1920New YorkItalyGallese, Joe, Wickliffe, OhioRuttari, Carmine, Wickliffe, OhioSee also #594/ Vol. 7
Palumbo, Mary ElizabethJan. 30, 1905315 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1942 03 02CP173939296New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaHurley, Helena, 325 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioMcDonnell, Augusta, 309 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Maria Jaborski
Paluska, JohnSept. 26, 1883Leroy Center Rd., Painesville, OhioCP3980/ Vol. D1339409NYAustria HungaryDOA only; AKA Janos Paluska
Paluska, JohnSept. 26, 1883/ 65Leroy Center Rd., Painesville, Ohio1948 08 11CP220439409NYHungarySabo, George, Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioOrvos, Joseph, Lakeshore Blvd., Mentor, OhioAKA Janos Paluska; Cert. delivered.
Panazek, LouisMay 12, 1881713 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3767/ Vol. D1230? May, 1906Baltimore, Md.JugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Luka Panezic
Pantya, SteveDec. 28, 1879200 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3721/ Vol. D1241696NYHungaryDOA only
Pantya, SteveDec. 28, 1879182 Morse Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4173/ Vol. D1441696NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Istvan Pantya; see letter
Pantya, SteveDec. 28, 1879/ 70182 Morse Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1950 08 18CP222941696NYHungaryKallay, Robert, Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioNagy, John, 182 Morse Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Istvan Pantya; See alo #1512/ Vol. 24 (1940)
Pantzio, DemeterSept. 6, 1885416 Independent St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1056/ Vol. D6, pg 14641136Baltimore, Md.RoumaniaDOA only
Panzaralla, InnocenzoAug. 22, 189959 Prospect Street, Painesville, Ohio1928 10 01CP607/ Vol. 7, pg 56Sept. 21, 1920New YorkItalyDolce, Cologero, Painesville, OhioPace, Charles, Painesville, Ohio
Panzarella, InnocenzoAug. 22, 1899114 Owego St., Painesville, OhioCP938/ Vol. D6, pg 3844093New York, NYItalyDOA only
Paolucci, GiuseppiOct. 10, 1897505 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2086/ Vol. D6, pg 28645242Boston, MassItalyDOA only
Paperman, Vera OlgaMar. 24, 19281647 Ridgewick Drive, Wickliffe, Ohio1963 08 15CP260721032NYGermanyPaperman, Jacob, 1647 Ridgewick Dr., Wickliffe, OhioKertzman, Rita, 1643 Ridgewick Dr., Wickliffe, Ohio
Papp, AlexOct. 20, 1890239 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3842/ Vol. D1341015NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Sandor Papp
Papp, AlexOct. 20, 1890237 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP809/ Vol. D5, pg 20941016New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Papp, AndyNov. 18, 1893High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP548/ Vol. D4, pg 24839915New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Papp, AntonMar. 15, 1879Garnd River, OhioCP292/ Vol. D3, pg 9238640New YorkHungaryDOA only
Papp, GeorgeApr. 16, 1893High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP833/ Vol. D5, pg 23338831New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Papp, GeorgeApr. 16, 1893211 Courtland, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 06 04CP416/ Vol. 5 pg 6741417New YorkAustriaBell, Andrew J., Fairport Harbor, OhioSutch, Steve, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Papp, JoeJune 28, 1891High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP549/ Vol. D4, pg 24939915New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Papp, JohnNov. 14, 1856/ 401899 03 25PrVol. 2 pg 45Jan. 7, 1892HungaryPoytosh, John, Fairport, Ohio
Papp, SigmondFeb. 5, 1870/ 261896 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 393Mar. 16, 1867HungaryBarra, Sigmond, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Park, Edwin3669026 1/2 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3873/ Vol. D1311063NYEnglandDOA only
Park, JamesOct. 9, 1884Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioCP450/ Vol. D4, pg 15038716Detroit, Michigan via RR from Windsor, CanadaCanadaDOA only
Parker, Ivan FergusonSept. 27, 190183 Main St., Madison, OhioCP3296/ Vol. D847150Detroit, MichiganScotlandDOA only
Parker, Ivan FergusonSept. 27, 190144 S. Lake Street, Madison, Ohio1934 09 24CP899/ Vol. 11Feb. 1, 1929Detroit, MichiganScotlandKimball, Abel, 300 W. Main St., Madison, OhioHart, Edith, R.D. #3, Madison, Ohio
Parker, Jean Robertson CuthbertAfter 1931CP
Parker, Martha LuezetteDec. 15, 1871R.R. #1, Mentor, Ohio1936 09 21CP1040/ Vol. 14Jan. 14, 1935Detroit, MichiganCanadaBecker, Edgar W., RR 1, Mentor, OhioHorton, Jeanette, RD 3, Painesville, OhioAKA Martha Luzetta Aylsworth Parker
Parkin, RobertJune 29, 1890Taylor Road, Wickliffe, OhioCP311/ Vol. D4, pg 1130 Aug 1890New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Parmigiano, FrancesDec. 23, 1909/ 35464 Henry St., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP2120Sept. 28, 1916New York, N.Y.ItalyDolce, Pasqualina, 485 Owego St., Painesville, OhioRanda, Rose, 543 Storrs St., Painesville, OhioAKA Franesca Messina; 2 cards
Parmigiano, MikeMay 4, 1898622 State St., Painesville, OhioCP2023/ Vol. D6, pg 22344348New York, NYItalyDOA only
Parrey, ChristianFeb. 13, 1877Rout 2, Box 76, Painesville, OhioCP668/ Vol. D5, pg 6837874New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Parrottino, DomenicheSixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioApr. 3, 1890Apr. 3, 1890CP498/ Vol. D4, pg 19841540New York, NYItalyDOA only
Parry, George1841/ 351876 11 07PrVol. B pg 400Sept. 30, 1859New YorkEnglandHarper, AlexanderHonorable disch US Army 24 Aug 1864. Enlisted 24 Aug 1861 in Co. K-2nd Reg. Ohio Vol. Cavalry; Left England 1 Spet 1859
Partanen, Hilma JohannaMar. 12, 1883519 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3601/ Vol. D1143222Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Partanen, Hilma JohannaMar. 12, 1883519 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 09 19CP1186Mar. 29, 1903Boston, Mass.FinlandHokkenen, Moses, Plum & Seventh Sts., Fairport Harbor, OhioJacobson, John F., 210 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Pasanen, Emil A.Jan. 21, 1876/ 261903 04 03PrVol. 3 pg 5151893 10 21FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Pasanen, Johan WilhoSept. 14, 1882/ 19PrVol. 3 pg 4037365FinlandDOA only
Pasanen, Juha H.Apr. 13, 1844/ 58PrVol. 3 pg 14226 Feb 1890FinlandDOA only
Pasanen, Oscar WilhoNov. 17, 1909614 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3559/ Vol. D1042632NYFinlandDOA only
Pasanen, Oscar WilhoNov. 17, 1909520 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 03 07CP1169Sept. 19, 1916New YorkFinlandAhonen, William, 448 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioTallbacks, Aarne, 200 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio
Pasanen, Weikko Kalle38872224 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2628/ Vol. D1142704NYFinlandDOA only
Paschali, Bernard Marie CamilleJan. 12, 1924/ 3129526 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe1955 08 05CP234018254NYFrancePascheli, Paul, 1084 E. 200 St., Euclid, OhioFogarty, Gordon, 29526 Euclid, Wickliffe, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Paschull, JohnDec. 1, 190355 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1929 09 30CP747/ Vol. 8Mar. 22, 1921New YorkItalyMoloney, James, Painesville, OhioGeosana, Joseph, Willoughby, OhioAKA Giovanni Pasciullo
Paschulla, JohnDec. 1, 190255 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP3111/ Vol. D7, pg 11244277New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pasciollo, AngeloJuly 14, 1875/ 6555 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP122341454New York, N.Y.ItalyAngelotti, Antonio, 57 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioDelsantro, Michael A., 80 Second St., Willoughby, Ohio
Pasciullo, AngeloJuly 14, 187555 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP3520/ Vol. D1041454NYItalyDOA only
Pasciullo, LauraNov. 3, 190855 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP3924/ Vol. D1344277NYItalyDOA only
Pasciullo, Lucia Mrs.Dec. 13, 1881/ 6055 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP178744277New York, N.Y.ItalyLapisocpia, Evelyn Mrs., 19 Church St., Willoughby, OhioAngelotti, Mary Mrs., 57 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio
Pasco, EugeneJan. 5, 1890551 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioCP814/ Vol. D5, pg 21443917New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pasco, EugeneJan. 5, 1890PerryCP130/ Vol. D2, pg 3039159New YorkItalyDOA only
Pasco, MarieDec. 12, 1899Dayton Rd., Madison, Ohio1939 03 06CP1270Oct. 31, 1915New YorkIrelandKroflic, Francis, Dayton Rd., Madison, OhioKroflic, Joseph, Dayton Rd., Madison, Ohio
Pasliello, AngeloJuly 14, 187555 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP3098/ Vol. D7, pg 9941459New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pasquale, Arriego1900 11 01PrVol. 2 pg 280ItalySullivan, F.W., Painesville, OhioDOA issued 19 Nov 1897 Buffalo, N.Y.
Passalolpi, AntonyJan. 17, 1891Willoughby, OhioCP384/ Vol. D4, pg 8442496New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pasternak, Tadeusz121 Fowling St., Playa Del Rye, Los Angeles, Cal.CP2552/ Journal 155 pg 66US District Court, LA, Cal. April 1962; Filed with transfers
Pasto, Alfred1866/ 26PrVol. 1 pg 150May 1887FinlandDOA only
Pasto, EmilJuly 1, 1880/ 22PrVol. 3 pg 7318 May 1899FinlandDOA only
Pastor, AndrewMar. 21, 1907/ 33460 Button Ave., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP14704722New York, N.Y.HungaryHoch, Andrew K., 219 E. Streeet, Fairport, ohioPatterson, Virgil, RFD #1, Newell St., Painesville, OhioAKA Andras Pasztor
Pastor, FrankFeb. 25, 1870PrVol. 2 pg 28303 Feb 1896HungaryDOA only 1900 11 01
Pastor, SusieOct. 18, 1879698 Newel St., Painesville, OhioIncomplete 1960CP252641247New York, N.Y.HungaryYanko, Ethel, 178 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioSabo, Julia, 173 Chester St., Painesville, OhioAKA Zusza Pastor
Pasztirak, SteveFeb. 22, 1873/1905 11 06PrVol. 4 pg 44Mar. 24, 1899HungarySuch, Steve, Fairport, OhioSziszak, Johan, Fairport, OhioDOA vol. 3 pg 9. Arrival could be 29 Feb 1900
Patana, WilliamApr. 15, 1876262 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP844/ Vol. 5, pg 24437611New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Patetson, James Craig (Pattison)Apr. 4, 1902Parmelie Farms, Painesville, OhioCP3277/ Vol. D7, pg 28046053New York, NYScotlandDOA only
Pato, YrjoMar. 12, 1884/ 18PrVol. 3 pg 7436968FinlandDOA only
Patrick, CharlesOct. 18, 1878/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 1731 Oct 1899HungaryDOA only
Patrovo, SteveDec. 26, 1887Center St., Mentor, OhioCP394/ Vol. D4, pg 9438158New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Patt, CharlesFeb. 17, 1876Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP329/ Vol. D4, pg 2940327New York, NYItalyDOA only
Patt, CharlesFeb. 17, 187672 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1923 07 11CP336/ Vol. 4 pg 8740327New YorkItalyKnight, James B., Willoughby, OhioDelsantro, Nick, Willoughby, Ohio
Patt, Mary JaneFeb. 25, 1877/ 6372 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP13945246New York, N.Y.ItalyVitale, Carmela, Second St., Willoughby, OhioSucci, Lena, 68 Vne St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Maria Giovanna D'Alberto
Patt, MickeDec. 27, 188872 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP768/ Vol. D5, pg 16843834New York, NYItalyDOA only
Patt, MickeDec. 27, 188816 Skiff Street, Willoughby, Ohio1926 06 02CP507/ Vol. 6 pg 58Jan. 31, 1920New YorkItalyShankland, F.N., Willoughby, OhioDelsantro, Nick, Willoughby, Ohio
Patt, SylvesterApr. 8, 190072 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP894/ Vol. D5, pg 29441772New York, NYItalyDOA only
Patt, SylvesterApr. 8, 190072 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1924 09 25CP404/ Vol. 5 pg 5541771New YorkItalyMaloney, E.J., Willoughby, OhioIainadrea, Pat, Willoughby, OhioAKA Sylvestro Potti
Patti, AngeloFeb. 24, 1881/ 211902 04 05PrVol. 3 pg 481Jan. 10, 1894ItalyMass, Chas., Painesville, Ohio
Patti, Grovanni1883/ 161905 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 125July 13, 1899ItalyGullo, Grecomo, Painesville, OhioMalonzi, Tom, Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Patti, GuiseppeFeb. 29, 1876/ 241902 03 26PrVol. 2 pg 301Mar. 29, 1893ItalyMass, Charles, Painesville, Ohio
Paulensky, ElizabethJune 28, 1898Wetmore Avenue, Grand River, Ohio1929 06 17CP705/ Vol. 8Oct. 6, 1901New YorkHungaryHenricle, Jessie M., Painesville, OhioKovacs, Rose, Painesville, OhioSee also #705/ Vol. 8
Pauler, IdaJune 16, 1885/ 68Lake Shore blvd., Mentor, Ohio1955 02 161CP231438097NYSwitzerlandWhite Ester, 106 South St., Painesville, OhioNeebuhr, Elsie, 243 N. State St., Painesville, OhioAKA Ida Grob
Paulich, JohnMay 26, 1886705 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3519/ Vol. D1041378NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Paulich, JohnMay 26, 1886c/o Osborne Farm, Lost Nation Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP4120/ Vol. D1441378NYYugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Yanoz Pavlic
Paulin, Jaakko OscarNov. 4, 1899/ 41R.D. Park Road, Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP13759082New York, N.Y.FinlandBeck, Einar N., 529 New St., Fairport, OhioSalminen, Pearl, 546 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioPoss. 2 petitions
Paulin, JaakoNov. 4, 1899206 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3258/ Vol. D7, pg 26145607New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Paulinsky, Elizabeth39992Grand River, OhioCP3056/ Vol. D7, pg 5637170New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Paulinsky, Mike/ 221901 03 31PrVol. 1 pg 321Jan. 1, 1890HungaryDock, Sam, Richmond, Ohio
Paulinsky, SteveDec. 12, 1871Wetmore Ave., Grand River, OhioCP3716/ Vol. D1236995NYHungaryDOA only
Paulinsky, StevenDec. 14, 1872Wetmore Ave., Grand River, OhioCP3232/ Vol. D7, pg 23536994New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Paulinszky, Majk1842/ 471901 03 30PrVol. 2 pg 314Jan. 28, 1889HungaryDock, Sam, Richmond, OhioDOA issued 02 Sept 1891 Common Pleas Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, attached
Paulsen, HaroldAug. 27, 1885Wickliffe, OhioCP626/ Vol. D5, pg 2638426Boston, Mass.NorwayDOA only
Pavel, GeorgeOct. 5, 1875Grand River, OhioCP937/ Vol. D6, pg 3738092Philadelphia, Penna.HungaryDOA only
Pavelka, MaryOct. 18, 1887813 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3818/ Vol. D1344330NYHungaryDOA only
Pavelka, MaryOct. 18, 1887/ 53813 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP15707805New York, N.Y.HungaryBell, Zsuzsanna T., 247 Courtland St., Fairport, OhioGoblowsky, Ann, 410 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Pavelka, MikeJune 3, 1882High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP551/ Vol. D4, pg 25143254Baltimore, Md.HungaryDOA only
Pavey, W.H.Jan. 25, 1873/ 23PrVol. 2 pg 65Apr. 8, 1891CanadaDOA only Oct. 10, 1896
Pavoordt, Adrian H.36674R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP1002/ Vol. D6, pg 10245038New York, NYHollandDOA only
Payn, James1863 10 01PrVol. A pg 28EnglandWilson, Samuel
Pazar, Ethel MariaApr. 3, 1913130 Nebraska St., Painesville, Ohio1969 04 15CP270520457?RumaniaPetrusz, Elizabeth, 43 N. Doan, Painesville, OhioPorostosky, Margaret, 204 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Ethelka Margaretha Maria Pazar
Pazar, SteveNov. 18, 1905422 Fifth Street, Fairport, Ohio1957 08 09CP239918839NYHungaryFedak, John, 426 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioGyure, John, 414 Sixth, Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Istvan Zoltan Pazar
Pazicni, Dorothea TheresiaAfter 1931CP
Pearce, Charles FrederickMay 28, 1867MentorCP120/ Vol. D2, pg 201 Mar 1890Buffalo, New YorkEnglandDOA only
Pearson, Carl Einar37446RFD #3, Haynes Rd., Madison, Ohio1939 09 18CP1339Sept. 1, 1923New York, N.Y.SwedenFoster, Vernon, RD #3, N. Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioCritchet, Bird B., 91 Chestnut St., Painesville, OhioAKA Karl Einar Persso
Pearson, Fredrick ClementJune 23, 189994 Harper St., Perry, OhioCP4051/ Vol. D1346407Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Pearson, GeorgeFeb. 14, 1886R.F.D. Madison, OhioIncompleteCP154/ Vol. 3 pg 440900Ashtabula, Ohio--Grand Trunk R.R.EnglandCrandall, T. D., Madison, OhioDille, G. A., Madison, Ohio
Pearsons, Carl E.37446R.F.D. #4, Painesville, OhioCP3213/ Vol. D7, pg 21645170New York, NYSwedenDOA only
Pechak, Stella45804158 Aberdeen Road, North Madison, Ohio1957 08 14CP239516932NYEnglandErvin, Betty I., 99 Aberdeen Rd., N. Madison, OhioUnfried, Dorothy E., 148 Aberdeen Rd., N. Madison, Ohionot dated
Peck, HermanMay 11, 1866/ 36PrVol. 3 pg 8115 Mar 1896FinlandDOA only
Peck, JohnJan. 26, 1861Perry, OhioCP378/ Vol. D4, pg 7820 Feb 1896New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Peck, JohnJan. 26, 1861Perry, Ohio1919 09 22CP194/ Vol. 3 pg 44Feb. 20, 1896New YorkEnglandBrown, J.F., Perry, OhioLangshaw, Thomas, Perry, Ohio
Peine, WilhelmApr. 18, 1866Haskell Rd., Mentor, OhioCP3108/ Vol. D7, pg 10913 June 1892New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Pelat, Charles36651529 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1035/ Vol. D6, pg 13544032New York, NYGreeceDOA only
Pelat, Charles36651107 E. Washington St., Painesville, Ohio1926 09 29CP518/ Vol. 6, pg 6944026New YorkGreeceLanphair, Harry N.Johnson, Harry A., Painesville, Ohio
Pelat, Helen39589121 Lusard St., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP116546568New YorkEgyptLeFaivre, Lucille, 54 Hayes St., Painesville, OhioHoover, Montrose, 524 S. State St., Painesville, Ohio
Pelat, WilliamAug. 15, 1897Main Street, Painesville, Ohio1925 09 23CP462/ Vol. 6 pg 1341462New YorkGreeceLandphair, H.N., Painesville, OhioAustin, Geo., Painesville, OhioAKA Vassilics Pilatis
Pelatis, VassiliosAug. 15, 1897Y.M.C.A., Park Place, Painesville, OhioCP956/ Vol. D6, pg 5641462New York, NYGreeceDOA only
Peleskey, JohnJuly 6, 1888219 Orchard Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1929 09 30CP737/ Vol. 8Mar. 16, 1922New YorkHungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioHalavacs, Alex, Fairport Harbor, OhioIndexed Pelaskey; DOA District Ct., Wheeling, WVa.
