Willoughby, Ohio
Grades 7-8, 1921-1922
Grade | Sex | Name | Age | System / School | Grades in Class | Supervisional District | Report Dates | District No | Teacher | Comments |
7 | Beebower, Sylvan | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | changed format for age column | ||||
8 | Black, George | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Brondfield, Armond | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Brott, Lewis | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Brott, Melvin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Brown, Albert | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Buchner, Fred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Bunnell, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Burns, Alfred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Campfield, Eric | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Clark, James | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Clement, Lester | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Gray, Edwin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | DeJoy, Nickolas | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | DeJoy, Mike | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Eddy, Donald | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Garfield, Philip | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Gemmill, Bryant | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Gleason, James | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Graham, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Green, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Halvey, Oliver | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Hanson, Walter | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Hanson, Waino | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Heinle, Robert | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Hencke, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Henderson, Roger | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Henderson, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Herman, Leslie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Heth, Clinton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Higginbotham, Carlton | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Higginbotham, Lysle | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Hoffman, George | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Kohl, Percy | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Lacey, Lester | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Lee, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Lillich, Robert | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Little, William | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Lodzieski, Dyoniz | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, William | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, Francis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Mighell, Harold | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Nass, Gerhardt | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Neboyskey, John | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pace, Charles | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pace, Glenn | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Patt, Domenic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Parker, Clarence | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Peters, John | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Phelps, Claire | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pinney, Merton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pratt, Alfred | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Polly, Carmine | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Priebe, Clarence | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Ray, Alvin | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Rentachler, Mahlon | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Dominic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sheffield, Maynard | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sheffield, Wesley | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Sheller, Leonard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sigsbey, Roy | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sprague, Herbert | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stark, Charles | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stiebig, Lewis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stillings, James | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Vinkovich, Rudolf | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
VanLuven, Clarence | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Walker, Hugh | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Weit, Lawrence | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wertenberger, Earl | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | West, Thomas | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | White, Charles | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Klein, Toivo | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Alexander, Ruth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Baker, Grace | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barbour, Gertrude | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barnes, Madeline | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barnes, Estelleita | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Broderick, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Brunson, Fay | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Carrel, Alanta | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Code, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Crawford, Martha | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Davis, Olga | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Delsantro, Rosa | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Elliott, Mildred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Garland, Lillian | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Gleason, Elizabeth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Goodrich, Lucille | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Granger, Helen | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Grover, Mabel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Ishii, Alice | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Janssen, Sarah | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Johnson, Lucille | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Judkins, Mary | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Keefe, Audrey | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Klug, Betty | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | LaGrutto, Nettie | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Malek, Anna | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Malek, Julia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
Mastrangelo, Angie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | ||||||
8 | McGirr, Viola | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Menn, Leanora | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Moore, Margaret | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Morrow, Edith | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Munskey, Julia | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, Cecilia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pike, Mabel | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ronk, Flora | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Sanzobrino, Anna | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Rosa | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Shaw, Gertrude | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Spotton, Leona | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
8 | Strong, Virginia | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wallace, Irene | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Walsh, Mary | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wasson, Gertrude | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wilbur, Mary Belle | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Sep 12, 1921 to Sep 30, 1921 | |||||
7 | Beebower, Sylvan | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Black, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Brondfield, Armond | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Brott, Lewis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Brott, Melvin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Brown, Albert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Buchner, Fred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Bunnell, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Burns, Alfred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Campfield, Eric | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Clark, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Clement, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Gray, Edwin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | DeJoy, Nick | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | DeJoy, Mike | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Eddy, Donald | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Garfield, Philip | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Gemmill, Bryant | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Gleason, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Graham, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Green, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Halvey, Oliver | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Hanson, Walter | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Hanson, Waino | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Heinle, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Hencke, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Henderson, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Henderson, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Herman, Leslie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Heth, Clinton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Higginbotham, Carlton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Higginbotham, Lysle | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Hoffman, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Kohl, Percy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Lacey, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Lee, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Lillich, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Little, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Lodzieski, Dyoniz | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Myres, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Myres, Francis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Mighell, Harold | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Nass, Gerhardt | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Neboyskey, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Pace, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Pace, Glenn | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
