Perry #9

Perry, Ohio
Grades 5-7, 1916-1917

GradeNameAgeSystem / SchoolGrade In ClassSupervisional DistrictReport DatesDistrict NumberTeacherComments
5Otto, Samuel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Stinchcomb, Elmore11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Woodland, Herbert15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Armstrong, Ethel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Draga, Frank15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Sep 05, 1916 to Oct 02, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Samuel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Armstrong, Ethel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Woodland, Herbert15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Draga, Frank15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 01, 1916 to Nov 01, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Armstrong, Ethel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Woodland, Herbert15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Draga, Frank15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Oct 30, 1916 to Nov 24, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Armstrong, Ethel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
6Woodland, Herbert15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
7Draga, Frank15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Nov 27, 1916 to Dec 22, 1916Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Armstrong, Ethel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Draga, Frank15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 02, 1917 to Jan 26, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Armstrong, Ethel12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Draga, Frank15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Jan 29, 1917 to Feb 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Sprague, Edna14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Stinchcomb, Elmore11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Proper, James14Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Feb 26, 1917 to Mar 23, 1917Marguerite RandParent--Joseph Proper
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis11Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Stinchcomb, Elmore11Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Proper, James14Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah11Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / No. 95 to 7Apr 02, 1917 to Apr 27, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Otto, Sam12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Brewster, Ted11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Lane, Harry10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hull, Clifford12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Steve13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Molnar, Margaret11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
5Hughes, Crockett10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Lewis12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Burt, Harold10Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Stinchcomb, Elmore11Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6West, Sarah12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Shepard, Anna12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Grace15Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
6Coolidge, Helen13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Garner, Cecil12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Rozsa, Margaret13Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand
7Skinner, Ida12Perry Township / Lane5 to 7Apr 30, 1917 to May 25, 1917Marguerite Rand