Pelkonen, Anna Gustaava38113455 Bank St., Painesville, OhioCP4004/ Vol. D1339265Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganFinlandDOA only
Pelkonen, Anna GustaavaMar. 6, 1904477 N. St. Clair St., painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP202239265Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.FinlandO’Brien, Tom J., 1321 Maple St., Mentor, OhioHackley, Anna, 456 Liberty St., Painesville, Ohio
Pelkonen, Fanny AlexandraFeb. 6, 1900455 Bank, Painesville, OhioCP4005/ Vol. D1339265Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganFinlandDOA only; Previous DOA Bessemer, Gagebic Michigan Circuit Ct.1923
Pelkonen, Fanny AlexandraFeb. 6, 1900473 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP202339265Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.FinlandO'Brien, Tom J., 1321 Maple St., Mentor, OhioHackley, Anna, 456 Liberty St., Painesville, Ohio
Pellei, StifDec. 15, 1866/ 30PrVol. 2 pg 155Jan. 4, 1891HungaryDOA only Apr. 2, 1897
Pelley, JoeMar. 21, 1875/ 211896 10 29PrVol. 2 pg 379Mar. 21, 1891HungaryBerra, Sigmond, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Pellinen, JuhoSept. 28, 1860/ 42PrVol. 3 pg 1026 June 1896FinlandDOA only
Peltomaa, John [or Peltomea]May 9, 1848/ 481898 12 07PrVol. 2 pg 111Sept. 1880FinlandBelto, Jaakob, Fairport, Ohio
Pemo, Tom (Paano, Tom)Aug. 7, 1898440 Belle Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3158/ Vol. D7, pg 16041438New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pennaruria, Vinlenzo1894 11 06PrVol. 1 pg 234ItalyWelch, John, Painesville, OhioCert. only
Penttila, Armas399401074 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3394/ Vol D943833Sault Ste. Marie, MichiganCanadaDOA only
Penttila, Armas Mattias399371074 Skinner Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1936 03 09CP981/ Vol. 13Jan. 3, 1920Sault Ste. MarieCanadaLefelhocz, John, 908 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioIhasz, John, Madison Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Penttila, AugustDec. 23, 1873/ 251899 04 03PrVol. 2 pg 153Feb. 14, 1890FinlandRoot, M. L., Fairport, Ohio
Penttila, HilmaSept. 23, 18861074 Skinner Ave., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP117843632Sault St. MarieFinlandSirola, John Victor, 433 Eage, Fairport Harbor, OhioHokkanen, Moses, 328 Seventh ST., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Penttila, MattOct. 25, 1883530 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP977/ Vol. D6, pg 7736589Portland, MaineFinlandDOA only
Penttila, MattOct. 25, 18831074 Skinner Ave., Painesville, Ohio1937 03 08CP1081/ Vol. 1543632Sault St. MarieFinlandLindval, Frank J., 909 N. State St., Painesville, OhioSirola, Johan V., 433 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Matti Penttila
Penttila, Matt (Matti)Oct. 25, 18831974 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3466/ Vol. D943632Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.FinlandDOA only
Penttila, Svante HiikkiMay 4, 1924/ 31419 New Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1956 08 10CP236017874NYFinlandRobinson, Lillian, 31 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioAhlberg, John, 319 New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Peralahti, Sefania/ 251895 03 26PrVol. 1 pg 269Mar. 25, 1887FinlandEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, Ohio
Percival, James WebbOct. 23, 1899Kirtland RFD #2, Willoughby, OhioCP3933/ Vol.. D1345031Boston, Mass.EnglandDOA only
Perduk, Stefan MichalSept. 21, 1905851 North St. Clair, Painesville, Ohio1959 08 14CP246318125ChechoslovakiaEsterhay, Anton, 607 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioOde, Stefan, 532 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Pergler, EllaMay 18, 1882Park St., Mentor Park, Mentor, OhioCP2001/ Vol. D6, pg 20144372San Francisco, Calif.CzechoslovakiaDOA only
Perkins, Thomas PhilipSept. 3, 1904Kirtland Country Club, Willoughby, OhioCP3444/ Vol. D947391St. Albans, Vt.EnglandDOA only
Perkins, Thomas PhilipSept. 3, 1904Kirtland Country Club, Willoughby, Ohio1937 09 20CP1079/ Vol. 15Sept. 30, 1929St. Albans, Vt.EnglandCassell, David R., Cottage 7, Kirtland Country Club, Willoughby, OhioZink, Benjamin W., Crossfield Dr., Mentor, Ohio
Perna, FiorentinoFeb. 18, 1899Box 101, Wickliffe, OhioCP873/ Vol. D5, pg 27344256New York, NYItalyDOA only
Perna, FlorentinaFeb. 18, 18991024 Wade Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1927 10 03CP561/ Vol. 7, pg 1244317New YorkItalyFuller, J.S., Willoughby, OhioFuller, C.H., Wickliffe, Ohio
Perna, Maria LuiginaDec. 13, 1900/40949 Bellview rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1941 03 03CP14208341New York, N.Y.ItalyVitantonio, Pat, 1052 Bell ave., Wickliffe, OhioTuri, Fiorentino, Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Luigina Bentivoglio
Perna, NicolaMar. 1, 1890Wickliffe, OhioCP877/ Vol. D5. pg 27744282Philadelphia, Pa.ItalyDOA only
Perna, NicolaMar. 1, 18901097 Bell Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1929 06 17CP649/ Vol. 7, pg 97Mar. 27, 1921Philadelphia, Penna.ItalyFatica, Domenico A., Wickliffe, OhioBrunetti, Susie, Wickliffe, Ohio
Pernaja, IdaMar. 21, 1902425 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3053/ Vol. D7, pg 5344392New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Pernoja, Ida Wilhelmina HaapalaMar. 21, 1902425 Eagle Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1929 09 30CP742/ Vol. 844392New YorkFinlandSorvisto, Senia Mrs., Painesville, OhioJuusola, Hilma, Painesville, Ohio
Pernoja, Matti/ 261895 03 26PrVol. 1 pg 145July 15, 1884FinlandLaino, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Perrault, John Joseph (Joseph John)Jan. 16, 190780 Nebraska St., Painesville, OhioCP3384/ Vol. D947164Buffalo, NY via trainCanadaDOA only
Perrault, John JosephJan. 16, 190621 Watson St., Painesville, Ohio1936 09 21CP1028/ Vol. 14Feb. 15, 1929Buffalo, New YorkCanadaFifield, Thomas H., 217 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioMcGrath, Thomas J., 58 Watson St., Painesville, OhioAKA Joseph John Perault
Persson, ArthurSept. 11, 1893375 Sanford Street, Painesville, Ohio1930 06 17CP766/ Vol. 945047New YorkSwedenRichardson, Bryant, Painesville, OhioTafel, Ed. T., Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., W. PA
Persson, Margit JansonNov. 7, 1899375 Sanford Street, Painesville, Ohio1931 09 28CP815/ Vol. 10Aug. 12, 1924New YorkSwedenClipp, W.L., Painesville, OhioClipp, Mary Margaret, Painesville, Ohio
Peschke, August WilhelmFeb. 5, 1852/ 52PrVol. 3 pg 15812 Mar 1882GermanyDOA only
Peshock, Loretta ChillogJan. 8, 1906/ 36178 E. Main St., Madison, Ohio1943 08 27CP1786Oct. 18, 1907New York, N.Y.HungaryCoen, Virginia P., 178 E. Main St., Madison, OhioKlingbeil, Elinor Poe, Madison, Ohio
Pesonen, AlbertNov. 1, 1885Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP584/ Vol. D4, pg 28443289Buffalo, NY via RR from HalifaxEnglandDOA only
Pest, JoeMar. 27, 1872/ 27PrVol. 2 pg 218May 1, 1889PolandDOA only Nov. 4, 1899
Pete, BalintFeb. , 1877Overlook Rd., Painesville, OhioCP4031/ Vol. D1339785NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Balint V. Pethe
Peter, BarbaraJan. 12, 1892Box 92, Carson St., Grand River, Ohio1944 02 03CP19504175New York, N.Y.HungaryLaczko, Kathrin, 19 Morrel Ave., Grand River, OhioSinko, Mary, River Street, Grand River, OhioAKA Borbala Budai
Peter, Barney (Barnabas)Feb. 27, 1913170 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioCP3472/ Vol. D944213New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Peter, SteveDec. 5, 1886Richmond, OhioCP3087/ Vol. D7, pg 8739031New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Peter, SteveDec. 6, 1886Richmond, Ohio1929 06 17CP722/ Vol. 8Nov. 10, 1906New YorkHungaryWebster, N.C., Richmond, OhioLaczko, Andrew, Richmond, Ohio
Peter, WilliamNov. 7, 1901R.F.D. #4, Box 170, Painesville, Ohio1932 06 13CP824/ Vol. 10Jan. 17, 1921New YorkHungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioLiterati, Alex, Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Bela Peter; DOA US Dist. Ct.,Cleveland, Ohio
Peterson, John/ 281886 11 02PrVol. B pg 134Mar., 1878SwedenCasement, John S., Painesville, Ohio
Peterson, Sven PeterJuly 24, 1841/ 54PrVol. 2 pg 166Jan. 1, 1877SwedenDOA only May 21, 1897
Petherick, Gordon HenryJan. 27, 1924Wintergreen Hill, Painesville, OhioCP4273/ Vol. D1419013Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Petinaud, Felix46960155 Morse Ave., Painesville, Ohio1961 03 29CP251020321Miami, FloridaCubaHall, Selma, 160 Morse, Painesville, OhioNivan, John, 1002 Park Rd., Painesville, OhioIncomplete? 1960
Petinaud, Gladstone ParkerSept. 8, 1920114 Jefferson St., Painesville, OhioCP4188/ Vol. D1417550Miami, FloridaJamiaca, B.W.I.DOA only
Petinaud, Gladstone ParkerSept. 8, 1920155 Morse Ave., Painesville, Ohio1954 02 11CP230917550FloridaJamaicaEmsley, Marie, 332 Bank St., Painesville, OhioEmelsey, Rubin, 332 Bank St., Painesville, Ohio
Petito, PeterAug. 21, 1888No. 209 Storrs St., Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP234/ Vol. 3 pg 8439497NYItalyPalumbo, Alberto, Painesville, OhioGiancola, Nicola, Painesville, OhioDOA Common Pleas Ct., Ashtabula Co., Ohio; Incomplete March 1920
Petrike, Mike/ 261896 09 05PrVol. 1 pg 209Dec. 25, 1890HungaryStudney, George, Fairport, Ohio
Petrin, StjepanDec. 25, 18811444 Station St., Mentor, OhioCP3776/ Vol. D1238959NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Petrin, StjepanDec. 25, 18811227 Bellflower Rd., Mentor, Ohio1942 08 24CP1534Aug. 30, 1906New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaDeCola, Frank, 1405 Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioTrarecci, Joseph, 1430 N. Center St., Mentor, Ohio
Petro, MikeSept. 24, 1862/ 341899 03 23PrVol. 2 pg 82Apr. 7, 1882HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, Ohio
Petrucilli, PietroJune 28, 1867N. Center St., Mentor, OhioCP3589/ Vol. D1137773NYItalyDOA only
Petrusz, JosephMay 31, 1893441 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP931/ Vol. D6, pg 3144169New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Petrusz, JosephMay 31, 1893416 Independence Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1926 09 29CP496/ Vol. 6, pg 47Dec. 4, 1920New YorkCzechoslovakiaSebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioRussell, Glenn L., Painesville, Ohio
Pettit, AndrewFeb. 16, 1899RD#1, Mentor, Ohio1945 02 08CP157639144New York, N.Y.ItalyDelsantro, Michael A., 23 Wright St., Willoughby, OhioZezzo, Mike, 86 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Amadeo Pettiteo (filmed twice)
Phillip, StevenOct. 15, 1857/ 381899 03 23PrVol. 2 pg 30Apr. 1, 1887HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, Ohio
Phillipp, MichaelSept. 13, 188728 Mapledale Rd., Wickliffe, OhioCP3647/ Vol. D1140213Baltimore, Md.Transylvania Rumania?DOA only; AKA Michael Philipp
Phillips, ArthurMay 27, 1876Willoughby South Farm, Willoughby, Ohio1921 09 26CP279/ Vol. 4 pg 30Oct. 10, 1908Boston, Mass.EnglandMcCollister, Fern L., Willoughby, OhioMoloney, James, Willoughby, OhioDOA CP Ct., Morris Co., NJ; See also 235/ Vol. 3 pg 85
Phillips, Edward1870 10 07PrVol. A pg 125EnglandBlackmore, William
Phillips, Richard1863 09 21PrVol. A pg 25EnglandButler, Byron
Phillips, Thomas/ 56Painesville, Ohio1884 10 06PrVol. B pg 114June, 1873EnglandCollacott, J.B., Painesville, Ohio
Philpot, JosephJune 3, 1827/ 371864 07 25PrVol. AM pg 31April, 1845Great BritainTalbot, L.I.
Phipp, Samuel1873 10 07PrVol. B pg 21EnglandMosher, Henry M.DOA on file
Photo, Kalle KustaaMay 30, 1892Fairport Harbor, OhioCP128/ Vol. D2, pg 2840959New YorkFinlandDOA only
Piacente, AndrewDec. 14, 1877Stop 24 1/2, Wickliffe, OhioCP733/ Vol. D5, pg 13337036New York, NYItalyDOA only
Piaconte, AndrewDec. 14, 18771125 Wade Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, now Wickliffe, Ohio1927 06 20CP551/ Vol. 7, pg 237036New YorkItalyHougland, Harry S., 1830 Noble Rd., E. Cleveland, OhioNolen, Harry E., 544 Grayton Rd., Cleveland, Ohiopapers mixed with next petition
Piano, LucyOct. 28, 1896823 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1928 10 01CP647/ Vol. 7, pg 95Cleveland, Ohio, USA/ ItalyTrivison, Angie, Wickliffe, OhioPolly, Lucy, Wickliffe, Ohio
Piano, MikelDec. 23, 1892Box 321, Wickliffe, Ohio1926 09 29CP511/ Vol. 6 pg 62Apr. 19, 1910New YorkItalyMarinello, David, Wickliffe, OhioTrivisonne, Carmine, Wickliffe, Ohio
Piano, MikolDec. 23, 1892Box 221, Wickliffe, OhioCP607/ Vol. D5, pg 740287New York, NYItalyDOA only
Picciano, AnthonyAfter 1931CP
Picciano, LiberatoFeb. 23, 19091540 East 296th Street, Wickliffe, Ohio1960 08 12CP250620020NYItalyPinto, Victoria, 23270 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OhioPinto, Lorenzo, 1014 Ivanhoe Rd., Cleveland, Ohio
Picciano, LuciaMar. 12, 1893/ 47919 Belleview Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1941 03 03CP153512967New York, N.Y.ItalyStella, Simone, 938 Bellview Rd., Wickliffe, OhioDeMatteo, Berardino, 894 Bellview Rd., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Lucia Libra
Pietila, Elias1883/ 171906 09 22PrVol. 4 pg 132Apr. 16, 1900FinlandKillinen, Matti, Fairport, OhioKumpulsinen, Matt, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Pietila, John OscarAug. 26, 1886512 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4101/ Vol. D1438491BostonFinlandDOA only; AKA Oskari Pietila
Pietila, John OscarAug. 26, 1886/ 58823 High St., Fairport, Ohio1945 08 23CP214838491Boston, Mass.FinlandNoponen, Matti Adrian, 619 Elm St., Painesville, OhioRumsi, Isaac, 534 Eagle St., Pairport Harbor, OhioAKA Oskari Pietila; 2 cards
Pietjker, JohannMay 5, 1880/ 24PrVol. 3 pg 1658 July 1904?GermanyDOA only
Piikkila, LeanderOct. 14, 1852/ 481903 01 27PrVol. 2 pg 268Feb. 9, 1889FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Pikarski, SczepanOct. , 1893Mentor Park Blvd., R.F.D., mentor, Ohio1938 03 07CP1137Feb. 10, 1912Philadelphia, Penna.PolandSleinsky, Adam, RFD #1, Mentor, OhioOstrow, Stanley, RFD #1, Mentor, Ohio
Pikor, AndrewFeb. 26, 1859/ 411903 03 02PrVol. 2 pg 285Feb. 26, 1891HungaryKocsis, Frank, Fairport, Ohio
Pilar, Andrew/ 211896 10 27PrVol. 1 pg 221June 5, 1891HungaryStudney, George, Fairport, Ohio
Pillar, Michael/ 321893 10 06PrVol. 1 pg 66Feb. 1880AustriaJones, J.R., Painesville, Ohio
Pinok, JohnJuly 26, 1859Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP350/ Vol. D4, pg 5011 Oct 1885New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Pinto, AdelaideMar. 11, 1895871 Belleview Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3155/ Vol. D7, pg 15644223New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pinto, AdelaideMar. 11, 1895/ 45960 Bellview Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1940 09 16CP14187691New York, N.Y.ItalyIntorcio, Antima, 1266 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioQuintillo, Rosalia, 979 First Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Adele Menci
Pinto, AntonettaMay 6, 18821035 E. 291 St., Wickliffe, OhioCP4102/ Vol. D1440356NYItalyDOA only; AKA Antonia Fagnana
Pinto, SeverinoOct. 15, 1899871 Belleview Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3154/ Vol. D7, pg 15540356New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pinto, SeverinoOct. 15, 1899871 Belleview Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1932 09 26CP838/ Vol. 1040357New YorkItalyMarinello, David, Wickliffe, OhioMinadeo, Pietro, Wickliffe, Ohio
Pio, PeitroJan. 2, 1886Vine St., WilloughbyCP206/ Vol. D3, pg 640635New YorkItalyDOA only
Piotrowski, MarySept. 8, 1888/ 56307 River St., Perry, Ohio1945 08 23CP2127Oct. 31, 1907New York, N.Y.PolandKulinski, Sofie, RD 1, South Ridge, Perry, OhioPalmer, Laura H., 393 S. State St., Painesville, OhioAKA Marianna Tatara; AKA Mary Pietrowski; 2 cards
Pisani, Angelo MichaelOct. 15, 1901640 No. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3340/ Vol. D842536Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Pisani, Angelo MicheleOct. 15, 1901/ 38383 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio1940 03 04CP12886011Boston, Mass.ItalyMucciarone, Giuseppe, 383 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioVenditti, Slvatore, 338 E. Eagle St., Painesville, OhioSee also #992 & poss. #909
Pisani, Angelo MikaelOct. 15, 1901383 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioIncomplete 1936CP909/ Vol. 1142536Boston, Mass.ItalyMucciarone, Giuseppe, 383 W. Jackson St., Painesville, OhioVenditti, Salvatore, 338 E. Eagle St., Painesville, Ohio
Pisansky, KarlJan. 15, 1893R.D. #2, Ford Rd., Madison, Ohio1961 03 23CP251240755NYYugoslaviaDurk, Edward, R.D. 2, Madison, OhioFultz, Earl, 3232 Thompson Rd., Madison, OhioIncomplete? 1960
Pispala, Charles JohnOct. 12, 1868/ 281901 11 04PrVol. 2 pg 206June 6, 1896FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Pitakanen, MattiPrVol. 3 pg 185
Pitkanen, Matti1866/ 40PrVol. 3 pg 185+37398FinlandDOA only 1906; +after page 185.
Pitkin, Daniel1868 10 12PrVol. A pg 87EnglandColson, Christopher C., Willoughby, OhioResided in US at least 1 yr. Honorable Disch form Army.
Pizzi, AntonioFeb. 20, 1874North State St., Painesville, OhioCP623/ Vol. D5, pg 231 May 1899New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pizzi, AntonioFeb. 20, 1874305 Sanford Street, Painesville, Ohio1923 09 25CP364/ Vol. 5 pg 15May 1, 1899New YorkItalyBalch, George, Painesville, OhioCleary, John E., Painesville, OhioSee also #273/ Vol. 4, pg 24
Plescia, Germaine Marie LouiseApr. 22, 1925/ 26Reno & Roy's Trl. Pk., Eastlake, Ohio1952 02 08CP2272FrancePapaleo, Vincetta, Reno & Roy’s Trl. Pk, Eastlake, ohioPapaleo, Stella, Reno & Roy’s Tr. Pk., Eastlake, OhioAKA Germaine Maire Louise Venuse Plescia; Special case? Cert delivered
Plesius, Theordore/ 331895 12 18PrVol. 1 pg 207June 2, 1889GermanyBecker, Henry, Fairport, Ohio
Plummer, Robert WhitmoreMar. 10, 1910North Ridge, Perry, OhioCP3251/ Vol. D7, pg 25445771New York, NYEnglandDOA only (filmed X2)
Plummer, Robert WhitmoreMar. 10, 1910N. Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio1931 09 28CP812/ Vol. 10Apr. 24, 1925New YorkEnglandWest, C.O., Perry, OhioBrittain, Dean, Painesville, Ohio
Poca, JamesMay 5, 187290 Fobes Street, Painesville, Ohio1923 06 11CP295/ Vol. 4 pg 46Jan. 17, 1902New YorkHungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioZebehazy, Frank, Painesville, Ohio
Pocceschi, LuigiJuly 2, 1881Oaklawn Sanitarium, Mentor, ohioCP4040/ Vol. D1340559NYItalyDOA only; Prev. DOA CP Ct?, Cuyahoga, Oh 1926
Poco, JamesNov. 5, 187290 Fobes St., Painesville, OhioCP679/ Vol. D5, pg 7937273New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Pocsai, NickOct. 14, 1884c/o Donwell Nursery, Painesville, OhioCP3819/ Vol. D1341823NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Miklos Pocai; previous DOA US Dist. Ct, Cleveland
Pocsai, Nick MiklosOct. 14, 1884 /58164 Stage Ave. and 182 Moriss Ave., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP19255298New York, N.Y.HungaryBell, Helne, 262 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioKovacs, Daniel, 255 Stage Ave., Painesville, Ohio
Pocsics, AnnaApr. 1, 1888312 Sanford Street, Painesville, Oho1927 10 03CP591/ Vol. 7, pg 43Oct. 19, 1907Hoboken, New JerseyAustria-HungaryHarmon, Claire, Painesville, OhioPalmer, Ralph E., Painesville, Ohio
Pocsics, JosephMay 30, 1885601 N. State Street, Painesville, Ohio1924 06 05CP377/ Vol. 5 pg 28Sept. 13, 1903Baltimore, Md.HungarySchmalzried, Elizabeth, Cleveland, OhioMartin, Steven, Cleveland, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Poczik, FerckJan. 19, 1865Richmond, OhioCP177/ Vol. D2, pg 7736911New YorkHungaryDOA only
Pohto, Elma EllenFeb. 16, 1905735 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1935 09 23CP967/ Vol. 13Dec. 31, 1920New YorkFinlandPernoja, Ida W., 426 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKoski, Ina, New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Armi Elma Ellen Wisti
Pohto, Isak1905 10 23PrVol. 4 pg 33Feb. 4, 1900FinlandSomppi, John, Fairport, OhioPohto, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Pohto, JohnSept. 17, 1871/ 231895 03 26PrVol. 1 pg 268Feb. 13, 1889FinlandLeino, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Pohto, Kalle KustaaMay 30, 1892440 New Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1919 06 09CP160/ Vol. 3 pg 10Feb. 28, 1912New YorkFinlandAho, John, Fairport Harbor, OhioHietanen, Matti, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Pohto, Matt [or Bohto]June 22, 1869/ 241893 11 07PrVol. 1 pg 201Jan., 1887FinlandHervey, J.H., Fairport, Ohiolooks like Bohto
Pohto, MattiOct 22, 1874/ 28PrVol. 3 pg 11625 Dec 1897FinlandDOA only
Pohto, Matti1905 12 26PrVol. 4 pg 48Dec. 8, 1899FinlandCongos, Victor, Fairport, OhioBelta, Jacob, Fairport, Ohio
Pohto, Mikki [or Pahto]Jan. 5, 1853/ 421897 03 27PrVol. 1 pg 272July 3, 1885FinlandHerttua, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Pohto, MikkoSept. 6, 1890521 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3082/ Vol. D7, pg 8241289Portland, MaineFinlandDOA only
Pohto, MikkoSept. 6, 1890Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP565/ Vol. D4, pg 26541289Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Pohto, MikkoSept. 6, 1890521 Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1929 09 30CP745/ Vol. 8Jan. 15, 1913Portland, MaineFinlandSaari, Alex, Fairport Harbor, OhioNoponen, August, Fairport Harbor, OhioSee also #508/ Vol. 6, pg 59
Pohto, TuomasSept. 17, 1876/ 28PrVol. 3 pg 16937104FinlandDOA only
Poikkijaki, EliasNov. 5, 1867/ 26PrVol. 2 pg 81Oct. 1893FinlandDOA only Oct. 27, 1896
Poikkijoki, ErkkiJune 16, 18626th St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP427/ Vol. D4, pg 1272 July 1893New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Poikkijoki, Erkki1862/ 39PrVol. 3 pg 31July 4, 1893FinlandDOA only
Poilla, Emore [or Emre]1903 03 27PrVol. 3 pg 110HungaryHogyor, Bili, Fairport, OhioDOA issued 29 Oct 1898 in Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska, attached
Poje, JosephJuly 1, 1894823 Lakeland Blvd., Wickliffe, Ohio1944 02 03CP19473773New York, N.Y.JugoslaviaStalzer, Mary, Reynolds Rd., Mentor, OhioPetsche, Frank, Reynolds Rd., Mentor, Ohio
Pokta, IsakAug. 17, 1871/ 30PrVol. 3 pg 3936560FinlandDOA only
Pokta, Jacob [or Pohto]June 4, 1868/ 271900 10 15PrVol. 2 pg 32May, 17, 1895FinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Polachky, George1869/ 21PrVol. 1 pg 71Aug. 1, 1885HungaryDOA only
Polack, GeorgeMar. 26, 1892Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP348/ Vol. D4, pg 4840492Philadelphia, Pa.HungaryDOA only
Polack, GeorgeMar. 26, 1892227 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1921 09 26CP245/ Vol. 3 pg 95Nov. 10, 1910Philadelphia, Penna.HungaryLynch, John J., Painesville, OhioHornyak, Andy, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Polaska, John1902 03 21PrVol. 3 pg 16AustriaVargo, Emory, Fairport, OhioDOA on file in Gogebic Co., Mich.