8 | Patt, Domenic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Parker, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Priebe, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Peters, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Phelps, Claire | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Pinney, Merton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | ||||||
Pratt, Alfred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Polly, Carmine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Ray, Alvin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Rentachler, Mahlon | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sanzobrino, Dominic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Shank, Joseph | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sheffield, Maynard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sheffield, Wesley | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sheller, Leonard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sigsbee, Roy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sprague, Herbert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Stark, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Stiebig, Lewis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Stillings, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Vinkovich, Rudolf | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
VanLuven, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Walker, Hugh | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Weit, Lawrence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Wertenberger, Earl | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
West, Thomas | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
White, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Long, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Alexander, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Baker, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Barbour, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Barnes, Madeline | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Barnes, Estelleita | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Broderick, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Brunson, Fay | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Carrel, Alanta | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Code, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Crawford, Martha | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Davis, Olga | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Delsantro, Rose | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Elliott, Mildred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Garland, Lillian | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Gleason, Elizabeth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Goodrich, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Granger, Helen | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Grover, Mabel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Ishii, Alice | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Janssen, Sarah | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Johnson, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Judkins, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Keefe, Audrey | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Klug, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
LaGrutto, Nettie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Malek, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Malek, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Mastrangelo, Angie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
McGirr, Viola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Menn, Leanore | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Moore, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Morrow, Edith | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Munskey, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Myres, Cecilia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Pike, Mabel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Ronk, Flora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sanzobrino, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Sanzobrino, Rosa | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Shaw, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Spotton, Leona | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Strong, Virginia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Wallace, Irene | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Walsh, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Wasson, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Wilbur, Mary Belle | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Halle, Portland | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Fiske, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Yates, Ethelyn | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Oswald, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Garfield, Nettie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 03, 1921 to Oct 28, 1921 | |||||||
Beebower, Sylvan | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Black, George | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Brondfield, Armond | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Brott, Lewis | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Brott, Melvin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Brown, Albert | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Buchner, Fred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Bunnell, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Burns, Alfred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Campfield, Eric | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Clark, James | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Clement, Lester | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Gray, Edwin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
DeJoy, Nick | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
DeJoy, Mike | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Eddy, Donald | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Garfield, Philip | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Gemmill, Bryant | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Gleason, James | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Graham, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Green, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Halvey, Oliver | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Halle, Portland | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Hanson, Walter | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Heinle, Robert | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Hencke, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Henderson, Roger | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Henderson, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Herman, Leslie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Heth, Clinton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Higginbotham, Carlton | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Higginbotham, Lysle | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Hoffman, George | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Klein, Toivo | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Kohl, Percy | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Lacey, Lester | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Lee, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Lillich, Robert | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Little, William | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Lodzieski, Dyoniz | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Myres, William | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Myres, Francis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Mighell, Harold | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Nass, Gerhardt | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Neboyskey, John | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Pace, Charles | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Pace, Glenn | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Patt, Domenic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Parker, Clarence | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Peters, John | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Phelps, Claire | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Pinney, Merton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
Pratt, Alfred | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Polly, Carmine | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Priebe, Clarence | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ray, Alvin | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Rentachler, Mahlon | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Domenic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sheffield, Maynard | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sheffield, Wesley | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Sheller, Leonard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sigsby, Roy | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sprague, Herbert | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Stark, Charles | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stiebig, Lewis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stillings, James | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Vinkovich, Rudolf | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | VanLuven, Clarence | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Walker, Hugh | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Weit, Lawrence | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wertenberger, Earl | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | West, Thomas | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | White, Charles | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Williams, Earl | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Alexander, Ruth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Baker, Grace | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barbour, Gertrude | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barnes, Madeline | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barnes, Estelleita | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Broderick, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Brunson, Fay | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Carrel, Alanta | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Code, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Crawford, Martha | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Davis, Olga | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Delsantro, Rosa | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Elliott, Mildred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Garland, Lillian | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Goodrich, Lucille | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Granger, Helen | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Grover, Mabel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Ishii, Alice | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Janssen, Sarah | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Johnson, Lucille | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Judkins, Mary | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Keefe, Audrey | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Klug, Betty | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | LaGrutto, Nettie | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Malek, Anna | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Malek, Julia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Mastrangelo, Angie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | McGirr, Viola | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Menn, Leanora | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Moore, Margaret | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Morrow, Edith | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Munskey, Julia | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, Cecelia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pike, Mabel | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ronk, Flora | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Sanzobrino, Anna | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Rosa | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Shaw, Gertrude | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Spotton, Leona | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Strong, Virginia | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wallace, Irene | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wasson, Gertrude | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wilbur, Mary Belle | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Fiske, Grace | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Plaisted, Rachel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Oswald, Margaret | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
8 | Tanner, Virginia | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Gleason, Elizabeth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Oct 31, 1921 to Nov 25, 1921 | |||||
7 | Beebower, Sylvan | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Black, George | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Brondfield, Armond | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Brott, Lewis | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Brott, Melvin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Brown, Albert | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Buchner, Fred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Bunnell, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Burns, Alfred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Campfield, Eric | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Clark, James | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Clement, Lester | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Gray, Edwin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | DeJoy, Nick | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | DeJoy, Mike | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Eddy, Donald | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Garfield, Philip | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Gemmill, Bryant | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Gleason, James | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Graham, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Green, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Halvey, Oliver | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Hanson, Walter | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Heinle, Robert | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Hencke, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Henderson, Roger | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Henderson, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Herman, Leslie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Heth, Clinton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Higginbotham, Carlton | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Higginbotham, Lysle | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Hoffman, George | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Klein, Toivo | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Kohl, Percy | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Lacey, Lester | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Lee, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Lillich, Robert | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Lodzieski, Dyoniz | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, William | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, Francis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Mighell, Harold | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Nass, Gerhardt | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Neboyskey, John | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pace, Charles | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pace, Glenn | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Patt, Domenic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Parker, Clarence | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Peters, John | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Phelps, Claire | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pinney, Merton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pratt, Alfred | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Polly, Carmine | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Priebe, Clarence | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Rentscheler, Mahlon | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Dominic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sheffield, Maynard | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sheffield, Wesley | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Sheller, Leonard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sigsbee, Roy | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sprague, Herbert | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Stark, Charles | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stiebig, Lewis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Stillings, James | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Vinkovich, Rudolf | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | VanLuven, Clarence | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Walker, Hugh | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Weit, Lawrence | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Westenberger, Earl | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | West, Thomas | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | White, Charles | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Williams, Earl | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Little, William | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Alexander, Ruth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Baker, Grace | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barbour, Gertrude | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barnes, Madeliene | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Barnes, Estelleita | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Broderick, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Brunson, Fay | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Carrel, Alanta | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Code, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Crawford, Martha | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Davis, Olga | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Delsantro, Rose | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Elliott, Mildred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Fiske, Grace | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Garland, Lillian | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Gleason, Elizabeth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Goodrich, Lucille | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Granger, Helen | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Grover, Mabel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | ||||||
7 | Ishii, Alice | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Janssen, Sarah | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Johnson, Lucille | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Judkins, Mary | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Keefe, Audrey | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Klug, Betty | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | LaGrutto, Nettie | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Malek, Anna | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Malek, Julia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Mastrangelo, Angie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | McGirr, Viola | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Menn, Leanora | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Moore, Margaret | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Morrow, Edith | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Munskey, Julia | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Myres, Cecelia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Oswald, Margaret | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Pike, Mabel | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Plaisted, Rachel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Ronk, Flora | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Sanzobrino, Anna | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Rosa | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Shaw, Gertrude | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Spotton, Leona | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
8 | Strong, Virginia | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wallace, Irene | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wasson, Gertrude | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Wilbur, Mary Belle | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | Nov 28, 1921 to Dec 23, 1921 | |||||