Polch, FrankMar. 10, 1900/ 41Chardon Rd., R.D. #2, Willoughby, Ohio1942 03 02CP1647Oc.t 12, 1916Detroit, Mich.Kiev, Golodki, RussiaBartlett, Frank S., Hambdon Twp., RD#1, Chardon, OhioPike, Bessie, RD 2, Willoughby, O, S. Kirtland, OhioAKA Frank Poleschuk
Polgar, LouisJune 2, 1893502 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3892/ Vol. D1339916NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Lajos Polgar
Polgar, LouisJuly 2, 1893Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP543/ Vol. D4, pg 24339877New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Polgar, LouisJune 2, 1893/ 49502 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1945 08 23CP19243391New York, N.Y.HungarySutch, Paul, 1543 Chestnut St., Painesville, OhioMolnar, John, 645 Fobes St., Painesville, Ohio2 cards; AKA Lajos Polgar
Polis, Emilija Milka De Lorenzo417997178 Haverford Dr., Mentor, Ohio 440601974 03 06CP274521732YugoslaviaPencinio, Stanley, 6393 Senecot, Mentor, OhioYavec, Marie, 19001 Muskoka, Cleveland, Ohio
Poljanec, MartinNov. 11, 1883Rockefeller Rd., Wickliffe, OhioCP3652/ Vol. D1139696NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Poljanec, MartinNov. 11, 1883/ 56Rockefeller Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1940 09 16CP14383171New York, N.Y.JugoslaviaTraver, Calvin, 570 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioKing, Emma, 860 Luxona Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Poljanc
Pompanini, AndreaOct. 15, 1876/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 14710 Apr 1899ItalyDOA only
Pongrass, JosephFeb. 8, 1884Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 1437066New YorkHungaryDOA only
Pongrass, Joseph L.Feb. 9, 1884Painesville, Twp., Ohio1912 07 29CP50/ Vol. 1 pg 5037055New YorkHungaryGoff, Robert T., Painesville, OhioPongrass, George, Painesville, Ohio
Poola, JaakkaOct. 27, 1889512 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3473/ Vol. D946594New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Poole, Fredrick WilliamDec. 24, 1909/ 31Becker Ave., RD #1, Mentor, Ohio1941 08 25CP1673Oct. 27, 1910Ranier, MinnesotaCanadaSpaulding, Frank E., Marian Dr., Mentor, OhioHilliard, Rollin Trevor, 977 Murray Ave., Mentor, Ohio
Poole, William EdgarSept. 24, 1908/ 31Route 1, Chardon Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1940 03 04CP13643885New York, N.Y.EnglandUpham, Edna, RD #2, Willoughby, O, Billings Rd., Kirtland Twp., OhioCottrell, Mary, Chesterland, Geauga Co., OhioUS Dist.Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Popely, MiklosAug. 1, 1851/ 251902 03 21PrVol. 2 pg 154Nov. 10, 1892HungaryKocsis, Frank, Fairport, Ohio
Popp, AlexAug. 25, 1866Painesville Twp.(Richmond?)CPVol. D1, pg 8337478New YorkHungaryDOA only
Popp, AlexNov. 30, 1867/ 281900 03 23PrVol. 2 pg 49June 25, 1893HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, Ohio
Popp, AntonMar. 15, 18791254 West Jackson St., Painesville, OhioCP3706/ Vol. D1238640NYHungaryDOA only
Popp, JohnDec. 25, 1876Grand River, OhioCP693/ Vol. D5, pg 9339948New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Popp, StevenJuly 19, 1875PerryCP148/ Vol. D2, pg 4838412New YorkHungaryDOA only
Poppelwell, David1869/ 27PrVol. B pg 158Aug. 1880EnglandDOA only
Pospiech, StanleyFeb. 4, 19101377 Burridge Ave., Mentor, Ohio1961 03 29CP250218752NYPolandBrace, Lloyd, 475 Garfield Rd., Mentor, OhioCychler, Stanley, 1335 Burridge, Mentor, OhioAKA Stanislaw Pospiech; not dated
Potts, Alfred MellonMay 31, 1880Chester St., Painesville, OhioCP391/ Vol. D4, pg 9139335Philadelphia, Penn.EnglandDOA only
Potts, Alfred MellonMay 31, 1880Chester Street, Painesville, Ohio1920 09 27CP237/ Vol. 3 pg 87Sept. 25, 1909Philadelphia, Penna.EnglandGoldsmith, S.J., Painesville, OhioGleason, O., Painesville, Ohio
Pouttu, KastiMar. 2, 1869/ 36PrVol. 3 pg 188Apr 1898FinlandDOA only
Powers, Edwin1868 08 31PrVol. A pg 70East CanadaChesney, Samuel P., Painesville, OhioResided in US at least 1 yr. Honorable disch. from Army.
Powers, JamesOct. 31, 1851/ 211872 11 01PrVol. B pg 320Oct., 1854CanadaOLeary, WilliamArrived U.S. as a minor
Powers, Robert/ 621883 10 08PrVol. B pg 80Oct., 1854IrelandPaige, R.K.., Painesville, Ohio
Poxon, Margaret Madge Viora WolffApr. 13, 1901/ 3955 W. Washington St., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP15419115Niagara Falls, N.Y.CanadaWittel, Clarisa, 762 Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioEnyeart, Mabel, 66 E. South St., Painesville, OhioAKA Margaret V. Wolfe
Poytosh, John/ 221893 03 31PrVol. 1 pg 159Apr. 11, 1888HungaryRiker, George L., Fairport, Ohio
Prasch, Apolonia MaibergerApr. 12, 18671154 N. State St., Painesville, OhioCP3539/ Vol. D1015 Aug 1874Philadelphia, Pa.GermanyDOA only
Prasch, Apolonia MaibergerApr. 12, 186726 W. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio1939 03 06CP1117Aug. 15, 1874Philadelphia, Penna.GermanyClark, Laura, 498 Liberty, Painesville, OhioCunningham, Edward L., 275 S. St. Clair, Painesville, Ohio
Prasch, AugustJuly 24, 18731154 N. State St., Painesville, OhioCP3549/ Vol. D108 Oct 1891NYGermanyDOA only
Prasch, AugustJuly 24, 187326 W. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP1132Oct. 8, 1891New YorkGermanyClark, Laura, 498 Liberty St., Painesville, OhioCunningham, Edward l, 26 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio
Praski, EinoSept. 15, 1906225 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2013/ Vol. D6, pg 21345112New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Praski, JohanMar. 22, 1849/ 511902 11 01PrVol. 2 pg 266Mar. 22, 1887FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairprt, Ohio
Praski, JohnFeb. 14, 1894First St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP197/ Vol. D2, pg 9741508New YorkFinlandDOA only
Praski, Kustaa1904 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 21Apr., 4, 1897FinlandHilston, Chas. G., Fairport, OhioHerttua, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Praski, MattiNov. 4, 1871/ 30PrVol. 3 pg 454 Apr 1897FinlandDOA only
Praski, Matti1904 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 201896 03 27FinlandHilston, Chas. G., Fairport, OhioHerttua, Matti, Fairport, O.
Praskis, CatherineNov. 25, 1899/ 41155 Nebraska St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP165946539New York, N.Y.Turkey (Greece)Carmody, M.H., 102 N. St., Clair St., Painesville, OhioCarmody, Philip, 44 Nelson St., Painesville, OhioAKA Ekaterni E. Prasakis
Praskis, EraklesAug. 5, 1886High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP704/ Vol. D5, pg 10440395New York, NYTurkeyDOA only
Praskis, Erakles AthanasiusAug. 5, 1886803 High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 06 05CP339/ Vol. 4 pg 90Aug. 15, 1910New YorkTurkeyJohnson, H.C., Painesville, OhioNye, C.H., Painesville, Ohio
Praskis, Thomas A.Feb. 25, 1893812 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP304/ Vol. D4, pg 439897New York, New YorkTurkeyDOA only
Praskis, Thomas A.Feb. 25, 1893High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioIncompleteCP158/ Vol. 3 pg 839897NYTurkeyToubman, M., Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Andrew J., Fairport Harbor, OhioIncomplete Sept. 1919
Pregn, NickMay 10, 18903rd St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP635/ Vol. D5, pg 3541421New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Pregun, AnnaDec. 25, 1891/ 5076 N. St.Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1942 08 24CP1822Oct. 22, 1912New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaWeiss, Mary, 518 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioRigo, Roza, 164 Prospect St., Painesville, OhioAKA Anna Hajduk
Pregun, Nick (Nikola)May 10, 1890783 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3347/ Vol. D841050New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Pregun, NikolaMay 10, 1890783 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1935 09 23CP959/ Vol. 1241050New YorkHungaryKamenar, Michael, 716 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioKamenar, John M., 716 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Nick Pregun
Prekler Anna MaryJune 17, 1914/ 32252 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio1947 02 05CP217913960NYHungaryPalumbo, Mary E., 318 N. State St., Painesville, OhioJuist, Jessie M., Oakwood Dr., Painesville, OhioAKA Anna Schawer
Prekler, GeorgeJan. 20, 1884High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1915 06 14CP64/ Vol. 2 pg 14Feb. 15, 1902New yorkHungary/ AustriaBartish, John, Fairport Harbor, OhioBeres, Joseph J., Fairport Harbor, OhioDOA in Lorain Co. Probate
Prekler, JohnAug. 14, 1890405 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP396/ Vol. D4/ pg 9641507New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Prekler, SteveSept. 14, 1888Prspect St., Painesville, OhioCP1005/ Vol. D6, pg 10541240New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Prekler, SteveSept. 14, 1888810 N. State Street, Painesville, Ohio1927 06 20CP528/ Vol. 6 pg 79Nov. 29, 1912New YorkHungaryPrekler, George, Fairport Harbor, OhioSebian, Joseph I., Painesville, Ohio
Prendergast, John1857/ 28PrVol. B pg 148May 1881IrelandDOA only
Pressello, JohnMay 9, 1904/ 41861 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1945 08 23CP191114726Detroit, MichiganItalyVitantonio, Pat, 1035 E. 293rd St., Wickliffe, OhioGotti, Pete, 986 E. 289th St., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Giobatta John Pressello
Pressello, John EnzoAfter 1931CP
Prezioso, Felice [or Felix]/ 231903 03 26PrVol. 3 pg 512Aug., 1896ItalyNasca, Rosolino, Painesville, Ohio
Preziuso, FrankMay 12, 1878/ 20PrVol. 3 pg 7836741ItalyDOA only
Preziuso, FrankMay 11, 1882222 Storrs Street, Painesville, Ohio1915 06 14CP89/ Vol. 2 pg 39Aug. 3, 1900New YorkItalyMass, Charles, Painesville, OhioPreziuso, Felice, Painesville, Ohio
Pridmore, Abraham1864 11 01PrVol. A pg 45EnglandGriswold, Hiram L., Painesville, Ohio
Priebe, GustavFeb. 14, 1867Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1921 09 26CP198/ Vol. 3 pg 48Nov. 28, 1889Baltimore, Md.GermanyMaloney, James, Willoughby, OhioRoyer, Frank, Willoughby, Ohio
Priem, HermanJune 20, 1864R.D. #2, Concord, OhioCP426/ Vol. D4, pg 1367 June 1893Baltimore, Md.GermanyDOA only
Priem, HermanJune 20, 1864R.D. Painesville, Ohio1924 09 25CP401/ Vol. 5 pg 52June 6, 1893Baltimore, Md.GermanyGoldsmith, S.J., Painesville, OhioBrown, Alfred, Concord, Ohio
Prime, EmmaJuly 21, 1866148 Lusard St., Painesville, OhioCP4132/ Vol. D1416 Nov 1892NYEnglandDOA only
Pringle, Peter MarshallFeb. 10, 1880115 S. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP2028/ Vol. D6, pg 22845458Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Pritchard, GeorgeNov. 9, 1874/ 221896 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 395Apr., 1886EnglandPritchard, John H., Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Pritchard, GeorgeJan. 2, 1842/ 541898 10 28PrVol. 2 pg 24Sept., 1888EnglandPatton, Arthur, Painesville, Ohio
Pritchard, John/ 451895 04 01PrVol. 1 pg 126Sept. 15, 1881EnglandO'Hearn, Dan, Painesville, Ohio
Profeta, AngeloDec. 19, 1909510 Railroad St., Painesville, OhioCP3196-A/ Vol. D7, pg 19840648New York, NYItalyDOA only
Profeta, Angelo AnthonyJan. 6, 1910/ 31571 Saunders Ave., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP15544129New York, N.Y.ItalyKovacs, Alex, 537 N. St. clair St., Painesville, OhioCawley, John J., 153 E. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio
Profeta, SalvatoreNov. 28, 1878Railroad St., Painesville, OhioCP183/ Vol. D2, pg 8339264New YorkItalyDOA only
Profeta, SalvatoreNov. 28, 1878539 St. Clair Street, Painesville, Ohio1921 09 26CP266/ Vol. 4 pg 1639263New YorkItalyProcter, Geo. E., Painesville, OhioBalch, Geo., Painesville, OhioSee also Vol. 2, pg 68
Prokop, JosephMar. 19, 1886Kirtland Road, Willoughby, Ohio1917 09 24CP144/ Vol. 2 pg 94Aug. 28, 1903New YorkHungaryKnight, James B. Willoughby, OhioShatford, H.R., Willoughby, Ohio
Prolan, JohnApr. 12, 1892Rt., #1, Newell St., Painesville, Ohio1938 09 19CP1190Feb. 10, 1913Philadelphia, Penna.PolandTaylor, Lee W., 65 Mulwal, Painesville, OhioSabo, George J. Jr., Rt. #1, Newell St., Painesville, Ohio
Prolan, John (Jan Prolla)Apr. 12, 1892Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP3441/ Vol. D941316Philadelphia, Pa.Russia (Now Poland)DOA only
Prolan, VictoriaFeb. 6, 1898/ 48RD 1, Newell St., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP15187977New York, N.Y.PolandSarna, Kazimierz, 15 Burton St., Painesville, OhioMate, Frank, 179 R. #1, Newell St., Painesville, OhioAKA Wiktorija Zuber
Proper, Daniel H.1893 03 25PrVol. 1 pg 154CanadaBarden, J.P., Painesville, OhioCert. only
Prugel, MichaelJune 1, 1865112 East Eagle St., Painesville, OhioCP328/ Vol. D4, pg 2841792Baltimore, Md.HungaryDOA only
Prugel, MikeJune 1, 1865112 Eagle Street, Painesville (Fairport Harbor), Ohio1922 09 29CP318/ Vol. 4 pg 6941791Baltimore, Md.HungarySebian, joseph I., Painesville, OhioChanffordie, Joe, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Pryor, Timothy H.Aug. 15, 1846/ 221868 09 10PrVol. AM pg 46Oct., 1859IrelandLynch, John, Painesville, Ohio
Pryor, William1871 01 26PrVol. A pg 134IrelandSullivan, Edmond, Painesville, Ohio
Psaltis, FrankFeb. 13, 1887431 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2020/ Vol. D6, pg 22041152New York, NYTurkeyDOA only
Pucella, AngeloAug. 31, 1883853 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3169/ Vol. D7, pg 17139967New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pucella, AngeloAug. 31, 1883Hart St., Mentor, OhioCP221/ Vol. D3, pg 2139967New YorkItalyDOA only
Pucella, AngeloAug. 31, 1883853 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1935 09 25CP870/ Vol. 1139968New YorkItalyMarinello, David, Wickliffe, OhioSabbetta, Nick, Wickliffe, Ohio
Pucella, JoeNov. 19, 1875878 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3187/ Vol. D7, pg 18936716New York, NYItalyDOA only
Pucella, JoeNov. 16, 1895878 Euclid Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1931 06 15CP787/ Vol. 944019New YorkItalyColonie, Tony, Wickliffe, OhioMinadeo, Domenic, Wickliffe, Ohio
Puch, JackJune 24, 1886R.F.D. #1, Mentor, OhioCP3030/ Vol. D7, pg 3041516New YorkAustriaDOA only
Pufal, AnthonyJan. 20, 1870745 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioCP556/ Vol. D4, pg 2565 Mar 1882New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Puh, JacobJune 24, 1886R.F.D. #1, Mentor, OhioCP3826/ Vol. D1341516NYJugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Giacomo Puh
Puh, JacobJune 24, 1886RFD 1 Mentor, Ohio1942 03 02CP1575Aug. 30, 1913New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaHayes, Florence E., Munson Rd., Mentor, OhioMatty, Anna, Collins Rd., Mentor, OhioAKA Giacomi Puh
Pukalamaki, GustSept. 5, 1882Sixth Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP522/ Vol. D4, pg 22237415New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Pulec, Augustine1884/1905 11 06PrVol.. 4 pg 122Sept. 2, 1900ItalyJeffries, Salvator, Painesville, OhioGullo, Gracomo, Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Purola, AbelJuly 25, 1899147 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1921 06 06CP195/ Vol. 3 pg 45Nov. 15, 1913New YorkFinlandRentschler, M.J., Willoughby, OhioHensson, John, Willoughby, OhioDOA CP Lawrence Co. Pa.
Purola, Edwin36714453 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1067/ Vol. D6, pg 16744764New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Purtel, John1876 10 10PrVol. B pg 59IrelandSullivan, JohnCert. only
Purtill, John [or Prutill]May 15, 1853/ 221875 10 11PrVol. B pg 337Oct., 1863IrelandBrick, John
Puskas, John1898 08 02PrVol. 2 pg 184Apr. 10, 1891HungaryCarter, George, Painesville, OhioDOA issued 5 July 1895 in Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, atached
Puskas, Kiril or Kiril, PuskasApr. 28, 1901501 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP929/ Vol. D6, pg 2944235New YorkJugoslaviaDOA only
Pusztai, JohnOct. 16, 1884R.F.D. 2 Box 44, Painesville, OhioCP448/ Vol. D4, pg 14839209New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Putner, Josef1899 11 04PrVol. 2 pg 217Feb. 2, 1888BohemiaRush, C.A., Wickliffe, OhioDOA issued 2 Feb 1888 in Common Pleas Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, attached
Putrise, GiovanniJan. 30, 1879Vine St., WilloughbyCP208/ Vol. D3, pg 841204New YorkItalyDOA only
Puyau, Jean LouisJuly. 31, 19154253 Orchard Ave., Willoughby, Ohio1954 02 11CP230716856NYFranceStefanik, Milan, RD2, Mentor, OhioBurgemeister, Richard, Midland Rd., Mentor, Ohio
Pyhaluoto, Matti1904 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 22June 3, 1888FinlandHilston, Chas. G., Fairport, O.Herttua, Matti, Fairport, O.