7 | Beebower, Sylvan | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Black, George | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Brondfield, Armond | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Brott, Lewis | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Brott, Melvin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Brown, Albert | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Buchner, Fred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Bunnell, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Burns, Alfred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Campfield, Eric | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Clark, James | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Clement, Lester | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Gray, Edwin | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | DeJoy, Nick | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | DeJoy, Mike | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Eddy, Donald | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Garfield, Philip | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Gemmill, Bryant | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Gleason, James | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Graham, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Green, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Halvey, Oliver | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Hanson, Walter | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Heinle, Robert | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Henderson, Roger | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Henderson, Howard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Herman, Leslie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Hencke, William | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Heth, Clinton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Higginbotham, Carlton | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Higginbotham, Lysle | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Hoffman, George | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Klein, Toivo | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Kohl, Percy | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Lacey, Lester | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Lee, Robert | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Lillich, Robert | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Little, William | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Lodzieski, Dyoniz | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Myres, William | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Myres, Francis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Mighell, Harold | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Nass, Gerhardt | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Neboyskey, John | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Pace, Charles | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Pace, Glenn | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Patt, Domenic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Parker, Clarence | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Peters, John | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Phelps, Claire | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Pinney, Merton | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Pratt, Alfred | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Polly, Carmine | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Priebe, Clarence | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Rentscheler, Mahlon | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Sanzobrino, Dominic | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Shank, Joseph | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sheffield, Maynard | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Sheffield, Wesley | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Sheller, Leonard | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Sigsbee, Roy | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Sprague, Herbert | 17 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Stark, Charles | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Stiebig, Louis | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Stillings, James | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Vinkovich, Rudolf | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | VanLuven, Clarence | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Walker, Hugh | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Weit, Lawrence | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Wertenberger, Earl | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | West, Thomas | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | White, Charles | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Williams, Earl | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Long, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Alexander, Ruth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Baker, Grace | 15 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Barbour, Gertrude | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Barnes, Madeline | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Barnes, Estelleita | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Broderick, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Brunson, Fay | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Carrel, Alanta | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Code, Catherine | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Crawford, Martha | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Davis, Olga | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Delsantro, Rose | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Elliott, Mildred | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Fiske, Grace | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Garland, Lillian | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Gleason, Elizabeth | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Goodrich, Lucille | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Granger, Helen | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Grover, Mabel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Janssen, Sarah | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Johnson, Lucille | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Judkins, Mary | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Keefe, Audrey | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Klug, Betty | 11 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | LaGrutto, Nettie | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Malek, Anna | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Malek, Julia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Mastrangelo, Angie | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | McGirr, Viola | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Menn, Leanora | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Moore, Margaret | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Morrow, Edith | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Munskey, Julia | 14 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Myres, Cecelia | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Oswald, Margaret | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Plaisted, Rachel | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Ronk, Flora | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Sanzobrino, Anna | 16 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Sanzobrino, Rosa | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Shaw, Gertrude | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Spotton, Leona | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
8 | Strong, Virginia | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Wallace, Irene | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Wasson, Gertrude | 12 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Wilbur, Mary Belle | 13 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||
7 | Walsh, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 02, 1922 to Jan 27, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Beebower, Sylvan | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Black, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Brondfield, Armond | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Brott, Lewis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Brott, Melvin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Brown, Albert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Buchner, Fred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Bunnell, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Burns, Alfred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Campfield, Eric | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Clark, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Clement, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Gray, Edwin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | DeJoy, Nick | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | DeJoy, Mike | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Eddy, Donald | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Garfield, Philip | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Gemmill, Bryant | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Gleason, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Graham, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Green, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Halvey, Oliver | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Hanson, Walter | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Heinle, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Henderson, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Henderson, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Herman, Leslie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Hencke, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Heth, Clinton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Higginbotham, Carlton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Hoffman, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Klein, Toivo | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Kohl, Percy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Lacey, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Lee, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Lillich, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Little, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Lodzieski, Dyoniz | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Long, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Myres, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Myres, Francis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Mighell, Harold | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Nass, Gerhardt | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Neboyskey, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Pace, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Pace, Glenn | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Patt, Domenic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Parker, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Peters, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Phelps, Claire | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Pinney, Merton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Pratt, Alfred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Polly, Carmine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Priebe, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Rentscheler, Mahlon | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Dominic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Shank, Joseph | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sheffield, Maynard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sheffield, Wesley | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Sheller, Leonard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sigsbee, Roy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sprague, Herbert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Stark, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Stiebig, Louis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Stillings, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Vinkovich, Rudolf | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | VanLuven, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Walker, Hugh | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Weit, Lawrence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Wertenberger, Earl | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | West, Thomas | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | White, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | White, Paul | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Smart, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Hager Frank | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Dattler, Elmer | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Dietz, Herbert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Prince, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Granger, Horace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Alexander, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Baker, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Barbour, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Barnes, Madeline | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Barnes, Estelleita | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Broderick, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Brunson, Fay | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Carrel, Alanta | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Code, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Crawford, Martha | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Davis, Olga | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Delsantro, Rose | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Elliott, Mildred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Fisk, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Garland, Lillian | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Gleason, Elizabeth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Goodrich, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Granger, Helen | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Grover, Mabel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Janssen, Sarah | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Johnson, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Judkins, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Keefe, Audrey | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Klug, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Malek, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Mastrangelo, Angie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | McGirr, Viola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Menn, Leanora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Moore, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Morrow, Edith | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Munskey, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Myres, Cecelia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Oswald, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Plaisted, Rachel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Ronk, Flora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Sanzobrino, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Sanzobrino, Rose | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Shaw, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Spotton, Leona | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
8 | Strong, Virginia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Wallace, Irene | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Wasson, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Wilbur, Mary Belle | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Walsh, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Barnes, Lyola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Daub, Vera | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Cage, Olive | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Kelley, La Vere | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Kelley, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Osterling, Priscilla | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Mighell, Laverne | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
7 | Smith, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Jan 27, 1922 to Feb 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Beebower, Sylvan | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Black, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brondfield, Armond | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brott, Lewis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brott, Melvin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brown, Albert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Buchner, Fred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Bunnell, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Burns, Alfred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Campfield, Eric | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Clark, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Clement, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Dattler, Elmer | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gray, Edwin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
DeJoy, Nick | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
DeJoy, Mike | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Dietz, Herbert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Eddy, Donald | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Garfield, Philip | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gemmill, Bryant | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gleason, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Graham, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Granger, Helen | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Green, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hager Frank | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Halvey, Oliver | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hanson, Walter | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Heinle, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Henderson, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Henderson, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Herman, Leslie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hencke, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Heth, Clinton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Higginbotham, Carlton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hoffman, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Klein, Toivo | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Kohl, Percy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lacey, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lee, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lillich, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Little, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Long, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Myres, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Myres, Francis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Mighell, Harold | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Nass, Gerhardt | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Neboyskey, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Pace, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Pace, Glenn | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Patt, Domenic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Parker, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Peters, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Phelps, Claire | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Pinney, Merton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Prince, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Polly, Carmine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Priebe, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Rentscheler, Mahlon | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sanzobrino, Dominic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Shank, Joseph | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sheffield, Maynard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sheffield, Wesley | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sheller, Leonard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sigsbee, Roy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Smart, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sprague, Herbert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Stark, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Stiebig, Louis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Stillings, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Vinkovich, Rudolf | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
VanLuven, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Walker, Hugh | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Weit, Lawrence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wertenberger, Earl | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
West, Thomas | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
White, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
White, Paul | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Alexander, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Baker, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barbour, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barnes, Estelleita | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barnes, Loyola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barnes, Madelene | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Broderick, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brunson, Fay | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Cage, Olive | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Carrel, Alanta | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Code, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Crawford, Martha | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Daub, Vera | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Davis, Olga | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Delsantro, Rose | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Delsantro, Susa | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Elliott, Mildred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Esterling, Priscilla | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Garland, Lillian | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gleason, Elizabeth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Goodrich, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Granger, Helen | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Grover, Mabel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Kelley, LaVera | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Kelley, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Janssen, Sarah | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Johnson, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Judkins, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Keefe, Audrey | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Klug, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Malek, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Malek, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Mastrangelo, Angie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
McGirr, Viola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Menn, Leanora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Mighell, Laverne | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Moore, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Morrow, Edith | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Munskey, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Myres, Cecelia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Oswald, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Plaisted, Rachel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Ronk, Flora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sanzobrino, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sanzobrino, Rosa | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Smith, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Shaw, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Spotton, Leona | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Strong, Virginia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wallace, Irene | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wasson, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wilbur, Mary Belle | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Walsh, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Fisk, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Feb 27, 1922 to Mar 24, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Beebower, Sylvan | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Black, George | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Brondfield, Armond | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Brott, Lewis | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Brott, Melvin | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Brown, Albert | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Buchner, Fred | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Bunnell, Howard | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Burns, Alfred | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Campfield, Eric | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Clark, James | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Clement, Lester | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Dattler, Elmer | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Gray, Edwin | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
DeJoy, Nick | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
DeJoy, Mike | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Dietz, Herbert | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Eddy, Donald | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Garfield, Philip | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Gemmill, Bryant | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Gleason, James | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Graham, Robert | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Granger, Horace | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Green, William | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Hager Frank | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Halvey, Oliver | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Hanson, Walter | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Heinle, Robert | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Henderson, Roger | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Henderson, Howard | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Herman, Leslie | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Hencke, William | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Heth, Clinton | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Higginbotham, Carlton | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Hoffman, George | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Klein, Toivo | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Kohl, Percy | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Lacey, Lester | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Lee, Robert | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Lillich, Robert | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Little, William | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Long, James | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Myres, William | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Myres, Francis | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Mighell, Harold | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Nass, Gerhardt | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Neboyskey, John | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Pace, Charles | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Place, Glenn | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Patt, Domenic | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Parker, Clarence | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Peters, John | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Phelps, Claire | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Pinney, Merton | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Prince, William | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Polly, Carmine | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Priebe, Clarence | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Rentscheler, Mahlon | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sanzobrino, Dominic | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Shank, Joseph | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sheffield, Maynard | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sheffield, Wesley | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sheller, Leonard | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sigsbee, Roy | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Smart, Roger | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Stark, Charles | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Stiebig, Louis | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Stillings, James | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Vinkovich, Rudolf | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
VanLuven, Clarence | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Walker, Hugh | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Weit, Lawrence | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Wertenberger, Earl | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
West, Thomas | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
White, Charles | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
White, Paul | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Ostrander, Charles | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Alexander, Ruth | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Baker, Grace | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Barbour, Gertrude | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Barnes, Lyola | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Barnes, Madeline | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Barnes, Estelleita | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Broderick, Catherine | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Brunson, Fay | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Cage, Olive | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Carrel, Alanta | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Code, Catherine | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Crawford, Martha | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Daub, Vera | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Davis, Olga | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Delsantro, Rose | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Delsantro, Susa | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Elliott, Mildred | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Easterling, Priscilla | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Garland, Lillian | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Gleason, Elizabeth | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Goodrich, Lucille | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Granger, Helen | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Grover, Mabel | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Kelley, LaVere | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Kelley, Ruth | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Ierlan, Donna | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Janssen, Sarah | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Johnson, Lucille | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Judkins, Mary | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Keife, Audrey | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Klug, Betty | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Malek, Julia | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Malek, Anna | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Mastrangelo, Angie | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