Pykalamaki, Sofia MargareettaMar. 12 1881321 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3910/ Vol. D1337565NYFinlandDOA; petition 1870 filed with DOA
Pykaluoto, MattiJuly 3, 1860/ 42PrVol. 3 pg 511 June 1888FinlandDOA only
Quayle, Thomas1864 10 26PrVol. A pg 44Isle of MannWilcox, Aaron
Quincy, DavidFeb. 18, 1836/ 321868 10 10PrVol. A pg 58Jan., 1851EnglandKelly, Thomas, Mentor, Ohio
Quinn, James1863 09 05PrVol. A pg 32Isle of MannCraw, John
Quintillo, JoeNov. 27, 1879979 First Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1935 03 11CP925/ Vol. 12Apr. 29, 1913New YorkItalyFatica, Domenic, 849 Euclid, Wickliffe, OhioSabette, Nick, 873 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Guiseppi Quintillo
Quintillo, RosaliaOct. 11, 1889979 First Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1936 09 21CP1001/ Vol. 13Apr. 29, 1913New YorkItalyFatica, Dominic, 849 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioSabetta, Nick, 495 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Quintilo,,
Quiratetillo, Joe (Guiseppe)Nov. 27, 1879979 First Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3194/ Vol. D7, pg 19641394New York, NYItalyDOA only
Quirk, JamesNov. 4, 1846/ 211867 10 04PrVol. AM pg 39June, 1848Isle of ManMain, Archibald A., Madison, Ohio
Quirk, John J.1865 10 10PrVol. A pg 53Isle of MannSeymour, Moses M.Card says CP Court
Quirk, Joseph Jr.1872 08 03PrVol. A pg 157Isle of MannQuirk, Thomas
Quirk, ThomasMay 13, 1839/ 211850 11 03PrVol. AM pg 18June, 1849Isle of MannCain, Edward
Rabbitts, John CliffordApr. 16, 1893Mentor, OhioCP790/ Vol. D5, pg 1901895Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Racz, AnnaNov. 9, 1911/ 33301 Button Ave., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP2129Oct. 8, 1928N.Y.C.CzechoslovakiaKessler, Ann, 249 Orchard St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHorvath, Elsie, 506 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Anna Krusovszky; 2 cards
Racz, JuliannaJune 11, 1890/ 51239 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1943 08 27CP1721Nov. 24, 1913New York, N.Y.HungaryCinke, Elizabeth, 613 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLengyl, Susan, 413 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Julia Czine
Racz, StephenOct. 6, 1885239 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3788/ Vol. D1340251Baltimore, Md.CzechoslovakiaDOA only; AKA Istvan Racz
Racz, StephenOct. 6, 1885/ 55239 Courtland St., Fairport, Ohio1941 03 03CP15203726Baltimore, Md.HungaryResetar, Joseph A., 416 Independence St., Fairport, OhioKish, John A., 206 Courtland St., Fairport, OhioAKA Istvan Racz
Radcliff, William1871 03 21PrVol. A pg 132Isle of MannGarrett, John Jr., Leroy, Ohio
Radic, BaisoJan. 6, 1882509 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP982/ Vol. D6, pg 8241701New York, NYYugoslaviaDOA only
Rae, William JamesNov. 29, 1886R.F.D. #1, Mentor, OhioCP3303/ Vol. D846792Buffalo, NYScotlandDOA only
Raeburn, Elizabeth Ann GordonMar. 9, 190221 Wood St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP19467779New York, N.Y.Gr. Britain-ScotlandHendry, Bessie, 53 Third St., Willoughby, OhioMiddleton, Annie, Kirtland Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Elizaeth Ann Gordon Brown
Rafferty, Patrick1864/ 24PrVol. 1 pg 17Apr. 25, 1885IrelandDOA only
Ragai, MikeOct. 13, 1875Third Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP461/ Vol. D4, pg 16141057New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Ragalye, LouisSept. 25, 1871High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1921 09 26CP189/ Vol. 3 pg 39Dec. 24, 1898Baltimore, Md.Austria HungaryWood, C.F., Painesville, OhioPlummer, R.M., Painesville, Ohio
Ragalyi, LouisSept. 25, 1871High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP380/ Vol. D4, pg 8024 Dec 1898Baltimore, Md.Austria HungaryDOA only
Raines, Ada RosinaJune 11, 1895Fox Spring Farm, Mentor, OhioCP3999/ Vol. D1344185Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only; AKA Ada Rosina Hooper; Previous DOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland
Raitits, Gazo [or Raditz, Cazo]/ 211906 03 14PrVol. 2 pg 354Feb. 22, 1891HungaryRocha, Augustus, Painesville, OhioArrived in U.S. as a minor
Rajala, GustFeb. 13, 1892Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP170/ Vol. D2, pg 7039938New YorkFinlandDOA only
Rajala, Niilo KustaaJune 8, 1870355 Eagle Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1918 06 10CP155/ Vol. 3 pg 537388New YorkFinlandHietanen, Matti, Fairport Harbor, OhioAho, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Rajamaki, IdaAug. 3, 1895534 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3612/ Vol. D1145175Buffalo NYFinlandDOA only
Rajamaki, IdaAug. 3, 1895534 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1225Sept. 6, 1923Buffalo, New yorkFinlandPantari, Celia A., 211 East St. Fairport Harbor, OhioLagerstadt, Ira, 610 Joughin St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Rajamaki, Tuomas EmilOct. 9, 1890534 Fifth St., Fairport, Ohio1944 02 03CP19738653Buffalo, N.Y.FinlandRuusi, Isaac, 534 Eagle St., Fairport, OhioMaki, John August Rev., 405 3rd St., Fairport, Ohio
Rajna, LouisDec. 20, 1877High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP666/ Vol. D5, pg 6637612New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Rajna, LouisDec. 29, 1877531 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP336922 Dec 1898New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Rajna, LouisDec. 28, 1877531 High Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP935/ Vol. 12Dec. 22, 1898New YorkHungarySutch, Stephen Sr., 224 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCrozier, Wm. F., 84 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio
Rajna, LouisDec. 20, 1887531 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioIncompleteCP288/ Vol. 4 pg 3937612NYHungaryGuraly, Joseph Jr., Fairport Harbor, OhioSutch, Stephen, Fairport Harbor, OhioIncomplete Sept. 1923
Rakowich, EstherJuly 18, 1903/ 37Auburn Rd., R.D. 3, Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP14904955New York, N.Y.RoumaniaStefan, Alta Fay, Auburn Rd., RD #3, Painesville, OhioLipovits, Steve, Richmond Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Eszter Balazs; DOA CP Ct. Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Rakowich, JosephNov. 6, 1897RFD #3, Auburn Rd., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP19414694New York, N.Y.HungaryLipovich, Steve, RD#1, Richmond Rd., Painesville, OhioVlasek, Thomas, RD#3, Auburn Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Rakovics, Josef
Ramsey, William/ 411888 03 09PrVol. B pg 154Apr., 1866IrelandWood, Benjamin F., Perry, Ohio
Ramshaw, Charles AugustusJune 11, 1878133 W. South St., Painesville, OhioCP4114/ Vol. D1446077Buffalo, NYCanadaDOA only
Ramunto, MicheleSept. 11, 1892Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP718/ Vol. D5, pg 11841348New York, NYItalyDOA only
Ranalla, AngeloMay 6, 189598 Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1927 06 20CP570/ Vol. 7, pg 2244354New YorkItalyGeosano, Joe, Willoughby, OhioPatt, Charles, Willoughby, Ohio
Ranalla, Pasqualino ElioJan. 25, 192837735 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1963 08 15CP259520511Niagara Falls, NYItalyDiPalma, Antonia, 4166 Lincoln Ave., Willoughby, OhioIafelice, Elio, 37340 Arthur St., Willoughby, Ohio
Ranalla, SabitaDec. 13, 1864Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP6/ Vol. 1 pg 636964NYItalyNotte, Michele, Painesville, OhioZampini, Orazio, Painesville, OhioIncomplete, July 1910
Ranallo, AngeloMay 6, 189597 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP1018/ Vol. D6, pg 11844351New York, NYItalyDOA only
Ranallo, Domenic Antonio (Domenico)Nov. 6, 18961044 Robindale Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3477/ Vol. D941785New York, NYItalyDOA only
Ranallo, Dominic AntonioNov. 6, 1896874 Euclid Ave., Wickliffel, Ohio1937 03 08CP1062/ Vol. 1441785New YorkItalyBristo, Alfred, 1126 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioMatteo, Sam, 1025 Robindale, Wickliffe, OhioAKA Domenico Ranallo
Ranallo, Jenny AnnFeb. 10, 192537735 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1963 08 15CP259820511Niagara Falls, NYItalyGrandillo, Angela, 37728 Second St., Willoughby, OhioGeremia, John, 37727 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio
Ranallo, LuigiaSept. 13, 1894/ 47#1 Code Ave., Willoughby, Ohio1944 08 24CP1799Nov. 14, 1927New York, N.Y.ItalyMuccini, Angela, 18 Skiff St., Willoughby, OhioPatt, Mary Jane, 72 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio
Ranallo, MariantoniaOct. 13, 1898/ 441514 Mentor Ave., Mentor, Ohio1943 09 27CP191610754New York, N.Y.ItalyCastrilli, Maria, 1400 Center St., Mentor, OhioFatica, Sarah, 1294 Hart St., Mentor, OhioAKA Mariantonia Tarasco
Ranallo, SabatoDec. 13, 1864/ 36PrVol. 3 pg 5May 3, 1889ItalyDOA only
Rankin, AlexanderMar. 31, 1876Box #67, Mentor, OhioCP3254/ Vol. D7 pg 25746455Niagara Falls, NYScotlandDOA only
Rankin, Annie FergusonFeb. 27, 1878Box #67, Mentor, OhioCP3252/ Vol. D7, pg 25646455Niagara Falls, NYScotlandDOA only
Ranta, Sam/ 441897 04 24PrVol. 1, Pg 281Apr. 20, 1892FinlandHerttua, Matti, Painesville, Ohio
Ranta, WilliamFeb. 6, 1896219 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP970/ Vol. D6, pg 7041648Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Rantala, OlaviNov. 22, 1915/ 36113 Second Street, Fairport, Ohio1952 02 08CP225417471NYFinlandMyllykoski, Jacob, 780 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioLake, Raine A., 334 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Ranttila, GustNov. 13, 1850/ 46PrVol. 2 pg 136Dec. 25, 1884FinlandDOA only Mar. 23, 1897
Ranttila, Nicholas/ 231895 10 15PrVol. 1 pg 316July 7, 1887FinlandHervey, John H., Fairport, Ohio
Rarick, MartinAug. 1, 1855/ 221877 11 16PrVol. B pg 362May, 1872GermanyDurning, WilliamSignature is "Röhrig"
Raski, JaakobMay 17, 18664th St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP649/ Vol. D5, pg 4918 June 1886New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Raspor, MatiasOct. 11, 1876/ 63901 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio1940 03 04CP12892700Boston, Mass.ItalyZalar, John, 841 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioDrobnick, John, 901 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio
Rattray, Jean BruceNov. 21, 1893/ 49495 E. 324th St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 03 05CP1859Nov. 3, 1923New York, N.Y.ScotlandMills, Orpha, 240 E. 320th St., Willowick, OhioGoodrich, Alice S., 12 Prospect St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Jean Bruce Holmes
Rauch, ThomasDec. 24, 1880Antyock Rd., N. Perry, OhioCP3196/ Vol. D7, pg 19941774New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Raudasoja, Hilja KatriFeb. 21, 1900310 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1939 03 06CP1272Apr. 16, 1929DetroitFinlandKatila, Arvi, 304 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLintala, Lillian, 539 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Hiljakatri Raudasoja
Rauhala, Anna-LiisaAfter 1931CP
Rauhala, John WilliamJuly 30, 1889819 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4098/ Vol. D1341779NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Juho Rauhala; Prev. DOA Probate Ct., Butte, Montana 1915
Rauhala, Lizzie SannaNov. 5, 1897819 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioCP4094/ Vol. D1345139Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only; AKA Sanna Rauhala; Left & returned 1923 Boston
Rauhala, Lizzie SannaNov. 5, 1897/ 47819 Skinner Ave., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP213845139Boston, Mass.FinlandPohto, Sanna (Mrs. Charles), 440 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLuthanen, Lillian W., 867 Hine Ave., Painesville, Ohio2 cards
Rautio, JohnAug 25, 1873New Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP465/ Vol. D4, pg 1655 June 1899New Yoirk, NYFinlandDOA only
Rautio, JohnMar. 25, 1874/ 25PrVol. 2 pg 210Apr. 5, 1893DOA only May 4, 1899
Rautio, Matti1893 10 04PrVol. 1 pg 177FinlandHilston, Charles G., Fairport, OhioCert. only
Rawlings, ThomasMar. 14, 1874/ 23PrVol. 2 pg 17626 May 1897IrelandDOA only July 10, 1898
Ray, John1896 10 29PrVol. 2 pg 98FinlandEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, OhioDOA on file
Rayjala, Andrew GustFeb. 13, 1892Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioIncompleteCP179/ Vol. 3 pg 2939938NYFinlandKumpulainen, Matti, Painesville, OhioPeltomaa, John E., Fairport Harbor, OhioIncomplete Sept. 1919
Raymond, Alfred DouglasFeb. 11, 18971009 Mentor Ave., Mentor, OhioCP3703/ Vol. D1244985Detroit, MichiganCanadaDOA only
Raymond, Alfred DouglasFeb. 11, 18971009 Mentor Ave., Mentor, Ohio1940 09 16CP136344985Detroit, Mich.Canada - Great BritainSmith, Jack A., Doan Ave., RD#1, Painesville, OhioKundtz, Leona, RD#2, Mentor, Ohio
Ringer, Moses1896 09 30PrVol. 2 pg 59RussiaJappe, M.H., Cleveland, OhioDOA on file
Ringman, IsaacAug. 13, 1883Fairport Harbor, Ohio1912 07 02CP36/ Vol. 1 pg 36Apr. 3, 1901New YorkFinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioHietanen, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioSee also Vol. 1, pg 27; DOA Circuit Ct., Chippewa Co., MI
Ringman, Matti E.July 17, 1873/ 29PrVol. 3 pg 9210 Mar 1899FinlandDOA only
Ringman, Matti E.1905 11 06PrVol. 4 pg 40May 9, 1899FinlandTuuri, Matti, Fairport, OhioLiimakka, Herman E., Fairport, Ohio
Rinnella, Francesco18801903 11 03PrVol. 4 pg 111May 1, 1892ItalyNesca, Rosalino, Painesville, OhioPolumbo, Giacomo, Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Rinta, Ilmi MaryJan. 6, 1887/ 56Dayton Rd., Rt. #1, Madison, Ohio1943 08 27CP1844Jan. 27, 1889Ellis Island, N.Y.FinlandHirvi, Wilhelm, 422 Fourth St., Fairport, OhioBailey, Mary, 420 High St., Fairport, OhioAKA Ilmi Mary Sirronen
Rinta, John Kustaa22 July 1886Dayton Rd., Madison, OhioCP3988/ Vol. D1339107NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Johan Rintamaki; previous DOA Circuit Ct. Joliet, Ill.
Rinta, Michael/ 241895 09 30PrVol. 1 pg 1711888 06 12FinlandEmpfield, Wm., Painesville, Ohio
Rintala, HermanJune 18, 1868/ 34PrVol. 3 pg 8919 June 1899FinlandDOA only
Rintala, Wiljo IlmariApr. 25, 1898507 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3774/ Vol. D1243334NYFinlandDOA only
Rintala, Wiljo IlmariApr. 25, 1898507 Independence St., Fairport, Ohio1944 02 03CP2019Aug. 22, 1916New York, N.Y.FinlandHilston, John, 506 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioWakkila, Matti Emil, 529 Independence St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Viljo Rintala
Rintala, William1877/ 24PrVol. 3 pg 33Mar. 25, 1896FinlandDOA only
Rintala, William1904 11 08PrVol. 4 pg 29Apr., 15, 1896FinlandKillinen, Matti, Fairport, OhioHille, Oscar, Fairport, Oho
Rintaluhta, John/ 321895 11 05PrVol. 1 pg 188Jan. 26, 1887FinlandEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, Ohio
Rinto, JohnNov. 25, 1873/ 231899 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 152July 7, 1892FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Rinyo, ElizabethMar. 25, 1899/ 42415 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP1669Feb. 1, 1922New York, N.Y.HungaryBell, Elizabeth, 912 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioGuraly, John, 240 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Alzbeta Gereny
Rinyo, JoeMar. 27, 1891High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP270/ Vol. D3, pg 7040253New YorkHungaryDOA only
Rinyo, JohanDec. 30, 1864High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP269/ Vol. D3, pg 6940298New YorkHungaryDOA only
Rinyo, SteveJan. 9, 19002221 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1008/ Vol. D6, pg 10841756New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Rinyo, SteveJan. 9, 1900221 New Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1928 06 18CP644/ Vol. 7, pg 92Apr. 29, 1914New YorkHungarySutch, Stephen, Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Andrew J., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Rippin, Ambrose1868 10 17PrVol. a Pg 103EnglandWicks, Charles L., Mentor, OhioResided at least 1 yr in US, Honorable disch from Army
Ristimaki, JohnMar. 14, 1889414 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP662/ Vol. D5, pg 6241481New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ritari, JacobMay 27, 1879/ 231903 02 13PrVol. 3 pg 492July 7, 1892FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Ritari, JohanJune 18, 1854/ 48PrVol. 3 pg 1076 May 1886FinlandDOA only
Ritari, JohnMay 1, 1881/ 211903 02 13PrVol. 3 pg 493July 7, 1892FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Ritari, John1905 02 23PrVol. 4 pg 31May 5, 1886FinlandSomppi, John, Fairport, OhioTaanola, John, Fairport, Ohio
Ritari, Winifred MarieAug. 24, 1926Fay Rd., RD 1, Painesville, Ohio1961 03 23CP251919646NYEnglandPatterson, Jennie, Vrooman Rd., Painesville, OhioVitari, Edward, 907 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioIncomplete? 1960
Ritek, AndyJune 15, 1887/ 53508 Second St., Fairport, Ohio1940 09 16CP986/ Vol. 1340326New York, N.Y.Czechoslovakia, formerly AustriaFargo, Emanuel, 324 New St., Fairport, OhioMamrak, Andrew, 206 East St., Fairport, OhioAKA Andreas Ritak
Ritek, Mary HelenSept. 1, 1888/ 52541 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP165444756New York, N.Y.Austria-HungaryMamrak, Anna, 206 East St., Fairport Harbor, OhioWhitmore, Mary M., 528 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Maria Rilek
Ritola, JacobOct. 10, 1875/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 354 June 1897FinlandDOA only
Ritola, JakobOct. 10, 1874/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 35June 4, 1897DOA only
Ritter, Charles G./ 381878 10 03PrVol. B pg 51Nov. 1865EnglandTisdel, Silas A.
Rittick, JohnMar. 12, 1909/ 30541 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1940 03 04CP13798231New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaMikula, John, 114 Vine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioVanJura, Andrew A., 432 East St., Fairport, OhioAKA John Ritek
Robbins, Eleanor MarianApr. 19, 1908/ 43238 Stage Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1952 02 08CP226541555NYHungaryRoberts, Molly, 445 High St., Painesville, OhioMeredith, Hester, Lee Rd. RD 1, Painesville, OhioAKA Ilona Fador
Robinson, FlorenceOct. 21, 1878147 Erie St., Willoughby, OhioCP3607/ Vol. D1145726NYEnglandDOA only
Robinson, FlorenceOct. 21, 187711 Elm St., Willoughby, Ohio1939 03 06CP1263Mar. 10, 1925New YorkEnglandRadebaugh, Etta, 4 Ridge Rd., Willoughby, OhioShaner, Opal, 118 Erie St., Willoughby, Ohio
Robinson, Geo. AlvinMar. 2, 188030 Latimore St., Painesville, OhioCP405/ Vol. D4, 1051 Oct 1890Port Huron, MichiganCanadaDOA only
Robinson, George AlvinMar. 2, 1880R.D. #1 Woodworth Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1920 06 07CP227/ Vol. 3 pg 77Oct. 1, 1890Port Huron, MichiganCanadaGoldsmith, S.J., Painesville, OhioBarber, S.D., Painesville, Ohio
Robinson, George H.1863 09 26PrVol. A pg 26EnglandPaine, Franklin Jr.
Robinson, John T.Dec. 2, 1866/ 301896 09 24PrVol. 2 pg 363June, 1883EnglandBlackmon, C.F., Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Robinson, MooreOct. 21, 1895R.F.D.#3, Lost Nation Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP3578/ Vol. D1045272NYIrelandDOA only
Robinson, Peter H.Feb. 9, 1838/ 221960 10 09PrVol. A pg 4May, 1860Great BritainWaring, Charles S.Check these dates
Robinson, StanleyNov. 12, 1908200 Newell St., Painesville, OhioCP4194/ Vol. D1417468Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only
Robinson, Violet MayMar. 6, 1908200 Newell Street, Painesville, OhioCP4193/ Vol. D1417468Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only
Robinson, WilliamDec. 25, 1836/ 231860 10 29PrVol. AM pg 9May, 1854Great BritainMerill, John H.
Robson, JohnJan. 22, 1847/ 211868 10 13PrVol. A-M pg 68Nov. 1862EnglandE.E. Gill, Painesville, Ohiono index card
Rochat, Augustus S.PrVol. B pg 19June 1865FranceDOA only 17 July 1873
Roche, EdmondDec. 29, 1905545 S. State St., Painesville, OhioCP4022/ Vol. D1314033Seattle, WashingtonIrelandDOA only
Rockliffe, IsabellMay 9, 1888/ 53South Farm, Willoughby, Ohio1941 08 25CP1611Nov. 23, 1919New York, N.Y.EnglandKunzman, Susan, Kirtland Rd., Willoughby, OhioMiddleton, Arthur, Kirtland, Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Rockow, Dorothea Cecileb. ca. 1925/ 248 Plains Ct., Erieside, Ohio1949 02 11CP221838806NYCanadaBlankachsen, Lula, Munson Rd., Mentor, OhioRockow, Adalaide, E. 359th ST., Willoughby, Ohio
Roddy, Nora ReillyMar. 7, 1882301 Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1958 08 13CP243419161NYIrelandWhitmore, Mary, 220 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioEates, Helen, 529 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Rodrigues, Arnaldo DavidAfter 1931CP
Roeber, AnnaOct. 4, 1898Chestnut St., Painesville, Ohio1953 02 13CP223311490NYGermanyWoodruff, Virginia, Chestnut St., Painesville, OhioSlater, Elsie, 4205 Allison Rd., S. Euclid, OhioAKA Anna Rober
Roerdansz, Frederick BrunoJune 12, 1872990 No. Center St., Mentor, OhioCP4076/ Vol. D137 Feb 1898NYGermanyDOA only; Prev. DOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., 1919; Left US & returned NY 15 July 1908
Roerdansz, Frederik BrunoJune 12, 1872/ 73990 North Center Rd., Mentor, Ohio1946 02 08CP2144Aug. 25, 1908N.Y.C., N.Y.GermanyRostocil, Frank L., 980 N. Center Rd., Mentor, OhioRostocil, Ivy G., 980 N. Center Rd., Mentor, OhioAKA Fredrich Roerdansz
Roerdansz, Martha MarieApr. 20, 1879Green Street, Perry, OhioCP3766/ Vol. D1240312NYGermanyDOA only; AKA Martha Thurmann
Rogat, AbiSept. 15, 1897Wickliffe, OhioCP692/ Vol. D5, pg 921900New York, NYRussiaDOA only
Rogat, KivaMar. 15, 1864Wickliffe, OhioCP691/ Vol. D5, pg 9126 July 1899New York, NYRussiaDOA only
Rogers, Annie Mrs.Mar. 6, 187455 Second St, Willoughby, OhioCP3078/ Vol. D7, pg 7838981New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Rogers, Annie VickersMar. 6, 187455 Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1929 09 30CP732/ Vol. 8Sept. 21, 1906New YorkEnglandDavis, Jessie, Willoughby, OhioCline, George S., Willoughby, Ohio
Rogers, George W.Feb. 23, 1862/ 331896 10 24PrVol. 2 pg 369May 5, 1879CanadaAllen, George W., Willoughby, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Rogers, ThomasJuly 24, 1885East Mentor, OhioCP313/ Vol. D4, pg 31342004St. Paul, Minn. RR from HalifaxSouth WalesDOA only
Rogers, Thomas WilliamMay 10, 1872/ 29PrVol. 2 pg 32622 Apr 1895EnglandDOA only 1901 05 27
Rogers, Thomas WilliamMay 10, 187255 Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1929 06 17CP723/ Vol. 8Apr. 7, 1905Philadelphia, Penna.EnglandHoskin, Marion, Painesville, OhioCline, George, Willoughby, Ohio
Rogers, Thomas Wm.May 10, 187255 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP3079/ Vol. D7, pg 7938449Phila., Penna.EnglandDOA only
Rogoske, AdamSept. 15, 1870Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 643222Baltimore, Md.PolandDOA only
Roho, JohanMar. 15, 1875/ 271902 04 04PrVol. 3M pg 47910 Mar 1890HungaryBeregasari, Joe(Not issued)
Rolleczek, Anton44739R.F.D. #2 Box 317, Mentor, OhioCP4216/ Vol. D1418057NYPolandDOA only
Romancsik, AdamFeb. 5, 1876High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP552/ Vol. D4, pg 25241537New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Romani, AnnaJan. 19, 1911337 Sanford St., Painesville, Ohio1958 02 14CP241645245NYItalyColavechio, Mary, 673 N. St. Clair, Painesville, OhioValocchi, Mary, 180 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioAKA Constantina Dardis
Romani, GiralamoOct. 24, 1905341 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioCP3878/ Vol. D1311 Nov. 1923?NYItalyDOA; pettion 1815 filed with DOA
Romani, GirolamoOct. 24, 1905300 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioCP2005/ Vol. D6, pg 20545246New York, NYItalyDOA only
Romani, GirolamoOct. 24, 1905341 Sanford St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP1815Nov. 11, 1923New York, N.Y.ItalyFalcone, Guiseppe, 445 Storrs St., Painesville, OhioPizzi, Antonio, 497 Owego t., Painesville, OhioFiled with DOA 3878
Romani, GuidoSept. 25, 1901337 Sanford St., Painesville, OhioCP4283/ Vol. D1420182NYItalyDOA only; photo on back
Romig, Eileen MaudMar. 28, 19247341 Cadle Ave., Mentor, Ohio1944 10 12CP2727Cert issued 14 Apr 1971
Ronlund, PeterNov. 16, 1891435 Independent St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP876/ Vol. D5, pg 27641408New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ronn, Isaac/ 291897 11 01PrVol. 1 pg 296Apr., 10, 1886FinlandSaari, Alex, Fairport, Ohio
Ronto, S. KristianMar. 17, 1864/32PrVol. 2 pg 145Nov. 3, 1889FinlandDOA only Mar. 30, 1897
Roohan, JamesJune 24, 1861/ 301898 06 06PrVol. 2 pg 403Feb. 28, 1880IrelandLawler, J.B., Painesville, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor; DOA issued 24 Dec 1892 Erie Co., N.Y., attached
Roozen, Lodewyk JohannesOct. 6, 190732 W. Erie St., Painesville, OhioCP3378/ Vol. D847066New York, NYHollandDOA only
Roozen, Lodewyk JohannesOct. 6, 1907R.D.#1, Mentor, Ohio1936 03 09CP978/ Vol. 13Nov. 9, 1928New YorkHollandHayward, Edwin P., 32 W. Erie St., Painesville, OhioHayward, Maude I., 32 W. Erie St., Painesville, Ohio
Roppeneker, Louis/ 421882 09 30PrVol. B pg 96Dec., 1859GermanyMcFarland, H.J., Painesville, Ohio
Rosa, KalmanApr. 27, 1869Hale Rd., R.F.D. Painesville, OhioCP3881/ Vol. D1337139NYHungaryDOA only
Rosa, KalmanApr. 27, 1869/ 75Hale Rd., R#2, Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP2054Sept. 5, 1901New York, N.Y.HungaryHorvath, Frank, Hale Rd., R#2, Painesville, OhioBeaumont, Plummer, Hale Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Rozsa, address on card #2: 1843 W. 47th St., Cleveland, age 62.
Rosa, KalmanApr. 23, 1865RFD #1, Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP423/ Vol. 5 pg 7437140NYHungaryVanEpp, Chas. H., Painesville, OhioLipovits, Steve, Painesville, Ohio
Rosatelli, PetroOct. 5, 1869Fairport Harbor, OhioCP597/ Vol. D4, pg 29739923New York, NYItalyDOA only
Rose, JamesSept. 26, 1862/ 38PrVol. 2 pg 30236617CanadaDOA only 1900 11 06
Rose, OscarJuly 8, 1881209 Storrs St., Painesville, OhioCP460/ Vol. D4, pg 16038700Baltimore, Md.GermanyDOA only
Rose, OscarJuly 8, 1881Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 4638700Baltimore, Md.GermanyDOA only
Rose, OscarJuly 8, 1881511 Erie Street, Painesville, Ohio1921 06 07CP258/ Vol. 4 pg 8Dec. 14, 1905Baltimore, Md.GermanyPohl, John, Paineville, OhioBernhardt, A.J., Painesville, Ohio
Rose, ThomasSept. 4, 1887Huntoon Road, RFD #2, Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP19833815New York, N.Y.Gr. Britain, EnglandHribar, Matthew, RD #2, Leroy Twp., Painesville, OhioElliott, Richard, RD #2, Painesville, Ohio
Roseman, MartinNov. 15, 1876/ 251902 04 02PrVol. 3 pg 475May 15, 1893AustriaVallean, H.J., Richmond, Ohio
Roskelly, AubreySept. 26, 1909/ 32726 W. Jackson St., Painesville, Ohio1942 03 02CP172813683Buffalo, N.Y.London, EnglandOndus, George, 427 South St., Fairport, ohioCawley, John J., 153 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioAKA Aubrey Oswald Cecil Roskelly
Roskos, John1895 04 01?PrVol. 1 pg 311Austria"First papers on file", petition incomplete
Roskos, John1895 04 01PrVol. 1 pg 290AustriaStudney, index card
Rospor, MatijaOct. 11, 1876124 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3504/ Vol. D1039225Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Ross, Albert LouisDec. 28, 1902R.F.D. #2, Painesville, OhioCP3714/ Vol. D12Nov. 1905NYCzekoselavakijoDOA only; AKA Lajos Rozsi; AKA Lajos Roszy
Ross, Albert LouisDec. 28, 1902/ 38RFD #2, Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP152338675New York, N.Y.HungaryHanusosky, John, 693 S. State St., Painesville, OhioRainery, Joseph, RD #2, Painesville, OhioAKA Lajos Roszi
Ross, Robert1872 06 18PrVol. A pg 154IrelandWest, David H.
Ross, Samuel J.Dec. 10, 1883/ 211885 10 09PrVol. B pg 388June, 1873IrelandBenjamin, Eber P., Madison, Ohio
Ross, William1869 09 14PrVol. A pg 111IrelandEnsign, Erwin F.DOA issued 25 May 1867, Probate Ct., Lake Co., Ohio
Rossen, MicheleFeb. 22, 1883E. 360th & Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP4061/ Vol. D1337244NYItalyDOA only; AKA Michele Rossignuolo; Previous DOA oelwein Iowa Western Union 1921
Rossen, PasqualinaFeb. 1, 1887E. 360 St. & Vine, Willoughby, OhioCP4048/ Vol. D1327 Dec 1893NYItalyDOA only; AKA Pasqualina Conte; AKA Pasqualina Rossignuolo
Rosskamp, Dietrich George39977Lake Road #3, Willoughby, OhioCP3546/ Vol. D1047376NYGermanyDOA only
Rosskamp, Marie Anna42890Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1952 07 07CP228146541NYGermanyTomsie, Kathleen, 477 . 327 St., Willowick, OhioWertenberger, Alverta, 3693 Hilward Dr., Willougbhy, OhioAKA Marischen Jansen
Rost, AndrewOct. 1, 1870Madison, OhioCP991/ Vol. D6, pg 918 July 1883New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Rost, AndrewOct. 1, 1870Madison, Ohio1927 10 03CP601/ Vol. 7, pg 51July 8, 1883New YorkGermanyJames, George S., Painesville, OhioVoegtler, Wm. M., Painesville, OhioSee also #224/ Vol. 3 pg 74 Military
Rost, LillianSept. 28, 1868Madison, Ohio1924 06 05CP376/ Vol. 5 pg 27NANACleveland, Ohio, USA/ GermanyMarriot, Betty, Painesville, OhioBradley, Kate, Painesville, Ohio
Rostocil, Ivy GladysOct. 9, 1896980 Center St., Mentor, Oho1943 08 27CP19492723New York, N.Y.EnglandLucas, Ruth T., 981 N. Center St., Mentor, OhoLibby, Viola Mrs., 1015 Case Ave., Mentor, OhioAKA Ivy Gladys Langley
Roth, ChaimFeb. 5, 1913Seeley Rd., Painesville, OhioCP4235/ Vol. D1418325NYRussiaDOA only
Roth, Charlotte BickelAfter 1931CP
Rothauser, JosephAug. 5, 1869Green St., Perry, OhioCP3952 Vol. D1320 Oct 1891NYAustriaDOA only
Rottenborg, Max1855/ 31 or 371894 10 12PrVol. 1 pg 130Sept., 1886RussiaStern, L, Cleveland, Ohio
Rourke, Cornelius1876 10 07PrVol. B pg 55IrelandKeener, Charles L.Cert. only
Rourke, Harold KennethAug. 5, 1906/ 35Rt.1, Perry, Ohio1944 02 03CP184145377Niagara Falls, N.Y.CanadaKleinshrot, Charles A., North Ridge Rd., Painesville, OhioMaki, Eino S., Route 1, Perry, Ohio
Rourke, Michael1872 09 30PrVol. A pg 166IrelandDurfy, Henry
Rowe, Henry/ 461886 08 30PrVol. B pg 130Mar., 1867EnglandWitzman, E., Painesville, Ohio
Roy, JohnJune 25, 1874Leroy Twp, OhioCP387/ Vol. D4, pg 8738847Buffalo, NY via RRScotlandDOA only
Roykovich, HarryMar. 6, 1894213 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP632/ Vol. D5, pg 3241348Chicago, Ill. via RR from HalifaxRussiaDOA only
Rozner, LouisSept. 17, 1878527 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP785/ Vol. D5, pg 18540602New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Rubint, LouisApr. 1, 1889Fairport Harbor, OhioCP885/ Vol. D5, pg 28540954New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Ruckij, AntonMay 31, 1885R.F.D. #2, Madison, OhioCP1099/ Vol. D6, pg 19941507Galviston, TexasAustria HungaryDOA only
Rucky, AntonMay 31, 1885R.F.D. #2, Madison, Ohio1927 06 20CP544/ Vol. 6 pg 95Aug. 31, 1913Galveston, TexasHungaryScott, G.E., R.F.D. #2, S. Madison, OhioFrisbie, W.H., R.F.D., #2, S. Madison, OhioPrev. DOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga, Ohio; See also Anthony Rusky, #349/ Vol. 4 pg 100
Ruddick, George/ 291876 10 09PrVol. B pg 25July, 1870EnglandSanborn, Dan M.
Rudge, WilliamSept. 9, 1884R.F.D. #3, Painesville, OhioCP3398/ Vol. D944840Buffalo, NYEnglandDOA only
Rudge, WilliamSept. 9, 1884R.D. #3, Painesville, Ohio1936 09 21CP998/ Vol. 13Oct. 6, 1922Buffalo, New YorkEnglandLittle, Floyd A., 66 Stockwell St., Painesville, OhioQuincy, Merwin S., Fairgrounds Rd., Painesville, Ohio
Rudzevice, MaryJan. 30, 1897/ 44345 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1942 03 02CP1684Oct. 6, 1922New York, N.Y.Ozeliar, LithuaniaRoberts, Mabel, 855 Grand Blvd., Wickliffe, OhioUrban, Helen, 339 Bryn Mawr Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Marijona Darangeliute; Date given as March 2, 1924.
Rugnetta, DominicSept. 14, 189592 Second Street, Willoughby, Ohio1927 10 03CP559/ Vol. 7, pg 1039249New YorkItalyMoloney, James, Willoughby, OhioMcMahon, John, Willoughby, Ohio
Rugnetta, Mary RoseMay 27, 1902/ 39102 Second St., Willoughby, Ohio1941 08 25CP1604Apr. 3, 1909Philadelphia, Pa.ItalyShannon, Ora, 105 2nd St., Willoughby, OhioMyers, Mary J., 11 Ben Hur Ave., Willoughby, OhioAKA Maria Orziro
Rugnetta, VincenzoMay 5, 189418 Buckeye Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3579/ Vol. D1041085NYItalyDOA only
Rugnetta, VincenzoMay 5, 189492 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP3203/ Vol. D7, pg 20640719New York, NYItalyDOA only
Rugnetta, VincenzoMay 5, 189418 Buckeye Ave., Willoughby, Ohio1938 03 07CP116141085New YorkItalyVenditti, Anthony, 84 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioDelsantro, Charles N., 32 Waldemere Ave., Willoughby, Ohio
Rugnetto, DominickSept. 14, 189590 second St., Willoughby, OhioCP1065/ Vol. D6, pg 16539250New York, NYItalyDOA only
Rullo, Jas.Feb. 28, 1891504 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2016/ Vol. D6, pg 21644082Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Ruman, Alexander AlbertMay 10, 1872128 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP564/ Vol. D4, pg 26415 July 1893New York, NYWest PrussiaDOA only
Rung, SamuelMar. 23, 1889Fairport Harbor, OhioCP106/ Vol. 2, pg 640400New YorkFinlandDOA only
Ruokasmaki, Wiljam EsaiasFeb. 28, 1901222 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3314/ Vol. D847353New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ruokasmaki, Wiljam EsaiasFeb. 28, 1901506 N. Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3843/ Vol. D1347353NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Wiljam Esaias Ruokaismaki
Ruscitto, DonatoNov. 3, 188992 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP614/ Vol. D5, pg 1440610New York, NYItalyDOA only
Ruskos, John1895 04 01PrVol. 1 pg 290AustriaStudney, George, Fairport, Ohio
Rusnak, ElizabethNov. 16, 1887524 7th St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 09 20CP1141Nov. 5, 1920New YorkCzechoslovakiaFargo, Emanuel, 324 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioFetchko, Mary, 520 Courtland, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Ruspinko, JohnSept. 5, 1902412 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1078/ Vol. D6, pg 17844187New York, NYCzechoslovakiaDOA only
Russell, Harry Jr.Jan. 14, 1912/ 2867 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP14598311Malone, N.Y.ScotlandKennedy, Jennie, 315 E. 324th St., Willowick, OhioGebhart, Elna, 281 E. 320 St., Willowick, OhioAKA Henry Russell Jr.
Russell, Thomas1870 01 15PrVol. A pg 118EnglandCusick, Michael, Lake County, OhioCusick, Patrick, Lake County, OhioDOA issued 20 Sept 1867 in District Ct., Boone Co., Iowa
Russotto, Joseph PaulAfter 1931CP
Russotto, Mary LouiseAfter 1931CP
Russotto, TindaroSept. 7, 1911619 Elm St., Painesville, OhioCP4262/ Vol. D1418819NYSwitzerlandDOA only
Ruszkai, ClaraFeb. 20, 1909/ 31515 Curtland St., Fairport, Ohio1940 09 16CP142947212New York, N.Y.HungaryWayner, Elizabeth B., 905 High St., Fairport, OhioNagy, Margaret, 24 Paradis Apartments, Fairport, OhioAKA Klara Girhiny
Rusznak, JohnAug. 10, 1885High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP371/ Vol. D4, pg 7140416New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Rusznak, JohnAug. 10, 1885524 Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1923 06 11CP347/ Vol. 4 pg 98Aug. 26, 1910New YorkHungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioZimny, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Rutland, AlfredJuly 16, 1855/ 211876 10 09PrVol. B pg 347Dec., 1869EnglandBarber, A.P.
Rutland, Alfred F.Apr. 26, 1859/ 481884 10 13PrVol. B pg 86Apr., 1870EnglandEllen, John S., Willoughby, Ohio
Rutland, Alfred G./ 211880 10 05PrVol. B pg 369July, 1870EnglandRutland, Alfred J.
Rutland, Jesse/ 441881 10 10PrVol. B pg 85Apr., 1870EnglandBarber, A.P., Willoughby, OhioAlso see page 65. Only name and country there.
Rutland, John/ 441879 09 15PrVol. B pg 57Dec., 1869EnglandLyon, Hiram G.
Ruuki, DavettiJuly 25, 1862/ 40PrVol. 3 pg 8836975FinlandDOA only
Ruuska, Helmi AlexsandraMar. 9, 1900401 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3618/ Vol. D1145110NYFinlandDOA only
Ruuska, Helmi AlexandraMar. 9, 1900404 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 09 19CP120645110New YorkFinlandHirvi, Aune, 1069 N. St. Clair, Painesville, OhioPohto, Kalle K., 440 New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Ruuska, JohnJan. 5, 1892525 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2066/ Vol. D6, pg 26645108New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ruuska, JohnMar. 9, 1900404 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 09 20CP113945110New YorkFinlandPerry, Emma, 409 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioWaltonen, Arne, 346 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Ruuska, JuliusApr 12, 1892512 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3901/ Vol. D1340253NYFinlandDOA only; AKA Julius Runska
Ruusks, JohnJune 15, 1892401 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3569/ Vol. D1045110NYFinlandDOA only
Ruuti, George ElmerJuly 14, 1891Fairport Harbor, OhioCP136/ Vol. D2, pg 3638550New YorkFinlandDOA only
Ruuti, MaryMay 12, 1864Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP928/ Vol. D6, pg 2838561New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Ruzich, MikeMay 2, 1892/ 47R.F.D. 1, Madison, Ohio1939 09 18CP130039217Baltimore, Md.JugoslaviaPerpar, John, R.D.3, Hubbard Rd., Madison, OhioMiller, George, R.D.3, Hubbard Rd., Madison, OhioAKA Mane Ruzic; DOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Ruzick, ZorkaFeb. 4, 1904#1 McMackin Rd., Madison, Ohio1944 09 24CP2029Sept. 15, 1922Buffalo, N.Y.Serbian - YugoslaviaJakse, Mary, McMackin Rd., Madison, OhioSager, Dora, RFD 1, Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, OhioAKA Zoska Pajic Lujic
Ryan, Dan1871 03 17PrVol. A pg 138IrelandQuant, Frank, Painesville, Ohio
Ryan, Edward1874 04 06PrVol. B pg 31IrelandDuffy, MartinCert. only
Ryan, George1872 07 19PrVol. A pg 156IrelandHamilton, Nathan
Ryan, JamesDec. 11, 1871R.F.D. #3, N. Madison, OhioCP585/ Vol. D4, pg 28538134New York, NYIrelandDOA only
Ryan, Maria FriedrikeAfter 1931CP
Ryan, Patrick1853/ 22PrVol. B pg 46Oct. 1872DOA only
Ryan, Thomas1852/ 22PrVol. B pg 35Nov. 1870IrelandDOA only
Ryan, TimothyApr. 23, 1878/ 25PrVol. 3 pg 1461 Sept. 1900Great Britain & IrelandDOA only
Ryne, ThomasJuly 4, 1826/ 331860 11 05PrVol. AM pg 24Apr., 1837IrelandHouse, JohnNester, Kate
Saarela, Kustaf1896 10 29PrVol. 2 pg 96FinlandKillinin, Matt, Fairport, OhioDOA on file
Saarenpaa, John1867/ 25PrVol. 1 pg 149May 9, 1883DOA only
Saarenpaa, JohnMar. 20, 1870/ 231893 04 03PrVol. 1 pg 163Mar. 5, 1888FinlandBarkinen, John, Fairport, Ohio
Saari, AlexJune 1, 1867/ 261896 03 26PrVol. 1 pg 205Feb. 1888FinlandMattson, Isaac, Fairport, Ohio
Saari, ArviJuly 28, 1891Fifth Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP489/ Vol. D4, pg 18939928New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Saari, Jaakko Richard37063528 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3565/ Vol. D1045622NYFinlandDOA only
Saari, Jaakko Richard37063304 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1938 09 19CP1142Nov. 26, 1924New YorkFinlandKiikka, Matt E., 16 Marine St., Fairport Harbor, OhioMackey, Ann, 493 Elm St., Painesville, Ohio
Saari, JacobJune 10, 1883High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP488/ Vol. D4, pg 18838522Philadelphia, Penna.FinlandDOA only
Saari, JacobMar. 27, 1872/ 30PrVol. 3 pg 12037077FinlandDOA only
Saari, JacobJune 10, 1883/ 57529 Sixth St., Fairport, Ohio1940 09 16CP13531997Philadelphia, Pa.FinlandRendrick, John O., 317 Chestnut St., Fairport, OhioRitari, Arthur J., 314 Third St., Fairport, OhioAKA Jaakko Walisaari
Saari, Johan1866/ 30PrVol. 2 pg 142Mar. 15, 1894FinlandDOA only Mar. 29, 1897
Saari, John/ 231899 03 02PrVol. 2 pg 409July 7, 1892FinlandLaino, Matt, Fairport, OhioSee also Vol. 2, pg 194 crossed off
Saari, Lempi SannaAfter 1931CP
Saari, MattiCPx/Cert of arrival end of films
Saari, MattiJune 13, 1876/ 221900 10 25PrVol. 2 pg 187 & 188June 13, 1895FinlandHissa, Jack, Fairport, OhioBirth could be 09 Sept 1876
Saari, NickolaiFeb. 2, 1885Fairport Harbor, Ohio1913 07 12CP52/ Vol. 2 pg 2Apr. 1, 1902New YorkFinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioHeitanen, Matti, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Saari, NikolaiFeb. 2, 1885Fairport Harbor, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 9137347New YorkFinlandDOA only
Sabadas, MichaelAug. 3, 1874High Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP508/ Vol. D4, pg 20837360Philadelphia, Penna.Austria HungaryDOA only
Sabadosh, AnnaOct. 2, 1880/ 63R.F.D. Madison Ave., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP2077Nov. 14, 1904New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaPaul, Cecelia, R.F.D. #2, Painesville, OhioRitari, Arthur, 314 Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Ana Szbados
Sabadosh, PaulineAug. 6, 1899440 Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1921 06 07CP261/ Vol. 4 pg 1138136New YorkAustriaPomeroy, C.W., Painesville, OhioPomeroy, Lillian, Painesville, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co. Ohio
Sabadosh, PetarNov. 15, 1878Second Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP500/ Vol. D4, pg 20037438Philadelphia, Penna.Austria HungaryDOA only
Sabadosh, PeterNov. 15, 1878Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1923 06 11CP342/ Vol. 4 pg 9337438Philadelphia, Penna.Austria-HungaryPolack, George, Fairport Harbor, OhioZimny, John, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sabel, DavineJan. 22, 1919/ 234 Church St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP19197025Malone, N.Y.CanadaHolmes, Bernice, 22 1/2 Center St., Willoughby, OhioStanton, Charlotte, 10 Wilson Ave., Willoughby, OhioAKA Devina Santone
Sabella, JamesNov. 1, 1897/ 4530 Highland Dr., Willoughby, Ohio1944 02 03CP19381901New York, N.Y.ItalyLittlejohn, Lucy M., 300 Rockwood Dr., Painesville, OhioKerr, M.S, 55 Libery St., Painesville, OhioAKA Vicenzo Isabella
Sabetta, NicolaMay 9, 1887Stop 24 1/2, Wickliffe, OhioCP701/ Vol. D5, pg 10138489New York, NYItalyDOA only
Sabetta, NicolaMay 9, 1887Wickliffe, Ohio1924 09 25CP397/ Vol. 5 pg 4838489New YorkItalyMerinello, David, Wickliffe, OhioMinadeo, John, Wickliffe, Ohio
Sabo, AnnaNov. 11, 1894682 Fobes St., Painesville, Ohio1944 02 03CP1645Nov. 19, 1913New York, N.Y.HungaryKallay, Emma Mrs. Box 245 Bowhall Rd., Painesville, OhioAdvey, Elizabeth Mrs. 635 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioAKA Anna Szabo
Sabo, EdwardJan. 7, 1884Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP760/ Vol. D5, pg 16038964Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Sabo, GeorgeNov. 11, 1892148 Fobes St., Painesville, OhioCP3166/ Vol. D7, pg 16815 Mar 1808New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sabo, GeorgeNov. 11, 1892682 Fobes Street, Painesville, Ohio1931 06 15CP799/ Vol. 939944New YorkHungaryBeebe, Arthur, Painesville, OhioLanum, Bruce, Painesville, Ohio
Sabo, GeorgeNov. 5, 1877328 Stage Ave., Painesville, Ohio1936 09 21CP1023/ Vol. 14Feb. 10, 1902New YorkHungaryReed, George E., RFD #, Painesville, OhioFerron, Owen P., Gen. Delivery, Painesville, Ohio
Sabo, JamesDec. 10, 1875/ 211896 10 29PrVol. 2 pg 382Feb. 15, 1891HungaryBarra, Sigmond, Fairport, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Sabo, JoeFeb. 19, 1883Orchard St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP578/ Vol. D4, pg 27839323New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Sabo, JohnNov. 5, 1886Grand River, P.O. Richmond, OhioCP403/ Vol. D4, pg 10336911New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sabo, JosephFeb. 19, 1883173 Chester Street, Painesville, Ohio1936 09 21CP993/ Vol. 13Aug. 28, 1907New YorkHungarySutch, Stephen, 224 King St., Fairport Harbor, OhioJaborsky, Stephen, 597 Sanders Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Jozsef Szabo
Sabo, Joseph (Jozsef Szabo)Feb. 19, 1883173 Chester St., Painesville, OhioCP3400/ Vol. D928 Aut 1907New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sabo, JuliaMay 7, 1882/ 58328 Burton Ave., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP1559343New York, N.Y.HungarySarna, Lucy, 372 Stage Ave., Painesville, OhioStephens, Esther, 317 Lexington Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Julia Szucs
Sabo, JuliaMay 8, 1890/ 50173 Chester St., Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP14253223New York, N.Y.HungaryKranek, Mary, 154 Chester St., Painesville, OhioSolomon, Helen, 652 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioAKA Juliana Szabo
Sabo, PaulAug. 16, 1886513 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1094/ Vol. D6, pg 19436988New York, NYItalyDOA only
Sabo, PaulOct. 8, 1891Newell St., Painesville, Ohio1938 03 07CP1063/ Vol. 15Apr. 11, 1914New YorkHungaryFargo, Emanuel, 324 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioJaborsky, Stephen E., 597 Sanders Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Pal Szabo
Sabo, PeterJuly 15, 1873207 Walnut St., Painesville, OhioCP138/ Vol. D2, pg 3817 May 1896New YorkHungaryDOA only
Sabo, PeterJuly 15, 1873140 Lusard Street, Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP184/ Vol. 3 pg 3417 May 1896NYHungaryKerr, Frank L., Painesville, OhioMayhew, E. D., Painesville, OhioIncomplete Sept. 1922
Sabo, SteveJuly 15, 1889/ 53RD#2 Park Rd., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1802Aug. 6, 1910New York, N.Y.HungaryOris, John, 105 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OhioTinker, Jeffrey R., 120 Lusard St., Painesville, Ohio
Sabo, Tatvain TstosinMar. 5, 1880/ 221903 02 03PrVol. 3 pg 487Mar. 15, 1897HungaryBerezzazi, Joe, Fairport, Ohio
Sabo, TomJune 13, 1883R.F.D. #4, Richmond Rd., Painesville, OhioCP3502/ Vol. D1039713NYHungaryDOA only
Sabo, TomJan. 25, 1884Painesville, OhioCP179/ Vol. D2, pg 7937451New YorkHungaryDOA only
Sabo, TomJune 13, 1883/ 57R.D. #1, Painesville, Ohio1941 03 03CP12913188New York, N.Y.HungaryLipovits, Steve, Cor. Richmond St. & Adlaid Ave., Painesville, OhioGuthleben, Fred, Grand River, Ohio
Sabolik, annaOct. 1, 1891434 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP4037/ Vol. D1340024NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Anna Titko
Sabolik, AnnaOct. 1, 1891/ 53434 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1945 02 08CP20973499New York, N.Y.HungaryCall, Mary, 436 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHorvath, Elsie, 506 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Anna Titko
Sacco, Antonio FrancescoJan. 18, 19061083 Robindale Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3431/ Vol. D939330New York, NYItalyDOA only
Sacco, Antonio FrancescoJan. 18, 19061083 Robindale Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1936 09 21CP1046/ Vol. 14Sept. 5, 1907New YorkItalyColonie, Tony, 878 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioVitantonio, Peter, 901 Euclid Ave. Wickliffe, OhioAKA Francesantonio Sacco
Sacco, GiuseppeNov. 27, 1878958 Station St., Wickliffe, OhioCP3430/ Vol. D938823New York, NYItalyDOA only
Sacco, GiuseppeNov. 27, 1878958 Station St., Wickliffe, Ohio1937 03 08CP1024/ Vol. 14Apr. 16, 1906New YorkItalyPucella, Angelo, 851 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioBrunetti, Susie, 849 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio
Safcik, MichaelSept. 28, 1888Ford Road R.D. #2, Madison, OhioCP4075/ Vol. D1343163NYAustriaDOA only
Safcik, MichaelSept. 28, 1888RFD #2, Madison, Ohio1943 03 05CP1843Mar. 1904New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaRoath, Harvey D., Rt. #2, Madison, OhioRoath, Howard, Rt. #2, Madison, Ohio
Saive, MargaretDec. 13, 1928140 Clairmont Drive, Painesville, Ohio1959 02 13CP244419886NYEnglandCadiou, Nelli, 39040 Mentor Ave., Willoughby, OhioSnyder, Barbara, 770 Orchard Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Margaret Hunt
Sajner, Leila TuulikkiAfter 1931CP
Sala, GideonJan. 15, 1880/ 221902 04 05PrVol. 3 pg 480Mar. 27, 1887FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Salinnen, John1899 03 31PrVol. 2 pg 203FinlandHissa, Jack, Fairport, OhioDOA issued 24 Apr 1890 Circuit Ct., Marquette, Mich., attached
Sall, Eric HelmerMay 31, 1894115 Jefferson St., Painesville, OhioCP822/ Vol. D5, pg 22243894Charleston, S.C.SwedenDOA only
Sall, Erik HelmerMay 31, 1894R.D. 4, Painesville, OhioCP3328/ Vol. D843919Charleston, S.C.SwedenDOA only
Sall, Erik HelmerMay 31, 1894R.D> #1, Painesville, Ohio1934 06 11CP884/ Vol. 11Mar. 29, 1920Charleston, S.C.SwedenButler, Lee E., 518 E. Erie St., Painesville, OhioGolding, E.C., R.F.D., Perry, OhioSee Also # 549, pg 100
Sall, EsterJan. 30, 1895RFD 2, Madison Ave., Painesville, Ohio1942 03 02CP1601Apr. 9, 1923New York, N.Y.Wirserum, SwedenHeath, Fred D., Madison Ave., Painesville, OhioHeath, Emma L., Madison Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Estha Ottosen
Sallonen, AlexanderJan. 31, 1885Fairport Harbor, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 6637817New YorkFinlandDOA only
Salloska, FredDec. 2, 1872Madison, OhioCP660/ Vol. D5, pg 601874Baltimore, Md.GermanyDOA only
Salmein, JohnAug. 12, 1882/ 20PrVol. 3 pg 12836962FinlandDOA only
Salmein, SamuelMay 2, 1875/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 6910 Aug 1899FinlandDOA only
Salmen, MichaelJan. 7, 1891Willoughby, Ohio R.F.D. #11920 08 01CP252/ Vol. 4 pg 2Apr. 28, 1909New YorkHungaryUlman, Martin, Cleveland, OhioJakubowsky, Carl, Mentor, OhioDOA US Distict Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Salmin, Isaac1902 04 07PrVol. 3 pg 30April, 1896FinlandRussi, Isaac, Fairport, Ohio
Salminen, DavidMay 26, 1880414 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1054/ Vol. D6, pg 15437716Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Salminen, DavidMay 26, 1880Fairport Harbor, OhioCP245/ Vol. D3, pg 4537716Boston, Mass.FinlandDOA only
Salminen, Lyyli MarttaOct. 16, 1895/ 45622 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1941 08 25CP1641Apr. 20, 1916New York, N.Y.FinlandLuse, Florence D., 587 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioFlynn, Martha, 568 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio
Salo, August WilliamNov. 6, 1866/ 29PrVol. 2 pg 118Apr. 1893FinlandDOA only Oct. 31, 1896
Salo, IsaacMay 13, 1855/ 411901 01 22Pr Vol. 2 pg 160May 5, 1857FinlandRautio, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Salo, John G.Oct. 4, 1866/ 341902 10 28PrVol. 2 pg 261June 27, 1889FinlandKupari, Jacob, Fairport, Ohio
Salomon, JohnMar. 12, 1875Fairport Harbor, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 5236919New YorkHungaryDOA only
Salonen, Eila Margit ElisabetAfter 1931CP
Saluk, MariaJuly 13, 1895432 2nd St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1937 09 20CP1127Dec. 30, 1920New YorkJugoslaviaHorvath, Elsie, 211 Courtland, Fairport Harbor, OhioVolanski, Anna, 412 Second St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Saluk, TimofeyMay 3, 1893532 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3353/ Vol. D841375New York, NYRussiaDOA only
Saluk, TonyMay 3, 1893532 Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP944/ Vol. 12Apr. 11, 1913New YorkRussiaRendrick, John O., 317 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHayduk, George, 526 Seventh St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Timofey Saluk
Salunin, Isaac1901 04 04PrVol. 2 pg 315Finland1st pprs on file.