McGirr, Viola | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Menn, Leanora | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Mighell, Laverne | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Moore, Margaret | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Morrow, Edith | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Munskey, Julia | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Myres, Cecelia | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Oswald, Margaret | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Plaisted, Rachel | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Rice, Evelyn | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Ronk, Flora | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sanzobrino, Anna | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Sanzobrino, Rosa | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Smith, Betty | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Shaw, Gertrude | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Spotton, Leona | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Strong, Virginia | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Wallace, Irene | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Wasson, Gertrude | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Wilbur, Mary Belle | 8 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Walsh, Mary | 7 | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | Apr 03, 1922 to Apr 28, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | ||||
Beebower, Sylvan | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Black, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brondfield, Armond | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brott, Lewis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brott, Melvin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brown, Albert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Buchner, Fred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Bunnell, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Burns, Alfred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Campfield, Eric | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Clark, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Clement, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Dattler, Elmer | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gray, Edwin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
DeJoy, Nick | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
DeJoy, Mike | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Dietz, Herbert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Eddy, Donald | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gray, Edwin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Garfield, Philip | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gemmill, Bryant | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gleason, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Graham, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Granger, Horace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Green, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hager Frank | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Halvey, Oliver | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Heinle, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Henderson, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Henderson, Howard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Herman, Leslie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hencke, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Heth, Clinton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Higginbotham, Carlton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Hoffman, George | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Klein, Toivo | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Kohl, Percy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lacey, Lester | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lee, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lillich, Robert | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Little, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Long, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Myres, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Myres, Francis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Mighell, Harold | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Nass, Gerhardt | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Neboyskey, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Pace, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Pace, Glenn | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Patt, Domenic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Peters, John | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Phelps, Claire | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Pinney, Merton | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Prince, William | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Polly, Carmine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Priebe, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Rentscheler, Mahlon | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sanzobrino, Dominic | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Shank, Joseph | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sheffield, Maynard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sheffield, Wesley | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sheller, Leonard | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sigsbee, Roy | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Smart, Roger | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Stark, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Stiebig, Louis | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Stillings, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Vinkovich, Rudolf | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
VanLuven, Clarence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Walker, Hugh | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Weit, Lawrence | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wertenberger, Earl | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
West, Thomas | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
White, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
White, Paul | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Ostrander, Charles | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Lago, James | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Borrelli, Moses | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Halle, Portland | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Ray, Alvin | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Alexander, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Baker, Grace | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barbour, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barnes, Lyola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barnes, Madelene | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Barnes, Estelleita | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Broderick, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Brunson, Fay | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Carrel, Alanta | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Code, Catherine | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Crawford, Martha | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Daub, Vera | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Davis, Olga | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Delsantro, Rose | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Delsantro, Susa | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Elliott, Mildred | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Easterling, Priscilla | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Garland, Lillian | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Gleason, Elizabeth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Goodrich, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Granger, Helen | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Grover, Mabel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Kelley, LaVere | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Kelley, Ruth | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Ierlan, Donna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Johnson, Lucille | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Judkins, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Keife, Audrey | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Klug, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Malek, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Malek, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Mastrangelo, Angie | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
McGirr, Viola | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Menn, Leanora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Mighell, Laverne | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Moore, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Morrow, Edith | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Munskey, Julia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Myres, Cecelia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Oswald, Margaret | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Plaisted, Rachel | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Rice, Evelyn | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Ronk, Flora | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sanzobrino, Anna | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Sanzobrino, Rosa | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Smith, Betty | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Shaw, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Spotton, Leona | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Strong, Virginia | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wallace, Irene | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wasson, Gertrude | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Wilbur, Mary Belle | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools | |||||
Walsh, Mary | Willoughby Village / Jr. High | 7 to 8 | E. M. Otis | May 01, 1922 to May 26, 1922 | E. M. Otis was Superintendent of Willoughby Schools |