Salvatore, GiuffreJune 2, 1872/ 24PrVol. 2 pg 62May 1, 1896ItalyDOA only Oct. 2, 1896
Saman, Nazmy SelimAfter 1931CP
Samardzija, AdamApr. 2, 1886B&O Camp, Fairport Harbor, OhioCP2072/ Vol. D6, pg 27244195New York, NYYugoslaviaDOA only
Sammet, AdolfMar. 14, 1901R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioCP3422/ Vol. D911057New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Sammet, AdolfMar. 14, 1901R.D. #2, Painesville, Ohio1936 09 21CP1049/ Vol. 14Apr. 9, 1930New YorkGermanyKinkelaar, Mary, RD 2, Painesville, OhioKinkelaar, Eugene C., RD 2, Painesville, Ohio
Sammet, Anna MarthaMar. 10, 1907/ 38R.D. #2, Leory Township, Ohio1945 08 23CP190011057New York, N.Y.GermanyHauman, Christina, R#2, Painesville, OhioHandfest, Helen, LeRoy Twp., Ohio2 cards; AKA Anna Brenner Sammet
Sammet, John ChristJuly 8, 1874/ 66RD #2, Leroy Twp., Lake Co., Ohio1940 09 16CP14148-18-1893New York, N.Y.GermanPriem, Fred, Leroy Twp., OhioHaumann, Geroge, Leroy Twp., Ohio
Samuelson, Selma J. JohanssonNov. 26, 1888Stop 153 Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1929 06 17CP716/ Vol. 8Oc.t 16, 1907New YorkSwedenAxford, Violet Mrs., Willoughby, OhioBrill, Katie Mrs., Willoughby, Ohio
Sandli, SteveAug. 5, 1890R.F.D.#2, Willoughby, OhioCP694/ Bol. D5, pg 9439136New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sandli, SteveAug. 5, 1890Box 110 E. Mentor, Ohio1922 06 06CP293/ Vol. 4 pg 44Feb. 23, 1907New YorkHungaryNims, Karl, Mentor, OhioDaniels, George A., Mentor, Ohio
Sandor, Elizabeth9 Mar 1894Lake Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP3835/ Vol. D1341553NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Erzi Sandor
Sandor, ElizabethMar. 4, 1894Lake Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1944 08 24CP2001Oct. 6, 1913New York, N.Y.HungaryBalkwill, George W., Lake Road, Willoughby, OhioBalkwill, Norma Ohlemacher, Lake Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Erzi Sandor
Sanger, CharlesMar. 19, 1882130 Railroad St., Painesville, OhioCP188/ Vol. D2, pg 8840629New Orleans, LouisianaCubaDOA only
Sanimaki, John/ 221895 03 27PrVol. 1 pg 275Apr. 10, 1889FinlandLuana, Tarn
Sanislo, AndrewJuly 15, 1868Fairport Harbor, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 8811 July 1897New YorkHungaryDOA only
Sanislo, AndyJune 15, 1868High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP656/ Vol. D5, pg 5615 June 1897New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Sanislo, JohnJune 14, 1866/ 341903 02 10PrVol. 2 pg 248May 27, 1895HungaryKocsis, Frank, Fairport, OhioDeceased July 4, 1935 in Czechoslovakia per attached letter
Sanislo, Mike (or Gabor Szaniszlo)1861/ 41PrVol. 3 pg 2312 May 1889HungaryDOA only 24 May 1902
Sanislo, Steve1904 11 04PrVol. 4 pg 19Apr. 1, 1899HungaryMcCrone, A.,J., Fairport, OhioKuch, Steve, Fairport, Ohio
Santes, CharlNov. 4, 1863Eagle Street. Fairport Harbor, OhioCP434/ Vol. D4, pg 13438135New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Santes, CharlesNov. 4, 1863Eagle Street, Fairport Harbor, OhioIncompleteCP253/ Vol. 4 pg 338135NYHungaryWerbeach, J. H., Fairport Harbor, OhioGraves, Ed. E., Painesville, OhioIncomplete June 1921
Santi, Solomon/ 231895 03 27PrVol. 1 pg 273Mar. 15, 1889FinlandKitinoja, John, Fairport, Ohio
Sanyotinio, Antonio1899 03 10PrVol. 2 pg 199June, 1888ItalyMyers, John, Willoughby, OhioDOA issued 25 Feb 1897 in District Ct., Northern Dist. Ohio, Cleveland, Ohio attached
Sanzobrino, ThomasJune 22, 1885Willoughby, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 3810 May 1895New YorkItalyDOA only
Sanzobrino, ThomasJune 22, 1885Vine Street, Willoughby, Ohio1912 07 02CP39/ Vol. 1 pg 39Apr. 25, 1895New YorkItalyElliott, F.A., Willoughby, OhioOrville, Ray, Painesville, Ohio
Sapianza, FranciscoApr. 9, 1890114 Owego Street, Painesville, Ohio1923 09 25CP348/ Vol. 4 pg 9940700Boston, Mass.ItalyDoce, Cologero, Painesville, OhioPace, Cologero, Painesville, Ohio
Sapienza, FrancescoApr. 9, 1870114 Owego St., Painesville, OhioCP797/ Vol. D5, pg 19740700Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Sapienza, SantinaFeb. 10, 1893/ 4931 Prospect St., Painesville, Ohio1944 08 24CP19034844New York, N.Y.ItalyPanzarella, Mary, 30 Prospect St., Painesville, OhioTripi, Rose Mrs., 95 Morse Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Santa Dolce
Sapuppo, AntoninoOct. 8, 18821105 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3446/ Vol. D9Sept. 16, 1912New York, NYItalyDOA only
Saranpa, Anna SaikkonenFeb. 20, 1909/ 36793 North Ave., Painesville, Ohio1945 08 23CP2128Oct. 23, 1910New YorkFinlandPaterwson, Axa, RD 1 Newell St., Painesville, OhioCpncoby, Elvian, 1128 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio2 cards
Sargovich, NickMay 10, 1881Richmond St., Painesville, OhioCP643/ Vol. D5, pg 4339543Baltimore, Md.Austria HungaryDOA only
Sarkadi, John1868/ 26PrVol. 1 pg 227June 1893HungaryDOA only
Sarkkinen, EinaNov. 1, 1891Columbus St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP579/ Vol. D4 pg 27941852New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Sarkkinen, EinoNov. 1, 1891Plum St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1925 06 04CP445/ Vol. 5 pg 96Aug. 1, 1914New YorkFinlandAsuma, A. Walter, Fairport Harbor, OhioAlto, Gust, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sarna, LouisApr. 2, 1892372 Button Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1933, 06 12CP845/ Vol. 1041083New YorkAustriaWyman, Guy, Painesville, OhioTaylor, Mark, Painesville, Ohio
Sarna, LucyMay 13, 1894372 Button Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1936 03 09CP987/ Vol. 13Feb. 25, 1913New YorkPolandWyman, Guy, 402 Bank St., Painesville, OhioGregory, Ralph E., 50 W. Washington St., Painesville, OhioAKA Lucya Kociszewska
Sarna, Ludi (Ludwig)Apr 2, 1892372 Button Ave., Painesville, OhioCP3274/ Vol. D7, pg 27741086New York, NYAustriaDOA only
Sarosi, JoeFeb. 2, 1886High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP164/ Vol. D2, pg 6437707Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaAustria HungaryDOA only
Sarosi, JoeFeb. 2, 1886710 Hig St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP835/ Vol. D5, pg 23537707Philadelphia, Pa.Austria HungaryDOA only
Sarosi, JoeFeb. 2, 1886413 Plum Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1924 09 25CP402/ Vol. 5 pg 53Mar. 29, 1903Phila., Pa.HungarySutch, Steve, Fairport Harbor, OhioBell, Andrew, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sarosi, SteveOct. 1, 1894434 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3116/ Vol. D7, pg 11740298New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sarosy, ElizabethApr. 14, 1893/ 46434 High St., Fairport, Ohio1939 09 18CP1344United StatesLasko, Anna, 421 High St., Fairport, OhioLaczko, Julia, 418 High St., Fairport, OhioRepatriated
Sarosy, Mary DankoNov. 1, 1888/ 51413 Plum St., Fairport, Ohio1940 09 16CP14841659New York, N.Y.HungaryBell, Elizabeth, 912 High St., Fairport, OhioWayner, Elizabeth, 903 High St., Fairport, OhioAKA Erzsi Gere
Sarosy, StephenOct. 1, 1894434 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP739/ Vol. D5, pg 13940298New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Sarosy, SteveOct. 1, 1894/ 46434 High St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP1584Apr. 23, 1910New York, N.Y.HungaryToth, John, 622 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioBartich, Mike, 319 New Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA Istvan Sarosi
Sas, AlbertMar. 15, 1889132 Fobes St., Painesville, OhioCP502/ Vol. D4, pg 20226 May 1899New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sasala, AugustMar. 22, 1868/ 34PrVol. 3 pg 8422 May 1897HungaryDOA only
Saslovsky, MorrisJuly 5, 1887109 Watson Street, Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP40/ Vol. 1 pg 4037940Canada-rail to Cleveland, OhioRussiaRottenberg, Ruben, Painesville, OhioAbramson, Abe, Painesville, OhioDOA US District Court, Pittsburgh, PA; Incomplete July, 1912
Sassaro, CharlieJan. 9, 190123 Church St., Willoughby, OhioCP1023/ Vol. D6, pg 12344452Boston, Mass.ItalyDOA only
Sasu, DanilaJune 13, 1886R.R. #1, Perry, OhioCP3995/ Vol. D1339756NYHungaryDOA only; AKA Dana Szasz; Previous DOA CP Ct, Cuyahoga Co.
Satmore, AlexMar. 14, 1873/ 231902 04 04PrVol. 2 pg 79Apr. 1, 1891HungaryBerkcize, Joe, Fairport, Ohio
Sato, FrankSept. 17, 1875/ 21PrVol. 2 pg 64May 10, 1896FinlandDOA only Oct. 10, 1896
Sauer, JohnDec. 28, 1886MentorCP102 Vol. D2, pg 237935New YorkHungaryDOA only
Savallampi, HenryNov. 4, 1889Fairport Harbor, OhioCP868/ Vol. D5, pg 26842737New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Savallampi, Henry (Heikki)Nov. 4, 1889435 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3318/ Vol. D842730New YorkFinlandDOA only
Savallampi, HenryNov. 4, 1889435 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1934 06 11CP890/ Vol. 11Dec. 26, 1916New YorkFinlandHakli, Peter, 319 Eagle St., Fairport Harbor, OhioTaipla, Mary E., 431 Courtland St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sawyer, MartinMar. 15, 1876MentorCPVol. D1, pg 8137377New YorkHungaryDOA only
Sawyer, MartinMar. 15, 1876Mentor, Ohio1913 07 22CP53/ Vol. 2 pg 337377New YorkHungarySmith, F.M., Mentor, OhioMerkel, C., Mentor, OhioAKA Sauyr
Scacciavillani, AnnaJune 17, 1885RD1, Fairport Rd., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1708May 27, 1897New York, N.Y.ItalyZampini, Tressa, 701 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAhlstrom, Hilda, 83 E. Walnut St., Painesville, Ohio
Scalabrino, GovanniJan. 20, 1879924 Station St. Wickliffe, OhioCP3865/ Vol. D1337342NYItalyDOA; petition 1637? filed with DOA
Scalabrino, JohnJan. 20, 1879924 Station St., Wickliffe, Ohio1944 08 24CP183737342New York, N.Y.ItalyMarinello, David, 855 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioPucella, angelo, 851 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Giovanni Scalabrino; Filed with DOA 3865
Scanlon, Daniel1856 09 03ODCVol 1845+ pg 31Great Britain & Ireland
Schaufelberger, Albert1861/ 22PrVol. B pg 123Oct. 1881SwitzerlandDOA only
Schebinan, Joe1860/ 42PrVol. 3 pg 15Mar. 5, 1902HungaryDOA only 21 Mar 1902
Scheffler, WilliamOct. 12, 1861Willoughby Twp., OhioCP375/ Vol. D4, pg 751 July 1891Cleveland, Ohio via MontrealGermanyDOA only
Scheffler, WilliamOct. 12, 1861337th St., Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP1187July 1, 1891Cleveland, OhioGermanyKlepper, Minnie, 21205 Euclid Ave., Euclid, OhioSchroter, Bessie, 524 Hazel St., Wickliffe, OhioDOA CP Ct. Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Scheitemantel, Charles1834/ 461880 11 01PrVol. B pg 402June 16, 1854New YorkGermanyHughes, Benjamin, Mentor, OhioHonorably disch US Army 1 June 1863 S.O. NO. 152 AGO WD 4 Apr 1866; enlisted 3 May 1861 in Co. A-20th N.Y Vol. Infantry
Schelling, John1859 09 17ODCVol 1845+ pg 54Switzerland
Schepat, JuliusMay 18, 1885Robindale Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP536/ Vol. D4, pg 23639578New York, NYPolandDOA only
Scherbak, Maria447587103 Burridge Avenue, Mentor, Ohio1963 03 21CP257818456NYRussiaOinonen, Lillian E., 1099 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioBabcock, Glenn E., 7110 Burridge, Mentor, Ohiono date
Scherbak, MichaelAfter 1931CP
Scherbak, NinaAfter 1931CP
Scherbak, PeterFeb. 15, 19227103 Burridge Avenue, Mentor, Ohio1963 03 21CP257918456NYRussiaOinonen, Lillian E., 1099 Skinner Ave., Painesville, OhioBabcock, Glenn E., 7110 Burridge, Mentor, Ohiono date
Scheve, GustavAug. 14, 1869Leroy Twp., OHioCP184/ Vol. D2, pg 8424 Mar 1883Baltimore, Md.GermanyDOA only
Scheve, GustavAug. 14, 1860Leroy, OhioIncompleteCP145/ Vol. 2 pg 9524 Mar 1883Baltimore, Md.GermanyPhelps, D. L., Painesville, OhioMcLean, A. D., Painesville, OhioDenied due to death Spring 1918
Schiebler, Rosemarie Margarete AugustaJan. 13, 1929368 Erie St., Painesville, Ohio1958 07 16CPx/DOA applic INS
Schiele, AntonAug. 6, 190558 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP3217/ Vol. D7, pg 22045547New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schiele, AntonAug. 6, 1905C 4, Willoughby, Ohio1931 09 28CP817/ Vol. 10Sept. 12, 1924New YorkGermanyBrill, Nickolas, Willoughby, OhioZillmer, George, Willoughby, Ohio
Schimko, John P.Sept. 11, 1881Fairport Harbor, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 3538495New YorkHungaryCOA only
Schimmelman, ErdmanDec. 25, 1869Leroy Twp.CP171/ Vol. D2, pg 718 June 1896New YorkGermanyDOA only
Schimmelman, ErdmanDec. 25, 1869Leroy Township, Ohio1922 09 29CP142/ Vol. 2 pg 92June 8, 1896New YorkGermanySmith, J.L., Painesville, OhioGray, E.J., Concord Twp., Ohio
Schmid, TheodorApr. 17, 1878WilloughbyCP202/ Vol. D3, pg 238752New YorkSwitzerlandDOA only
Schmid, TheodoreApr. 17. 1878Wickliffe, Ohio1919 06 09CP159/ Vol. 3 pg 9Feb. 4, 1906New YorkSwitzerlandGerber, John A. Sr., 123 Axtell Ave., Painesville, OhioWhitcomb, R.N., Painesville, Ohio
Schmidt, Albert1894 03 31PrVol. 1 pg 220GermanyBittiger, Louis, Painesville, OhioCert. only
Schmidt, Erwin F.H.Feb. 6, 1879Mentor, Ohio1925 06 05CP340/ Vol. 4 pg 91Nov. 18, 1906NYGermanyCarlton, A.D., Mentor, OhioHayea, F.H., Mentor, OhioDOA US District Ct., Southern Dist NY
Schmidt, GustApr. 12, 1894/ 47R.D. #1 St. Clair, Mentor, Ohio1945 08 23CP171841403Baltimore, Md.,PolandBarnes, Wilbur M., Reynolds Rd., Mentor RD#1, OhioKitzel, Louise, 741 Liberty St., Painesville, Ohio2 cards
Schmidt, MariaFeb. 6, 1886Andrews Rd., Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio1925 09 23CP473/ Vol. 6 pg 2438851New YorkHungaryLuth, Charles W., Cor. Oak & Elm, Painesville, OhioMerkel, Winnifred, Mentor, Ohio
Schmidt, OttoMay 28, 1888R.F.D. #1, Madison, OhioCP816/ Vol. D5, pg 21638546New York, NYWarsaw, RussiaDOA only
Schmidtt, Fred39964138 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3261/ Vol. D7, pg 26445642New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schmikla, John JosephAfter 1931CP
Schmitt, Elizabeth ShawNov. 9, 191137722 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1962 03 22CP255447346Buffalo, NYScotlandGarrran, Susan, 456 Summit, Willoughby, OhioGietz, Doris, 37716 Vine, Willoughby, OhioAKA Elizabet Shaw Currie
Schmitt, George Jr.Sept. 27, 1907138 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3023/ Vol. D7, pg 2345248New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schmitt, George Sr.Oct. 17, 1876135 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3022/ Vol. D7, pg 2245642New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schmitt, Luise38919138 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3024/ Vol. D7, pg 2445642New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schmitt, MargaretheSept. 30, 1877/ 62138 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP14659117New York, N.Y.GermanyWachs, Elsie, 24 Lincoln Ave., Willoughby, OhioHusmann, Berta, Lake Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Schofield, ErnestJan. 5, 18877 Barnes Place, Willoughby, OhioCP3341/ Vol. D844496New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Schormuller, Anton3851183 Hayes St., Painesville, Ohio1939 03 06CP1277Apr. 8, 1935Malone, N.Y.GermanyWindecker, Robert E., 308 Washington St., Painesville, OhioChristman, Carl W., 350 Bank St., Painesville, Ohio
Schoster, HenryFeb. 27, 1904County Line Road, Unionville, OhioCP5580/ Vol. D1047392NYGermanyDOA only
Schoster, HernyFeb. 27, 1904County Line Rd., Unionville, Ohio1938 03 07CP1171Oct. 1, 1929New YorkGermanyArndt, Herbert, Dock Rd., Madison, OhoHohlfelder, Fred, County Line Rd., Geneva, Ohio
Schromm, GeorgeMar. 7, 18821153 294th St., Wickliffe, OhioCP3927/ Vol. D1339410NYRumaniaDOA only
Schromm, GeorgeMar. 4, 1882/ 641153 294th St., Wickliffe, Ohio1946 09 04CP19792885New York, N.Y.RumaniaPucella, Angelo, 851 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioVitantonio, Pat, 1035 E. 293 St., Wickliffe, Ohio2 cards; AKA Stromm
Schronur, GeorgeMar. 7, 18821153 Robindale Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3192/ Vol. D7, pg 19426 Sept. 1917New York, NYRoumaniaDOA only
Schuler, Frieda Mrs.July 27, 1890622 Second Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1924 09 25CP403/ Vol. 5 pg 54Apr. 29, 1912New YorkSwitzerlandUpper, Florence Mrs., Fairport Harbor, OhioRadike, Mrs. Oscar, Fairport Harbor, OhioAKA at Ellis Island Frieda Zehr
Schuler, Jos.Aug. 21, 1884Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP467/ Vol. D4, pg 16739277New York, NYSwitzerlandDOA only
Schuler, JosephAug. 21, 1884Fairport Harbor, Ohio1923 06 11CP346/ Vol. 4 pg 9739280NYSwitzerlandHadden, Clyde C., Grand River, OhioPethel, H.Z., Painesville, Ohio
Schuller, GeorgeSept. 1, 1881R.F.D. #3, West Mentor, OhioCP826/ Vol. D5, pg 22641730New York, NYHungary-TransylvaniaDOA only
Schultz, Christian1867 11 22PrVol. A pg 65State of Saxony, GermanyKing, Thomas, Madison, OhioResided in US at least 1 yr. Honorable disch from Army
Schulz, AdolphJune 2, 1860/ 251886 05 14PrVol. B pg 389Oct., 1878GermanyLepply, Fred
Schulz, AugusteNov. 25, 1892/ 4935713 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP179047314New York, N.Y.GermanyDurk, Pearl, 542 E. 340th St., Willoughby, OhioHolden, Mary, 599 E. 359th St., Willoughby, Ohio
Schulz, Charles Julius/ 481876 03 13PrVol. B pg 23Sept., 1868PrussiaPincus, HartDOA 26 Dec 1873
Schulz, HermanAug. 7, 1890/ 51359th & Vine Sts., RD #4, Willoughby Twp., Ohio1941 08 25CP158010650New York, N.Y.GermanyDurk, Joseph, 23 E. 340th St., Willoughby, OhioWidmer, Anna, 357 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio
Schulz, HermannAug. 7, 1890359th & Vine St., Willoughby, OhioCP383747175NYGermanyDOA only
Schumacher, August37793Mentor Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1930 06 17CP768/ Vol. 9Oct. 4, 1923Boston, Mass.GermanyKohankie, Martin, Painesville, OhioFeher, Charles, Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist.Ct., and CP Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Schumacher, Paul GottliebFeb. 6, 1902Stop 75, Mentor Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1931 10 02CP819/ Vol. 10Dec. 7, 1925New YorkGermanyWells, John, Painesville, OhioWells, Elsie Mrs., Painesville, OhioDOA CP Ct., Cuyahoga Co., Ohio
Schumann, Ernest AlfredJuly 6, 1885Mentor, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 738823New YorkGermanyDOA only
Schuster, KatherinaJune 5, 18891532 Hoyt Court, Mentor, Ohio1961 03 29CP250444934NYRumaniaCarrel, James, 1193 Maple St., Mentor, OhioCarrell, Ruth, 1193 Maple St., Mentor, OhioIncomplete 1960; not dated
Schwartz, AugustApr. 8, 1879/ 311903 03 25PrVol. 2 pg 240Feb. 19, 1892GermanyLuth, Chas. W., Painesville, Ohio
Schween, Walter Willi Frans3892526 Lincoln Ave., Willoughby, OhioIncomplete 1937CP112447211New York, N.Y.GermanyDeichmann, Walter O., 8 Erie St., Willoughby, OhioHurley, Ross, 7 Oakdale Ave., Willoughby, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Philadelphia, PA
Schweers, Adele HelenAug. 2, 1914/ 34Erie Road, Willoughby, Ohio1950 02 10CP223446541NYGermanyGrachling, Pauline S., 101 Keewaydin Dr., Willoughby, OhioWertenberger, Alverta, Erie Rd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Adela Janssen
Schweers, AdolfSept. 15, 1905Lake Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP3228/ Vol. D7, pg 23146514New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schweers, Auguste HermineNov. 5, 1884Erie Road, Willoughby, OhioCP4186/ Vol. D1446541NYGermanyDOA only
Schweers, Auguste HermineNov. 5, 1884/ 66Erie Road, Willoughby, Ohio1951 02 09CP225246541NYGermanySims, Helen, 54 Second St., Willoughby, OhioGustafson, Mildred, 3 Hillward Dr., Willoughby, OhioCert delivered
Schweno, WilhelmMar. 2, 1880Lake Rd., Willoughby, OhioCP3233/ Vol. D7, pg 23646377New York, NYGermanyDOA only
Schworm, Jacob/ 271892 06 25PrVol. 1 pg 122Feb., 1880GermanyKehres, William H., Painesville, Ohio
Scics, StiveMar. 15, 1881/ 211902 04 04PrVol. 3 pg 478Mar. 10, 1897HungaryBarezzazi, Joe, Fairport, Ohio
Scics, StiveMar. 15, 1881/ 211902 04 04PrVol. 3M pg 47810 Mar 1897HungaryBeregezari, Joe
Sciics, GeorgePrVol. 2 pg 279Nat. pprs not issued, gentleman cannot read or write. pprs refused. 1st pprs issued 01 Nov 1896, St. Joseph Cty, MO.
Sciopiono, TonySept. 20, 18881063 Bell Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3188/ Vol. D7, pg 19041632New York, NYItalyDOA only
Scipioni, AntonioSept. 20, 18881063 Bell Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1935 03 11CP910/ Vol. 11Dec. 23, 1912New YorkItalyPalumbo, Louis, 1020 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, OhioButter, Charles, 1093 Bell Ave., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Antonio Scipione
Scoins, Edward ClarenceSept. 14, 189237616 Jordan Drive, Willoughby, Ohio1965 03 18CP262517040NYEnglandDolence, Frances, 37619 Jordan Dr., Willoughby, OhioHackert, Elsie, 37610 Jordan Dr., Willoughby, Ohio
Scott, Brenda41447820 Peach Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio 440941947 08 23CP273017402Victoria, AustraliaWalters, Russel M., 399 Carleton Dr., Eastlake, OhioWalters, Anne E., 399 Carleton Dr., Eastlake, OhioCert issued 27 April 1972; misfiled after 2733
Scott, Chrisley AnnettaDec. 8, 1901/ 3919201 Monterey Ave., Euclid, Ohio1941 08 25CP1626Sept. 1, 1923New York, N.Y.WalesScott, Dorothy B., 19400 Renwood Ave., Euclid, ohioBoyd, Jane, 19401 Monterey Ave., Euclid, Ohio
Scott, GeorgeDec. 16, 1895/ 4636 Orchard Rd., Willoughby, Ohio1942 03 02CP1685Feb. 29, 1916Buffalo, N.Y.CanadaEvans, Wayne, 515 Hazel St., Wickliffe, OhioLong, Marie, 6 Church St., Willoughby, Ohio
Scott, Jane FlockhartJan. 18, 1899780 Chillicothe Road, Mentor1959 08 14CP246447179Detroit, Mich.ScotlandGaag, Martha, 57 Keewaydin Dr., Timberlake, OhioWire, Frances D., Parmly Rd., Perry, Ohio
Scott, T. RichardMay 29, 1833/ 351868 10 10PrVol. AM pg 59Sept., 1851EnglandKinney, Julia L., Painesville, Ohio
Scury, SteveJuly 8, 1884737 S. Center St., Mentor, OhioCP3696/ Vol. D1237817NYAustriaDOA only
Scury, SteveJuly 8, 1884/ 561589 Station St., Mentor, Ohio1941 03 03CP13711292New York, N.Y.JugoslaviaSpaulding, Frank E., Marion Dr., Mentor, OhioCarlton, Orlo L., 1635 Carlton Ct., Mentor, Ohio
Seaholm, John WalterJuly 14, 1892183 E. 337 St., Willoughby, OhioCP4003/ Vol. D1344789NYSwedenDOA only; AKA Johna Walfrid Sjo:hlm; Previous DOA Cleveland 26 Aug 1922
Seaholm, John WalterJuly 14, 1892/ 5231617 Lake Shore Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1944 08 24CP2049Aug. 15, 1922New York, N.Y.SwedenAnderson, Ernest G., #10 339th St., Willoughby, OhioLane, Francis D., RFD Stevens Blvd., Willoughby, OhioAKA Johan Walfrid Sjoholm
Seaholm, Reidar HolgerMar. 25, 1921183 East 337 St., Willoughby, OhioCP3960/ Vol. D1344858NYNorwayDOA only; AKA Reidar Sjoholm
Searle, Cecil WilliamFeb. 16, 1889147 Shorline, Willoughby, Ohio1924 06 06CP350/ Vol. 5 pg 141350New YorkEnglandHarris, William, 148 Lakeshore, Willoughby, OhioBeacham, Howard, Willoughby, OhioDOA Dist Ct., Cleveland
Seavela, Charles VictorSept. 8, 1910Fairport Harbor, OhioCP1087/ Vol. D6, pg 18745179New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Sebastian, SteveDec. 4, 1882223 Seventh St. Fairport Harbor, OhioCP989/ Vol. D6, pg 8940265New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sebek, FrankApr. 14, 18871207 Maple Street, Mentor, Ohio1928 10 01CP655/ Vol. 7, pg 103Apr. 15, 1909New YorkAustriaLauck, Virgil, Mentor, OhioMason, Allen, Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist Ct., Eastern Div. St. Louis, MO
Sebian, Joseph IgnatiusJuly 27, 1887Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 9837465New YorkHungaryDOA only
Sebian, Joseph IgnatiusJuly 27, 1887North State Street, Painesville, Ohio1913 07 12CP55/ Vol. 2 pg 537465New YorkHungaryHardy, E.C., Painesville, OhioO'Herron, M.J., Painesville, Ohio
Sebian, Michael PaulSept. 19, 1889Painesville, OhioCP121/ Vol. D2, pg 2137323Buffalo, New York RRHungaryDOA only
Sebian, Michael PaulSept. 19, 1889Madison Avenue, Painesville, Ohio1916 06 12CP119/ Vol. 2 pg 69Mar. 8, 1902HungaryFerron, Owen P., Painesville, OhioParmelee, A.L., Painesville, Ohio
See, Richard1863 10 09PrVol. A pg 35EnglandSharp, David
Seggio, Joseph38128145 Storrs St., Painesville, OhioCP1063/ Vol. D6, pg 16341562New York, NYItalyDOA only and lost paper form
Seggio, Joseph38128519 Storr Street, Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP696/ Vol. 841241NYItalyMcBride, J. H., Painesville, OhioStone, E. V., Painesville, Ohio
Seggio, Louis374147224 Kinsman Rd., Cleveland, OhioCP44866 Pg 2530/ Vol. D6, pg 78AJan. 1913New York, NYItalyDOA only; transfer from US District Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Seggio, SalvatoreJuly 2, 1868145 Storrs St., Painesville, OhioCP659/ Vol. D5, pg 5940355New York, NYItalyDOA only
Seibold, Christel Brigitte ErnaAfter 1931CP
Sekki, JohnJune 27, 1870935 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3715/ Vol. D1237735Philadelphia, Pa.FinlandDOA only
Sekki, JohnJune 27, 1870217 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP545/ Vol. D4, pg 24537735Philadelphia, Penna.FinlandDOA only
Sekki, MattiSept. 8, 1857/ 45PrVol. 3 pg 9815 May 1889FinlandDOA only
Sekki, Matti1906 09 18PrVol. 4 pg 56June 1, 1888FinlandMattson, Isaac, Fairport, OhioKoukkari, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Sekki, Matti A. Jr.June 15, 1876/ 26PrVol. 3 pg 11321 Oct 1895FinlandDOA only
Sekki, Matti A.1906 09 18PrVol. 4 pg 57Sept. 1, 1888FinlandMattson, Isaac, Fairport, OhioKoukkari, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Sekulich, GeorgeOct. 1, 1896/ 47Hubbard Rd., N. Madiosn, Ohio1945 02 08CP206940747New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaBeach, Harold, Lockwood Rd., Madison, OhioHaskins, Frank G., 81 Chatfield Dr., Painesville, OhioAKA Avram Sekulic
Sellers, AudreyAug. 2, 19281911 Rockefeller Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1953 02 13CP230117223NYEnglandStehman, Earl L., 1529 E. 291 St., Wickliffe, OhioDishang, Ilo, 30302 Bridlepath Trail, Wickliffe, OhioAKA Audrey Kathleen Ann Hatheway
Senese, EmidoMar. 9, 1888Seventh Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1929 06 17CP653/ Vol. 7, pg 10143962New YorkItalyStraforelli, Carlo, Fairport Harbor, OhioDilisio, Mariano, Fairport Harbor, OhioCert. canceled Feb. 3, 1937. Est. res. in Italy within 5 yrs.; DOA CP Ct., Stark Co., Ohio
Senschenko, AlexandriaApr. 20, 1902R.F.D.#2, Willoughby, Ohio1959 02 19CP247018875New Orleans, La.UkraineWillis, Harland, R.D. #2, Willoughby, OhioWillis, Virginia, R.D. #2, Willoughby, OhioIncomplete? 1959
Senschenko, Simon40381R.D.2, Willoughby, Ohio1959 08 14CP246518875New Orleans, La.UkraineWillis, Harland, Kirtland Chardon Rd., Willoughby, OhioWillis, Virginia, Kirtland Chardon Rd., Willoughby, Ohio
Sentes, CharlesNov. 4, 1863Painesville Twp., Ohio1928 06 18CP620/ Vol. 7, pg 6838133New YorkHungaryAndrus, F.W., Painesville, OhioMcBride, J.H., Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland,Ohio
Seppalin, WainoNov. 24, 1891598 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP971/ Vol. D6, pg 7140328New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Serkgengriusn, E.K. Boomberger1869/ 25PrVol. 1 pg 314Mar. 23, 1895BavariaDOA only
Sessler, John/ 281896 01 11PrVol. 1 pg 151Apr. 26, 1890GermanyPayne, B.H., Painesville, Ohio
Setzer, Katharina ElizabethJan. 18, 1928/ 21447 E. 329th St., Willowick, Ohio1951 08 09CP223213559NYGermanyKing, Velma, 76 River St., Willoughby, OhioSetzer, Carl H. Sr., 82 River ST., Willoughby, OhioAKA Katharina Brueck
Severino, Carmela FedericoAfter 1931CP
Sferra, MariaMar. 21, 1891/ 51517 Payne Ave., Painesville, Oho1944 08 24CP1792Sept. 15, 1931New York, N.Y.ItalyFalcone, Mary, 444 N. State St., Painesville, OhioDeliseo, Caterina, 419 7th St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sferra, StefanoOct. 5, 1882234 Courtland Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohoi1930 06 17CP765/ Vol. 9Nov. 12, 1920New YorkItalyFargo, Emanuel, Fairport Harbor, OhioStraforelli, Carlo, Painesville, OhioDOA CP Ct., Mahoning Co., Ohio
Shakel, HenryOct. 20, 1870/ 261896 11 03PrVol. 2 pg 394Sept., 1883GermanyShaw, P.W., Madison, OhioArrived U.S. as a minor
Shanahan, Patrick1864 11 04PrVol. A pg 46IrelandMcCarthy, Michael
Shandoras, John/ 221895 03 25PrVol. 1 pg 264Feb., 1889HungaryEmpfield, Wm., Fairport, Ohio
Shanin, Soloman DavidJan. 24, 1885Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 54
Sharp, Leroy LouisDec. 15, 1905R.E. #2, Mentor, OhioCP3070/ Vol. D7, pg 7045139Hoboken, New JerseyEnglandDOA only
Sharp, Peter/ 451892 11 07PrVol. 1 pg 39June 13, 1869ScotlandBurber, S.D., Painesville, Ohio
Shaughnessy, Patrick1870 03 25PrVol. A pg 119IrelandAragon, Patrick, Painesville, OhioDOA in Probate Ct., Ashtabula Co., Ohio
Shaughnesy, ThomasJan. 1841/ 301871 10 10PrVol. AM pg 871871IrelandCain, Thomas
Shaw, John Shaw FobisterMay 2, 1893/ 51R.F.D.1, Chardon Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1944 08 24CP204544029New York, N.Y.ScotlandWhittaker, Edward, 5112 Haverford Dr., South Euclid, OhioJohnson, Rudolph, 1115 Irene Rd., Lyndhurst, OhioAKA John Shaw
Shaw, Maggie RobertsonDec. 2, 1894Chardon Rd., RFD, Wickliffe, OhioCP3964/ Vol. D1344311NYScotlandDOA only; AKA Margaret Shaw
Shaw, Maggie RobertsonDec. 2, 1894/ 49Chardon Rd., Wickliffe, Ohio1944 08 24CP20467786New York, N.Y.ScotlandJohnson, Rudolph, 1115 Irene Road, Lyndhurst, OhioWhittaker, Edward, 5112 Haverford Dr., S. Euclid, Ohio
Shaw, Muriel RobertsonOct. 19, 1919Chardon Road, Wickliffe, OhioCP3902/ Vol. D1344311NYScotlandDOA only
Shaw, OlgaApr. 10, 191212 E. 355th St., Willoughby, Ohio1940 09 16CP14734811New York, N.Y.JugoslaviaMackey, Anna, 445 N. St., Painesvile, OhioOwen, Jeanne, 528 Second St., Fairport, OhioAKA Olga Hajduk; 3rdwitness: Erler, Ellen, 206 E. 357 St., Willoughby, Ohio
Shay, TyneNov. 21, 1908/ 4643 South State St., Painesville, Ohio1955 08 05CP233940773NYFinlandDigbey, Helen, 1060 Oakwood, Painesville, OhioWagner, Lottie, 193 Steele Ave., Painesville, OhioAKA Tyyne Hirvi
Shearer, David BoothJuly 25, 1867PerryCPVol. D1, pg 8538856New YorkEnglandDOA only
Shearer, David BoothJuly 25, 1877Perry, Ohio1917 09 24CP146/ Vol. 2 pg 9638856New YorkEnglandOrcutt, E.M., Perry, OhioBrown, J.H., Perry, Ohio
Shears, MagdalenaMar. 27, 1927/ 28RFD 1, Middle Ridge Rd., Madison, Ohio1956 08 10CP235519254NYGermanyDodge, Helen, Middle Ridge, Madison, OhioBrown, Gladstone, 31 Park St., Madison, Ohio
Shelesic, JohnJune 15, 1895Johnnycake Ridge, Mentor, OhioCP4071/ Vol. D1341488NYYugoslaviaDOA only; AKA Ivan Celizic
Shelesic, JohnJune 15, 1895/ 49RFD #2, Mentor, Ohio1944 08 24CP20564963New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaWaite, Alfred, Johnnycake Ridge Rd., Mentor, OhioMerrill, Dorothy, Forestview Ave., Mentor, OhioAKA Ivan Celizic
Shemenske, FredAug. 24, 1907289 E. 324 Street, Willoughby, Ohio1936 09 21CP977/ Vol. 13Feb. 17, 1910New YorkRussiaAbendroth, Edwin, 21990 Roberts Ave., Euclid, OhioSchmidt, Isabel, 21951 Ball Ave., Euclid, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Shepherd, Lloyd GeorgeAfter 1931CP
Shepherd, Richard1864 10 10PrVol. A pg 43Great BritainStevens, Desalinas
Shepherd, Robert1868 03 17PrVol. A pg 67Great BritainBosworth, Perry, Painesville, Ohio
Sherer, Henry/ 271890 09 20PrVol. 1 pg 310August 25, 1872GermanyHenry, Thomas, Painesville, Ohio
Sherley, John/ 361876 10 02PrVol. B pg 10March, 1865IrelandBurnett, Albert D.
Sherman, WilliamApr. 10, 1882Lake Carriers Assn., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP697/ Vol. D5, pg 9737330New York, NYrussiaDOA only
Shetina, JosephFeb. 24, 1880Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP721/ Vol. D5, pg 12140511New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Shetina, JosephFeb. 24, 1880309 Chestnut Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1923 09 25CP322/ Vol. 4 pg 73Nov. 29, 1910New YorkHungarySebain, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioParriah, Walter, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Shetina, MaryMay 18, 1891/ 50309 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP1634Nov. 27, 1910New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaBittner, Mildred, 310 Chestnut St., Fairport, OhioWhitmore, Mary, 220 Second St., Fairport, Ohio
Shetina, MaryOct. 30, 1912413 Plum Street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1959 02 18CP243716904NYIrelandWhitmore, Mary, 220 Second St., Fairport Harbor, OhioEates, Helen, 529 Second st., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Shivitz, JoeJuly 24, 1897/ 57RD2, Ross Rd., Madison, Ohio1955 08 05CP232541673NYBrazilBerg, George, RD2, Geneva, ohioBillson, Wm., RD #1, Madison, OhioAKA Josef Sivec
Short, James/ 211878 10 03PrVol. B pg 43Sept., 1873IrelandPaige, Ralph K.
Short, Wilhelmina CookSept. 28, 1891452 E. 323rd St., Willowick, Ohio1939 03 06CP1274Mar. 13, 1923New YorkScotlandGroetzinger, Carl A., RD #2, 33806 Lake Shore, Willoughby, OhioGroetzinger, Florence, RD #2, 33806 Lake Shore, Willoughby, Ohio
Shrader, JoeAug. 29, 1852/ 441900 10 10PrVol. 2 pg 91May 22, 1882GermanyLemunyan, Frank, Painesville, Ohio
Shryane, John J./ 341876 10 09PrVol. B pg 26Oct., 1869IrelandDarragh, Edward
Shula, DanielAug. 1, 1900R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP752/ Vol. D5, pg 15240335New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Shula, DanielAug. 1, 1900Grand River, Ohio1925 09 23CP463/ Vol. 6 pg 1440336New YorkHungaryBlack, Ralph, R.F.D., Painesville, OhioSzoka, Frank, R.F.D., Painesville, Ohio
Shula, Mary Irene MillerDec. 7, 1902River Street, Grand River, Ohio1929 06 17CP708/ Vol. 8HungaryHenrickle, Jessie M. Painesville, OhioPaulensky, Elizabeth, Grand River, Ohio
Sibert, Sara EmilieAfter 1931CP
Siciliano, JoeMar. 19, 1885636 Ridge Road, Wickliffe, Ohio1935 03 11CP905/ Vol. 11Apr. 8, 1911New YorkItalyFatica, Domeniantonio, Wickliffe, OhioSabette, Nick, Wickliffe, Ohio
Siciliano, Joe C.Mar. 17, 1885630 Ridge Rd., Wickliffe, OhioCP3186/ Vol. D7, pg 18840626New York, NYItalyDOA only
Siciliano, LouisJan. 1, 19101162 Thrush Avenue, Wickliffe, Ohio1934 06 11CP882/ Vol. 1141468New YorkItalyMinadeo, Dominic, 878 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioMinadeo, Mike, 882 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct.,Cleveland, Ohio
Sidley, James R.1863 10 12PrVol. A pg 28IrelandWilcox, Aaron
Sidley, MaisieSept. 17, 1919/ 37284 Marigold Rd., Painesville, Ohio1957 02 18CP238317587NYEnglandWilloby, Dorothea, 213 Marigold Rd., Painesville, OhioHester, Vera, 343 So. State St., Painesville, Ohionot dated
Siemssen, Reinhard Ludwig [or Simpson]/ 321883 10 06PrVol. B pg 112 & 113June, 1874GermanyPost, John E., Painesville, OhioPg 112 is DOA only, name Simpson, same info.
Silanpaa, Matt IlmariDec. 29, 1883220 Fourth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3771/ Vol. D1237758Phhiladelphia, Pa.FinlandDOA only; AKA Matti Sillaryiaa; AKA Matson
Silk, William JamesOct. 6, 1885MentorCP103 / Vol. D2, pg 339264Buffalo, New YorkEnglandDOA only
Siller, JohnApr. 10, 1876615 Plum St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3075/ Vol. D7, pg 7542264Detroit, MichiganFinland/ CanadaDOA only
Siltala, Hildur ElisabethApr. 13, 1896/ 45419 New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1941 08 25CP167639993New York, N.Y.FinlandMackey, Sophie, 425 1/2 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioSivula, Hilda, 537 Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Siltala, HiltyyriApr. 13, 1816449 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3038/ Vol. D7, pg 3837163New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Siltala, John Israel (Juho)Jan. 2, 1891419 New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3361/ Vol. D840032New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Siltala, John IsraelJan. 2, 1891New St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP196/ Vol. D2, pg 9640031New YorkFinlandDOA only
Siltala, John IsraelJan. 2, 1891419 New street, Fairport Harbor, Ohio1935 09 23CP961/ Vol. 12Aug. 7, 1909New YorkFinlandSivula, Jacob A., Sixth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioLuoma, Leo, New St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Silvaroli, Antonio37052Box 192, Mentor, OhioCP3002/ Vol. D7, pg 244170New York, NYItalyDOA only
Silvaroli, Antonio37052497 Owego Street, Painesville, Ohio1928 06 18CP651/ Vol. 7, pg 99Dec. 1, 1920New YorkItalyPizzi, Antonio, Painesville, OhioMarano, Michael, Painesville, Ohio
Silvaroli, CeciliaNov. 10, 1894/ 4718 Skiffe St., Willoughby, Ohio1943 08 27CP170147293New York, N.Y.ItalyAngelotti, Mary, 57 Vine St., Willoughby, OhioPaschull, Susie, 55 Vine St., Willoughby, Ohio
Silvaroli, GiusepeDec. 5, 1890Box 284, Wickliffe, OhioCP3107/ Vol. D7, pg 10840288New York, NYItalyDOA only
Silvaroli, GiuseppeDec. 5, 1890959 Second Street, Wickliffe, Ohio1934 06 11CP877/ Vol. 11Apr. 23, 1909New YorkItalyGotti, Pietro, 986 Second St., Wickliffe, OhioDiPalma, Frank, 1027 Belle Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio
Silvaroli, Terry37788Stop 24, Wickliffe, OhioCP933/ Vol. D6, pg 3344421New York, NYItalyDOA only
Silver, ElsieOct. 30, 1877Chagrin Harbor Beach, Willoughby, Ohio1938 09 19CP1202Apr. 18, 1913Boston, Mass.ScotlandBreanan, Olga K., Chagrin Harbor Beach, Willoughby, OhioMoser, Horace E., Chagrin Harbor Beach, Willoughby, Ohio
Silver, GeorgeOct. 15, 1884180 Matona Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1937 03 08CP1065/ Vol. 15Apr. 18, 1913BostonScotlandMoser, Horace E., Chagrin Harbor, OhioKransteuber, Herman, RFD 3, Chagrin Harbor, Willoughby, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Silver, Jack MendalFeb. 13, 1913/ 2889 E. 343 St., Willoughby, Ohio1944 02 03CP1694Dec. 14, 1920New York, N.Y.RomaniaLong, Rose, 41 Vine st., Willoughby, OhioWitcraft, Grace, 43 E. 331st St., Willoughby, OhioAKA Jouchel Zieberman (2 cards)
Silver, Margaret ValentineAug. 31, 1910180 Matona Blvd., Willoughby, Ohio1937 03 08CP1067/ Vol. 15Apr. 18, 1913BostonScotlandMoser, Horace E., Chagrin Harbor Beach, OhioKransteuber, Herman, Chagrin Harbor, RD 3, Willoughby, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct., Cleveland, Ohio
Silvi, John [or Sili]/ 251892 11 07PrVol. 1 pg 148Aug. 1, 1884FinlandBarkinen, John, Fairport, Ohio
Sime, Thomas M.1866 05 09PrVol. A pg 56New BrunswickMiller, Lewis E., Painesville, Ohio
Simeth, JuliaJan. 27, 191014478 Painesville,-Warren Road, Leroy, Ohio1967 07 20CP268341559?ScotlandPuhlman, Maria, R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioPuhlman, Arnold, R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioAKA Juliw Sigmeth; Incomplete 1967?; Filmed X2
Simko, JoeMay 20, 18651904 11 04PrVol. 4 pg 16May 20, 1890HungaryMcCue, A.J., Fairport, OhioKuch, Steve, Fairport, OhioSee DOA Vol. 3 pg 10
Simko, Steve PerkukMay 15 1897Park Road R.D. #2, Painesville, OhioCP3547/ Vol. D1041709NYHungaryDOA only
Simko, Steve PerkukMay 15, 1897RD#2 Park Rd., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP1121Mar. 11, 1914New York, N.Y.HungaryNorman, Ralph T., RFD#2, Park Rd., Painesvlle, OhioNorman, Otto, Tuttle Rd., Geneva, OhioAKA Steve Perduk; 2 cards
Simmons, JamesOct. 21, 1879Willoughby, OhioCP411/ Vol. D4, pg 11138432New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Simmons, JamesOct. 21, 1879R.F.D.#1, Willoughby, Ohio1920 06 07CP226/ Vol. 3 pg 76Mar. 21, 1905New YorkEnglandRichner, George, Willoughby, OhioCall, John, Willoughby, Ohio
Simmons, Janette Therese Marie LouiseOct. 15, 1927206 Hawthorne Drive, Painesville, Ohio1964 03 19CP262118239NYFranceLayman, Erma, 280 Fairgrounds Rd., Painesville, OhioThomas, Vivian, 212 Hawthorne Dr., Painesville, Ohio
Simon, ElizabethMar. 10, 1887Mentor Ave., Painesville, OhioCP957/ Vol. D6, pg 5744527New York, NYAustriaDOA only
Simon, Harry FredMar. 17, 1888Secnd St., WilloughbyCP172/ Vol. D2, pg 7239337Baltimore, MdWarsaw, RussiaDOA only
Simon, Harry FredMar. 17, 188824 Clark Avenue, Willoughby, Ohio1916 09 29CP126/ Vol. 2 pg 76Aug. 28, 1907Baltimore, Md.RussiaMiller, C.H., Willoughby, OhioMaloney, James, Willoughby, Ohio
Simon, IgnaceJan. 25, 1874Painesville, OhioCPVol. D1, pg 7038032New YorkHungaryDOA only
Simon, JoeOct. 20, 1903R.F.D. #1, Painesville, OhioCP964/ Vol. D6, pg 6440463Neew York, NYHungaryDOA only
Single, JohnSept. 22, 1889/ 51679 Shelby Ave., Painesville, OhioCP1598Jan. 17, 1912Baltimore, Md.HungaryNeroda, Hary, RFD#1, Adelaide Ave., Painesville, OhioDavet, Frank H., 234 N. State St., Painesville, OhioIncomplete 1941; Deceased; AKA Janos Czingel
Single, JohnSept. 22, 1889New Street, Painesville, OhioCP3517/ Vol. D1040925Baltimore, MarylandHungaryDOA only
Sio, JakkobSept. 1, 1850/ 52PrVol. 3 pg 601 Mar 1886FinlandDOA only
Sipos, AlexDec. 25, 1906/ 36Paradise Apt., #17, Fairport, Ohio1943 08 27CP1853Dec. 10, 1928Buffalo, N.Y.YugoslaviaNagy, Paul, Madison, OhioStocking, George, South Madison, Ohio
Sipos, KatiJan. 14, 1884/ 71R.D. 2, Ledge Road, Madiosn, Ohio,1956 08 10CP234741364NYYugoslvaiaNagy, Elsie, 5 Saxon St., Madison, OhioSimko, Mary, Ledgr Rd., Madison, OhioAKA Katlin Sipos
Sippelin, WilmaJune 18, 1899518 High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP966/ Vol. D6, pg 6637852New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Sippola, AlfredAug. 10, 1876/ 231899 03 31PrVol. 2 pg 413May 4, 1893FinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Sippola, JakopDec. 13, 1884Fairport Harbor, Ohio1912 07 02CP38/ Vol. 1 pg 38Mar. 2, 1903New YorkFinlandKillinen, Matt, Fairport Harbor, OhioHietanen, Matt, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sippola, JohnMay 1, 1876/ 26PrVol. 3 pg 6119 Apr 1896FinlandDOA only
Sippola, JohnMay 1, 1867/ 331903 01 27PrVol. 2 pg 259Sept. 13, 1891FinlandRautio, Matt, Fairport, Ohio
Sippola, John1904 11 08PrVol. 4 pg 28Apr. 19, 1896FinlandKillinen, Matti, Fairport, OhioHill, Oscar, Fairport, Ohio
Siracusa, PasqualeMar. 13, 1880/ 25PrVol. 3 pg 17536612ItalyDOA only
Siren, John FredrikMay 8, 18761069 N. St. Clair St, Painesville, OhioCP3471/ Vol. D912553New York, NYFinlandDOA only
Siren, John FredrikMay 8, 1876/ 641069 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1940 09 16CP133712553New York, N.Y.FinlandPerry, Emma, 409 High St., Fairport, OhioLiimakka, Jacob, 346 Eagle St., Fairport, Ohio
Sironen, Alexander/ 341896 08 25PrVol. 1 pg 216June, 1887FinlandLeino, Mathias, Fairport, Ohio
Sisek, BlazJan. 17, 1883116 1/2 Second St., Willoughby, OhioCP4100/ Vol. D1337361Baltimore, marylandJugoslaviaDOA only
Sivak, AndrewDec. 15, 189521 Madison Ave., Willoughby, OhioCP3620/ Vol. D1137530Philadelphia, Pa.HungaryDOA only; AKA Andre Sivak
Sivak, AndrewDec. 15, 188515 Elm St., Willoughby, Ohio1939 09 18CP1278Oct. 1, 1902Philadelphia, Pa.HungaryMahan, John, 43 Third St., Willoughby, OhioGrieger, Fritz, Lost Nation Rt. 3, Willoughby, Ohio
Sivak, ElizabethApr. 19, 1891/ 654088 Erie St., Willoughby, Ohio1957 02 18CP238637365NYHungaryGreene, Ralph V., 106 Stockbridge, mentor, OhioBilson, James G., 39172 Johnnycake Ridge, Willoughby, Ohionot dated; AKA Erzsi Kubsinye
Sivak, JohnJune 3, 1875534 Hig St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP924/ Vol. D6, pg 2436947New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sivak, John1875/ 27PrVol. 3 pg 12Feb. 30, 1894HungaryDOA only 20 Mar 1902
Sivak, JohnJune 30, 1875High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioIncompleteCP61/ Vol. 2 pg 1136949NYAustria HungaryBartish, John, Fairport Harbor, OhioMcCue, L.J., Painesville, OhioIncomplete Sept. 1917
Sivak, John FredrickNov. 7, 1901/ 41799 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1943 03 05CP189439960New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaBoyadjias, Anthony, 982 Liberty St., Painesville, OhioHorvath, Joseph, 256 Richmond St., Painesville, OhioAKA Janos Sivak
Sivak, John J.June 25, 1900/ 41406 King St., Fairport Harbor, Ohio1942 08 24CP182545086New York, N.Y.CzechoslovakiaGurely, John, 240 Courtland St., Fairport, Harbor, OhioBodi, Mike, 954 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Steven John Sivak
Sivak, John, Jr.Nov. 7, 1901High St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP791/ Vol. D5, pg 19139961New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sivaley, Herbert WilliamJune 27, 188689 Main St., Madison, OhioCP2055/ Vol. D6, pg 25541577St. Paul, Minn.EnglandDOA only
Sivula, IsaacJuly 29, 1871/ 31PrVol. 3 pg 443 Aug 1898FinlandDOA only
Sivula, Isaac1904 11 07PrVol. 4 pg 23July 2, 1898FinlandHilston, Chas. G., Fairport Harbor, OhioHerttua, Matti, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Sjo, Jacob1904 11 03PrVol. 4 pg 13Apr. 12, 1886FinlandHilson, Chas. G., Fairport, OhioHerttua, Matti, Fairport, Ohio
Sjoberg, Valle JohnFeb. 15, 19281115 Johnnycake Road, Concord, Ohio1960 08 18CP248414 Jan 195NYSwedenVan Dusen, Howard, 977 Case Ave., Mentor, OhioCross, Jack, 130 E. Jackson, Painesville, Ohio
Sjostrom, John [or Siostrom]Sept. 10, 1878/ 221900 11 05PrVol. 2 pg 450June 25, 1894SwedenWickland, Anton, Painesville, Ohio
Skelley, Patrick1852/ 27PrVol. B pg 87 & 88June 1874IrelandDOA only
Skinner, Rhea MonaOct. 20, 191333 Stockwell St., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP198013714Cleveland, Ohio via U&B Ferry CanadaMustee, Maryanne, 1643 Hollyrood Rd., Cleveland, OhioWatt, Pauline, 1911 East 97th St., Cleveland, OhioAKA Rhea Mona Thompson
Skinner, William1869 10 08PrVol. A pg 113Isle of MannFoster, WillardDOA in Common Pleas court
Skof, FrankOct. 28, 1891R.D. #5, Painesville, Ohio1935 03 11CP907/ Vol. 11Apr. 15, 1909New YorkJugoslaviaMilczewski, Joseph, Painesville-Warren Rd., Leroy Twp., OhioHosta, John, Brakeman Rd., Box 54, Leroy Twp., OhioDOA Circuit Ct., Pocohontas Co., WVa.
Skof, MarySept. 26, 1900/ 40RFD#2, Box 130, Painesville, Ohio1941 08 25CP1625Sept. 8, 1920New York, N.Y.ItalyWaite, Laura E., RFD 2, Painesville, OhioPomeroy, Irene Logan, Leroy, OhioAKA Maria Baucar
Skof, MathewSept. 23, 1906RFD#2 Box 130, Painesville, Ohio1949 08 11CP223647299NYYugoslaviaStaidle, Theodore, 18010 Nottingham Rd., Cleveland, OhioKeister, Paul, 281 Cumings Rd., Painesville, OhioAKA Louis Svet
Skrobec, MikeMay 12, 1892Third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP472/ Vol. D4, pg 17239227New York, NYAustria HungaryDOA only
Skrobec, MikeMay 12, 1892620 Third Street, Fairprt Harbor, Ohio1922 06 06CP311/ Vol. 4 pg 6239242New YorkHungaryBarish, Joe, Fairport Harbor, OhioGuraly, Joseph, Fairport Harbor, Ohio
Skubic, FrankJan. 16, 1880Townline Road, Madison, OhioCP3862/ Vol. D1345634NYJugoslaviaDOA only
Smaavik, Hedvig Irene JohnsenMar. 23, 190345 Lincoln Blvd., Painesville, OhioCP3814/ Vol. D1313635NYNorwayDOA only
Smallwood, Vernon ArchieMar. 17, 18901021 Cadle Ave., MEntor, OhioCP3297/ Vol. D839984New York, NYEnglandDOA only
Smallwood, Vernon ArcherMar. 17, 18891021 Cadle Avenue, Mentor, Ohio1932 06 13CP833/ Vol. 1039984New YorkEnglandMoloney, James, Painesville, OhioReynolds, Frank, Mentor, Ohio
Smallwoond, Vernon A.Mar. 17, 1890River St., WilloughbyCP274/ Vol. D3, pg 7439981New YorkEnglandDOA only
Smisak, JosephMar. 15, 1878Wickliffe, Ohio1918 06 14CP87/ Vol. 2 pg 37Apr. 15, 1903New YorkHungaryRobinson, L.D., Wickliffe, OhioThomas, Fred, Wickliffe, OhioDOA Mahoning Probate Court
Smith, Adalene CammockFeb. 7, 1915Hilo Farm, Mentor, OhioCP3955/ Vol. D1311137Buffalo, NYScotlandDOA only
Smith, Adalene CammockFeb. 7, 19121122 Maple St., Mentor, Ohio1943 08 27CP199511137Buffalo, N.Y.ScotlandLamb, Ruby, 1122 Maple St., Mentor, OhioDey, Irene, 973 Cadle Ave., Mentor, Ohio
Smith, AnthonyJuly, 1846/ 221868 10 27PrVol. AM pg 73July, 1862CanadaHill, John, Willoughby, Ohio
Smith, Arthur William1867/ 23PrVol. 1 pg 43Apr. 17, 1888IrelandDOA only
Smith, Benjamin/ 481891 10 13PrVol. 1 pg 32May, 1885EnglandHarrison, J.J., Painesville, Ohio
Smith, Charles/ 221898 11 08PrVol. 1 pg 294Apr. 6, 1891SwedenGlenn, George H., Painesville, Ohio
Smith, Charles/ 411898 02 12PrVol. 1 pg 169Feb. 2, 1893EnglandBarden, J.P., Painesville, Ohio
Smith, Charles ArchieFeb. 6, 1880Stop 5, Painesville, OhioCP658/ Vol. D5, pg 581 Sept 1898Detroit, MichiganCanadaDOA only
Smith, DavidDec. 15, 1885719 N. State St., Painesville, Ohio1928 06 18CP638/ Vol. 7, pg 86Aug. 15, 1915Buffalo, New YorkEnglandFitzgerald, Tobias, Painesville, OhioCroft, Frank, Painesville, OhioDOA US Dist. Ct.,Cleveland, Ohio
Smith, Ellen AmeliaOct. 21, 1897417 Liberty St., Painesville, Ohio1953 08 07CP229540594Niagara Falls, NYEnglandFoster, Eva, 915 Madison Ave., Painesville, OhioWeldy, Florence M., 668 Bank St., Painesville, OhioAKA Ellen Ameelia Barton
Smith, George J.Feb. 24, 1847/ 291876 04 22PrVol. B pg 339May, 1863EnglandAustin, John
Smith, John I.1856/ 30PrVol. B pg 155Apr. 1882EnglandDOA only
Smith, John WillsonJune 13, 1879R.F.D. #4, Painesville, OhioIncompleteCP171/ Vol. 3 pg 21Aug. 1879NYEnglandPixley, W.C., Mentor, OhioMillard, W. F., W. Mentor, OhioIncomplete June 1923
Smith, MarySept. 20, 1894Hilo Farm, Mentor, OhioCP3956/ Vol. D1311137Buffalo, NYScotlandDOA only
Smith, MarySept. 20, 19041122 Maple St., Mentor, Ohio1943 08 27CP198911137Buffalo, N.Y.ScotlandLamb, Ruby, 1122 Maple St., Mentor, OhioDey, Irene, Cadle Ave., Mentor, Ohio
Smith, NettieJune 6, 1900/ 40RFD #1, Clover Ave., Mentor, Ohio1940 09 16CP14232500Baltimore, Md.CzechoslovakiaWhite, Adelaide, Reynolds, Rd., Mentor, OhioMcManus, Lucy, 79 E. Washington St., Painesville, OhioAKA Anton Cafourek
Smith, PaulineNov. 14, 1887Orchard Road, Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio1936 09 21CP1010/ Vol. 13Cleveland, Ohio, USA/ ScotlandKarrick, Mary J., Primrose Dr., Mentor-on-the-Lake, OhioCampbell, Linna, Lakeshore Blvd., Mentor, OhioHusband Robert
Smith, Robert DouglasMay 14, 1882Orchard Rd., Mentor, Ohio1938 09 07CP1180Nov. 17, 1921New YorkScotlandCampbell, Everett, RD #1, Mentor, OhioCampbell, Linna, R.D. #1, Mentor, Ohio
Smith, Walter RossDec. 14, 1892Hilo Farm, Mentor, OhioCP3957/ Vol. D1311137Buffalo, NYScotlandDOA only
Smyth, Margaret GoblowskyJan. 11, 1899410 Fifth St., Fairport Harbor, OhioCP3298/ Vol. D839264Galveston, TexasHungaryDOA only; AKA Margit Koblovsky
Smyth, Margaret CoblowskyJan. 11, 1899194 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1932 03 09CP836/ Vol. 1039264Galveston, TexasHungarySebian, Joseph I., Painesville, OhioSebian, Michael, Painesville, Ohio
Snaple, Robert AlbertJan. 27, 188714 Wood St., Willoughby, OhioCP2029/ Vol. D6, pg 22945359Niagara Falls, NYEnglandDOA only
Snell, OttoJan. 24, 1880/ 231903 04 06PrVol. 3 pg 517Dec., 1882GermanyBarnhardt, August, Painesville, Ohio
Snow, FredrickDec. 20, 1859/ 431903 04 01PrVol. 3 pg 514Sept. 15, 1877CanadaCleary, John E., Painesville, Ohio
Snyder, JohnApril 10, 1888/ 53564 Fairlawn Ave., Painesville, Ohio1943 08 27CP169639207New York, N.Y.YugoslaviaOwen, Russell L., 516 7th St., Fairport, OhioGrzely, Louis, 1055 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioAKA Johan Znidarsic
Sobol, JohnDec. 13, 1863/ 321899 03 25PrVol. 2 pg 83Dec. 1, 1882HungaryPoytash, John, Fairport, Ohio
Soden, Joseph1831/ 57PrVol. 1 pg 7Feb. 21, 1857EnglandDOA only
Soden, William M.Nov. 17, 1852/ 281880 08 09PrVol. B pg 357Aug., 1869EnglandAlexander, Thomas
Sohayda, MaryJan. 4, 1896/ 44822 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1940 03 04CP1347United StatesRendrik, John, 317 Chestnut St., Fairport Harbor, OhioRitari, Arthur J., 314 Third St., Fairport, Ohio
Sohayda, Paul (Sohaidio)Mar. 22, 1890822 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, OhioCP3276/ Vol. D7, pg 27939367New York, NYHungaryDOA only
Sohayda, PaulMay 22, 1889/ 51822 N. St. Clair St., Painesville, Ohio1941 08 25CP1599Oct. 10, 1906New York, N.Y.HungaryRitari, Arthur J., 314 third St., Fairport Harbor, OhioHemphill, James W., Painesville Euclid Rd., Mentor, OhioAKA Pal Suhajda
Sokolowski, EvaMay 24, 18931163 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1938 03 07CP1162Feb. 13, 1921Boston, Mass.PolandNorvell, Elsie, 1146 Robindale, Wickliffe, OhioPavelecky, Gertrude, 1096 Wade Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio
Sokolowski, Jennie410601163 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1938 03 07CP1176Feb. 13, 1921BostonPolandPavelecky, Gertrude, 1096 Wade Ave., Wickliffe, OhioDisiena, Lillian, 1101 Bell, Wickliffe, Ohio
Sokolowski, Jenny410601163 Thrush Rd., Wickliffe, OhioCP3594/ Vol. D1144240Boston, Mass.PolandDOA only
Sokolowski, JohnOct. 10, 18831163 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio1936 09 21CP1032/ Vol. 14Sept. 7, 1913New YorkPolandBliech, Christ, 933 Depot St., Wickliffe, OhioKrabick, Andrew, 919 Depot St., Wickliffe, OhioAKA Jan Sobolovske
Sokolowski, John (Jan Sokolovski)Sept. 10, 18831163 Thrush Ave., Wickliffe, OhioCP3428/ Vol. D941524New York, NYPoland